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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1071335
WARNING...You Are About To Enter Into ~ MY Thoughts...
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All I really care to be in life is 'contributing'.

A special THANK YOU! to all who have contributed to mine here at WDC.

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For support and encouragement of friends in need.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** C.L. Hanna ~ Lottie *Heart*

REMINDER: Everyday that you can wake up free, it's going to be a great day!

Find Me Here Also:http://www.clhanna.com ~ Visit My Website

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September 30, 2006 at 6:55pm
September 30, 2006 at 6:55pm

I blogged through the month of September, failing to make a blog entry only three days out of the entire month. I made TWO entries on one day...so, technically, I only missed blogging TWICE...but, I won't argue the point.

It's hard to believe that September has come...and gone. Where did it go? I simply can not figure out how 30 days can pass so quickly!

In August, I was thinking that I had a month to do all of the trimming of the shrubs and the flowering crab-apple tree...that I had a month to get the 'winterization' of the house accomplished. I planned that I had a month until I would probably have to turn on the furnace. One month - until...

That month is officially gone...tonight...at midnight. One month is not a very long time.

If you had a month - just one month - left on this earth - what would you do? How important would the yard work be...or preparing the house for the winter cold?

I don't like to think about that. I don't like to think about how short a month is...and how little time I might have to accomplish this earthly life.

I do like to ponder eternity, though. I enjoy knowing that when this journey is over I am not finished. I like to think about the indescribable beauty of Heaven. I enjoy the idea of seeing the Glory of God...the unspeakable joy and unimaginable peace. It's a wonderful feeling to know that the good my mind can not conceive - will be unending.

Though it has been said that "all good things must come to an end"... The End - for the believer in Christ - is just the beginning.

..."30 days hath September, April, June and November...all the rest have 31...except for February - it goes on forever!
September 29, 2006 at 10:46pm
September 29, 2006 at 10:46pm
Have you ever wondered if you should do something, but thought that the timing was not right. Maybe you have used that thinking as an excuse, knowing full well that what you were contemplating could be done any time, really.

Sometimes it is best to act immediately, but it is also often wise to wait. Still, when it comes to accomplishing a thing, making a difference, taking a stand or making a right choice...the time is NOW.

I tried to come up with an idea for a blog this evening. Why I chose this particular topic, I'm not quite sure. Perhaps it was for you. Perhaps it was for me.

Someone once said, "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." I am not sure who to credit for this wisdom, but I would like to add what too many of us are thinking..."unless you can get away with it."

We humans can be very lazy. We can also rationalize away responsibility. It's important to note that the masters of procastination are often slaves to misery.

If you are considering a change - weigh the options; the pros and the cons. Timing can be everything. If, however, you are considering being a friend, contributing to your community, family, church, school or even thinking about running for office or casting your vote - the time is NOW.

Don't wait to say the words I love you. Don't hesitate to lend your support via words or a helping hand. Don't talk yourself out of being involved or having a voice. Go ahead and be a contributor. Make a difference.

If you are wondering ... The Time Is Now.

September 28, 2006 at 11:34am
September 28, 2006 at 11:34am
A movie entitiled "Facing The Giants" is scheduled to be released to public theaters tomorrow. The information behind this film is so interesting that I just had to share it with you, in case you have not heard the details.

The film was created and completed by a church. I do not know the name of the church...which is all the better. I don't feel it necessary to define the film by a denomination, and as I listened to the spokesmen for the film and church speak...I think they feel the same way.

But, the fact that NON-actors, members of that church, were the players, camera operators, and involved in just about every aspect of the creation and production of the film, is amazing to me. That it would be allowed to rise to the level of public attention it has - to the point of making it into the public theaters around the country - is even more amazing. No Hollywood hype by Hollywood producers and directors, stars or starlets...just ordinary church folk!

Here is the fact that stands out above all the others, however. This film which basically portrays the efforts of a very average high school football team and the personal struggles of a team coach, includes no nudity, no offensive language and no violence...yet, because it mentions Jesus Christ, prayer and other Christian principles...it was labeled as PG by the film rating system. A manditory PG rating was placed on this film, due to the amount of religious content.

It would seem that the potential dangers to viewers of films just can not be avoided. A film may just be too good, too nice, too clean, too inspirational...posing a threat to our ears, eyes and minds which have been so well-protected from anything evil, negative, violent or otherwise detrimental. *Confused*

Aside from the ludicrous notion that this film warranted a PG rating over a G rating, it's about time there is a true family-style film which (pardon the pun) tackles some of the issues we all face on a daily basis.

Overcoming is an all but lost art. Facing our 'giants' and meeting them head-on is a challenge, and giving up is the easy way out of any difficult situation. If this film lives up to it's promises...it will be a vehicle for inspiring both our young and old that the answer to life's biggest problems lies, not in quitting, but rather in charging forward, hanging on tight to faith. Not faith in ourselves, not faith in our fellow-man, but faith in the One Who can not and will not fail us.

Life is full of team-efforts. But, when it comes to crossing the goal-line or entering the end-zone...we will each do that alone and independent of anyone else. The 'end of the game' will come for each one of us, and when it does...it will be how we played the game and what we did with the 'ball' we were given to carry - not what the rest of the team did or did not do.

I hope that this film is as good as it seems it may be...as good as it should be...and most of all, I sincerely hope that it is as "full of religious content" as it can be - deserving of that PG rating!

Here's to the church and all of those who worked on this film...hope it's a "Touchdown!"
September 27, 2006 at 8:01pm
September 27, 2006 at 8:01pm
On this day, twenty-four years ago, I gave birth to a son. It was a lovely day.

His father and I could not help but notice, though, that he 'arrived angry'. He was bawling and red-faced and had that angry look.

He was angry in many of the photos we would take throughout the next few months. He was angry when I weaned him from my breast because he was able to drink from a cup. He was angry when he didn't get what he thought he should get for birthdays and Christmases. He was angry as a teen. He was an angry young man.

But, one lovely day...all of that began to change. One lovely day, Sonny Boy decided that he had been too angry. He decided that he had been doing things that were not beneficial to him or others. He changed.

One lovely day, Sonny Boy chose to believe that God loved him, Mom and Dad loved him, his big sister loved him and the world was really not such a bad place, afterall. He decided that he had been angry for too long...for no good reason.

Today, we celebrated Sonny Boy's birth. We celebrate, also, the fact that he is still with us; that drugs and alcohol did not get him. We celebrate that he has found a young lady to share love and dreams with. We celebrate the fact that God spared his life, recently, during a serious car accident. We celebrate the fact that he has found more reasons to be happy, than reasons to be angry.

It has been a lovely day!
September 26, 2006 at 9:56am
September 26, 2006 at 9:56am
Diversity. We pride ourselves in being a country full of different types of peoples, activities, jobs, life-styles, even religions. Yet, as much as diversity is publicized and the need for diversity supported in our nation...the truth is, their is a louder voice crying out in the wilderness which screams, "Think like me...Look like me...Act like me...Be like me!"

Every time I turn on the news it seems I find a person or group who wants 'things' their way.

But, what really gets to me are those who are supposedly proud of their differences - want special treatment which honors these differences - yet, don't want to be treated any differently than anyone else.

For instance...this morning I heard a woman of ethnicity speaking out against the suggestion of supplying proof of identity as citizens of this nation before being allowed to vote. Her argument is that many - not a few - many people are too poor to have a car, therefore they would not have any personal identification such as a Driver's License. Many are too poor to have jobs which require any form of I.D. Many are too poor to have a Library Card. Many were born so poor that there was no Birth Certificate completed. These were her words. She emphasized that these situations were the situations of MANY...and that those who did have forms of I.D....in fact, were members of the upper-class. To require voters to show I.D. would place an additional hard-ship on too many people.

I am not upper-class. My parents were not upper-class. Their parents were not upper-class. Going back well over 100 years...all of my family members had forms of personal I.D. They either had birth-certificates, served in the military, had driver's licenses or social security cards...or all of the above.

We are a land of diversity. Diverse backgrounds, diverse social status, diverse histories, diverse cultures, diverse languages - you name it, it exists in this great nation. On one hand, we invite and promote diversity...but, in truth, those who would celebrate the diversities also, often want everyone to be the same.

If one does not have some form of I.D. - I doubt that it has to do with income. There are very few activities in our society today, that do not require one to present a form of I.D. Many buildings can not be entered. Many modes of transportation can not be accessed. Checks can not be cashed and even renting an apartment or getting into a hospital, anymore, may require I.D.. This is the world we live in, today.

I could not help but think that this woman, who was a member of Congress, was saying that those who have made something of their lives, those who are able to pay their bills and own a car, are the minority *Confused* But, even more incredulous to me, was the notion that this country is such a difficult place, such a land of hardship, that many people have no way to acquire personal identification. And to prove what a horrible place this is to live...we are considering asking all of those who would like to have the privilege of voting to put men and women into leadership positions in our government to please present a form of I.D. at the polls. She says that this is just another form of discrimination. Another way of making it more difficult for those who are under-privileged to participate in the decision making process.

Please! Diversity in this nation - unfortunately - has caused the need for the very actions she is so against.

Because we have welcomed and allowed all types of peoples into this nation, we now have the problem of trying to protect ourselves against those who are bent on bringing harm to this nation. Because we are not all of the same mind, the same ideals and goals, we need some means of sorting the diverse crowd.

Those who support the need for diversity would surely be offended if we forced everyone to dress the same...talk the same...listen to the same music or read the same literature. We would recoil at the idea that all must worship the same, live in the same kind of houses and eat the same kinds of foods.

The easiest way, therefore, to help protect our diversity...is to simply ask for proof of your citizenship. You can look, speak, dress, live (within the laws of the land) however you choose. You can not participate in certain activities in ANY country these days, without the correct and necessary I.D.

Celebrating diversity becomes more restrained the moment chaos threatens. What may have once been referred to generically as 'differences' - becomes the unknown, the unrecognizable, the unidentifiable; the danger.

As much as we may agree that diversity benefits us all...we must agree that to preserve it may require us all to make some identical sacrifices.

September 24, 2006 at 4:17pm
September 24, 2006 at 4:17pm
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I am NOT bragging or patting myself on the back....but, honestly - it's a good thing that I prepared to co-ordinate yesterday's wedding event. I'm not sure how it would have come off, otherwise - but, I guarantee that it was a smoother, more enjoyable experience for those involved than it would have been if left to 'just happen'.

Since the musician (who was to play for the half hour before the ceremony and at key points during the ceremony) was NOT in attendance at the rehearsal the night before, I met with him to go over music cues and times. He was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and (I think) sandals. It took him quite awhile to be able to understand exactly what he was to do and when...even with the typed instruction sheet I supplied him...but, eventually we on the same page. About five minutes before he was to begin playing, I asked him if he needed to change - and that is when he told me that he had just gained 20 pounds in the past couple of months due to discovering that he had diabetes - so, he had no dress clothes which fit him. Yep, he was going up in front of 200 people to play classical guitar selections...in shorts and a T-shirt.

Oh well...he was a really nice kid. *Worry*

Next...came the seating. Or the lack thereof. The evening before, I suggested that there be extra chairs set up after finding out just how many guests were expected - and how many bodies the pews would probably accomodate. The bride said that they would set them up if needed - as guests arrived. I said - take it from me....you don't want the ushers to be trying to do that with people backing up at the doors. I told her that it would be easier to remove the chairs if found not needed than try to accomodate at the last moment...especially when there are usually last minute arrivals. She agreed and we set up the row of chairs at the back.

Well....the chairs were removed before I arrived yesterday. The mother of the bride had thought that they looked "tacky". I took a deep breath...tacky comes in various forms and though I felt it tackier to look as though guests were not expected - I checked to be sure that the chairs were at least close-by and easy to get to in a moment's notice.

It was becoming too warm. I found where the ceiling fan switch was located and had the fans turned on low. The church has air-conditioning...but it would have had to be on much sooner to have made a difference before the service was over.

I made sure that everyone knew where to be - everyone in the wedding party had a copy or access to the typewritten instructions which included times, etc. I had to keep telling those who should not be wondering around the small church to go to where they should be...but it wasn't out of control, like it would have been without someone in charge. What is it with ushers wondering around before the wedding like they are lost little boys? *Laugh*

The wedding went nicely. Near the end though, one of the elderly relatives seated near the back of the church became faint. He was helped out of the sanctuary...where he passed out. Apparently, his wife was able to make a call to a family member but the call was lost or something....so - the family member called the church. Just as the Bride and Groom kissed - YEP, YOU GUESSED IT ... Brrrrring!!!...the ring of the phone was heard. *Laugh*

Shortly thereafter, as the Bridal Party was receiving the guests...sirens could be heard - vehicles with flashing lights arrived...family members of the man who had fainted arrived...all kinds of people were rushing to aid the man, who was now alert and sitting up. He was soon brought out on a gurney and taken to the hospital via ambulance. It was quite the ending to the wedding!

Anyway...I really enjoyed helping in this way - and I really think that it did help...but, ultimately - there are just some things we will never be able to control. They are called Weddings! *Wink*


September 23, 2006 at 12:20pm
September 23, 2006 at 12:20pm
So...I think that this will be Wedding Number Four today...

The rehearsal dinner last evening was more fun than I had expected it to be...lots of laughs - good food and conversation.

I will actually be "co-ordinating" at this one...a last minute deal which came about as the mother of the bride realized that she was overwelmed and exhausted.

NOT TO WORRY! I am excited to help out!

Hubby wrote the bride and groom a song and will perform it...I will make sure that all goes smoothly behind the scenes...and then I hear that the country club is offering up an extremely delicious fare ! YAHOO!

Okay, I am going to go prepare our clothing and my check list for the wedding.

Happy Saturday to all of you!
September 22, 2006 at 11:45am
September 22, 2006 at 11:45am
I thought that I should perhaps expound on the entry I made last night...hence, this brief entry.

I am pretty sure that the reason for these attachments - which were not from any recognizable source such as other writers or moderators here on WDC - is because I joined a group which is not part of WDC and gave my Writing.Com blog address as part of my information. Thinking this may not have been wise, I quickly went back to the site...erased that piece of 'sign-up' info. and hopefully this will solve the problem.

I should have investigated a little more thoroughly before blogging on the subject - but, better safe than sorry. Better to bring a warning and perhaps protect the good of all.

As others have so noted...not all attachments need be feared when in your WDC email...but, all should be expected or, at the very least, from identifiable sources with which you are comfortable before you open them.

P.S. Just got another one...so, unfortunately it hasn't helped as of now
September 21, 2006 at 10:05pm
September 21, 2006 at 10:05pm
I just found several attachments in my WDC email ... thankfully, we have been forewarned by our Master and Mistress here to NEVER open any attachments.

I thought that I would just reinforce the warning - for those who may not have seen it. WDC moderators will never send us anything in the form of attachments...and attachments may have viruses involved.


Now...to those who may be sending "problems" to writers on Writing.Com...QUIT!
We don't need any of the "spam" you are offering - or any "computer illnesses" you are trying to pass along.

We are WRITERS...we have enough problems of our own already! *Laugh*

GoodNight, Dear Ones!
September 20, 2006 at 12:54pm
September 20, 2006 at 12:54pm
We need morals. For anyone who would argue this fact, consider what sorrows have beset us as a direct result of the "anything goes" mentality which has managed to invade our culture.

"Anything goes" is a ludicrous, dangerous, thoughtless, disrespectful, poisonous, deadly way to live.

"It's my life" is an immature, irresponsible, delusional lie.

For far too long now, freedom has been misrepresented as reason for the "anything goes" and "it's my life" mentality. It is not freedom to lack self-control. It is bondage, for when there are no self-imposed boundaries, laws and rules will be imposed by others in an effort to curb the inevitable, ugly consequences. Unfortunately, it is too often true that human beings must be protected from themselves.

I was a teenager during the time labeled the "Me Generation". It was an extremely selfish time. Terms, such as "free love", "let it all hang loose" and "if it feels good...do it!", were coined during the late 1960's and 1970's. The ideals of the nation were being openly mocked and questioned. Young people were scarred by a war for which no one could provide adequate explanation. Out of anger, fear and confusion came rioting in the streets and anti-war protests. But, something else came out of this troubled time in history...a fervent attempt to annihilate any existing moral code which had, here-to-fore, tempered the actions of us all. No longer considered to be the deplorable acts of only a few, drug use and sexual exploitation exploded onto the scene. Parties for the express purposes of becoming stoned and swapping partners, were hosted by the rich and famous as well as the down-and-outers.

Before this tragic era, those who did not stand up for their country were looked upon, unfavorably, as dissentient. Believe it or not, living together was not acceptable. It was wrong and abnormal to have multiple sexual partners. Prior to the 1960's, marriage was still a highly treasured achievement. It was still considered reason to mourn when a marriage ended in divorce. It was actually termed a "failed marriage"... not a reason to celebrate and move on to the next conquest. The term "Hollywood-Types", referred to those who were unseemly, who practiced little or no self-control. They were not looked to as the spokesmen for morality. Drugs were linked to criminals and those who were considered disreputable. It was not considered a disease to be addicted...it was considered a weakness of character.

Of course, there was true progress made during the 20th century. But throwing out the moral and ethical codes of our civilization was not part of the advancement.

Yes, we must guard our freedoms. That is why we fight wars against terrorists who would threaten our democracy. But the real battle, the bigger threat to our freedom, continues - seemingly without notice - within our nation. It is at levels which are unmanageable and probably, impossible to reverse. It is killing the very heart, the innocence and the future of this present generation and it affects us all.

The Cure has been available for centuries, but so despised and unaccepted in the past few decades, that it has all but been brought to an illegal status, itself. The absurdity of this notion, has instead become the acceptable position of many men and women. Fighting against that which could save us, we continue our downward spiral to an ever-sinking level of debasement. All the while, either in denial or sincerely ignorant of the cancer which is destroying us, it is allowed to grow. We are either lacking in ability or dead to our conscience, for there is not even a good fight being offered.

The real National Treasure should be our citizens. Especially, our young people - the future of this nation. But this treasure is being whored away.

Pornography on the INTERNET is out of control. Young men and girls are giving away their bodies via nude photos and committing actions via web-cams, the likes of which could only be viewed in times past by paying to enter a dark underworld, hidden away for fear of prosecution. Not so in our progressive, liberated society, today. What is being offered by mere girls on such sites as MySpace and others, is beneath even that of professional prostitutes, because prostitutes wouldn't think of doing such things for FREE.

What is going on across this nation, in the form of sexual perversion, is no longer taking place in 'shady dens of iniquity somewhere on the outskirts of town', between men and women. These scenes which depict everything imaginable - as well as unimaginable - are being participated in and being viewed by high-school girls and boys in their average and above-average income homes. The 'actors' are not Hollywood-Types...they are OUR children. They are OUR college students. They are OUR future! And they are being whored away every day and night - online - across this nation.

Yes...something has happened to stir my anger and frustration which caused me to write about this heinous activity via the INTERNET. Yes, I was awakened to a reality that until now, I had chosen to ignore. Yes, I am to blame as much as anyone else for burying my head in the sand. For that, for being unconcerned, I sincerely apologize. I truly did not know how bad the conditions are. I did not want to know. But, now that I do...I am heartbroken.

My generation wanted all of the freedom FROM restraint that they could get. Now that restraint is hard to find...chaos and anarchy laugh in our faces and blatantly exercise their voices.

Perversion of any type can bring an end to a society. We now boast perversions of every type in this society. To ignore what those of all ages and social status are promoting, participating in, and permitting to continue, via the INTERNET, is to basically deny ourselves a future. Destruction of morals and ethics ensures our destruction as a society and nation, as well.

You can't give away your innocence and expect to suffer no consequences. You can't permit a lack of concern for the collective welfare of a group and expect that it will survive. You can't grant freedom FROM rules and freedom FROM personal responsibility and expect to maintain the very FREEDOM you feared would be lost.

Innocence is gone. The meaning of love has been destroyed. Sex is the new team sport. Drugs and alcohol are the choices to escape any conscience which threatens to remain. Nothing is treasured. Everything is disposable - including people. And yet, to many, the true terrorists are those who offer Jesus Christ as the solution to this suicide course we seem bent on following.

When human dignity is whored away and there is no self-respect to be found; when we awake one day to find that we are completely at the mercy of those who are devoid of human emotions and feelings because they have been de-sensitized to any hint of morality - then, maybe we will wish we had not kept our ears and eyes and mouths shut.

My heart is broken, because at this very moment, somewhere in this nation, a fourteen year old girl is thinking so little of herself that she is willing to whore her treasure away via the INTERNET. For whatever reasons, she will pose before a camera in her bedroom and show - to the world - what should be precious to her, respected and sacred. She will give it away, freely, to whatever peering, perverted, stalking, creeps may be surfing the NET. Because it is available, a young boy will begin his shameful journey into pornographic addiction. Both will end up hurt in ways that they may not have imagined. The effects will leave them, as well as the rest of us, deeply scarred.

My heart is broken.

September 19, 2006 at 11:12am
September 19, 2006 at 11:12am
Yesterday was the 26th anniversary of my father's sudden death. The day before yesterday, would have been my parent's 51st wedding anniversary.

Sunday caused me to think about where all the years have gone...and Monday reminded me of just how little time my mother had with my father.

Hubby and I will celebrate 32 years of marriage on October 11th. We have been married longer than my parents were. It seems strange to me to think of my mother as three years younger than I am ... suddenly a widow with a nine-year old and an eighteen year old still at home and dependent on her. My brother had just graduated high school about three months before. My little sister had just entered the third grade.

I remember that one of the most difficult 'changes' my father's death brought about for my mother...was that everyday around 3:00PM - he was no longer coming home. One of the first things that my mother seemed to quit doing...was making the evening meal. It wasn't all of a sudden, just little by little. She was working part-time and meals seemed to take on a different 'mood'. They were, I suppose you could say, merely necessary. They were no longer planned and centered around welcoming someone home or sending someone off. Cooking was not as much fun.

Grocery shopping had always been a joint effort between my parents. I never knew my mother to go alone to the grocery store. Dad was always getting into trouble for sneaking things into the cart that were NOT on Mom's list. She can still make a buck go further than most people...and that grocery tab was tightly restrained, except for Dad's surprise purchases - discovered only as they were checking out. He would get the 'evil eye' - but of course he was never denied his selections.

Dining out was rare when Dad was alive. Pre-packaged foods were rare, as well. My mother baked all of our bread, except for a couple of loaves she would purchase for toast. Her bread was just too 'thick' for the toaster. She also did a lot of canning. That was the other thing that changed - there was never again the huge garden with all of the wonderful fresh vegetables that she and Dad worked together. She did a few tomato plants for a few years after Dad's death, I think, but that was about it. She continues to make jellies each year. A few jars of elderberry, choke-cherry, apple, crab-apple, blackberry and such, are usually on her cellar shelves.

Through all of the changes which came her way as a result of losing her husband too soon and too young, my mother never waivered in her faith in God, or in her own positive attitude toward her life. She has always seemed to take life as it has come to her and made the best of it. She may have her 'rough moments' but that is all they are...just moments. She doesn't wallow around in self-pity or any other negative attitudes...she simply does not have the time.

Two years after my father's death, Mom's own father died, suddenly. He was the age that Mom will be in February. Since then, she has doted on her mother...and Grandma has not made that an easy job! Grandma is rather demanding. Grandma gets jealous of Mom's time and attention. Mom has been a devoted care-giver to a number of older area residents. She has the biggest Servant's Heart of anyone I have ever known.

When she is not taking care of another's needs...she is bowling or doing yard work or attending church functions. The past couple of years, she has lost many of her close friends to cancer and other diseases. She has attended to many of those friends during their final days.

Most people will never know about my mother...but, God knows. God has seen each quiet deed that she has been doing in her community and beyond. Even before I was born, my mother cared for others in their times of need. She has learned what most will never know...that by doing for others and giving of yourself - you remain alive and healthy...emotionally, mentally and even physically.

Yesterdays were sweet, but they were not what today is. Today, will be yesterday, tomorrow. Maybe that is why it is so important to make each day count...because, yesterday will always be what our memories are made of...and tomorrow will always be full of possibilities...but, TODAY is what determines how we remember - as well as how we handle whatever comes our way.

This seems to be what Mom has learned and what she has taught me. Thanks, Mom!
September 18, 2006 at 6:23pm
September 18, 2006 at 6:23pm
Come on, Mexico. You are just angry at the U.S. Sure, you are mad at us for telling you to keep your citizens under control and you are unhappy that there are those who are trying to prevent your people from entering our country illegally. But, really...do you have to kick The Dog?

Duane "Dog" Chapman got a bad guy off the streets in Mexico. He ended the era of a notorious, wealthy, rapist...put an end to his perverted party...and helped to put the criminal where he belongs, behind bars for over a hundred years. The spoiled brat, Max Factor heir was not just jumping bail...he was a convicted criminal on the run!

Now, three years after the fact, Mexico wants the Dog behind bars for catching this thug on Mexican soil. Apparently, "Bounty-Hunting" is akin to kidnapping in Mexico...and raping is just - well, never mind what raping may be...catching a criminal is WORSE! *Confused*

You know...you really shouldn't kick The Dog when you are mad. It's not The Dog's fault that illegal aliens are constantly trying to live in the United States and hold jobs here. It's not The Dog's fault that according to a recent study by the U.S. Naturalization and Immigration service, as least 275,000 illegal immigrants will enter the United States this year. Mexico and the U.S. can not agree on this issue nor many others. It's not The Dog's fault that the trips of literally hundreds of so-called "mules," illegal aliens carrying drugs and attempting to enter the United States, are reportedly facilitated each week by the Mexican drug cartels. They are allegedly provided with vehicles, fraudulent identification papers, and information about the best points of entry.

Quit kicking The Dog!

The Dog should be rewarded for what he was able to accomplish and the United States should honor him for getting that creep who must not have liked the taste of the silver spoon he had in his mouth when he was born!

The FBI couldn't do it. Mexico would not have done it.

Leave The Dog alone!
September 17, 2006 at 9:20pm
September 17, 2006 at 9:20pm
Yep...a second entry to summarize my day. But this is an incredibly heart-warming story that I just had to share.

Hubby and I were so bored this afternoon...and it was such a lovely day, sunny and just the perfect temperature. We decided to take a Sunday Afternoon Drive. It was enjoyable and the area countryside was picturesque.

We had not realized that we had been on the road for almost two hours, when we decided to take a chance on a completely unfamiliar back road near a river. It wasn't long before it became a single lane - and we are talking brush rubbing the car on both sides as we went - path, basically. There was absolutely no room to turn the vehicle around...and I asked, "What happens if a vehicle approaches from the other direction?" Because ONE OF US would have to back up - I'm not even kidding! It was a straight up hillside on the driver's side and a ditch full of water with solid woods to the passenger side.

We went that way for about 2 miles...then there was a wider dirt road to the left which continued to climb the mountainside, but was wide enough for two vehicles at least. It was a much better road and in about five minutes...we were actually back in 'civilization', and coming to a T with a main route. About 13 miles later...we were hungry.

We found a Perkins Restaurant open and were soon seated with menus. As we waited for someone to take our orders, I mentioned to Hubby how I just felt "lost" so much of the time - that the kids are grown and I had looked forward to this time in our lives, but now that it's here...I can't quite figure out what to do with myself. I seem to stay cooped up inside my house and just feel that I need to be doing something with more purpose. Hubby said that it just seems like yesterday that it was 1970...how, he remembered the New Year's eve that it turned from 1969 to 1970 and where he was and how that was such a big deal to him and his young friends. We agreed that the years had passed WAY to fast - and I said that this is what caused me to battle depression...that EVERY day I have to wake up and tell myself all of the reasons to not be sad...because I keep feeling that there has to be more to this stage of my life than just watching the days fly by!

Almost FIFTEEN minutes passed before we were approached by a guy in his late 30s (I'm guessing) who asked if he could take our orders. He was very personable and eager to please. When Hubby told him that he could not eat salads...he told Hubby that he could get him green beans, instead...even though they weren't supposed to substitue, he could do it - no problem.

We waited another fifteen minutes or so for our food. Hubby had ordered fish which had been fried to a very HARD crispiness. Hubby couldn't eat it...mentioned to the waiter that it was over cooked and the waiter said that he could tell and would go back and "put the fish in" himself. He whispered to us that they had a 'cook-in-training' on board tonight and on top of that they were short staffed. In about 7 or 8 minutes, he was back with much better looking fish...but he was NOT FINISHED. He told us that it had been too long that we waited for service and that the fish had not been right...so he'd spoken with his manager and was approved to give us our choice of pie without charge...and we could have it to go, if we'd like.

When he brought the pie, individually bagged for us, conversation ensued. Before we knew it...we were all three sharing about what the Lord had done in our lives...about how he - Tom - is fighting depression but that he knows that God is helping him...how he was doing this as a second job for additional income and how he'd hired on in the hopes of becoming a cook, but that the manager thought that his people skills were such, that she wanted him to wait the tables, instead.

I told him that I could see how he "served" people. That it is rare to find someone who sincerely wanted the customer to have a great experience while dining and be satisfied. He was so shocked...he said that was really something, because he had wanted to be a cook so he could be "hidden away" from the people back in the kitchen...but when he was forced to wait tables instead, he had found that he wasn't able to stay depressed because he had to concern himself with meeting the people's needs. ***Of course the entire conversation was much longer and more involved than this...but I don't want to write a novella here and you didn't want to read one***

It was an amazing time. My need was met - in the fact that I felt that I was contributing to his life - and he was encouraged. Hubby and I were in the right place at the right time...for our sakes and for the sake of this young man...and all to the glory of the Lord. Now that's how I love to spend a Sunday! Actually, that is how I desire to spend EVERY day. To me...there is no greater satisfaction.

We left Tom better than we had found him (it had been a very busy, rough day for the Perkins employees) and we tipped him very nicely. Just to add an extra blessing to his day.

September 17, 2006 at 10:25am
September 17, 2006 at 10:25am
It is still early yet...but I just wanted to let everyone know that little "Feral Kitty" has been back each morning for her breakfast. *Smile* I enjoy 'expecting' her and I know that she is enjoying the food and my company...so - all's good that ends good!

Since the day has just begun...but my mind is still trying to get started, I will come back later with anything that may be of interest.

Blessings on your day!
September 16, 2006 at 8:44am
September 16, 2006 at 8:44am
I am up and at my keyboard early...to take care of a little blog entry before any more of you tell me how wonderful I am! I am a failure of sorts.

Last evening, the little feral kitty began to mew as it grew dark outside. She allowed me to hold her for a little while...but not long. She then began to roam the house. Since she did not have any concept of a litter box (she had enjoyed lounging and playing with the beans and shredded newspaper in the temporary one I'd provided her) I was concerned that she may be looking for a 'potty spot'.

She grew more and more restless as the evening progressed...as did Hubby. You see, Hubby decided to voice his opinion on the whole "feral kitty effort" around 7PM last night. He did not want a cat...he said he had only tolerated the one cat we had a few years back, but never really liked having it inside the house...and he really, really did NOT want to pay for a Vet visit for this kitty.


After Hubby's confession, I wasn't sure that I could take the blame if Kitty decided to make smelly potty spots throughout the night, or destroyed something out of anxiousness which may escalate throughout the night...cats, especially wild cats, tend to be more active at night. I just didn't have the support that makes for such an effort.

I decided to let the kitty make her own choice in the matter. I opened the back door and waited to see what she would choose.

She did not run - she lingered. She even came back inside a couple of times. But, after a few minutes, she went a little farther out into the darkness. I followed her and when I reached out to pet her, she let me. Then, she scampered off in the direction of where she and her 'family' often hang out...under a neighbor's porch.

She's not afraid of me. She didn't seem to mind being inside. She just became increasingly restless as darkness fell. She loved to be petted. She didn't even mind being held.

So, I feel that she will be back at my back door, soon. We will continue to have a relationship.

I just had to confess to all of you that the Feral Kitty Effort had failed...that I am NOT the wonderful rescuer, after all. But I did have it in my heart to be one, if that counts...?...*Frown*
September 15, 2006 at 12:46pm
September 15, 2006 at 12:46pm
chalaedra would be proud of me!

Today, I managed to finally subdue a feral kitty. I was able to do this with out a trap of any sort. I just opened my back door when I saw it on my back steps. I placed some tid-bits nearby...of course, being hungry, it gladly partook. After about ten minutes...it made it's way inside far enough and was calm enough that it barely noticed as I closed the door behind it.

It's many brothers and sisters had gathered just before I closed the door...and they peered through the glass at the the 'captured one' who continued to satisfy it's belly. Eventually, it became curious as to why it could see the others outside and could not get to them...but, it has not become spastic or hysterical - and it has been the better part of an hour, now.

I am totally unprepared for this kitty. I have created a 'make-shift' litter box...but it has never seen one before, so I'm not sure how effective it may be. With no kitty litter in house, I placed a plastic garbage bag in the bottom of a sturdy cardboard box with low sides and then added shredded newspaper and dried beans. ? We will see how that goes.

I am going to take it to our Veterinarian, if all goes smoothly for the remainder of this day and if we make it through the night hours (but, the night hours are what worry me most) - as of this moment, I have no small animal carrier to contain the poor little thing nor transport it.

I have never tried to 'tame' or 'domesticate' a cat before. I know that most feral rescues advocate neutering the animal and placing it back into it's environment...but I have had my eye on this little kitty since I first became aware of it about three months ago. Some of it's siblings have already been killed by dogs and run over by cars. I would like to give this one a home.

I know that it may even already have physical problems which could prevent me being able to keep it in my home. It could have any number of maladies. I'm sure that it has fleas.

It has begun, just now to scratch at the back door windows. It's eyes look less bright than they did just an hour ago. It looks weary, as though it can hardly keep it's little eyes open...I suspect from stress which it is thankfully not exhibiting externally in the ways I've seen other kitties do. I am unsure if I should put it through all of this...but somehow my 'human way' tells me it is best for the kitty. *Confused*

I will do what seems best...and keep you posted: Picture of kitty below...

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C.L. Hanna ~ *Writer For Hire*
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September 15, 2006 at 9:54am
September 15, 2006 at 9:54am
Well...as mentioned, Sonny Boy (this is how I will be referring to my son in this entry) was grumpy yesterday while feeling a bit 'under-the-weather' as well as 'under-the-influence' of pain meds. While he was in said state, he was complaining about not having his car and not having the finances to buy another, because he still owed more on the vehicle than the insurance company would give him based on the 'current' value of his GMC Jimmy. He was not happy that we would NOT be able to help him out financially. Never mind that we have always given and done for that boy. He somehow forgets that his dad has been ill most of the last year, thus we are still in 'recovery mode' ourselves, financially.

At one point, yesterday morning, I nicely pointed out to him just how his attitude should be adjusted! *Wink*

As I was speaking with our daughter, later in the day, I said, "You know, he's just like your father...the favor of God is on them. Everything always works out for them for the good." I just knew that this situation would be no different.

The Insurance Adjuster arrived yesterday afternoon to speak with Sonny Boy about his wrecked car. After a brief time, Sonny Boy came into the house and with a grin told me that the insurance company would be paying nearly $1500 MORE than the blue book value on his vehicle. This means that he will have about one thousand dollars toward a down payment on the purchase of another car. *Wink*

He is blessed...and he knows it. Sonny Boy is not perfect. He doesn't do everything he should, and he doesn't do everything perfectly. Yet, he is blessed of God. Why? Because, Sonny Boy will tell you that he loves God and he recognizes God's hand in his life. He has told me that the most important thing in his life is to please God.

Sonny Boy doesn't always PLEASE his dad and I...but, his heart is toward God. As his parents, that PLEASES US very much!

Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose..."

September 14, 2006 at 1:37pm
September 14, 2006 at 1:37pm
I began my blog yesterday with the words:

First, let me say that I can only imagine the pain of losing one's only son. I pray that I will never have to experience such a loss first hand. My heart goes out to any one who has had to go through such immeasurable grief. Whether a son or a daughter, losing a child has to be one of the most difficult of all human experiences.

I could not know that four hours later...almost to the minute...our son would be involved in a horrible car accident.

At approx. 6:01PM, while negotiating a dangerous curve on a portion of highway where another had crashed the evening before, and where yet others have lost their lives, our only son lost control of his vehicle. It was raining. As his rear tires began to hydro-plane, he realized that he was about to enter oncoming traffic which included a Semi-Tractor Trailer. To avoid the head-on collision, he managed to turn his GMC Jimmy in the opposite direction. Out of control, the vehicle then traveled down a steep enbankment, rolling and taking out trees before coming to rest against one of those trees.

Part of a tree is still lodged in the passenger side of the vehicle. All windows are smashed or gone, but the driver's window. He ended up slumped over the steering wheel with a lap full of mud and grass and tree debris. It probably goes without my saying that the car was totaled.

Witnesses to the crash ran to his vehicle, expecting, as one fellow put it, to be calling for the coroner and a body bag. They could hardly believe that our son was alive...let alone, without major trauma to his body. With assistance from the kind passersby, he was able to exit his vehicle.

We spent a few hours in the emergency dept. of the local hospital...but, PRAISE GOD!, we were not spending the evening in the morgue. I can not begin to tell you - but I am sure that you can understand our relief and our gratitude.

Our son has "multiple strains" of just about every muscle in his body. He is sore - but nothing was broken and he was not even cut anywhere.

He is not happy about not having a vehicle. He is not happy about the fact that he doesn't know how he is going to acquire another one. He is on pain medication - and grumpy. But...he is alive!

September 13, 2006 at 2:11pm
September 13, 2006 at 2:11pm
First, let me say that I can only imagine the pain of losing one's only son. I pray that I will never have to experience such a loss first hand. My heart goes out to any one who has had to go through such immeasurable grief. Whether a son or a daughter, losing a child has to be one of the most difficult of all human experiences.

Today, I learned of the death of Anna Nicole Smith's twenty year old son, Daniel. She gave birth to a daughter in the Bahamas and three days later, her son died while visiting her in the hospital. So far, details have been sketchy and confusing. The cause of death is being called "suspicious"... the questions just keep coming ... hopefully, they will be answered, soon.

Anna Nicole Smith's life has been one of controversy. It seems that almost everything she has done - what she has become - has been beyond the norm for most people. Now, the death of her son has brought to the forefront, once again, her bizarre lifestyle.

There are questions about the birth of her daughter, as well. Some, apparently, are questioning whether or not she actually gave birth. It has been speculated that she may not have been pregnant, but that this may have been a surrogate birth. This, apparently, due to the information that Anna was unwilling to name the baby girl's father and that there is said to have been an unknown third person in the room with Anna and Daniel when he died.

I feel sorry for Anna's loss. I feel sorry for Daniel, as well. It is difficult to imagine what his life must have been like, with her as his mother.

It was completely un-nerving and disconcerting to view Anna Nicole in action, whether on her television show or on the news. She seemed to love the camera. She also seemed to love attention and did not appear to care what she had to do to get it. The two times which I viewed the Anna Nicole Show, out of pure curiosity, I was shocked that she would subject her young and impressionable son to such antics by his mother and her 'unusual' friends. It is impossible to know what affect Anna's lifestyle had on Daniel. It is possible that it was confusing to a young man who is said to have been very shy and sensitive.

No one is the perfect parent. But, if your parent has been under the influence and fighting addictions in front of you for most of your life, you will be affected by that. If your mother has been shown acting provocatively and with no discretion on national television, it will affect you. When the adult you most depend on in your life, is not capable of taking care of themselves, not capable of being an adult, then it is detrimental to your well-being as a child. There are, unfortunately, detrimental results.

When the truth comes out as to what actually happened to bring about the death of young Daniel Smith, it will, no doubt, follow the same course as the life and environment that Anna Nicole created for him. It will be controversial and beyond the norm. It will be directly linked to the lack of self-control which has been the only real constant in the Smith's lives and that is what makes this young man's death such a tragedy.

September 12, 2006 at 12:20pm
September 12, 2006 at 12:20pm
I thought I would try to share with you a picture of the Montana Rock Garden...created for my sister. This was taken right after the project was completed and though it is not a GREAT pic, you may be able to get a general idea of how it turned out. It is not my best work...but with limited time and manpower...we were both pleased with the results. It should fill in nicely by next summer and in case you are not able to make out the plants there are shades of purples, blues, reds and yellows with one white flowering shrub center back and some various low-growing green ground covers, including Hens and Chicks.

The soil presented a bit of a problem for me...it is almost solidly clay. I did what I could by hand to ammend it. I wish I could have had better tools for digging a bit deeper and adding more clay buster, organic matter, etc. But I did what I could with just a shovel - and the very little muscle I have. *Blush* The soil was hard as a rock in some spots.

I tried to represent a 'dry creek bed' coming down the left side. I also decided to keep what remained of an old wagon wheel (very old) which had been placed among the old shrubbery we pulled out with a large strap attached to a pickup truck bumper. It had been there for years...and it looks kind of like "Almost made it to Oregon before the covered wagon broke down..." ( My sister added the bleached out piece of driftwood to the right of it...she likes it there *Worry*) There is a 'Butterfly Bush' to the upper left of the garden, which is difficult to make out in the pic. It has purple flowers which were attracting the butterflies almost immediately.

All of the rock used is from a nearby mountain / river area - the willow tree causing the shade is due to be cut back in a couple of stages before next year this time.

The morning after we finished this project, my sister was looking out the front windows of her home and squealed with delight. The new rock garden had brought many birds to her yard and she had not had that pleasure before in the 10 years of living there.

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Well...so much for trying to show you via a photo...it just doesn't want to show the details, sorry.

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