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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1011455
The wayward wonderings of a weird woman
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Welcome to pmanljy's blog!

*Exclaim* STOP *Exclaim*

*Shock**Right*I've given this an 18+ rating for language and subject matter.*Left**Shock*

If you're easily offended, this is not the blog for you.

Now that that's out of the way, I figured if everyone else can have a blog full of inner contemplation and philosophical nonsense, so can I. I'm fairly opinionated and as a married mom of four, I definitely have plenty of goings on in my life to journal about in here. I could post on anything that crosses my mind, including but not limited to topics such as:

*Balloon3* My views on politics, religion, and the war.

*Balloon3* Anything and everything having to do with my kids.

*Balloon3* The things my husband does to piss me off, and how great he is when he's not pissing me off.

along with my more serious and philosophical topics like:

*Balloon3* Why do some farts stink and others don't?

*Balloon3* If I was a chicken, why would I cross the road?

and more importantly

*Balloon3* Why do we say "taking a shit" when we're really depositing one?

If any of these topics sound up your ally, then kick up your feet, grab a virtual beer out of my virtual cooler, and share your thoughts on my thoughts.


I don't mind someone expressing an opinion different than my own, but I'm not going to tolerate belligerant, abusive assholes who want to argue with me because I don't see things their way. If you get shitty or cop an attitude, I'll take back my virtual beer and delete all of your current and future posts.

*Smile*Have a nice day!*Smile*
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June 19, 2006 at 5:14am
June 19, 2006 at 5:14am
It sucks when you start reading a really good book and can't put the damned thing down, doesn't it? I start reading it yesterday afternoon and stupid me, I pick it up and carry on while I'm feeding the baby at three in the morning. Here I am, 5 a.m., and I'm still awake reading the blasted thing (well, obviously I'm taking a break right now. Duh!). I'll pay for it later. Pete's left for the field this morning, (while I was feeding the baby to be exact) and now that the kids are out of school, I won't be able to take my little afternoon powernap. And what's even more retarded of me, is that instead of going to bed while there's still some prime snoozing time left before everyone wakes up, I have coffee on the brain and don't think I can sleep until I make a pot, which of course is the most counterproductive thing I've done in a while. Lord, I know how to ramble. You know how you get kind of loopy when you don't sleep? That's me.*Pthb* Anyway, back to that pot of coffee... It beckons...
June 17, 2006 at 5:32am
June 17, 2006 at 5:32am
School is officially out here. I think we've got a pretty action packed two months ahead of us. We're spending a few days with my family back home at the end of this month, and then heading straight up to MI to spend a week with Pete's family. As soon as we get home from that, less than a week later my sister-in-law is having the baby so Pete is staying home while I take the kids back home to be there for the birth and to help out for a week or two afterwards. During all this, when we're home, twice a week I have to make a 1 & 1/2 hour trip each way to take one of the boys to get allergy shots, which means nearly 3 hours in the car plus office waiting time, two days a week. All this car time should eat up quite a bit of the summer and make two months fly by like nothing. During what little down time we have after all that car time, we live 10 minutes from the beach so we'll be doing that occasionally, along with a few trips to the pool, maybe a trip to the aquarium. As you can tell, I'm trying to making the time fly.*Laugh*

Unfortunately, I'll be doing most of it alone. Pete has a few week-long field ops scheduled, along with a month-long CAX out in California to prep for Iraq. He'll definitely be going over there in Jan and doing a seven month tour. He'll probably come home to find me in a padded cell somewhere *Laugh*

Anyway, since I missed the past two days in a row, I figured I update this with something I'ts 5 something in the morning and one of my kids has been up yacking for the past two hours so I needed something to keep me awake until he felt well enough to go back to sleep, at which point the baby will wake up to eat and then go back to sleep, at which point the rest of the kids will wake up, and then the day will get started. The thing is, now that I'm getting older I find it's harder to hang like I used to during my party days. Back then I'd stay up drinking half the night and still get up to go to work by this time every morning and think nothing of it. But now, I'm already dreading how tired I'm going to be all day and trying to scheme for some way to take a nap when I know there isn't a way. At any rate, I think I hear the baby whimpering so that's my cue to wrap this up.

June 14, 2006 at 9:05pm
June 14, 2006 at 9:05pm
Colicky baby most of the day kept me from getting much done today. I do have a novel that I'm about to start posting a chapter or two at a time as I edit, so this morning I made a logo for the folder and went ahead and created the folder. I'm very excited about this. My muse was dead throughout the entire pregnancy so to be able to write again.... aaaaah, I'm loving it. I'll post more on that later though. That's it for now. Pete is giving me the "hurry-up-so-I-can-play-my-game" look right now so I should go.
June 13, 2006 at 2:24pm
June 13, 2006 at 2:24pm
I spent a little while this morning dicking around with my port again. I've added a new folder and rearranged a few things here and there, but didn't put up anything really new.

After that, I had to take Jack to the doc. I know that it's normal for babies to get flat spots on the back of their heads from sleeping the same way all the time and all, but Jack's head was a little misshapen from his trip through the birth canal and it's only getting worse over time. His head is sort of crooked and oblong. It's so bad that when you look straight down at the top of his head, his forehead and cheek stick out further in the front on one side than the other. His ear does too. He just looks a little like a flounder, hehe. Don't get me wrong, it's not funny, but it's not a serious problem either so I have to joke about it or else I just sit and worry over it. And anyway, as flat out adorable as he is, his head really is funny looking as hell. The doc says that usually cases like this straighten out on their own over time as the skull closes up and fuses together, but the muscles in Jack's neck are so stiff that he can barely turn his head on his own, which means it's going to be difficult to correct this without physical therapy. He put in a PT referral for us so I'm hoping to get an appointment set up him by the end of the week.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I have to go get the kids from school in a few so I should get going. Yes, hahahaha, my kids are STILL in school*Bigsmile**Laugh* I know that's terrible of me! Making fun of the baby and then gloating about school. There goes my mother of the year award I guess*Laugh*
June 12, 2006 at 5:00pm
June 12, 2006 at 5:00pm
I've been trying to force myself back into the habit of hanging out here, LOL. So much of the time if I have a few spare minutes I'm either folding a load of laundry or doing dishes or making a bed or some other endless chore, but I've decided that that's exactly what those things are: endless. And I'm getting bored and burned out on them. So I said screw it today. From now on, even if I don't get to do anything else, I'm going to try to at least update my blog on a more regular basis - hopefully daily. It's a starting place for me at the very least, on my quest to get my life back on some sort of daily routine.

Today I've spent half the morning and afternoon (and half of last night while the baby was up with colic, *Pthb*) redoing a lot of my folder names and banners, a long overdue task. It's been nearly four months and I still hadn't added the "J" to take them from "pmanly" to "pmanljy." I wish I was creative enough to come up with some really cool sigs instead of the boring banners, but at least I use something, I suppose. Those are a big enough pain in the ass to make. I don't think I'd have the patience to make real sigs like Starr and Kelly and a lot of other people on the site do. Hats off to you guys!

That's enough for now. My life is boring so I better save something to put in here tomorrow*Laugh*
June 11, 2006 at 10:57pm
June 11, 2006 at 10:57pm
I had a few spare minutes to make some updates to my port and decided to share something that was previously restricted access. I used to keep my family photos so that only members of my LWL group could view them but it didn't make sense to post pictures of Jack and not the rest of us, LOL. Hope these pictures give you all a better idea of my big happy family!

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#1001261 by Not Available.
June 1, 2006 at 11:38am
June 1, 2006 at 11:38am
Believe it or not, today is the first day in my baby's three-month-old life that I've actually been able to get him to take a nap in his crib! Right now! As I'm typing this up! Wow! And he didn't even whine about it. I just left him alone to play while I did some chores, and when I went to check on him... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Anyway, I just had a spare few minutes (*Bigsmile*)and wanted to share. THAT, my friends, is why I'm never around. I haven't been able to get him to sleep in his crib - night or day - but a half dozen times until now. Literally! Not exaggerating. Keep your fingers crossed for me I'll hopefully be able to work this into a habit*Bigsmile*

Other than that, everything is okay for me and mine. Went out of town to spend the weekend with my family back home for Memorial Day. It's always sad for me to visit my father's grave. He died when I was sixteen and I still miss him sooo much. Especially now that I have kids. Both of my grandfathers died before I was born so I never knew them, and I know what a void that's going to leave in the lives of my children too when they get older. Also, because I was so young when he died, I was much more self-absorbed as a teenager and never wanted to listen to his old stories about when he fought in WWII. Now that I'm older, I wish I had paid more attention and learned more about what his life was like before he had me and my brother. But, I didn't dwell on these things during my visit. I got to see my brother. My sister-in-law is HUGE! She looks like she's having twins or more and she's not even due til the end of July! I couldn't keep my hands off that enormous belly of hers. I'm real touchy feely so I probably creeped her out a little, LOL. I can't help it. I'm so excited about my brothers first kid. I'm finally going to have my own flesh and blood niece! There are twenty nieces and nephews floating around on Pete's side of the family and I love them all, but baby Kali is going to be the only one on my side- when she gets here.

Wow, that baby is still asleep. I should end this now and tool around a few ports while I have the chance. I still miss everyone soooo much! I'll try to get back soon.
February 21, 2006 at 11:36am
February 21, 2006 at 11:36am
My OB has decided that if this little yahoo doesn't come on his own before then, then I'm scheduled to go in Friday morning to be induced. He's coming this week whether he wants to or not! Turns out he's looking pretty big, which is par for my kids (my smallest was 8lbs 3 oz and the largest was 9lbs 6 ozs) and doc doesn't want him to go overdue and get super-huge. I don't mind that! I'd like to have a baby that actually came out looking like a baby instead of a toddler, *Laugh*

Not much else to go on about. This kid (and of course, the rest of my family) is pretty much the center of my world right now and will be until he gets here. Too bad my writing has suffered so terribly during this pregnancy. I can't wait for my hormones to get back to normal so I can get back on track with my writing. I was just telling hubby that I could have written and polished an entire novel during this nine months but barely managed to get a short story or two pumped out. It has frustrated the shit out of me!

Anyway, one good (and a little disappointing) thing I've learned is that my brother and his wife are having a girl. GRRRR!!!! Of course, they get their girl on the first try! I'm not bitter. I hear girls are a headache anyway so better my brother than me I suppose. I perfectly fine and utterly in love with my house full of dudes just the way we are *Bigsmile*
February 13, 2006 at 10:16am
February 13, 2006 at 10:16am
Well, I'm still around, and alive, and okay. I had hoped that after the move, once we got good and settled in, that I would get back into a groove and be able to resume hanging out around here as much as I wanted to, but it just didn't turn out that way.

As I was telling a buddy of mine from here, I have gestational diabetes this pregnancy. I've had it with all my other kids but just couldn't seem to keep it under control with this one the way the doc wanted. My old OB up north was content to just keep track of my blood-sugars but things have changed since the move. Basically for over the past month since I got here and started seeing him, my new OB immediately put me on meds, and in addition to my weekly routine check-ups, he has me coming in twice a week for fetal monitoring and weekly ultrasounds. I'm at the hosp for most of the morning 3 days a week and by the time I get home in the afternoon, fix lunch for Lucas, and do a few chores, it's time to pick up the other kids from school, get ready for hubby to get home and start the whole busy night-time routine. That much hasn't changed--I used to just stay up half the night writing and hanging out here reading, but now I'm just so tired that I crash as soon as the kids go to bed most nights. Weekends are pretty much a bust with everyone home and fighting over the puter. On the days off during the week while the kids are at school I'm basically trying to bask in and soak up the down time to rest and relax while I still can.

Which will only be for another week and a half.

I'm due on the 22nd and absolutely can't wait. Of course, the main thing is that I'm excited about the baby. But also, I am so enormous and clumsy and achy and awkward that I can't wait for him to get here so this will all be over!

Anyway, enough about me. I wanted to post also that my friend StephBee deserves her own congratulations! She just found out that she's prego again too and is due sometime in Oct! I'm excited for her and hope anyone reading this who hasn't already, will take a second to send her a quick congratulations email or cnote.

Also, I have to say that I miss the best friend I've made here, as I'm sure you all do. Starr Phenix has been having a rough go of it in her "real life" and needs lots of thoughts and prayers. I know anyone who reads from her port on a regular basis knows her and really misses her too so please just drop her a line of encouragement to let her know.

With that, let me just say that if I've been scarce lately, I will probably be even worse for a few weeks once the baby gets here. I'll let everyone know when that happens and try to pop in on a regular basis, but I probably won't be around much until we've had time to settle into our newborn routine.

Wow, just saying that makes me realize what a busy, constantly changing year 2005 was! I'm just looking forward to actually being able to settle down into a steady routine for the first time, literally, in months!
January 10, 2006 at 1:36pm
January 10, 2006 at 1:36pm
I didn't realize that I've been neglecting my WDC friends until hubby commented during lunch today that he hadn't seen me on the computer hardly at all lately. I've been so preoccupied with getting ready for this baby that I haven't wanted to do much else (unfortunately--writing included*Laugh*). I guess I'm going through the "nesting phase" or something cause all I can think about is pulling the hand-me-downs out of storage and getting everything washed, hung up, or otherwise put away. I'm reorganizing the dresser he's going to have to share with his brother and picking out my favorite toys to clean up and keep out. The only thing is, I'm a pack rat. I've saved everything from all my previous kids so there's so much shit to sort through that I could open my own childrens consignment shop! I told hubby I'm through childbearing so I'm looking forward to being able to get rid of stuff as this baby outgrows things. That'll work out nice as far as timing goes. My brother's baby will be here a few months after mine so I can just pass everything off to them--if they have a boy too. I hope they do. My brother is older than me and this could very well be his one and only kid. He's dying for a boy to carry on our family name so we're all keeping our fingers crossed for him.

Anyway... just wanted to update this and let everyone know what I've been up to, and why I've remained so scarce so soon after getting settled down and back into things.
January 4, 2006 at 3:35pm
January 4, 2006 at 3:35pm
Nothing new other than the kids went back to school today so I should have more time to get caught up on my emails and reviews and stuff now that they aren't around to distract me all day long. I just posted an update to my Going Pro! journal that I thought might interest a few of my friends here. I have quite a few writing projects going on and I've made a few resolutions for the amount of progress I hope to achieve with them over the next year. If any of you would like to see what all I have on my plate check out the journal entry here:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#996882 by Not Available.

Anyway, I hope I'm not the only one with lots of writing to do over the next year. I'd love to hear about some of the projects my friends are working on too so please don't be shy! Drop me a line and let me know either here in the blog or in my writing journal! That's it for now!

Have I mentioned how much I missed everyone! Gosh it's good to be back!
December 28, 2005 at 8:22am
December 28, 2005 at 8:22am
I am finally moved! In some ways it went a lot smoother than I thought it would (in comparison to our last station change, which was a nightmare), but it didn't go off entirely without a hitch. How much luck can one hope for after all, LOL.

It really wasn't bad aside from five people living on an air mattress and two suitcases (literally) for the better part of two weeks. The movers packed us up on a Wednesday two weeks ago and loaded our stuff up the next day on Thursday. They were supposed to leave Friday and drive our stuff down over the weekend then meet us at our house Monday morning. Instead, they drove straight down Thursday night and put everything into storage Friday. If they hadn't done that we would have been back in business early last week. Instead, it took all week to get our stuff out of storage (which isn't bad--last time it took three weeks!). Anyway, the movers finally showed up mid-morning Friday and took all day to unload the truck.

That gave us a day and a half to get the house unpacked and ready for Christmas.

In the meantime, we still hadn't shopped for x-mas because we were anticipating the whole storage fiasco (because it happened last time too *Rolleyes*) and didn't want to take the chance on all the kids gifts being unaccessible for Christmas morning. So here we (me and hubby) are, going shopping in shifts while we unpacked on Friday and Saturday before Christmas, fighting the lunatic crowds like we had nothing better to do! Why didn't we shop all week while we were sitting around in an empty house bored to death you ask! Because during all this, I'm home alone in an empty--thus boring--house with three equally bored children while hubby is at work, checking into his new unit from morning til night and therefore leaving me no opportunity to shop until the weekend came and he was home.

Anyway, Christmas was good in our new house. We finished unpacking completely Monday evening so we're all set now. We actually had our internet up Friday morning but obviously, there was little time to use it, LOL. Unfortunately, our cable/internet sucks! What kind of good impression does it make when already, day four into our service, it was out literally all day yesterday! There is no HD connection. No DVR. And no alternative. The base has a contract with these numnuts and they're the only company allowed to service the base. We're gonna have to shell out money for a Tivo now, which apparently (Pete thinks) is expensive upfront.

On the upside, and to take a break from all my whining *Laugh*, I do like our house. With only 3 bedrooms and 1 bath, it's a little small for a family of soon-to-be six, but it's really quaint and cozy and I just know I'm going to be happy here for the next three years. The neighborhood is nice and the school is supposed to be good. We have some friends down here and their sons are close to the same age as mine so they already have school buddies. They're excited about the new school, new teachers, and new friends so it's a big help that we don't have to worry about a big mid-year-move trauma in that department. The school is a little further away so I won't be able to get in my much-needed daily exercise of walking the kids back and forth, but lazy ol' fat and pregnant me ain't complainin', *Laugh*. Not for now anyway. Ask me in a few months when it comes time to lose the baby flab and I'm having trouble, LOL.

Anyway, I have so much mail to answer in my inbox that it'll take me weeks to get caught up. Starr and Steph went to town on my port and then all my friends sent me holiday c-notes and well-wishes for the move! It's so nice to know I was missed because I sure did miss everyone here! I hope everyone had happy and safe holidays like me. I'm excited to get started into a new year and have all sorts of writing-related resolutions that I'm anxious to make myself stick to. Hope everyone else does too!

Well, that's about it! I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm back and missed you all! I'll be around but I might continue to be a little hit and miss this week. In our zeal to get the house organized in such a hurry, I overdid it a little. While the kids are still home and causing constant distraction I'm going to take it easy and regroup. I'm not going to do much but try to get caught up on emails and respond to reviews for the time being. That said, if you don't hear from me before then, look for me to be back in full swing next week sometime. I can't wait!
December 7, 2005 at 5:29am
December 7, 2005 at 5:29am
Well, the time has come and I thought I better come in here and post an official notice.

Because I'm in the middle of getting ready for my big relocation, over the past week my time online has been cut by about 70%. So no one feels slighted by their ignored emails and/or reviews, I am officially putting myself on hiatus until after we get moved and settled in. Hopefully, I'll be back up to speed around Christmas time. In the meantime, I already miss all my friends here and can't wait to get back to you all*Smile*
November 30, 2005 at 1:55pm
November 30, 2005 at 1:55pm
So here's the deal...

A couple of weeks ago I was inspired by a contest here at WDC to write a comedy short story. I decided to center my tale around a woman who is on a "first date" with a guy and struggles to hide the fact (which would be sound and smell) that she has a really bad case of gas. I'm having so much fun writing this story and I personally think it's funny as shit. In fact, I'm having so much fun with it, that I seriously doubt I'll have it finished in time to enter it in the contest,LOL.

Now I'm wondering if this makes me a true weirdo or what? How do other women handle it when they're with their man and need to fart? Do you run to another room to hide it or just blast him and brag that yours are bigger, louder, and stinkier than his? How do you think famous people handle farting? Do you think Julia Roberts or Halle Berry fart? And if they do, do you think they claim them? Or is it only "real" people who fart? Now I know that women aren't supposed to have disgusting bodily functions but you and the horse you rode in on are full of shit if you say you've never farted before. I know that I CAN'T be the only one who wonders about these things.
November 29, 2005 at 2:04pm
November 29, 2005 at 2:04pm
I've been kicked off the computer again. Hubby has spent the weekend and all of this week so far finishing up his final project and I can barely get him off the computer long enough to eat! Thank goodness he's off turning it in and doing his presentation as I type this so that's a relief. Now he's going to be home and bored and playing games for the next week until time to start getting ready to move, which won't be much better. He gets into his shoot-em-up war games and the world stops turning around him*Rolleyes* I suppose it's all good as it gives me plenty of writing time *Bigsmile* but it's not good for getting any reading done here. But for anyone who feels like I'm jipping them on reviews, take heart--I do plan to print out a shit-load of stories to read during the move so as soon as I get hooked back up and online, I'll have lots of reviews to give then--hopefully--if all goes smoothly with the move. Anyway, I've only got a small window here. Kids and hubby will be coming in soon so I better make this time count. Later!
November 24, 2005 at 6:28am
November 24, 2005 at 6:28am
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving! I plan to, then again, I'm not the one doing the cooking*Smile* That's just one of the perks to having a brother-in-law so close. With five kids, they hate packing everyone up and insist that we do everything at their house. Fine by me. I don't care where it is honestly. Turkey, taters, some sort of pie, and I don't have to cook it--hey, I'm there*Laugh* Anyway, just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!*Smile*
November 11, 2005 at 5:25pm
November 11, 2005 at 5:25pm
For anyone who has sent me emails or reviews or anything else this week and didn't get a response, I wasn't blowing you off, I swear. Today is the first day since Tuesday morning that I've actually got off the couch for long enough to do anything besides drive my kids back and forth from school. How they managed not to burn the house down while I slept the entire week is a miracle for which I am sooo thankful! It sucks because hubby was gone all week and I had the computer all to myself but was too sick to get up and use it. I wonder if it's some kind of cosmic joke that today is the first day I'm feeling better and he comes home just in time to see that I haven't lifted a finger around the house all week and the kids are all starving. That's an exaggeration of course, but not by much,LOL. Anyway, I survived. I'm still alive and that's what matters in the end. I hope no one thought I was trying to ignore their emails or thought I was ungrateful for reviews, cnotes, etc. I'll get around to catching up over the weekend I promise. And if all else fails, hubby will be out of town all next week too so unless I catch this shit again, I'll be taking advantage of my excess computer time then for sure.
November 8, 2005 at 8:19pm
November 8, 2005 at 8:19pm
Well, the stomach bug my six-year-old brought home has finally worked its way around to me. I've been laid up and felt like shit all day today. It doesn't help that hubby is out of town for the week so I'm having to suck it up either until I start feeling better or he gets home, which ever comes first. Needless to say, I haven't even turned on my laptop (my writing computer) today and doubt I will tomorrow either since I have appts and errands all day. It is somewhat of a consolation that hubby caught it this time*Bigsmile* That man hardly ever gets sick and it pisses me off!
November 4, 2005 at 9:08am
November 4, 2005 at 9:08am
I'm on a writing frenzy lately! Getting lots accomplished! I think it's this time of year. I always find that I'm more productive in the colder months. I know this summer was a complete bust for me. In the past two weeks alone I've written more than I did the entire summer! Now my only problem is focusing. In the past four days I've jumped back and forth between three different WIP's because I can't streamline my ideas into one project alone. Anyway, if no one sees me hanging around much, it's because I'm off working.
October 31, 2005 at 9:57am
October 31, 2005 at 9:57am
Well, to start with, I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween.

Now for the bitch-fest.

So much for me having a productive weekend! I had to do the whole birthday party thing over the weekend for one kid. I had to divy that time up helping another kid do this big homework project that had to be turned in today. And the third kid was sick and throwing up all over the house for the past two days. Needless to say, I need a fucking beer! Oh yeah--I can't because I'm still pregnant with headaches and backaches and buttaches and swollen feet!

Just shoot me now.

Anyway, wish me luck that I don't get sick too, and that the sick one is feeling well enough to trick or treat tonight. That would just be too cruel for the poor little guy.

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