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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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November 13, 2008 at 8:29pm
November 13, 2008 at 8:29pm
November 13, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 60 (F) Foggy and mild-strange weather.
Events of Note: Re-drafting my resume.
In the Nudes: California has mass earthquake preparation drill.

*Balloon1* Thankfully, my considerate and thoughtful husband watched "Beanie" yesterday afternoon, so that I could cram in a two hour nap. Bliss. Perfection. Just as well, because this morning, I had to hit the ground running (so to speak) with preparing and submitting an online job application, and getting all of my proverbial ducks in a row for that. Considering that I'd put my *serious* employment looking on the back-burner till January, there was a slight "scatteration" that ensued. In addition, this afternoon has magically materialized into "Beanie"'s opportunity to take an extended nap - something that I thought that she'd forgotten how to do.

*Balloon4* As a consequence, not a whole lot else has gotten done, aside from the usual assorted chores and trivial tribulations. Oh, I got my official name 'badge' in the mail, today-the one that has MPH after my name. My mother suggested strongly that it had to be MPH (Cred)-because "Cred" is the Honors system that my university uses, in place of Honors-it means, "Awarded With Credit". I don't really care that much for that-just the MPH part means a lot to me, and it's the bit that most people who matter, recognize here in the U.S. It's supposed to show that I'm 'edumacated' or something. *Laugh*

Hope you all had a great day!.
November 12, 2008 at 1:47pm
November 12, 2008 at 1:47pm
November 12, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 46 (F) Rainy-again. Still. Yes, it's the rainy season here in Northern C.A. Rain beats snow. But, barely.
Events of Note: I'm just plain Vanilla TIRED OUT.
In the Nudes: Family homelessness on the rise in the U.S. Noticed this headline, the day after I commented to Kåre Enga in Montana on said same subject.

*Balloon1* Well, the official search for our family friend has been declared off. If any searches do resume, they will focus on his recovery versus rescue. A sometimes difficult aspect of having lived in a nation with a relatively small, inter-connected population, is that everyone knows everyone - or, is related to them [literally]. Sigh.

*Balloon2* I was awake all through the night, with various health difficulties. Considering that I didn't get to bed until 2:00am, then "Beanie" crawled into our bed at 7:30, and then someone unknown knocked on our front door at 8:30am, I'm not in a particularly lively state, today. I'm betting that the person who knocked on my door that early was my silly SIL. Everyone else appreciates exactly how and why I don't DO mornings. She's just not that considerate, mainly because she's mentally wired differently from most everyone else, is all. I think that the general term for her 'condition' is 'scatterbrained'.

*Balloon1* My husband's new gizmo is an MP4. Pretty sop....sophis...sophisticated. That's the word!.

*Balloon5* My many thanks to Just Jamie for her great Supportive MB for me. Awesome!.
November 11, 2008 at 4:11pm
November 11, 2008 at 4:11pm
November 11, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 47 (F) Rainy and cool.
Events of Note: Remembering veterans and their conflicts.
In the Nudes: Palin leaves door open to future campaigns.

*Balloon2* A man who my family knows in New Zealand, is lost at sea. He was on a deep sea dive of a shipwreck, and got into trouble during decompression. He hasn’t been located, yet. He’s an experienced master diver. My husband, who has a diving qualification and experience himself, says that even the smallest of incidents can easily prove to be fatal at those sorts of depths, when using mixed gases. Or, at any depths, for that matter.

*Balloon3* On a lighter note, my thanks to everyone who offered their suggestions for an extended list of “The Most Irritating Phrases in the English Language”. My pick for the winner, is Ken, with “Needless to Say”-who is awarded 2000GPs. All others who sent me a comment on this, are also awarded 200GPs each. Congratulations to all!. I’ve composed a little, er, loose limerick in celebration of the revised list:

Before we begin, I’d just like to say…
There once was a politician who was fairly unique
Who, with all due respect
Was good at political speak.
I personally didn’t vote for them
After listening to them 24/7 all day

Needless to say
I shouldn’t of voted anyway
Actually, it’s a nightmare
At this moment in time
By the same token, the politicians are all saying
“No problem!”
As they make themselves a
G and T with ice and a slice

At the end of the day
It’s not rocket science
Whereas some may ask,“Wassup?”
The politician of the day
Says, “Change-Yes, We Can!”
How nice!.

*Balloon4*In other random news de-jour, “Beanie” and I are enjoying a day inside, wrapping Humbug goodies. My husband (a veteran himself) is out working, today.

Have a contemplative day.
November 10, 2008 at 1:33pm
November 10, 2008 at 1:33pm
November 10, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 48 (F) Cloudy.
Events of Note: Post-party recovery.
In the Nudes: Obama to meet GWB. Talking about the weather, maybe?.

*flower* Ordinarily, I am loathe to 'cut and paste' a blog entry from a news source, but this appeared on a New Zealand newspaper's online version, this morning. I'm interested to see how many writers from here can make the best additions. 2,000GPs to the person who adds the best 'cringe-maker' to the Top Ten posted below:

Oxford University has compiled a list of the most irritating phrases in the English language. Any more to add to the list?

1. At the end of the day
2. Fairly unique
3. I personally
4. At this moment in time
5. With all due respect
6. Absolutely
7. It's a nightmare
8. Shouldn't of
9. 24/7
10. It's not rocket science

See what you can come up with. (My 'pet' irritant is "shouldn't of").
November 10, 2008 at 2:40am
November 10, 2008 at 2:40am
November 09, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 48 (F) Rain.
Events of Note: Happy Birthday, Dad.
In the Nudes: Strong earthquake (6.5) hits Western China.

*Balloon1* Happy 72nd birthday to my late father. I miss you, Dad. So much!.

*Balloon2* As it happened, my husband's birthday party was today. It went well, despite the usual last-moment anxieties and crises. I'd deliberately kept his cake simple-carrot and Dutch chocolate, with a slightly sweet cream cheese frosting. His parents gave him a fancy Garmin GPS system for his car (can we say "sublime happiness", all together, now...). He loved our collage. His MP3 player should be delivered tomorrow, so that's sweet. We gave my in-laws a cute underwater camera for Christmas, for their scuba/snorkel adventures in SE Asia.

*Balloon3* Put another potential employment opportunity into the "works", late tonight. I'm not making any rash procrastinations, though.

Am planning on catching up on here, tomorrow - after I get in a bath and have myself some shut-eye. Nighty-nite!.
November 8, 2008 at 12:50pm
November 8, 2008 at 12:50pm
November 08, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 49 (F) Rainy.
Events of Note: Waking up to a(nother) new government.
In the Nudes: Bali executions soon.

*Flower1* So, New Zealand took a major swing to the right, last night, with the election of the far right conservatives. Voters sought change there, too-only, in the opposite direction as the U.S. I don't much care for the thought. Perish it.

*Flower2* Pulled off surprise party prep-well, SOME of it. I could be up all night, yet. Depends on how sidetracked I can keep my husband in the meantime *Wink*

It's the weekend-so, smile and get out and do something!.
November 7, 2008 at 5:46pm
November 7, 2008 at 5:46pm
November 07, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 60 (F) Mild, light sunshine.
Events of Note: My parents wedding anniversary #39
In the Nudes: New Zealand election TODAY.

*Balloon1* Well, the embassy messed up, and I never got ANY special voting papers. Wankers. So, I get to watch what's happening online, with the New Zealand election. MMP makes it a little more interesting than your standard FPTP elections. Sometimes, it means some very strange, and highly unlikely bedfellows and arrangements. Last time, it was the liberals, Greens and Independents. This time, it could be the conservatives, the independents and the Maori Party. Yes, stranger things have happened...

*Balloon2* Where have I been?. Keeping as low a profile as imaginable at the moment. Tired, mostly, combined with the fact that this is migraine season for me. In the meantime, I have a surprise birthday party to organize, a layered cake to bake, a collage to collate and put together. I got my husband a touch-screen MP3/Video Player and surround sound for his birthday-what is it with men and electronic gizmos?. I KNOW he wants a flat-screen television, but we couldn't accomplish that and a $15,000 trip to En Zed in the same year. Well, we could-but we'd be living out of the cardboard box that said television is shipped in, if we did. Prudent times call for pride deprivation...

*Balloon4* Well, I have more still left to say, and when I transfer it from my mind to the screen, you'll know. *Laugh*
November 5, 2008 at 1:22pm
November 5, 2008 at 1:22pm
November 05, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 48 (F) Rain and chill.
Events of Note: Letting off fireworks in New Zealand?.
In the Nudes: Michael Crichton dies

I'm around-I think....
November 1, 2008 at 7:24pm
November 1, 2008 at 7:24pm
November 01, 2008.

*Balloon1* It's only November, yet I feel as grumpy as if it were mid-December stressing me out. Not helped by the unavoidable paperwork cluttering up my desk. To add to it, my husband is sick again-not quite back to square one in seriousness, but close enough. Medication after medication and he improves for a little while, then lapses back down again. It's very discouraging, to put it mildly. Thank-goodness I'm not doing NaNo. I couldn't stand myself, otherwise. I've started putting gifts away for Christmas now, so that if things turn pear-shaped (further), we'll have something to look forward to. In addition, money for that 'rainy day' -be it literal or figurative.

"Beanie" is waking up and wetting her bed every other night. This is new. Back when we toilet trained her, she sailed through 'night-training' and we barely gave it a second thought, actually. Our major breakthrough on that front happened when we were in New Zealand, interestingly. Last night, I left her 'big girl panties' on overnight, and I think this helped a little. After a vigorous late afternoon trick-or treating, she was in bed asleep, by 9:00pm, and slept till 10:00am this morning. Mind you, she woke up four times in the night *eyesroll*

*Balloon4* Our rainy season is here, but with much warmer temperatures when compared with past years. Last night, it was 75 (F) at 11pm, with wind gusts of 37mph. Made for a noisy night, and our neighbors were letting off fireworks, in spite of the howling winds.

Have a productive weekend-I'll sure be trying to..
October 31, 2008 at 3:07pm
October 31, 2008 at 3:07pm
October 31, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 67 (F) Cloudy, stormy and steamy.
Events of Note: Prepping the "Freaky Fairy".
In the Nudes: Sata leads Zambian presidential race. Crisis in the Congo.

*Flower1* Since we're expected to put in an appearance at the sushi bar later, for "Halloween", I'm now armed with a spray can of Lynx Pynk Punk Hair Color, bright pink glitter, black lippy, and some wonky fairy wings, all for "Beanie"'s fairy outfit. That's all we're bothering with, today/tonight. Her mop should work well.

*Flower2* Woke up this morning, to hear my husband having a heated telephone discussion with some city official over us seeking an exclusion to the new recycling ordinance. We recycle ourselves, and don't feel we should have to pay the city any extra for doing it on our behalf. Considering that the new ordinance starts Dec. 1, and the city hasn't even gotten the right bins for their recycling program...Ergh...Good Morning!.

*Flower3* I'm suspicious of the weather at the moment. It's so mild, but looks extremely threatening. Prelude to a major storm. Maybe so.

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