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Rated: 18+ · Book · Inspirational · #1489243
"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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June 6, 2013 at 3:11am
June 6, 2013 at 3:11am
upon altars of crumbling time
we are burning
choking on red hot peppers
of what we call life
the spring water wells are dry
leaving us parched, breathless
we whisper threats
and prayers
that make our gods laugh
for even they no longer believe
instead they invent insipid theories
cloaked in ineptitudes to lure us
into zones of quiet
our souls are nearly consumed, as empty
as the wisps of air between ashes
we have become shadows courting death
surviving on ten watts of energy
we pay our minimum-wage dues
for the right to claim our humanity
though we seek eternity
without the serenity of our grandfathers
whose dignity caught each raindrop
in supple uplifted hands
and refused to turn them to tears
we have sold our freedom
to the highest bidders
framed in a black and white photograph
of childish innocence

temples of sacrifice

May 22, 2013 at 5:32pm
May 22, 2013 at 5:32pm
his soft voice is like rainfall
a flower slowly opening
breathing in dawn
its promise, free of sorrow
to listen to the universe's soul
as it unfolds in magical scenes
reminding us as we contemplate
all this beauty surrounding us
that although we are unique
we are not truly alone

"all is well"
May 12, 2013 at 12:40pm
May 12, 2013 at 12:40pm
thick turbulence covers the world in oily black rain, perhaps the collapse
of time fueled by human spoilage, perhaps the eternal battle between
those seeking redemption and those having lost it forever
has finally begun to destroy their mortal playground
what is good to evil eyes is but a continuous plunge darker and darker
an unquenchable thirst for blood, pain and intolerance
silver lightning cannot break their memories, for each creature was born of it
so many fell, lost their horizon, lost their homing pigeon compass
and created the first patterns of living hell that repeat unendingly since
the world's dawn
alive and so quickly damned
damned to be alive, they grapple with creation
and destitution, turning blind eyes to their birth, roaming, spitting hurled curses
against light's freedom of choice
does not the day veer to darkness, sun to moonlight, clear skies to threatening
storms, more powerful than mere renewal of the earth?

they have buried the light, exhumed it from the poisoned entrails of earth
and buried it again, generation after generation
whether the guilty be the creatures born of it
or their human offspring still seeking godliness

older than the heavens not yet lit by the struggle for light
this choice to exist gathers strength fueled on hatred because love
partnered with jealous rage and non-timelessness
cannot endure its pure stance in any heart
those words banish themselves in hot-cheeked reflections of each unworthy self
and when man or godlike creatures lose these verbs enlivening the soul
their opposite snarls into existence
roaring against simple naive emotions which totter
the soul into blackness
above and below it reigns
the tumultuous power of thick, sick cloud cover
abnegates life-giving light, and where death whispers louder than shadows
none of the fallen remember the hours before peace was broken and twisted
into a labyrinth so intricate that only a new god could extract himself
from the torment of searching for the unfindable
the forgotten, the unknown

for Adriana Noir
after her book "Requiem: The Book of the Fallen"

This is a day's work and I am not satisfied with it yet. I don't think I will ever be, but Adriana Noir 's book has me thinking about quite a lot since I read it this week-end and these subjects are ones I usually hint at instead of explore.
Her book can be found here:

May 11, 2013 at 5:28pm
May 11, 2013 at 5:28pm
this has become scary, in the rain
you have been crying again
despair stains the humid air
but I look at the last glimmer
of sun reflecting in your eyes
and only see our fear, our love
was like broken glass burning red hot
never artificial and I don't know my way
I cannot scream for help

on the covered porch next to the river
our twin rocking chairs creak
like the old forest beyond our view
wool blankets protect our knees
bread in the basket, wine in glasses
the four winds blow on our past
where sunset is also hidden
behind the clouds we bring with us
a change is upon us, keeping
our hearts from ourselves
it's been too many years now
and it's all too loud, my heart throbbing
I thought we were special
after six thousand nights, I cannot breathe
and it's killing me, this prison of silence
broken by quaint questions like
more wine, are you warm enough
and the ones we never ask any more
can you still feel me
will you give me all your hours

talk to me

May 9, 2013 at 6:02pm
May 9, 2013 at 6:02pm
no one hears my pain
tears blend with the earliest dew drops
the lake is quiet, as are the woods
my hands are invisible before me, what they touch
leaves them bloody, I feel deep scars, seared
upon me by a million stars indifferent to my existence
I seek shadows behind the tallest trees, their rough
bark enlivens my body's pain and I cry out
despair befriends my voice, solitude glues my feet
to mossy stones and my path ends in this welcome
silence, I drown in it, refusing to let go of the oxygen
that keeps me from hell, but I have not come to this dark
place to meet death, not yet, so I gasp while clouds
mask the last glimmer of starlight, I sink to my knees
invisible to even my own soul, wretched turbulence
no, the moon will illuminate nothing this night, its blackness
is welcome like a prayer, like a revelation
and bathes me in conquest and stark pain
until wolves bay, and the trees stop swaying
from invisible forces that keep everything aligned
in hideous patterns of opposites
light and dark, night and terror
pain and death


This was a free write, done in very few minutes, as I tried to imagine someone completely at ease in the night's darkness and what that might do to help a somber nature overtake a human soul.
May 8, 2013 at 11:09am
May 8, 2013 at 11:09am
candles burn low, my eyes close to sleep
prayers mix with dreams, both unfulfilled slates
they dug the well until water seeped
all will drink and celebrate this date

starlight holds secrets for those who look
rainfall is pure mystery, a wise word
under lone city lights told by books
no one heeds the cries of two night birds

I came to this island a poor man
to discover unsuspected wealth
weaving palm fronds gave me calloused hands
death bartered with me, I won new health

a faraway tale

The Pantum is the original version from Malasia of the more popular Pantoum form. Normally they are single stanza poems, of abab rhyme where the first two lines treat a single subject and the second two lines treat another; good Pantun should have some kind of link between the two halves.
May 8, 2013 at 5:19am
May 8, 2013 at 5:19am
Yesterday, NOVAcatmando posted her version of a rewriting of another Hicok poem.

Realizing the need to learn something from trying to imitate poets whose work has been recognized, I propose this following poem.

A scarecrow with blond pigtails tiptoes on a high-backed 
wicker chair.  The field is a cemetery, everywhere ashen, 
withered, barren, not having survived the human heat stroke. 
In the collateral, the chair is an ornate pulpit and sitting atop it
a child holds a thousand blue pink balloons. Dreams
rarely alight on strings floating to meet heaven, they are called
prayers, and only children believe, truly believe. A Pierrot
bows to the child, laughter mixes with crow caws over fields
that bubble in the aftermath of rainfall. Their joy can't
meet heaven, neither their wings nor their dreams will take them
far enough, high enough. No matter.  The farmers died like soldiers
trying to grow corn, or tulips, anything to take to market. Life, 
dead now in the dusty fields, pairs itself with dollars. Few get lucky. 
Their dreams withered too. Their vows remain steadfast in the wake
of nature unchecked. A Marxist statue painted in bright street
art images cries to the horizon. Color everywhere. Even pigeons
refuse to alight nearby. They are paired with the refuse, satiated.
The fields will regenerate after the freeze. New men will come
with their dreams firmly attached to their shoelaces. They will
bring their children who will marry clowns and scarecrows. 


The original Hicok poem can be found here:

An Epithalamium is a poem written in honor of a newlywed couple. I have followed Hicok's loose interpretation; both texts have little to do with the institution of marriage.
May 6, 2013 at 5:34pm
May 6, 2013 at 5:34pm
fields of electrified rape seed
under turbulent backlit clouds
forests of young poplar trees
and everywhere flooded plains
the earth has drunk deeply
it is saturated to bedrock
and reflects yesterday’s rains
heavenward, evaporating
day by day
the golden grains are ripe
for harvest


she sits gazing out the window
dressed in a thick orange sweater
it is new
a single leaf
of quartered writing paper
waits for words written one
at a time
it is jade green
and not ordinary
a new recipe?
a poem?
a letter of final resignation?
a prayer
she pulls its words from the air
before her, magic

orange and green

in his burnt orange jacket
he is last to leave the train car
basking in the final seconds
of this place
passing through
his emotional no-man’s-land
from a world of wonder
to his place called home


April 25, 2013 at 5:26pm
April 25, 2013 at 5:26pm
Alternate prompt: write a poem in the form of a personal add

desirous of under-worked handyman
task description
         adept at assembling pipes and spiggots
         manual dexterity for wall-to-wall bookcases
         easily ignitable, electrically speaking
         green thumbs, and strong massaging hands
         an irreproachable physical presentation
         unattached, evening working hours preferred
working attire furnished after testing the home jacuzzi
remuneration ( how lovely this sounds )
to be established once we resume perusing your résumé 
possibility on-site lodging, 24/7
( I furnish the gourmet meals, included as further compensation )

apply quickly
round-the-clock auditions at the local gymnasium
( bibliophiles welcome also )

impeccable bedside manners are non negotiable

April 23, 2013 at 2:48am
April 23, 2013 at 2:48am
between any cracks, weeds add gay green
ruddy brick or dull gray
dandelions reach skyward on flexible stems
their bright yellow manes
don't roar
nor hunt
lady bugs climb with red spots
and ivy spreads its pointed leaves
timid sun rays offset dullness
of winter's lingering
a cat stretches on a window sill
umbrellas unfold and disappear
beyond garden walls

in dawn mist a snail travels as snails do
always at home
in snug cocoons butterflies wait
to open fragile wings
pollinating to survive a single full moon
eggs hatch perched high in budding trees
safe until the summer storms bring
that season's torment

now rain and sunlight battle
neither win, they are equally matched
the land shape-shifts beneath their reign
life in all forms smiles as longer hours

roses, bougainvillea and glycine
climb wherever they can
a fox or deer visits carefully sniffing the air
lizards find warm rocks
mice scatter under eagle shadows
vegetables grow
to nourish the compost pile
and feed the dry soil with moist loam
and rain falls again
as it should be, all is well

balancing hymns and prayers
April 22, 2013 at 10:59am
April 22, 2013 at 10:59am
You just won a compact car. Overweight? The truck give-a-way was last year.
All-you-can-eat restaurants? You'll pay for it sooner than you think.
The nightmare will stop, once you fall asleep.
Insomniac? Do drugs and fly high. Who cares about sleep?
Fear of falling? Get off the ladder.
Life is a roller coaster ride. With no mechanic for repairs.
A cat purrs when he wants to, not when you do.
You missed the alarm? Go back to sleep. Your boss will yell anyway.
Just around the corner is the house you can't afford to buy.
Life is like a novel. With the pages out of order.
Out of focus? You forgot your glasses. Or the smog is really nuclear fall out.
After the earthquake we're all equal. Everyone has lost everything.
You can never have too many batteries. But do you have a flashlight?
Sunlight without dark glasses? Squint and avoid bumping into strangers.
We can't all be secret agents no one recognizes.
Why be famous if you don't like journalists?
Life is meant to be private. Do you want Big Brother in your bathroom?
Money does not grow on trees. But neither does hard work.

Fortune Cookie break-out


Alternate prompt: write a fortune cookie poem based on Frank O'Hara

April 21, 2013 at 5:14am
April 21, 2013 at 5:14am
dietary artillery, mercurial, miraculous
salted seaweed salad, svelte willowy silhouettes
they curl their egos around clove and truffle soufflés
former selves ripened as elusive ghosts, fat dunderheads
with a cyclop's peripheral vision of visual pleasure
a resounding noise echoes off their morning mirrors
why squander money for a new reflection
in the neighbor's aluminium gutter
when no stranger's eyes can ever behold my beauty?

generating pleasure

Prompt words: owl, generator, abscond, upwind, squander, clove, miraculous, dunderhead, cyclops,  willowy, mercurial, seaweed, gutter, non-pareil, artillery, salt, curl, ego, rodomontade, elusive, twice, ghost, cheese, cowbird, truffle, svelte, quahog, bilious
March 24, 2013 at 12:37pm
March 24, 2013 at 12:37pm
in this faraway moment
time is not erased
each grain of every wooden plank
calls out to and from centuries
of worship, the chipped paint a hymn
to solitary prayer, over green fields
winds blow with secrets common
to each faithful soul, forgotten
yet remembered each year
springtime does not touch this sanctity
and winter cannot destroy its promise
summer has parched temple lips
leaving words fragile on autumn's
changes of humor, yet
nothing has dimmed such beauty
nor reasons that made it live

untitled prayer

The photo can be seen at the following link.
March 17, 2013 at 5:55pm
March 17, 2013 at 5:55pm
The Sijo is a Korean poetic form made up of three lines having between 14-16 syllables each, and frequently the second line is longer. A pause breaks each line midway dividing each line into two parts.

"The sijo may tell a story (as the ballad does), examine an idea (as the sonnet does), or express an emotion (as the lyric does). Whatever the purpose may be, the structure is the same: line 1 of the 3-line pattern introduces a situation or problem; line 2 develops or "turns" the idea in a different direction; and line 3 provides climax and closure."

Information taken from:

true harmonies, his tender voice engulfs me in love's void
he does not see his own beauty reflecting in my dreamlike gaze
music soars while we kiss, his song and my eyes become one


thunder resounds, my heart groans in turbulent solitude
when the horizon fills with calm pastels, a breeze chills my anguish
and colors life once more in so much gray intensity

heart storms
March 15, 2013 at 5:48pm
March 15, 2013 at 5:48pm
waves flow against time
erode remnants of its path
from boulders home to wind song
while ships pass unseen
one beacon calls in silence
old guardians and soft cat paws

remnants of time

under last snowfall
trees retreat in silent prayer
branches whisper to the wind
like song on marble
moss engraves time's passing hand
in a hushed cry, death appears 

last season
March 13, 2013 at 4:13pm
March 13, 2013 at 4:13pm
2 poems of 5/7/7, called a Katauta, combined to produce a Sekoda.
A statement of nature expressed in the first three lines followed by a reaction in the second half. The third and fourth lines act as bridge.

For more complete information:

silent falling snow
incessant white covering
of still dead muffled landscapes
these four walls are warm
I fear no lingering cold
wrapped in sleep's soft lullaby 

midnight's call

night's white reflecting
brighter than full moonlit skies
sows quiet meditation
soft songs of snowfall
memories and hopes gather
sewn from boundaries of dreams

winter quiet 

March 12, 2013 at 6:30pm
March 12, 2013 at 6:30pm
The Snám Suad is written with the defining features of ancient Celtic poetic patterns poems:  cywddydd (harmony of sound) meaning alliteration, consonance and assonance, and dunadh (to begin and end the poem with the same word, syllable, phrase or meaning).

In its defined form, Snám Suad is:
an octave, each line measured 3 syllables;
rhymed aabcdddc;
anchored at L4 and L8 with 3 syllabic words;
written in cywddydd and dunadh.

bold wailing
in death's hold
breathless fright
cold black night
losing sight

no return

Thanks to NOVAcatmando for the technical explanations.
February 24, 2013 at 12:39pm
February 24, 2013 at 12:39pm
not under moonlight
our hands search, or not
we meet, whisper
of raindrops and rainbows
you become my sun's orbit
time's heart


a single budding cherry tree
my bouquet rather than roses
in this serenity
our moment unfolds
will you love me
till winter's end?


Cupid’s arrow rings
he sings not
gentle wind chimes
whisper silent rhymes
love strikes
deep in my heart
only your voice resounds


midnight’s noon, star shadows
dusk turned dawn
confused without you
yet beside me, the tides roar
stars fill my hands
I am a king


one hearth, one garden
we find love, we choose
its light, its peace, its end
and then, with a child's smile
our eternal destiny

a knot


Author's note:
The object of this poem is that each stanza must contain no more than 125 characters and be independent, while at the same time contributing to the overall flow of the poem.
The subject matter for this contest is Love me, love me not...

Please take a look at the second take on this theme and tell me which you prefer (and why...)
"Invalid Entry
February 20, 2013 at 4:07pm
February 20, 2013 at 4:07pm
paths tread
through the dim city
caught between dawn and dusk
weary steps echo
all the empty silence
grows like promises
on ivy-mantled walls
sharing their shadows
lovers whisper
cry poignant farewells
candles flutter
as do their hearts
cherry blossoms
have not yet returned
to perfume afternoon promenades
in the lengthening labyrinth of daylight
and death grasps night darkness
its chill a harsh reminder
the grace of human warmth
treads only a short while

( untitled... )
February 12, 2013 at 3:59am
February 12, 2013 at 3:59am
empty beach, driftwood
calm waves, not my heartbeat
no gulls dance the air
no earth songs
porcelain blue skies dim
wandering souls

~~~~~ ~~~~~

his green eyes stare
at nothing but a dream
he does not share
lost and invisible
I wait to follow his smile
my beacon

~~~~~ ~~~~~

hide from grey clouds
seek them, they are my future
you are a quiet library
my laughter must explode

yet your shadows...

~~~~~ ~~~~~~

our words caress the wind
placate night fears, choose
kisses and fiery warmth
hand in hand
hours tarry
my heart beat quickens

~~~~~ ~~~~~~

dawn calls quietly
love appears in timid pastels
will you stay
beside me, the tides roar
stars fill my hands
I am a king

by the fireside

~~~~~ ~~~~~~
~~~~~ ~~~~~~
~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Author's Note:
Five independent poems, of no longer than 125 characters, on the theme "Love me, love me not."
This is my second take, the first has two stanzas over the character count.

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