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Rated: GC · Book · Experience · #1260114
Just a blog containing my daily activities, interests, rants, etc. Enjoy.
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Neko wishes everyone a wonderful summer!

I paint my face with blackend lines,
carving my soul into darkness.
I rip my flesh into tiny pieces,
as I scream - so wreckless.

I can't stop going on this path,
the path I chose long ago.
I can't keep from making them,
those same mistakes, over again.

But I can try to keep going,
to live, to love, to laugh.
To cry, to scream, to swear...
as long as I go on, even if I'm "half".

Half alive, half dead, trying to live,
will I ever be whole, who knows?

Started: 9th of May, 2007
Agenda: I will tell of past experiences, current experiences, and future experiences I wish to have. This will be a way for me to relieve some stress and to try and better my writing style.
Credits: Thanks for checking my blog out, and if you read it, I hope it isn't too boring~! *Pthb*

P.S. I'm going to try *spiffing up* my blog later on this month or next month, depending on how much time I have. *Bigsmile*
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July 15, 2009 at 8:11am
July 15, 2009 at 8:11am
After staying up all night to write an entry for the ABN July contest... I'm whooped! We had an awesome prompt... You had to choose a favorite song and then write your short story around it's lyrics. (Well, based on them, whatever).

I chose Linkin Park's "Valentine's Day" and that's all I'll say for now... about the story anyhow.

I had a tough time with word count; we were limited to 2000 words and I went 50 or so over... so I had to keep editing, luckily I finally got it down to 1994 without harming the content.

I also read Mari's entry and it's awesome. I hope you guys check it out too once she sets it to non-private. (And I hope you do the same for me too. *Wink* I want feeeeddddbbacckkk!!!!!!!)

In other news, I'm drinking a Peppermint Mocha Frappuchino right at this moment! Which is probably why I'm slightly hyped up. *Confused*

I'm also planning on playing a new MMORPG called Aion! If anyone else around here is going to play it too... drop me a message. *Smile*

Alright... Uh... that's it for now. I think. *Heart* If I remember something later I'll be sure to come back and bother everyone with it.

Love you all! Hugs,
May 28, 2009 at 8:33am
May 28, 2009 at 8:33am
Weee! Hello from Japan, everyone! I'm having a marvelous time. *Smile* The plane ride was mighty long though.... 14 hours (not including the FIRST plane flight and the 4 hour layover.). Lucky me, I've got some access to the net.

We went to a Japanese baseball game today. It was AWESOME. *Bigsmile* They get so excited about the game, and they were all shouting/chanting (etc!) in unison for their teams. Very cool. I love all of the fashion here as well... I mean, even the guys have got fashion sense. That's not something I normally see back home. *Confused* We need some more influence from the Japanese culture, I say!

I had my yummy Blueberry Bun yesterday and today. I got it last time I came to Japan, so there was no way I'd miss out on it.

While on vacation, I'm trying to keep up with my ABN contest entry, which I am working on with mARi☠StressedAtWork . So far, it's going GREAT! I can't wait to see how everything turns out in the end. It's a fanfic on Ghost Hunt (a manga both Mari and I read).

Speaking of Mari, I'll be meeting her Saturday! I can't wait. *Smile* This will be my first time meeting with someone from WDC. And it's my Angel Buddy! I also get to meet her sister. We're planning on eating lunch (or dinner?), maybe going to Akihabara (otaku paradise, or so I've heard!), and also possibly going to an arcade... or whatever else we can figure out! I'm crossing my fingers that the weather will be nice.

Last thing on my agenda to mention in the blog: A HUGE congratulations to all new moderators. *Smile* And an especially SPECIAL congratulations to my sweet friend, StaiNed-House Targaryen !

Hugs and love to everyone,
May 9, 2009 at 1:16am
May 9, 2009 at 1:16am
It's been a while, hasn't it? Gosh, I need to keep up with this thing.... but I'm just so darned lazy. If anyone wants to read a scrumptiously dark (& sweet) blog, check this one out *Right* "StaiNed Bits and Pieces. StaiNed is such a sweetheart... and her poetry is just wonderful.

Oh, by the way, I've also managed to complete my first year of college! I gotta say, the second semester practically killed me. *Frown* German is a lot harder than it looks, and that darned Math 1021 was HELL. Thank GOD I never have to take another Math again... I think I'd rather die. *Cry*

If anyone is looking for an auction, or if you're in need of GPs for your upgrade... check here *Right* "Invalid Item. Mari is taking nominations for those who need help getting enough GPs for their upgrades. I'm also giving away some prizes for donating/bidding. Please help her out if you can!

Another update! I got invited to join "The Little Sisters" which is a wonderful group branching off from "The Circle of Sisters". Everyone is just so nice and helpful. It's nice to have so many sweet siblings! (And did I mention, Mari is one of them?! As for big sisters... StaiNed is one of them! Hooray! Bleeding Dawn another one of my friends, is also now a fellow little sister. *Smile* They're such a great group of people!).

I'm getting ready for my trip to Japan, which I will be taking off on the 27th. I'll finally get to meet Mari! I think it's going to be really fun, especially since I won't be so lost this time. (It'll be my second visit to Japan).

I added some new poems to my port from poetry class... check em' out if you wanna. They'll be in the "The Straight and Narrow section of my port.

Hmm... what else... well... I've been having some "falling outs" with my boyfriend. *Frown* Dunno what to do about that, but it's really bothering me. Hopefully things get better soon.

Hugs and love to all!

P.S. Sorry I haven't been around much... finals/etc took up a great deal of my time.
March 5, 2009 at 4:12pm
March 5, 2009 at 4:12pm
I have added a new poem to my port, which is in a very UNIQUE form, if I might say so. It was an assignment for my poetry class. This thing took me 3 hours to write... it's HARD.

Here's a link to the poem:
 Invalid Item 
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#1535197 by Not Available.

Stanza 1
Line 1&2=same
Line 3&4=same
Line 5&6=Consists of ALL words used in line 1&3... every single one. No repeats, etc. (If I understood the form right... *Worry*)

Repeat for stanzas 2-3....

Stanza 4
Use all words from stanza 1 line 1&3, stanza 2 line 1&3, and stanza 3 line 1&3. No repeats, no extras. Just those words.

It's beastly. I had trouble making everything make some sort of sense. It was actually first written, I think, as a joke... If I get un-lazy I will post more about it. Otherwise, try it out and link it in the comments so I and others can see what you've come up with!

Have fun! *Laugh*
March 2, 2009 at 12:18pm
March 2, 2009 at 12:18pm
God. I'm at freaking school and I can't stop crying. Go me.

Luckily, no ones tried to ask me "What's wrong?"... that makes it worse. Why is that, anyhow?

So. Freaking. Tired. Of. Everything.... *Sigh*. I don't even know what to do anymore.
February 28, 2009 at 7:14am
February 28, 2009 at 7:14am
Okay, different subject... sooooo different entry! *Smile*

Let's ramble on about my Boyfriend for now. He's AMAZING. *Heart* (Okay, yes, I'm in love... it can make you blind and such... mmhmm *snickers*). Anywho... back on track... He's changed a lot for me. In a good way, of course. He's been so sweet lately, while I've been sick. And on Valentine's he sent me a dozen roses! I've always wanted roses on Valentine's. *Blush* See... my sister's boyfriend has been sending her roses every year since they've been together, and well, I've always felt a little left out. *Worry* But, not this year. *Heart* Like I said, he's so sweet!

He even helped me out with another issue recently, whiccchhh I won't go into detail about. But, he's been very understanding. I'm glad I waited things out. Things are a lot better for us now.

Okay, enough of the lovey dovey junk. I know you guys hate that! Let's see... what else can I think of to put in a blog? Well. School stuff, I guess. Things are going okay, but since I was sick for... a VERY long time (sounds dramatic, don't it? Nah, it was 2 weeks at tops), my grades are falling. I'm dropping Anthropology and going to keep working on the other stuff. I have a B in Oceanography so far, probably will have an A or B (at least) in Poetry, and Math... eh... we'll see (hopefully a B at least), and lastly, German (who knows?).

I found the lost chapters to my novel, and am reworking them (editing). Who knows when that will get done either? *Sigh*

Anndd... I'm out for now. Hugs and love to all,
February 28, 2009 at 7:06am
February 28, 2009 at 7:06am
Random title of the day... mmhmm. Anyhow, C.A.T.S. Auction is officially closed! But it went great, for sure. *Smile* Mari and I had a wonderful time hosting it. The worst part was sending out the emails. I've gotta say, it's a super duper task. It took me at least an hour or two to email everyone (I was trying to double check to make sure I wasn't making mistakes...).

I think that, with the previous GP donations, there should be enough proceeds from the Auction to pay for an entire year's upgrade for Mari. (Which was my goal and is absolutely wonderful!).

Another big thanks to all of the donors and bidders. NONE of this would have been possible without you guys. The WDC community really came through during Mari's time of need, and I was amazed by their generosity.

Thank you EVERYONE for helping to make Mari and I's auction a success! *Kiss*
January 26, 2009 at 1:39am
January 26, 2009 at 1:39am
If anyyooneee ever reads this (anytime soon, that is), please check out this auction... It's to help raise funds for my wonderful angel buddy, Mari. It will also benefit various groups around the site. *Wink* Have a look see, please! (We REALLY needs donations. Donors get a chance to win some prizes as well!)

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1518333 by Not Available.

In other news, I'm almost done with all my math. I've just got to take two quizzes tomorrow. And I'm somewhat in the process of finishing off some custom jobs. XD But so much school work has made me push it back a little.

I hope everyone is doing well! *Heart*

*Exclaim*Proud member of the "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP*Exclaim*

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*Check4* I love my Angel Buddy, mARi☠StressedAtWork !

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*Check1* Check out "My Images and Signatures!

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*Check2* Need a signature or banner? "Invalid Item!

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*Check3* Like to help others? Join "The WDC Angel Army!
January 20, 2009 at 4:21pm
January 20, 2009 at 4:21pm
Well... after a rocky time with my boyfriend (in which case it WAS my fault), we're giving it another try. Yesterday was pretty bad for me emotionally. I know I really hurt Jamie, and I'm going to try and make up for it. You see.... I flirted a bit TOO much with an old friend (we didn't do anything really bad though). I felt so guilty about it, that I told Jamie. We talked about a lot of things afterward, about how to make our relationship better. I've been with him for two years now, and I don't want to lose all of that.

Since the incident, everything has been great. *Smile* Better than ever. I'm laughing and smiling now, which I never used to do. He's also happy, and I think we're going to make it this time. He has been so sweet and loving, not to mention understanding. I'm looking forward to life a little more than I used to. Maybe it won't be as hard for me to get up in the morning, now that I have something to look forward to (spending time with someone I love). You see, before everything... well, I wasn't very happy with the relationship... but I think our talk yesterday has given me a new found faith in us. We'll be okay.

Hugs and love to everyone. And I REALLY love you, Jamie.

(Sorry for such a sappy post, guys. But, I honestly couldn't help myself. *Laugh*)
January 12, 2009 at 11:41am
January 12, 2009 at 11:41am
Time to start a new (and my 2nd) semester of college! I had my first class today, which was German 1. I was REALLY nervous, as I am totally bad at languages. I got D's and C's in my Latin class in highschool... so I was awaiting the same result for this language; however, the teacher seems super nice. She's very helpful and involved with the students. I think I'll be able to get through the semester (hopefully).

As to the other part of this creative (lol) title, I have a new buddy *Right* mARi☠StressedAtWork . She's wonderful and so very talented! If any of you haven't joined the angel army and haven't participated in the Angel Buddy network, you need to sign up! It's a fabulous program, and I think I'm going to learn a lot from it (not to mention I've gained a new friend).

I'm going to be writing a "Sestina" today for my Poetry class. It's due on wednesday, so let's see what I can come up with. I'd explain what a sestina is... but, well... I'm lazy. I'll post what it is whenever I get the poem up on here. (Though, I doubt anyone cares much. *Laugh*).

I hope everyone had some great holidays. Keep writing, reading, and have fun! *Heart*

Love and hugs always,

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