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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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August 5, 2014 at 2:02pm
August 5, 2014 at 2:02pm
Artist: The Rolling Stones
Album: December's Children (And Everybody's)
Song: Get Off Of My Cloud
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August 5, 2014 BoM Day 3- Ends with a 'D':

Alright, guys. I'm up for BoM and my song has to start with a 'G' today. I chose this song by The Rolling Stones because it just makes me feel positive and I'm trying to stick to positive music right now. Thanks for being understanding and supportive during this. I wish I could just rant about what's going on, but I'm unfortunately not allowed to talk about it as of right now, so I guess this is just one for the personal journals. I haven't been sleeping or eating so my whole body hurts, just from holding tension in it, I guess. I'm a nervous wreck.

The Rolling Stones reminds me of being young. I used to spend a lot of time with my cousins and my aunt and uncle loved The Rolling Stones. They would always have it blaring at two or three in the morning with all the windows open. They had a drinking problem. They still do, but the cousins I was close to have moved out and are adults now. Of course, we didn't really understand at the time that they had a drinking issue. I just thought they were a lot of fun and there was a lot of energy in their house compared to mine where everyone was asleep by nine or ten o'clock.

We would sit on the porch with the Stones blaring and my uncle would chain smoke and tell us weird stories from his childhood. He seemed to have an endless amount of stories about places he had been and situations he had been in. We would listen attentively and were always excited to hear about the trouble he got in as a teenager with his brothers and friends. I wouldn't say that we looked up to him as a role model exactly, even then we knew that he had issues, but we definitely thought that he was interesting and I think we all wanted to live interesting lives too.

I look back on the memories fondly, even if they came from a negative or problematic place. We didn't see it that way at the time and I had a lot of fun sitting out on the porch on summer nights when I would visit them. I spent entire summers with them when things weren't going so well at my home. As an adult, I can see the differences in our families and be thankful and more appreciative of mine than I was at the time, but I'll always hold those memories in high regard.

I live in an apartment
On the ninety-ninth floor of my block
And I sit at home looking out the window
Imagining the world has stopped

August 4, 2014 at 12:49pm
August 4, 2014 at 12:49pm
Artist: Joy Division
Album: Unknown Pleasures
Song: New Dawn Fades
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August 4, 2014 BoM Day 2 Ending Letter 'S':

In a stroke of bad luck, the way these things generally go, I'm dealing with a family crisis right now and I'm not sure when I will be able to spend any considerable amount of time here. I'm going to try to log in and skip my turns on the bonus tracks throughout the day. I may be able to participate more tomorrow, depending on how things go today. We'll see.

Anyway, the song I chose today is off of one of my favorite albums of all time, Unknown Pleasures. This album doesn't have a bad track on it and if you haven't given Joy Division a listen, you should. Their music might only mesh well with a certain personal taste though, now that I think about it.

When I think of this song, I think about laying in bed, just taking in the music and relaxing. I wish we could always just lay in bed and relax to music, but I guess that isn't how life works out all the time. This band got me into a whole new genre of music, so I'll always hold them dear to my heart. That's all I've got time for right now, but I'll be back to participate more when I'm able.

We'll share a drink and step outside
An angry voice and one who cried
'We'll give you everything and more
The strain's too much, can't take much more.'
Oh, I've walked on water, run through fire
Can't seem to feel it anymore
It was me, waiting for me
Hoping for something more

August 3, 2014 at 10:27am
August 3, 2014 at 10:27am
Artist: Cage The Elephant
Album: Cage The Elephant
Song: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
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August 3, 2014 Prompt:

Okay, so, call it the animal lover in me, but I loved this news story   this week. There are so many terrible stories that you don’t even want to think about, so something like this just brings a smile to my face, which I need right now considering how painful it is to type after burning my finger on a pizza pan last night. Why does frozen pizza always sound good to drunk people? I’ll never learn. *Rolleyes*

Basically, three third graders in Arlington Heights proposed this legislation to increase fines for mistreating and abusing animals, with a specific focus on the operators of puppy mills. I think it’s so awesome that these kids who are probably eight or nine would care enough to get involved in that way. The best part is that their inspiration came from a book they read about students rescuing a dog from a puppy mill. This is why it’s important to have kids reading at a young age. It can be an inspiration unlike any other and it gets them involved in, just, life.

I especially like that there is a heavy focus on people who run puppy mills because those are so beyond messed up. My brother ran into several of them while trying to adopt a huskie. The photos they had on Craigslist would be stock photos from google. He said the puppies themselves were sickly and inbred; many of them had deformities. He reported them, but was met with a generally apathetic attitude.

I think it’s so cool to see the younger generation getting involved and taking the safety and well-being of animals into consideration. At the same time, I think it’s sad that third graders are the only ones pushing for this sort of thing. Puppy mills should be entirely illegal in every state. No animal should be bred in deplorable conditions for the sake of profit. We should treat the animals with more respect than that.

That’s all I’ve got for today. It’s so hard to find a positive news story and then I go off into a rant about it. *Laugh* Oh well. Have a good Sunday guys! *Peace2*

August 3, 2014 BoM Day 1: A song beginning with the letter 'A'
Cage The Elephant
"Ain't No Rest For The Wicked"

For the first day of BoM, I decided to go with a Cage The Elephant song, not one of my favorites, but probably the only one a lot of you will recognize. I can't wait to see these guys in September with The Black Keys! This song completely just reminds me of being sixteen and hanging out at my friend's trailer every weekend. We would do our thing and I'd come home Sunday night, barely able to keep my eyes open with my mom screamin', "Charlie, where have you been?! What are you doing?" *Laugh*

This was basically our anthem at the time and, well, what am I saying? It's still my anthem! I love the lyrics, which you can find at the top under the video. I also have an excerpt at the bottom of this entry with my favorite lyrics from the song. I'm not sure what the song actually means because there's always wild interpretations of songs. People always want more meaning out of everything. To me, this will always just be the go-to party song. It's about doing your thing how you want to do it because the other ways aren't gonna work.

I specifically remember listening to this whole album on repeat while driving around in my friends truck. We would always be running around on the weekend and Noah would pick one CD and just listen to it over and over the entire way there and then the entire way back a couple days later. Another popular choice was Tell All Your Friends by Taking Back Sunday. But that's another entry for another day.

We went to visit his brother one time though and this was the CD of choice that weekend. I remember the anticipation of getting to his brother's place and all the potential things that could happen that weekend. That's what I miss most about being that age. I miss the anticipation of not knowing what's going to happen. We were always thinking about potential girls and that sort of thing. Now every place I go feels like it has a formula to it and I know more or less what's going to happen there. We can't stay sixteen forever though and the freedom of adulthood is cool, too. *Thumbsup*

Oh no I can't slow down, I can't hold back
Though you know, I wish, I could
Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good

August 2, 2014 at 2:26pm
August 2, 2014 at 2:26pm
Artist: Sublime
Album: 40oz. to Freedom
Song: Don't Push
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August 2, 2014 Prompt: What kind of character seems foreign to you... a homeless man, a zen monk, a suburban housewife, maybe a murderer
Whoever you choose.. that's the persona I would like you to adopt. Try writing in his or her voice.

I am Lyn's rendition of myself,
driving a Miata and working
the nine-to-five shift in an oxford
button up with loafers on my feet.

Sundays are spent golfing with my rich
father-in-law and my short blond hair
with generous amounts of gel stays
in place despite the salty beach breeze.

Our golden retriever protects the
family in our gated suburb
while I wax poetic with colleagues
at another paid for happy hour.

When I get home, my wife and I will
have it out over nothing then snort
some Valium in our respective rooms,
and text our lovers until sleep calls.

*Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr* *Burstr*

August 2, 2014 Prompt:
In the group mail I inquired, why there is minimal interaction between the bloggers in BCOF. Today's prompt is what do you feel will make BCOF a better blogging community? What is missing in your opinion that other blogging groups have?

Last week when there was a prompt about how to get blog comments, I saw several people mention that they get very few comments on their BCOF entries. I've said it before, but I've got no problem saying it again in public, I think there isn't enough "reward" for some people to comment on the entries for BCOF. With the other blogging groups, commenting is an important part of gaining certain rewards. In 30DBC, you can write an entry every day, but if you never comment on another person's blog, you aren't going to place as blogger of the month. In Blog City, there is a tracker kept of comments and there are prizes involved.

I try to comment on everyone's blog as much as I can. We all have busy days where we just don't have the time to go read a bunch of entries, but I don't think that can be used as an excuse every day. There are quite a few blogs that I leave comments in almost every day and have never gotten a blog comment from the person. It isn't something I take personally. There are different types of bloggers. There are ones who like to interact with everyone and see different responses to prompts, then there are those who just want to get their entry in and be done with it. I relate it to the site in general. There are people who submit items to their port and get a lot of reviews, but they rarely review other people's stuff. I also think it's worth mentioning that Blog City has a lot more people who participate daily than BCOF and 30DBC, but that doesn't explain why 30DBC is more interactive.

I don't think anyone is doing anything wrong on purpose. It's just that BCOF falls to the back of their mind because a lot of people are a part of multiple blogging groups and they are more expected to respond in the other group. I'm not saying that's how it should be, I'm just saying that's how it is. When someone reads my blog and there are three different groups and two of them offer higher rewards for comments, BCOF is going to fall to the back of their mind. That's my opinion and I'm stickin' to it!

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August 2, 2014 Prompt: The first of five Saturdays in August...

I think it's wicked awesome that there are five weekends this month. The weekends are the coolest because everyone is off work and there's always something fun to do. I usually spend most of my days on a 'go to sleep at three in the morning, wake up at ten' schedule. But on the weekends, it's like everyone else falls in place with me. They're up late too, partying or doing whatever and I can join in and act like I don't do it all the time, like, "Ah, yeah man. We're really gonna feel this Monday morning." *Rolleyes* *Laugh*

One of my friends I haven't seen since winter is having a party tonight and I'm pretty stoked for it. He's not really like the rest of my friends. He has a good job and a family and he rarely does stuff like this, and it makes it all the more fun when he does. It's like seeing a unicorn or something.

I fully plan to have all five weekends full this month as a desperately cling to what's left of summer. I know before long I'll be living in a tundra and no one's going to want to do anything because they're all going to be hibernating all winter. I wish summer lasted all year, but at least we get to go out with a bang with five weekends in one month. *Thumbsup*

I saw my best friend tonight so don't push me too far.

August 1, 2014 at 3:19pm
August 1, 2014 at 3:19pm
Artist: Wolf Parade
Album: Apologies To The Queen Mary
Song: Shine a Light
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August 1, 2014 Prompt: In Writer's Digest, I read about Ernest Hemingway having a lot to say about writing. He has been well quoted since his birth 115 years ago.
Prompt: Pick one of Papa's quotes and create your blog entry with that as your focal point. This can go in many directions depending on your choice of quote. If you have a favorite Hemingway book, please share that too!

I love this prompt! Thank you for that, Lyn's a Witchy Woman . Hemingway is one of my favorite authors and he has some awesome quotes. It's hard to pick just one. There can only be one though, so here we go:

"What is moral is what you feel good after, and what is immoral is what you feel bad after."

This has always been one of my favorite quotes because in my life, I've dealt with a lot of people trying to tell me what my morals are. The best way to determine what is moral and what isn't is to recognize how you feel after doing something. If it makes you feel bad, it's probably not the most moral thing.

Before I judge what someone else is doing, I try to think about whether what they're doing is really immoral or if I just have a personal issue with it. No one can tell us what is right or wrong, unless it's something that directly hurts someone else, like murder. If we're doing something that we think is okay and it feels okay, we should be allowed to do it without being labelled immoral or moral. At the end of the day, we have to live with ourselves and our decisions.

As a side note, my favorite Hemingway book is and always will be, The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway seems to catch some shit a lot. I don't think people like really like him a lot, but he's one of my favorites. I don't understand how books like The Hunger Games series have better ratings than all of his books on sites like goodreads, but people are silly sometimes. It's one of those weird things like with, The Catcher in the Rye. People always say books like that are overrated, but you rarely meet people that don't hate them.

*Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver*

August 1, 2014 Prompt: What was the most fun thing you have done this summer?

Ah, don't remind me that summer is coming to an end! I don't even want to think about it. *Laugh* I've had a lot of fun this summer, just like every summer. I've gone to a few shows and I have a few more before summer's over. I've been to a lot of parties and made an adequate number of friends and enemies. I've written quite a bit. This is my two hundredth entry in this blog, so I might have to start a new one soon if it's anything like, Fivesixer 's. I know it's done by size and I embed videos every day, so I'm thinking it'll happen soon.

Overall, I've had a pretty uneventful summer though. I've only gone out of state once. I haven't really thought about a vacation, but now that I am, it sounds nice. I'd like to go to an ocean or something, but that isn't going to happen before summer's up. But you know what they say, "no news is good news". I've got no complaints about my summer except that I never want it to end.

*Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver*

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August 1, 2014 Prompt: It has often been said, “Ignorance is bliss,” and “What you don’t know won’t hurt you.” Do you agree with these statements? Why or why not?

We're ready for the unofficial month in 30DBC. I just went and found a random prompt online so I'd have something to write about. I could always just ramble incoherently about nothing, but no one wants to hear about all the silly going ons in my life. Or do they? *Pthb*

I wouldn't say that I never agree with those statements, but I'll say that I don't agree with them most of the time. The reason is that nothing stays a secret forever. The idea that you just don't tell someone something and they won't be hurt over it isn't true in most scenarios. Just because I don't know something that's happening doesn't mean that whatever it is isn't still going on behind my back.

Still, there are times when it might be better, like if someone asks if you like their haircut and you secretly want to kill it with fire. There's no point in someone knowing that their haircut sucks. There's nothing they can do about it and if it's that bad, they likely already know if they've looked in a mirror. At the same time, I hate when someone asks stupid questions like, "Do I look fat in this?" Well, if you're fat, you probably are going to look heavy in whatever you're wearing, so why ask? I won't tell someone that though because it's better to just say that you don't know or my go-to response, "I'm not good with fashion stuff like that." Hey, it's true.

Also, if the issue that you're hiding doesn't affect the person, it's totally okay to lie about it. If you have a nosey gossipy friend who wants to know the innerworkings of your friendship to someone else, it's okay to lie and say everything's okay even if it's not. You don't need them going around and spilling your secrets and it's none of their business in the first place. That's definitely a case where "what they don't know won't hurt them".

Those are the only two I can think of right now though. I think in almost every other circumstance, it's important to be honest with people about things that might hurt them. They have a right to know something that might affect them. It's kind of like the golden rule in that way. Would you want someone to let you know X? Then you should let other people know X when it's happening behind their back.

I keep my head up tight
I know my plans at night
And I don't sleep I don't sleep I don't sleep 'til it's light

July 31, 2014 at 1:26pm
July 31, 2014 at 1:26pm
Artist: The Dead Weather
Album: Sea of Cowards
Song: The Difference Between Us
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July 31, 2014 Prompt: Make a list of 5 things that you never break like: a heart, promise, your computer or what ever else comes to mind.

         *Bullet* The Bank: I'm surprisingly good with money, given my extracurricular activities. I don't spend money on a lot of things people tend to spend money on. I don't go out to eat in restaurants often at all. I figure I can make whatever I want to eat at home for less. My biggest hobby is writing, which just happens to be the cheapest hobby ever. All I need is my computer or even a pen and paper, and I'm good to go. I'm not frugal at all. It's just that I don't have interesting in spending money on a lot of things.

         *Bullet* My Belongings: This is kind of an all-encompassing response. I take good care of my things so that I don't have to buy them again. It ties in with not breaking the bank. I see people all the time being reckless with their belongings. I just realized what a hypocrite I am right now considering the fact that I cracked my phone screen at a concert like two days ago. I'm going to drop this one. *Laugh*

         *Bullet* Promises: I think we all try to keep promises when we make them. Inevitably, things get hectic sometimes and something slips our mind. It happens. But it never really feels the same after you break a promise to someone. You feel like they don't trust you to take care of something anymore and when you say you'll do something, they're like, "Yeah, right."

         *Bullet* Trust: Trust is different than promises in that trust can pertain to anything. It sucks when you make a mistake and you can tell someone doesn't trust you anymore. On the other hand, it also sucks when someone you like breaks your trust and then you find yourself on edge or paranoid around them.

         *Bullet* Conversations: Yeah, this is a weird one, but it has to be said. Have you ever known anyone that basically just breaks every conversation they're a part of? You know the guy I'm talking about. The one that comes in like a tornado and obnoxiously interrupts the heart-to-heart conversation you're having with someone. He's the guy that takes the joke way too far and leaves everyone standing around awkwardly checking their phones.

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July 31, 2014 Prompt: Write about a time you acted first and thought later, giving into your impulses.

I tend to do this more than I'd like to admit. I try to think about things before I do them, but I have a compulsive personality. I have trouble thinking about the consequences of decisions, even though I know that there will be consequences. I'm getting a little bit better the older I get, I think. For me though, it's hard not to act on impulses when they're waved in front of my face. I can swear that I'm not going to do something, but if I'm around it, it's impossible to think clearly.

Let's not be negative though. There are positive impulses too. One of my favorite positive impulses was when I finally told Kira that I liked her, probably because it eventually led to me getting married. We knew each other for two months and were together a lot, but nothing had really come of it. I'm not the type of guy to hit on a girl, even if I like her. I know that girls get hit on a lot as it is and I don't ever want to be that weird guy putting a girl in an awkward situation.

It was probably a week before Christmas a couple months after we met that I finally just acted on that impulse to admit that I had feelings for her. I had resisted the urge so many times before, but there was something about that night and the holiday spirit that made me have to go for it. Luckily, it was fully reciprocated, so I'd mark that down as a positive impulse. *Smile*

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July 31, 2014 Prompt: Forgetting Pt. 3

Another month is coming to a close and that means the end of another 30DBC official blogging month. We're on the topic of forgetting for the three-part series that ends this whole thing. I've already talked about forgetting vs. forgiving and things we should never forget. Today I'm going to talk about all the things we should forget.

Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone and suddenly become their archnemesis (squiggly red line, not a word?) for life? It's so funny to think about now, but I had an archnemesis in high school. He was a complete jerk who decided he didn't like me because I apparently was dating a girl he had a crush on first. How was I even supposed to know that? I didn't know who the guy was, but all of a sudden, he was showing up everywhere. Every time I was hanging out with her at school, he was there. Okay, understandable, the school wasn't that big. But then he started showing up where ever we were hanging out on the weekend. House party? He was there. Movie theater? Yep, he was there. Making out in the park? He's glaring at us from the swingset.

Eventually, I started hating this guy. I mean, I really hated him because he was like a constant cockblock in my relationship. Excuse my language, but for real, dude was always there at the wrong time. It got to the point where even all of my friends were like, "Wait, who is this guy and why is he always around?" Like, we'd be at one of my friends' parties and everyone was wondering who invited the creepy doucher.

This was eighth grade going into ninth and the girl and I ended up breaking up at the end of my freshman year. The weird part is, the guy continued to hate me even after the girl and I broke up. He would try to get me into trouble in class, hit me with his hockey stick in gym class, basically anything that could cause drama in my life. The funniest part is, the guy and I had only actually spoken to each other like two times. I confronted him once while I was dating the girl and she got really upset because she said she didn't like confrontation like that. I promised her I would just drop it and not fight with him anymore, which proved more difficult than one would think.

Moving into sophomore year, the kid and I were in math class together and we were superheroes from opposite teams. We despised each other. One random day, I had a bunch of people coming up to me asking when the fight was. The fight? What fight? The guy had been telling people we were going to fight that day, which was news to me. He wanted to do the schoolyard three o'clock fight thing, but I wasn't down with it. I went and found him between third and fourth period and told him if we were going to fight, we were going to do it right then. A circle formed of crazy-eyed teenagers waiting for some excitement. It got broken up before it even started, unfortunately, because I'm nearly sure I would've won that one.

I left school not long after and for the longest time, if I heard someone with the same name as that guy, my blood would boil. I mean, it's crazy, even like four years later, if I heard his name, I'd feel my adrenaline pumping. Then, actually not too long ago, I really thought about it and I just busted up laughing. I couldn't get over how silly the whole thing was. I mean, who does that? Who just gets an archenemy and hates them for life without even having a reason?

That's when I realized that holding onto anger for no reason like that only hurts myself. It didn't hurt him that I still hated him after all that time. I mean, it's not something I ever thought about unless I heard his name, but still, I can't think of anything less worth the energy. Now I have the opposite reaction when I hear his name; it just makes me smile to myself like an inside joke.

So that's one example of things that are better to forget. Thanks for reading and blogging with me this month everyone. I appreciate you all!

I'm not the way that you found me
I'm neither here nor there
One day I'm happy and healthy
Next I ain't doing so well

July 30, 2014 at 12:53pm
July 30, 2014 at 12:53pm
Artist: Radiohead
Album: The Bends
Song: My Iron Lung
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July 30, 2014 Prompt: Name 3 books that made your childhood a happier place.

I read a lot as a kid, but I don't remember a lot of the individual books I read. I would go to the library and get six books a week and finish them by the next Saturday. When you're ten though, you don't really pay attention to the names of the books you're reading. I do know that I would read anything by R.L. Stine. I still love all the Goosebumps and Fear Street books. They were perfect for the eight to twelve year old range. I still read the Fear Street ones after that and I have a bunch of them that I'm rereading right now. They're just quick, fun, and now nostalgic for me.

When I was really young, I liked the Berenstain Bears books. They were pretty popular when I was in elementary school and my teachers would read them to us in class. They had them in the library too and I'd read them there. I wonder if they're still popular in elementary schools. They were so old when we had them in my school. I grew out of those pretty fast of course, but I have a place for them in my heart because they got me reading at such a young age.

Finally, I'm going to go with anything by Shel Silverstein. So much respect for that guy. I read all his poetry books as a kid and loved them. I read them again as an adult and saw all these new things that I didn't "get" as a child. It was awesome to see things from two completely different perspectives.

*Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle*

July 30, 2014 Prompt: What is your favorite month or months of the year? Write a myth about it.

October is my favorite month because it's good luck. I wouldn't even call that a myth, it's a fact! I've always had good luck in October. I met my wife in the month October, then we got married in October. The leaves are changing colors and falling. It's a month where anything is possible and surprises are around every corner. It also has my favorite holiday, which is Halloween.

I love Halloween because I'm all about anything horror. When I was younger, I liked dressing up and running around town collecting candy like a little Cookie Monster. I have a lot of good memories of October in general. Going to state parks and seeing the fall scenery was always my favorite time of year. If I ever want to try something, I'll try it in October because good luck.

*Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle* *Recycle*

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July 30, 2014 Prompt: Forgetting Pt. 2

Well, we got clarification about the 30DBC serial prompt today. I'm still going with the forgetting theme because I've already started it. I must finish! Today I'm going to talk about things forgotten and specifically the worst thing I've ever forgotten.

I typically have a decent memory, but we all make mistakes. I might have told this story before but, here it goes anyway. I used to live with a girl who was crazy. I know it's not nice to say that about people, but she was crazy, I swear it! She was one of those girls that would ask questions that didn't have good answers. Or if I told her she looked beautiful today, she'd snap her head around like a monster and scream, "Oh, so I don't normally look beautiful? *Angry*" and I'd spend the rest of the day apologizing.

Anyway, just setting the relationship up for you because I forgot her birthday. It was just a normal day, or so I thought. I woke up late, had a coffee, had a smoke, and went to my friend's house. She was still sleeping when I left, no big deal, it was a typical day for us. I got a call around six or seven and it was her asking when I was going to be home. Stupid me said, "Why, you wanna do something?" She's like, "Well, I thought we'd go out to dinner or something." I still wasn't picking up what she was putting down. I agreed to come home and go out to dinner, but I had no idea why we were going out to eat. We never did, so it should have been obvious that something was up. You would think I'd look at a calendar.

We're sitting at this nice Italian restaurant and she's all dressed up while I'm wearing ripped up jeans and a tee shirt thinking, Is she about to propose to me? We get our food and we're eating in dead silence. I can see her shooting daggers at me across the table and I'm just sitting there, waiting anxiously to figure out what I've done wrong this time. She looks over and sees this couple at the table next to us. The guy had brought his girl flowers and she starts complaining that I never do anything nice for her. It's actually pretty funny because the guy was most likely apologizing for something stupid he did, like forgetting his girl's birthday.

I was trying to move past it, but she was just sitting there like a petulant child with her arms crossed and refused to eat anything. It was so awkward. When she saw that I just kept eating and wasn't paying attention to her, she freaked out and started screaming at me. She jumped up and was airing out all our dirty laundry and everyone around us was staring in shock. I couldn't get her to calm down, she was completely losing her shit. Finally, she knocked her glass of water off of her table and stomped out of the room.

Then I had to awkwardly try to get the bill and pay it while everyone stared at me like I was a huge jerk. They were like, shaking their heads and whispering to each other. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I finally figured out, the next day, that I had forgotten her birthday. It took that long for her to tell me what the real issue was. I don't really talk to her anymore, but occasionally she tries to get in contact. The last time I talked to her was last year and she seriously brought up that one time I forgot her birthday. This was like, four years earlier and she was still upset about it.

TL;DR: Don't ever forget a girl's birthday.

We're too young to fall asleep
Too cynical to speak

July 28, 2014 at 1:34pm
July 28, 2014 at 1:34pm
Artist: Compulsive Gamblers
Album: Gamblin' Days Are Over
Song: Sour and Vicious Man
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July 28, 2014 Prompt: Ten things that you think make people interesting.

*Bullet* Sense of Humor This one is almost a must for me. I can get along with someone who doesn't have a good sense of humor, but it's hard.

*Bullet* Hobbies and Interests Ever met someone who doesn't have any hobbies? Can't relate to someone who wakes up, goes to work, comes home, eats dinner, goes to bed. Rinse, wash, repeat.

*Bullet*Music This one is such a personal preference, I doubt many people would think about it. I'm so into music that I get alone really well with others that love music, too.

*Bullet*Experiences There's nothing more interesting than hearing about "That one time when..." In my opinion, anyway. I love to hear awesome stories.

*Bullet*Adventure It's fun to be spontaneous and do things on a whim. It keeps things interesting. I love the person that's willing to do something "just because".

*Bullet*Chill Out, Eeyore We all have down days when we're just in a bad mood. I get it. It happens to all of us. But I can't stand it when people are always down in the dumps. It's boring and lame. (Excluding people who suffer from mental disorders here.) But you know the type who just always has something negative to say about something you're happy about. Quit killing my buzz, Eeyore.

*Bullet*Opinions Yup, I know, everyone has them. I love opinions. I love different opinions and when they're spoken with tact at the right time, they can lead to awesome, fun discussions.

*Bullet*Passion We're not robots, so why act like it? Passion and emotion are always interesting.

*Bullet*Charisma This is one of those difficult things because not everyone can be charismatic. It's almost like you have it or you don't, but we all like someone who does.

*Bullet*Empathy and Sympathy Nothing is a bigger turn off than when someone refuses to try to empathize or sympathize with others. Even everything I've said here has exceptions. There's nothing worse than seeing someone be completely insensitive to the feelings of others. It makes me cringe.


July 28, 2014 Prompt: "The serene philosophy of the pink rose is steadying. Its fragrant, delicate petals open fully and are ready to fall, without regret or disillusion, after only a day in the sun. It is so every summer. One can almost hear their pink, fragrant murmur as they settle down upon the grass: 'Summer, summer, it will always be summer.'" - Rachel Peden What is your serene philosophy? or What is summer to you? Chose the question you like best or answer both of them whichever you like.

Well, I couldn't be so poetic! That's a nice quote though. I'm going to answer the second question, because I can't think of my own serene philosophy, I'd have to think on that one for a while. I do love summer though and pretty much everything that goes along with it.

Summer to me is when you can go outside in a tee shirt and shorts and be completely comfortable. I hate the feeling of being cold; it's my biggest problem with winter. I don't like that clenching feeling you get in your stomach. I don't like the way it settles into your bones. It's painful to me. I like being able to hang out outside and be comfortable. It has to be very hot before I get uncomfortable in the heat. I'm good up until about 85 degrees fahrenheit. Any hotter than that and it's too much. I'm weird with temperature though. I'd rather it be 80 degrees than 45 degrees, but I'd rather it be 20 degrees than ninety degrees. Too hot makes me nauseated.

I like the feeling of the sun warming up my skin. Can you tell I'm upset that August is almost here? Where does the summer go? I swear, the winter lasts for ten months and summer is only two. *Laugh*


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July 28, 2014 Prompt: Tell and share something about your kiss.


This is a funny prompt. It reminds me of something that would have been on MySpace in 2005. *Laugh*

*Bullet* Kiss on the Forehead: This is like a protective kiss to me. You're usually standing over the girl (if you're taller than her) and you have to lean down to kiss her forehead. It's a "you're mine" kind of kiss.

*Bullet*Kiss on the Cheek: You're probably a family member and we're greeting each other or saying goodbye. I don't really kiss girls I'm into on the cheek.

*Bullet*Kiss on the Hand: Pretty much what the link said for the one. "You own me" kind of kiss.

*Bullet*Kiss on the Neck: Shit's about to get X-rated.

*Bullet*Kiss on the shoulder: A comforting kiss, like, "I'm here, you're okay."

*Bullet*Kiss on the lips: This one is for everything else. "I'm into you." "I love you." "You look hot." It's like an all-encompassing one.

I don't know. I was never the "makeout for hours" type of guy. Call me a jerk, but it's like, "Cool, can we move this along now?" My friends used to makeout for like two hours straight. That's just weird to me. At some point it'll either progress or you'll stop and have a beer. Don't you have trouble breathing after twenty minutes? *Laugh*

My belly was full of wine
I was not in a stable mind
Well, nine cups you filled
Though some of it spilled
It still did the job more than fine

July 27, 2014 at 12:05pm
July 27, 2014 at 12:05pm
Artist: MGMT
Album: Oracular Spectacular
Song: Weekend Wars
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July 27, 2014 Prompt: Choose any blog entry from your fellow bloggers here in WDC or outside that you think resonates. Share to us one of your own blog posts that you think stands out this week.

Well, it's that time of week again. Time to reflect on our favorite posts from our fellow bloggers. I'm overcome with joy at this task. I can't contain the pleasure I get from choosing a favorite entry each week. Can you tell that I'm bubbling with excitement? It's pumping through my veins. I'm going to have to do some jumping jacks before I get started because the enthusiasm is too much to hold in.

Okay, I'm done being a jerk about it. *Laugh* But, really, you guys know I can't just pick one entry every week, so here were some of my favorites this week:

         *Xr* I'm going to start with Neva's entry, "A Red Carpet Gathering on Wacky Wednesday by Prosperous Snow celebrating for the wardrobe malfunction prompt. I have mad respect for someone who can combine three entries into a neat little box for us.

         *Xr* I had two favorite entries for the writers on drugs vs. athletes on drugs prompt. They were Dana's entry, "Invalid Entry by {suser_id:} and Norb's entry, "This one's about standards, any trait, and history. by Fivesixer . For Dana's, I felt like she raised an awesome point when she said that just because one person does drugs and writes an awesome book, it doesn't mean a sober person's book has to fail because another succeeded. On Norb's, I felt like he broke it down really well into separate categories and explained his points clearly. I liked that they both mentioned that there are no drugs that are scientifically proven to improve writing skills.

I'm not going to lie, that prompt was a little bit sensitive to me, and that's my problem, not anyone else's. I enjoyed reading the entries from different perspectives, but some of the responses surprised me. I was surprised to see that some people felt like an artist doing drugs was almost "cheating" the same way an athlete on performance enhancing drugs would be. It just made me laugh when I think about all the times I want to write something, but I can't get myself to even sit up in bed and grab a pen and paper. I think of all the times I have an idea to write about, but I'm just too sick to move and by the time I get well again, that spark is long gone.

I know it's just different perspectives on the subject, but it did throw me for a bit of a loop that people felt that way. That's okay though, we all get thrown around a little bit sometimes.Which brings me to my favorite entry of my own this week for the same prompt, "Invalid Entry. I just felt like it was the one I was most passionate about. I had a personal connection to it and I learned a lot about different people's views on the subject that day. I think any time we're passionately writing an entry, it's going to be one of our personal favorites because we have an emotional stake in it.

That about wraps up the week for me. Have a nice Sunday. *Peace2*

Was I?
I was too lazy to bathe
Or paint or write or try to make a change
Now I can shoot a gun to kill my lunch
And I don't have to love or think too much

July 26, 2014 at 1:43pm
July 26, 2014 at 1:43pm
Artist: The Rolling Stones
Album: Exile on Main St.
Song: Rocks Off
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Terrible hangover, so bear with me and we'll get through this.

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July 26, 2014 Prompt: I'm new to blogging. What pointers would you give me to become a good blogger.? Do you think pictures are important in a blog? Music? Links to information?

I think the most important part of being a good blogger is doing your own thing. If you're into music and can easily think of a different song to add to your entry every day, go for it, if you want to. I think certain things will add to your entries and tie everything together. Poetry, quotes, music, images, links... It's all good in my book. I mean, I wouldn't overload every single entry with all of those things, but I think they're nice in moderation.

Blogging is one of those things that you have to do naturally. If you force yourself to do something that you don't really want to do, it's going to take a long time and not be as enjoyable. I'd say just do whatever feels comfortable. I will add that I like when people provide links to articles that they're referring to. Like when they're saying they read a webpage or article and then they talk about it for the next few paragraphs, it's nice for the reader to be able to see it as well.

*Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace*

July 26, 2014 Prompt: Pick any song or group of songs that you enjoy and use several lyric lines to tell a story about you. It can be comical or serious. However, don't tell us the song or who sang it. Let's see who guesses right.

Man, this prompt isn't boding well for me today and it's such a good one, too. I'll just tell you about my night and we'll see if anyone can guess the song. It's just one song.

My friend and I got into a fight Monday, but he called the next day or the day after and told me he was having a party Friday night and asked if I wanted to go. So I agreed. I didn't feel like fighting anymore. I could tell he was still mad and he was telling me all these things I should/shouldn't do. I was like, "Whatever, I've tried to do all those things the best I can." We've been friends too long to let a little argument get between us.

I went to his house at ten-thirty or eleven and the neighbors were already standing out on their porch complaining as I went inside. I let my friend know and he's like, "I don't care what the neighbors say." I figured they might call the cops if we didn't keep things down, but they must have just gone to bed because I looked out again later and all their lights were off and they were inside.

Everyone was drinking and you know I had my share. I hate that point when you get too drunk and you're just thinking, man, I sure do wish I was at home. In the days of my youth, I would get drunk at night and go to school at seven the next morning still drunk. It never bothered me then. Now I've reached that age where I'm wishing I didn't drink about halfway though. *Laugh* But we were still all having a good time.

It picked up after a while though. I got to catch up with some friends I hadn't seen in a while, and that was cool. One of the girls I had worked with when I first moved here was there and we started talking. She was all down and out because I guess she just ended her relationship and moved out of her boyfriend's house this week. I was trying to relate like, "I know what it means to be alone." But she's one of those people that starts getting emotional when she drinks, so she started crying.

My friend came over and was being kind of insensitive to the situation. He's a rather boisterous drunk, so I had to get him outside to smoke with me just so he'd stop being obnoxious with her about it. We started having a heart-to-heart conversation and I was trying to get him to see why he shouldn't be a dick to people when they're upset like that. He's just like, "Well, I still don't seem to care." I guess some people will never learn, but it was a fine night overall.

I used eight lines from the song. That's a basic summary of my night, forced dialogue in lieu of the prompt and all.

*Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace* *Peace*

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July 26, 2014 Prompt: How do you spend your first $1M?

My first one mil? You mean there's more underneath? I want to say I'd do something super financially savvy with it, but I think we all know that would be a lie. I'd probably buy a log cabin in Maine and live out the rest of my days writing and doing drugs. That's the dream. I mean, one million isn't even that much. I always laugh when people act like one mil is an endless amount of money like, "Yeah, I'm gonna buy a beach house in California and a Porsche. Then I'm gonna take a year off work and travel around the world and go back to school until I get a doctorate." It's like, yo, you were over budget with the California beach house.

So, I'd keep working and all that. The only thing that would change is that I'd get a decent house. I'd keep doing all the things I do now, but I wouldn't be in an apartment anymore. That would be cool. I mean, people don't really bug me with apartment living usually, but I've had some pretty terrible neighbors. But, like, my bad neighbors aren't like other people's bad neighbors. The bad ones to me are the ones that wake up for work at 4:30 in the morning and blare their TV/slam cabinets until they leave for work at seven. 4:30 until 7 are my guaranteed sleeping times. I'm usually done from about three in the morning until at least nine or ten.

But I think I could get a pretty awesome house for $1M and that's all I'd really want. I can keep doing everything else the same way and feel good about it. I just realize how uncreative this response was on Creative Saturday. Damn.

And, I guess that's it. My entry sucks today. Oh well. At least I can go sleep it off now. *Thumbsup*

I'm zipping through the days at lightning speed
Plug in, flush out and fire the fucking feed

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