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by Kendra
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1166124
Somedays I write about all I give to life, other days I write about nothing in particular.
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I am still all the things I was before, in "Invalid Item, only now I'd like to think I'm better at this journaling thing. I guess we'll see.

Here goes nothing....

If you want to read this journal/blog in its entirety, you'll have to be a member, as I have a lot of the meaty entries set to members and above.

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January 22, 2007 at 11:44am
January 22, 2007 at 11:44am
1. whats in the backseat of your car?
Two carseats, a stuffed owl, a cabbage patch doll, some stray pieces of cereal and a whole lot of dirt.

2 When was the last time you threw up?
Christmas Day.

3. What's your favorite curse word?
I don't really curse, but I do say "crap". Does that count?

5. What's your favorite episode of Friends?
I don't really have one--I was never a huge fan.

6. Does anyone have any blackmail on you?
Not really.

7. If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be?
I'm already married, so I wouldn't. I do think Matthew McConahy (or however he spells it) is totally handsome.

8. Have you ever been to Africa?

9. Is there anything orange within 10 feet of you?
Does WDC's yellow count? Its the closest to orange that I can see.

10. Are you wearing socks right now?

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Coffee w/ fat free vanilla creamer

12. What are you wearing right now?
Jeans, a white tank, a pink button up shirt, socks and my doc martens.

13. Last food you ate?
A banana

14. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Not in the last week...

15. When is the last time you ran?
About a week ago, I've been slacking!

16. What's the last sporting event you watched?
Whoa...I never watch a sporting event in its entirety, but I did see part of a Super Bowl in the last five years, I think...

17. Last movie you saw?
Crank. I don't recommend it, at all.

18. I deleted this question, it was dumb.

19. Ever go to camp?
When I was in gradeschool, sure-- Camp Ekalaka!

20. Were you ever an honor roll student in school?
All through school, actually. I'm sort of a smarty.

21. Do you like sushi?
Love it!

22. Do you have a tan?
No, I don't tan. I turn red or I stay white. Although I should start using some sort of fake tan lotion since we'll be leaving to Mexico in less than two weeks...

23. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
Well, I was 26 when I had Lindz.

24. Do you drink your soda from a straw?
If they give me one with it.

25. What did your last text say?
I rarely send texts, so I don't remember.

26. Are you someone's best friend?

27. What are your siblings' middle names?
Rose & Boydston

28. Where is your dad right now?
In line at the coffee stand lol

29. What was the last thing you said?
Oh that's cool.

30. What color is your watch?

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia?
The Great Barrier Reef

32. Ever ridden on a roller coaster?
A few yes, the last one being in DisneyWorld at Frontierland. It was great & scary.

33. What is your birthstone?
That depends. Are we talking real or the fake ones that everyone puts into rings and necklaces cuz no one can afford the real one? *Smirk* Opal is the real one and the fake is that pink one.

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
If Its just me and the girls we hit the drive through, but if its the whole family, we go in.

35. What is your favorite number?

36. Do you have a dog?
Nope. But my parents have three...

37. What happened in 1993?
Let's see...I was a sophomore when it started, so I was driving & working at Taco Johns, that summer I met my future first boyfriend and my sister's rat died while I was "ratsitting" and then when it ended I was a junior. I don't remember anything else of consequence.

38. 1995?
Graduated from highschool.

39. 1997?
Worked in Glacier National Park that summer. Lost a best friend from highschool to suicide that Thanksgiving.

40. 1999?
What is with all the years, jeez. This year was a doozy, It was the year of my college crazy time, the year my nephew was born, the year I published my first chapbook of poetry and the year I graduated from college. Then it was the year I moved back to MT and got baptized. Phew.

41. 2000?
I refuse to answer this one.

42. 2001?
I'll only answer this one cuz its the year I got married, oh and got pregnant! *Smile*

43. What does your first memory of your dad involve?
Him saving me from almost drowning.

44. Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
sleep, lack there of or the feeling of never getting enough

45. Last phonecall?

46. Are you allergic to anything?
Nope. Oh wait, I'm deathly allergic to peanuts, I forgot. *Wink*

47. Favorite shoes that you wear all the time?
My Asics or my black slip ons

48. What is one thing you've learned about life recently?
That it's hard!

49. Are you jealous of anyone?
Anyone with a flat belly.

50. Is anyone jealous of you?
I certianly hope not!

51. Do you own an ipod?
Not an ipod, but I do own a mp3 player that I love.

52. Do any of your friends have children?
Most of them do.

53. Do you ever take medication to fall asleep?
Only if I'm sick and then its Nyquil.

54. What do you work as?
Mostly a mom, sometimes a office assistant and others a poet (ha ha)

56. Do you hate anyone right now?
No, no!

57. Would you ever date anyone covered in tattoos?
It would be hard to date someone considering I'm married already. But if I weren't married, I would say it depends on the tattoos...they don't bother me generally. Duh, since I have one...lol

58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

59. Have you ever been to Six Flags?

60. How did you get one of your scars?
Having two babies. *Smile*
January 18, 2007 at 8:16pm
January 18, 2007 at 8:16pm
In case you didn't already know this stuff about me. Here I am, from A-Z.

The Letter A:
Are you available?: no
What is your age?: 30
What annoys you?: Lately, how my short hair in the front falls out of my ponytail

The Letter B:
Do you live in a big house? Um, kinda.
When is your birthday?: Oct 23
Who is your best friend?: Erik *Smile*

The Letter C:
What's your favorite candy?: Its a tie between dark chocolate & licorice (black)
When was the last time you cried?: The other day

The Letter D:
Do you daydream?: What's that? Doesn't that require free time?
Do you like dogs?: Most of them
What day of the week is it?: Thursday

The Letter E:
How do you like your eggs?: Fried with runny yolks
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Yes, with Kera when we thought she broke her arm.
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: Eat.

The Letter F:
Have you ever flown in a plane: Yes, a bunch of times
Do you use fly swatters?: No, if we get a fly inside, I use a magazine. Fly swatters are so disgusting!
Have you ever used a foghorn?: I don't believe so.

The Letter G:
Do you chew gum?: Yep
Are you a giver or a taker?: Giver
Do you like gummy candies?: Yep

The Letter H:
How are you?: Tired & Hungry (good thing I'm cooking dinner!)

The Letter I:
What's your favorite ice cream?: Chocolate Chip cookie dough
Do you play an instrument?: I use to play the flute

The Letter J:
What's your favorite jelly bean?: Red or purple ones
Do you wear jewelry?: Yes, my wedding ring, a watch, earings and sometimes a necklace

The Letter K:
Who do you want to kill?: Um, no one!
Do you want kids?: I have enough already!
Where did you go for kindergarten?: I don't remember, its been a long time ago! But it was near Seattle somewhere

The Letter L:
Are you laid back?: Pshaw, um, not usually!
When is the last time you got laid? Well, that's really none of your business, is it?

The Letter M:
Whats your favorite musical?: Chicago--is that considered a musical? I saw it live in NYC and it was awesome!
Do you still watch disney movies?: How can I not with two little girls!?
Do you like mangos?: Yuck, no!

The Letter N:
Do you have a nickname?: Kenedra and Kendrahead or Ken
Whats your favorite number?: 7
Do you prefer night over day?: No, I like to sleep at night.

The Letter O:
Whats your one wish?: To be content.
Are you an only child?: Nope

The Letter P:
What one fear are you most paranoid about?: Losing a loved one
What are your pet peeves?: Someone dirtying my kitchen right after I clean it.
Whats a personality trait you look for in people?: Sense of humor & honesty

The Letter Q:
Whats your favorite quote?: Something about if only birds that sang well, sang, the woods would be very quiet,lol
Are you quick to judge people?: Not if I can help it.

The Letter R:
Do you think you're always right?: Um, do I have to answer?
Do you watch reality tv?: A little *Smile*
Are you one to cry?: yes

The Letter S:
Do you prefer sun or rain?: Sun
What's your favorite season?: Fall or Spring

The Letter T:
What time is it?: 6 pm
What time did you wake up?: 6:00am
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: Maybe four years? I haven't had to since we got the camper...

The Letter U:
Are you wearing underwear?: Yes
Underwear or Boxers? Aren't Boxers considered underwear? lol

The Letter V:
Whats the worst veggie?: Eggplant
Where do you want to go on vacation?: Hawaii or Europe

The Letter W:
What's your worst habit?: Picking at my cuticles
Where do you live?: Montana
What's your worst fear?: Falling

The Letter X:
Have you ever had an x-ray?: On my teeth
Have you seen the x-games?: Don't think I have, I'd probably remember if I had, huh?
Do you own a xylophone?: WHy, of course, doesn't everyone?

The Letter Y:
Do you like the color yellow?: Its okay
Whats one thing you yearn for?: I believe I've already answered this one in a way...

The Letter Z:
Whats your zodiac sign?: I'm on the cusp between Scorpio & Libra, I think
Do you believe in the zodiac?: Nope
Favorite zoo animal?: That would have to be the cats--any of them
January 17, 2007 at 12:41pm
January 17, 2007 at 12:41pm
Otherwise known as "obligatory blog entry".

Suffice it to say, I'm here, just not blogly (is that a word?) inspired. Life is busy and yet not exciting or boring or strange or scary enough to produce anything worth your time.

I'm healthy, family is good, house is clean and workouts continue, and that's all I have to say for now.

January 12, 2007 at 9:17am
January 12, 2007 at 9:17am
"What household chore do you most dislike, why, and what are some ways you have gone about trying to get out of doing it?"

Now, Melissa is fashionably late! has the idea! Hmm..Well, first of all, I *Heart* a clean house. There is just something peaceful & relaxing about walking into a room that is picked up, everything in its place, freshly vacuumed & dusted and smelling fresh. I also love clean sheets, so when the room is clean and the sheets freshly changed, its pretty close to heaven.

Since I love my house being clean, I'm pretty willing to put fun things aside to do the dirty work and actually clean. I clean a little here & there throughout the week so I dont have the whole house to do on Saturday. Anyone familiar with this method will recognize that I'm sort of "flying", er, trying to at least. If you were to walk into my house on any given day, it would feel at least partially clean, and on Friday or Saturday, it would sparkle.

As long as you didn't look at the windows. Yes, the windows. I absolutely detest cleaning the windows. The insides are okay, but its the outsides and then that whole mess of taking out the screens and spraying them off, half the time there are dead bugs in that space between the window and the screen--its just a gross & dirty job. So, I don't do it. I am embarrased to admit that the exterior windows and all the inside windows haven't been cleaned for probably two years. And it only happened then because I convinced Erik to help me with the outside ones, and so he went out and bought this long handled window cleaner to reach all our tall windows, and left me to clean the insides. I think he even did the screens too.

I grew up cleaning windows twice a year--in the spring and in the fall. Ideally, I'd love for that to be my plan around here, but I just can't do it. And so I won't, not until they are really bad--like when we think its smoggy everyday. *Laugh*
January 12, 2007 at 9:05am
January 12, 2007 at 9:05am
"Why is it possible to balance an ionic equation using a polyatomic ion, yet by observing the process of metathesis, we see an actual de-ionizing of two separate ions thereby creating a covalent compound?"

*Confused* Huh? What? You mean I was suppose to retain some of that stuff I learned in high school chemistry, physics and math!?

*Laugh* Good try, partyof5dj! lol

January 11, 2007 at 12:26pm
January 11, 2007 at 12:26pm
Hmm...I don't know what to write. I just dont have anything really blogworthy to share today. I've got a lot going on, but none of it is exciting, it just "is".

So, I'm going to steal an idea from GoCartCherub- St Louis U . I want you, dear reader(s), to tell me what you want me to write about.

Do you want to know what I ate for breakfast or what color my socks are? Or maybe you want to go deeper and find out what I think of the political state of our country right now or how I feel about capital punishment. Whatever you want, ask and I'll answer, within reason. *Laugh*

January 8, 2007 at 1:14pm
January 8, 2007 at 1:14pm
Okay, so I'm around. That's about all I can claim right now. I've been so busy with catching up at work and home and just living, that I don't have anything really blogworthy to share. Its just boring life of a working mom.

Oh, but there is one thing. We made our plane ticket arrangements the other day. We're leaving Feb 3rd and will be gone til the 10th. Just Erik & I this time, no kids. Where are we going, you ask? Well, I'll give ya one guess. *Bigsmile**Wink*

January 6, 2007 at 9:48am
January 6, 2007 at 9:48am
I made pancakes this morning--good ol' Krusteaz mix, eaten with Adams PButter, Maple Syrup and Blackberry syrup---YUM! So far Kera & I are the only ones awake to eat them, but thats okay. I turned the oven on low and put the rest in there for when the sleepy heads decide to rise.

I've been catching up on life the last week and am finally feeling good about stuff. My house is mostly clean, my inbox at work 1/2 full, my laundry clean and waiting to be put away (thats the part i hate!) and I even got a babysitter for tonight so Erik & I could go on a date! We don't know what we're doing yet, but at least we got the babysitter part down! *Laugh* Anyone recommend any movies out now? We were kind of thinking about going to see "Night at the Museum", it looks funny.

I was looking through a few of my scrapbooks last night, and I was struck with how my girls' looks have changed as they've grown up. I realized that Lindsay has lost her chubby cheeks and Kera has lost a little of that wide eyed look. They still look like themselves, but just without some of the baby traits. It made me kind of sad--they are growing up SO fast! Its even more apparent when you listen to them talk. Lindsay sounds so old sometimes, and Kera, she's still got that toddler-style pronunciation, but she talks a ton and seems to understand more everyday.

I have a bunch of friends from high school & college that have myspace pages. I know this because I was looking around there and decided it would be nice to rekindle some of those friendships, so I made a page. *Blush* I told myself I'd never give into that peer pressure, but I did. Oh well, I've caught up with some friends I haven't seen in ten years or more, so its been cool, and I'm lucky enough to not have had any weirdos try to contact me, well weirdos besides my friends! *Laugh*

Okay, time for some more coffee and see if anyone else in this house wants to eat these pancakes I whipped up...
January 2, 2007 at 10:14am
January 2, 2007 at 10:14am
Okay, so its no wonder I'm tired. What didn't I do over our Christmas "holiday"!? I've never been more ready to return to work, daycare, school as normal tomorrow! It was a good Christmas, don't get me wrong, just a little crazy for my tastes.

Our Christmas adventures included:

-Christmas Eve dinner at my parents' house with my great Aunt Pat and her daughter Susie & her family.

-Christmas day: breakfast of Cinn. rolls & eggs, stockings opened, Erik leaves to go atv-ing with my brother, I start the ham dinner & get the girls dressed & ready, the girls take a nap and I finally get to shower. Erik comes home to tell me about my brother almost dying while running Erik's warrior into two trees, but that I can't tell my mom cuz she'd freak. Then it was ham dinner at my house while not telling my mom why both Hodd & Erik had swollen thumbs and hurting bodies. Sometime around midnight, I get sick.

-Day after Christmas: I sleep til almost noon after being up most the night and sleeping on the bathroom floor. Then we pack up our stuff and head up north to near Polson where Erik's folks live. There we meet up with Erik's sister Kelly and her hubby. I'm feeling better by this point and have dinner with the family. Because there are so many of us staying there, Erik, Lindsay & I get the studio, which is seperate from the house and kind of secluded. Its nice!

-The next few days are spent eating (Erik's mom is an awesome cook!), playing outside with the girls in the little bit of snow we had, sleeping (no kera in the room means good sleep!), watching Erik get sick one day (this bug is really getting the best of my family!) which meant missing out on a fancy dinner out and gallery opening, doing a big puzzle, reading a new book and some other out-of the house adventures. One of which included driving up to Kalispell to rent snow-shoes, then driving up to Glacier to snowshoe up Sperry Trail. It was beautiful and very cool! The next day we got back in the car and drove up to Big Fork, which is a cool little town with lots of shops, but we found most of them closed for the season (Summer is their busy time). So then we headed back up to Kalispell to hit Borders and the grocery store, before heading home to another, wonderful dinner by Karen.

Then, we left early on Sunday, drove back to Missoula a few minutes late for church. After which was time to come home for lunch & naptime while I started the whole unpacking thing. That part is what I dislike the most about being gone--is how much work it is to get back into normal life! We didn't really ring in the new year--Erik had paperwork to do and the girls and I were tired. So, E and I watched a movie instead and went to bed shortly after midnight. Then yesterday, it was all about cooking--my mom and I put on a home-cooked chinese dinner with all the fixings. It was SO good!

But that leaves today--my last day before my work & the girls' daycare/preschool starts up again--for undoing all the Christmas decorations and finishing up all the laundry & cleaning that's been piling up. It should be busy. If I'm lucky, I'll have some time to scrapbook later, which would be refreshing.

December 31, 2006 at 10:42pm
December 31, 2006 at 10:42pm
I'm home. Unpacked. Laundering. Gifts put away. Groceries bought. Dinner cooked. Dishes done. Girls sleeping.


I'm tired, but feeling like tonight would be a good night to scrapbook & watch some movies. Yeah, and eat candy. *Smile*

I'm outta here.

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