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Rated: XGC · Book · Adult · #1052530
yes... I'm addicted.
Another day another blog... I ran out of space in the other one right when I was gonna reveal the meaning of life...and now, I've forgotten what it was...so I need another blog to figure it all out... love you all *Kiss**Heart*

If you REALLY need to catch up on the rest of my life darlings... it's here... (well not REALLY the rest of my life, but a smidgen of my existence taken at brief intervals)

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Jaren is Avarielle made this painting for me...

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November 13, 2006 at 6:51am
November 13, 2006 at 6:51am
ahhh yes the famous acronym... love to play with them... but frankly they can be down right annoying if used toooo much... that said the above acronym defined below had me laughing...

it means PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard)


Lawyers often will cite something as an acronymn after defining it for the world to see.

"The first party, Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard, hereinafter referred to as PEBCAK, is suing the party of the second part, High Tech Socially Challenged Nerd (HTSCN) for slander. PEBCAK asserts that being told by HTSCN that "he made a rock look smart" was a lie and had done irreparable damage to his reputation."
November 13, 2006 at 6:29am
November 13, 2006 at 6:29am
I think I've mentioned this before...that I have few real friends... just don't make them that easily... I can talk and laugh with the best of them... in RL people say I'm entertaining once they break through the 'ice' that is me...

Anyway, I count myself lucky... I have someone new in my life... I just want to make note because friends such as these are far and few between and should be treated as precious. Friends that want to take the time to know you and will be there for you through all your imperfections and this topsy turvey terrifying ride are very worthwhile to have around. I hope I can return the favor in the manner deserving of a long lasting friendship. *Smile*
November 10, 2006 at 11:12pm
November 10, 2006 at 11:12pm
soooo spouse and I were enjoying a quiet evening with a fire and some red wine... and then...

I hear something at the door... a small voice at first...then "Where's Pacifier???" louder this time... what on earth is that??? I wonder...

"Let me do it...Let me do it!!!" the louder pitch voice demandd...

*ding dong*

I go to the door... and there they are... two diminutive people full of energy...they rush through tripping on each other... "Watch the baby" I remind them... two full grown people enter afterwards.

"ooohhhh aahhh fire!!! Can I poke it! Can I" The male small person voice is getting larger...

Popa interjects amongst the voices "They had a good time." The grandfather of the smallish people looks exhausted... how something sooo small can cause soo much havoc... making mighty strong men into mere shadows of their former selves...

Spouse: *sigh* It's suddenly a noisy house again...


November 7, 2006 at 2:25am
November 7, 2006 at 2:25am
nymphs... nymphomaniac... nymphete... pipette... puppet... peek... puppy... freak... freaky... fruit cake... hard as rock... penis...

alright... so the improvisation isn't working at all here... i'm stuck... completely and utterly stuck... i need to go work on my book and all i can think of is...yep... you guessed it... sex. *sigh*

i need to stop blog reading...it doesn't get me anywhere... not that i don't appreciate many people's thoughts and inspiration about sex (yeah every damn blog i just read mentioned it i SWEAR)... i just ain't getting any... yep you guessed it... sex... and therefore, my thoughts are a 'fog' of inhibitions, repression and suppression... and it's not like i really need it... or even want to talk about it... i thought if i wrote it out it'd go... into a swirling gurgle of hysterical light consuming laughter... gawds maybe I should go and vote...now that'll take my mind off it... why indeed have I returned to puberty? you have to be post-puberty age to vote... so i shall... i shall smell the vote...be the vote...talk the vote...think the vote and have an orgasmic vote... NOW that would help with voter turnout

(OT and BTW...i've not suddenly lost my ego if peoples were wondering about my lack of 'i' capitalization...just having trouble with the 'cap' key and pressing the 'i' at the same time...sure it's frustration related)
November 5, 2006 at 1:40pm
November 5, 2006 at 1:40pm
one of those things we do is 'want' people to live up to our expectations... we believe them to be 'more' than 'who' they are actually. We make them to be the people we 'believe' are worthy of our love. And yeah that sounds a egocentric... but it's true. Parents live through their children. Children do so with their friends and of course lovers do that with each other. The danger is we don't see through the 'mystique' and we make the lover something they aren't and then when we find out it's all a lie... everything crashes around us. It's different than projection, it's a fulfillment wish... we want someone to fill us up so we make them what we 'believe' will achieve that purpose. Anyway... food for thought on this beautiful Sunday morning ... and now I must go outside and enjoy it....or at least 'pretend' to enjoy it...going to take my computer with me... and some files...lol...and make some hard cash... dripping evil cash... slave driving soul ripping chinking coins... actually no coins...just paper... actually not even paper... direct deposit *Laugh* *sigh* the world IS WAY WAY toooo much with us....
November 3, 2006 at 8:01pm
November 3, 2006 at 8:01pm
I was talking to my office mate... a very smart guy who's written multiple non-fiction books on international law... has owned his own company.... been legal adviser for several large firms... generally a nice guy...

He told me that the partners share from the profits NEVER went down even during layoffs... lol... I was pissed, then resigned... but what irked me was I remember vividly when the layoffs happened (there were two... I survived both) that they told the attorneys that were remaining that they couldn't give raises and they said that for two years AFTER the blinky layoffs... I was fine with it... because our support staff who make pittence were allowed to get some... my point... my Father used to own his own company and he was honorable... he refused to pay himself so he could make payroll for his employees on several occassions so he wouldn't have to do layoffs... and guess what the Partner's share of profits is each???? almost $2 million dollars a YEAR... and during the layoffs(which happened about 5 years ago) 1.5 million!!!!

there is no honorability left... even those who say they are... *shrugs* full of crap... the ones that end up being honorable are the one's that get screwed...every single time.
November 1, 2006 at 7:41pm
November 1, 2006 at 7:41pm
*sigh* it was good... decorated the house... son was a Dark Knight, Defender of Good... funny if you asked him what he was it wasn't "knight" it was Dark Knight Defender of Good...

He's a talker... my six year old is a big talker... spouse thinks he's going to be a politician... *shrugs* I think he'll be a lawyer... he wants to be a navy pilot...

and allll I want to do is sleep....

my daughter was a witch... with this pink and purple outfit... and a sparkling broom... it was sweet... such an overused word for kids...but sometime that's all there is overused words... lol...suppose there's a reason they're overused

October 30, 2006 at 7:53pm
October 30, 2006 at 7:53pm
My Father's side... probably a great great cousin... last man hung in public in England for stealing taxes from the King...

My Father's side, a great uncle... a whole family created a circus and wandered through England entertaining everyone... the kids used to run around without shoes much to the chagrin of my Great Aunt

Myself... *sigh* according to many I'm completely and utterly normal... *sigh*
October 30, 2006 at 1:17pm
October 30, 2006 at 1:17pm
*Bigsmile* yeah it happens...

this one was about "The Voice" at work... he and I were laying together and had our fingers entwined... he wanted my love and I couldn't give it to him... he left... I then proceeded to have sex with several different men and women... not particularly exciting because I didn't actually feel the act... just KNEW I'd done it.. and everyone was happy... lol

*sigh* dreams can be SOOOO much more interesting than RL...
October 29, 2006 at 9:40pm
October 29, 2006 at 9:40pm
everyone wants my time and all I want is love... large globs of blue and purple feelings smeared all over me in some naked mud wrestling game... with drips of colorful grime flowing past thighs co-mingled in ecstatic copulation...

an earthy expression of sparkling emotional cornucopia waiting to be tested by the cleansing waters of pure thought... I don't want your love... but your time so I can write such nonsense...

*sigh* and yeah I'm procrastinating... 7 more final papers to grade... rueful lol...

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