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by Kendra
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1166124
Somedays I write about all I give to life, other days I write about nothing in particular.
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I am still all the things I was before, in "Invalid Item, only now I'd like to think I'm better at this journaling thing. I guess we'll see.

Here goes nothing....

If you want to read this journal/blog in its entirety, you'll have to be a member, as I have a lot of the meaty entries set to members and above.

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March 13, 2010 at 7:09pm
March 13, 2010 at 7:09pm
Hmm. I recently reached my 7th account birthday here, but I'm sad to say that I probably wouldn't even have known had I not gotten a cool gift in the mail from the SMs. (Thanks, by the way!). I use to spend so much time here, but I must admit I'm hardly ever here except to check in and clear out my inbox every couple of months. Life is busy, that is true, but I think its more than that. I'm not writing, for one, actually thats the big one. And when I do write, its during November for NaNo or its in my other blog. This use to be my place, but I am afraid I've found a new place (or places, facebook and google blogs take much of my free computer time).

I miss this place, though, and I miss the folks I knew here, way back when. I wonder if any of them are even still around? I contemplate putting more time into this again, we'll see....

March 9, 2009 at 2:46pm
March 9, 2009 at 2:46pm
Today is my Account Birthday!! Six years ago today I wandered into this site looking for someplace that I could share my writing, be inspired and meet other writers. Immediately I realized it was exactly what I was looking for and so I jumped headlong into everything that I could. My case quickly turned yellow and then (believe it or not) actually blue for a bit too. I have had my hand in so many different things around the site that I can't honestly remember everything! I've made some cool friends and learned a ton. A lot has changed in my own life since then, most of which makes for a lot less time to spend here and on writing in general. And so instead of being headlong into it all, its more like I dab a toe in every once in a while. But I still love that I have this place to even come back to when I can. Yay for Writing.com! And yay for six years of being here! *Smile*
March 8, 2009 at 8:24pm
March 8, 2009 at 8:24pm
She lays there with the list of things that still need to be done, running through her head preventing her from really, truly resting.

Her kids call to her for the things that only Mom can do.

Her husband, although he's trying his best (bless his heart) to do what needs to be done and let her rest, ends up needing something.

Her house is loud with said kids and husband, making rest difficult.

The week still looms with kids homework, grocery lists and laundry to be done in preparation of said week, which will arrive tomorrow with either health or illness.

Her mind whirls with all the things she could be doing (like blogging!) besides laying in bed and so she gets up to try and make the time somewhat productive. Heaven forbid she waste even a minute...

February 7, 2009 at 7:45pm
February 7, 2009 at 7:45pm
Just got back from dinner at Havana Moon--we had a great table outside overlooking the sunset on the beach--and the food was very good, including dessert. We had a leisurely day today--all we did was sit on the beach!! Erik and I swam a bit in the pool and we walked back to the room for lunch, but otherwise I just sat in the (mostly) shade and read! I finished Ninety Minutes in Heaven which Katie had loaned me. It was really inspiring and uplifting book that I'd recommend to everyone--especially anyone who's lost a loved one or is going through a difficult time. I also started reading through my NaNo and will work further on it hopefully.

We are talking about heading to Cozumel tomorrow, hoping for fun shopping, cool pics and great memories.
November 24, 2008 at 6:11pm
November 24, 2008 at 6:11pm
Guess what? I wrote a novel! *Smile* Yep, just reached 50k words today. Stay tuned for an excerpt to come after turkey day...*Smile*

March 31, 2008 at 9:12pm
March 31, 2008 at 9:12pm
i'm still here....at least in membership. *Smile*
March 29, 2008 at 9:51am
March 29, 2008 at 9:51am
so much that I'm considering letting my paid membership expire here in 2 days...i still have a blog, its this one:


so if this blog disappears and my name goes little, check me out there. I promise I'm still alive, just not really writing...

March 9, 2008 at 6:35pm
March 9, 2008 at 6:35pm
Happy Account Birthday to me, Happy Account birthday to me, Happy Account Birthday, dear meeeeeeeeeee, Happy Account Birthday to Me! *Smile*

Five years ago today I found this wonderful site and signed up and I've been here ever since, well except for when I took leave for a bit after Kera was born. *Smile* I can't believe its been that long! Its crazy how fast time flies. Its kind of sad to me in a way to think of how involved I use to be (can you believe I was a Mod at one time?!) and how much I was writing back then (way more than just a blog), and of course posting all that writing. Now its kind of a miracle if I even blog here or keep up with my favorite blogs. But maybe its just a stage I'm in and one of these days I'll get fired up again about my writing and I'll be back here full force. In the meantime I guess you get what you get of me, which isn't much these days...*sigh*.

January 29, 2008 at 4:14pm
January 29, 2008 at 4:14pm
If money were no object. Well, honestly, its hard to imagine anything more than I already have. I get to stay home with my kids with no pressure to bring any income to the table. My husband's business does so well that any income I could bring home just goes towards tax so its more beneficial for me to not work. That way we don't have to pay for childcare and we can play more. And we do get to play a lot. Just look at my hubby's "toys" (3 atvs, snowmobile & a fishing boat). I've traveled more in the the last seven years than most people in their entire lives. I've seen Mexico six times, Florida twice, Vegas enough times to be sick of it and many other spots within driving distance. I can buy groceries and clothes for our family without a strict budget, although I don't go hog wild. When my kids are sick I can take them to the doctor without a worry about what it will cost. We can go out to eat or have friends over without breaking the bank. We really are well taken care of (very blessed) and have very little want for anything.

BUT, if money really was NO OBJECT, I would do a few things differently: (these are in no particular order)

1. Hire a maid -- I love a clean house but I hate doing the cleaning. That would mean I could play more and the maid would do all the intense corner cleaning that I despise. I would still do my own laundry, I'm picky about that. A personal chef would be nice too, cuz I do spend a lot of time cooking, but I like to cook sometimes too, so it would have to be part time.
2. Put my kids in more activities, like swim lessons, kindermusik, whatever they wanted to do. I'd have more time to play with them if I wasn't cleaning!
3. Get a new car. I would LOVE something sporty.
4. Splurge at the scrapbook store, and I mean splurge! I'd buy that huge, beautiful scrapbook hutch I saw in the magazine that I've been drooling over and I'd fill it with all the fun stuff I could.
5. Go to Hawaii and Europe and Australia to start off....
6. Buy Erik a cabin in the woods like he's always wanted.
7. Get all my loved ones out of debt.
8. Hire a decorator to help me paint the rest of the white walls in the house.
9. Sponsor a bunch of kids from Compassion International and then donate a bunch of moola to all my favorite charities.
10. Put $ away for college for my kids and my nephews.
11. Buy a new treadmill. I'd really, really love a treadmill that inclined on its own.
12. Fill my kids' piggy banks with quarters.
13. Pay for a huge ol' family reunion, first on my mom's side and then on my dad's side. It would be so nice to see cousins & aunts & uncles that I haven't seen in ages. Then, I do it for hubby's family, too. Then, I'd do it for all my college buddies, and we'd go somewhere warm & tropical. *Smile*

Those things would all be nice to have, but they are all extras, the things I dream about having or doing. I could probably list even things that I'd love to see changed RIGHT NOW that can't be changed with money, things like relationships that need healing, people that are hurting, etc., but even with those "less than perfect" parts to my life, I'm really quite content with this spot that God has put me. He's done a perfect job of taking care of me. I have no complaints. *Smile*

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January 24, 2008 at 5:50pm
January 24, 2008 at 5:50pm
I just might be back....

and you can blame

"Follow the Leader

*Bigsmile* I love that thing.

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