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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1395561
My thoughts/experiences/feelings/beliefs, depending on my mood. Blah, blah, blog.
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*Star* Winner of "Best Blog of 2011" for "The Quills. Previous winner of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Round 1. A big, heartfelt thank-you to all of my fans and supporters! *Heart*

Welcome to the randomness, silliness, craziness, and all-around tomfoolery – what a great word that isn't used nearly enough – that is my blog. Don't get me wrong, it isn't always silly and crazy. Sometimes it's serious or sad but, more often than not, it's comical. Nonetheless, it is always entertaining. I try to see the fun in life. I'll add to it as much as I can so make sure you check back often. *Cool* Feel free to leave a comment or review to let me know you stopped by. *Wink*

"Invalid Item         "Invalid Item

DISCLAIMER: If you are someone who gets offended easily, then you shouldn't go any further. I'm up-front, to-the-point, sarcastic and honest (sometimes brutally so). I tell it like it is, or the way I think it is. If you don't get offended very easily, then you've come to the right blog. All are welcome. The fun is free! *Wink*

My life is an open book blog. Hilarity and chaos ensue...

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May 2, 2008 at 10:19am
May 2, 2008 at 10:19am
Happy Friday all!

Well, I had a few more poems place in contests. One poem received a "judge's extra" award and one came in second place. Here are the poems if you'd like to check them out.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1412083 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1414290 by Not Available.

Very cool stuff for a Friday! *Bigsmile* Special thanks to Captaintaya and NanoWriMo2018 Into the Earth for running two fantastic contests!
May 1, 2008 at 9:28pm
May 1, 2008 at 9:28pm
Today was much better than yesterday, thankfully. It's also one day closer to Friday - WOOHOO! *Cool* I was notified by Lexi that I received honorable mention for her poetry challenge. Here's the poem I entered:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1406923 by Not Available.

I would like to say thank you to kiyasama of the WDC Angel Army for the lovely c-Note I received. The c-Note was to congratulate me and tell me that I am "in the spotlight" for the month in the "Angel Review Forum. Once again, I'd like to say thank you to Princess Megan Rose 22 Years for adopting me. I'd also like to thank the WDC Angel Army for all of their support, guidance and for spotlighting me in their forum this month! *Bigsmile* Please support "The WDC Angel Army! They do so many great things for this community.

The Flyers won last night. They now lead the series 3-1 over Montreal. Game 5 is Saturday night in Montreal. The Phillies lost last night. They are currently tied 2-2 with the Padres in the 8th. I'm torn tonight because Randy Wolf was pitching for the Padres. You all know how much I LOVE him! *Wink*

I'll leave you tonight with these 2 videos. I couldn't pick which one I wanted so I'm just posting both. I love these guys!



Have a good night. Thank God tomorrow is Friday!! *Delight*
April 30, 2008 at 10:20pm
April 30, 2008 at 10:20pm
Today hasn't been a very good day for me. It was 3 years ago today that my mom died. I was the one who found her. Needless to say, it wasn't a very pleasant experience. I had nightmares for about 2 weeks after her death. My husband said I would literally wake up screaming in the middle of the night. I also had some stomach issues after her death. The doctor thought I had an ulcer but I never got any of the tests she wanted to confirm it (I hate doctors). My mom died exactly 6 months before my wedding. I was losing so much weight because of my stomach problems. The seamstress actually had me come in to the bridal shop once a week for a fittings because of the weight loss. On my wedding day, my gown was still a little too big.

Here we are 3 years later. I'm no longer having nightmares. My stomach issues appear to be gone also. I've got this damn lawsuit of hers hanging over my head still. I have yet to hear from the lawyer as to whether or not we're going to trial. What do I want? Closure. That's all. I was closer to my dad but that doesn't mean I didn't love my mom. She had issues. A lot of them. She wasn't ever going to win any mother of the year awards. I've come to terms with that, for the most part. If it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't be here, right? That's the way I try to look at it. I still have a lot of guilt that she died alone in her house. Technically, she wasn't all alone. She had Kelsey with her. Kelsey is my dog. She's been my dog since I was 18. She stayed with my parents when all of us kids moved out. I brought her home with me the night I found my mom. So for the last 3 years, she's been with my husband and I. If you'd like to read more about her and see a cute pic, check these out.

"Invalid Item

"Invalid Item

There's more I could write but I'm just not feeling it today. It's been a rough one. I'm exhausted, both mentally and physically. I know I've been quite the slacker on checking blogs recently. I apologize and promise, if I haven't been over to your blog, I'll get there. I can assure you of that.

In closing, I'll leave you with this. I feel it's appropriate given the subject of this entry. The lines that ring most true with me:

"Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real"

And if you still don't know what song it is, here's the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9-eAYHooUo

Have a good night and I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
April 29, 2008 at 9:04pm
April 29, 2008 at 9:04pm
There is nothing that annoys me more than stupid people. Like people who can't follow very basic, very simple instructions or pay attention to detail. I received a review today for a poem I had written. No big deal, that's what this website is all about. The problem? It was a bad review because the reviewer was too stupid to read the note in the intro and the notes at the end of the poem. The idiot took the poem in the literal sense, instead of reading the notes I had stating otherwise. Moron! Enough about that.

Sorry I haven't been able to check blogs the last few days. I promise I'll get to it. I've been extremely busy. I hope everyone is doing well. I will write more tomorrow and check blogs as soon as I can. *Bigsmile* The old lady here is still exhausted and in serious need of some zzzzz's *Yawn* after the AC all-nighter over the weekend. Man, I'm too old for that shit! *Laugh* *Rolleyes*

I will leave you tonight with this. What ever happened to these guys anyway? They were pretty big in the 90's.

April 27, 2008 at 3:44pm
April 27, 2008 at 3:44pm
It was another fun-filled weekend. There was a happy hour after work Friday night, of course. That's always fun. *Cool* Yesterday was a busy day. My husband decided, at the last minute, that he wanted to have people over to watch the Flyers game. It was just two other couples that came over. So yesterday afternoon I was preparing for that. I cleaned the house and I went to the food store. Yes, despite the fact that the "stalker" knows I go on Saturdays, I had to go to get snacks and stuff for last night. I was totally incognito (sunglasses and a baseball hat). *Bigsmile* Fortunately, I didn't see him anyway.

Stef & Amanda and Keith & Donna came over last night. It was a lot of fun. The Flyers won 4-2. Donna, Amanda and I chatted in the kitchen during most of the game, but we could still hear everything that was going on. Donna kept saying that she needed to go to Atlantic City because a bird shit on her yesterday afternoon while she was in her dad's backyard. *Laugh* That's supposed to be good luck. Then while we were sitting there drink our wine, her palm started itching, a sign that you're going to come in to some money.

Let me backtrack a little here. We don't live very far from Atlantic City...about 35-40 minutes away. Donna and I love to gamble but we rarely ever get to AC. We're always saying that we need to go down there but then something always comes up. So last night, we finally went. Donna and I tried talking Amanda in to go down there with us but she hates gambling. After the game ended last night, Donna and I hopped in my car and had a late-night run to Atlantic City. *Delight* We left my house a little after 10, went to an ATM and were on our way to AC.

We got to the casino at 10:50 and began our mission. We played a few slots and both lost $40 rather quickly (we each went down there with $100). We decided to go in search of a roulette table. Donna doesn't play but I love it and I'm pretty good at it so she asked me to teach her. The only problem? It was Saturday night, it was packed and there was not an open spot at ANY of the roulette tables. I was bummed but we took it as a sign and just went back to playing slots. We found some cool slot machines and all the sudden, I started winning...and WINNING on a quarter slot machine. I hit for $165. Donna and I were so excited. I decided to quit on that machine so I cashed out, got my voucher and moved on to another machine in the same row as this one. I put a $20 bill in, bet the max (3 quarters) and voila, I won $60! I continued to play on this machine and kept hitting smaller amounts but they were adding up. At the end of the night, I had $325 in my pocket so if you take out the $100 I had taken down with me, I was up $225 on the night. I felt really bad for Donna. She was the one that really wanted to go, and had all the "signs" that she was going to win but she lost her entire $100. I tried giving her money so she could keep gambling but she wouldn't take it. When I cashed out my vouchers, I wanted to do something for Donna. And since neither of us had had a drink since we set foot in the casino (not a single cocktail waitress walked past us), I decided we should go to a bar and that I would buy us drinks. Two glasses of wine cost $30! It was well worth it, but there was something strange that happened. There were about 10 other people scattered around the bar so there were plenty of seats. Donna and I were seated at the corner (of the eyeball bar), the corner on my right and Donna was to my left. There were plenty of seats around the bar yet these two guys walk in, pull chairs up and the one guy sits right on the corner (to my right) and was way too close for comfort. He was practically sitting in my lap. Donna and I just looked at each other, completely appalled. Some of the other people sitting around the bar saw this happen and were laughing and snickering. We finished our wine rather quickly and got the hell out of there. Isn't that strange?

One thing you can always count on Atlantic City for is entertainment. We saw some rather interesting people dressed in quite unique attire, for lack of a better way to put it. We saw a woman with big '80s hair and she was wearing a sweater dress. Remember those? We also saw a group of 3 girls who hardly had anything on. Literally, their outfits left NOTHING to the imagination. Two of them had on these shorts that could have passed for thongs because you could see most of their asses (EW!). We saw several bachelor parties and even a few bachelorette parties. One of the bachelorettes we saw (we knew she was the bachelorette because she was wearing a veil and a sash that said "bachelorette"), anyway, she was about 7-8 months pregnant, maybe more. Donna and I both thought there was a very real possibility that she was going to give birth right then and there. No lie, she was that pregnant. We saw another bachelorette going into a club with the rest of her party. She was carrying a giant, inflatable penis that was taller than she was. We laughed our asses off!

We got home around 5:00 this morning. I'm exhausted but it was so worth it! It was so much fun. Not just because I won but because we laughed non-stop the whole time we were there. Laughter is very therapuetic. *Laugh* Today, I slept until 10:00. I wish I could have slept longer. I'm too old to be pulling an all-nighter. *Rolleyes* I've done a whole lot of nothing today. I've been lounging around watching Lifetime movies all day. The funniest thing is that Donna sent me a text a little while ago. She's been doing the same thing! *Bigsmile* Great minds think, and act, alike.

Given the subject of this blog entry, I think I'll leave you with this. Think Vh-1 pop-up video but minus the video (it's pretty funny).

April 24, 2008 at 11:18am
April 24, 2008 at 11:18am
I saw the comment from Fivesixer on my previous entry so I thought I'd respond. It figures that my big mouth got the best of me. That happens. Sometimes I suffer from open mouth, insert foot syndrome. Sorry, Casey. I don't really hate lawyers. I was upset so I "stereotyped" and I know that's wrong. I apologize. My hubby's best friend is a lawyer. He's a great friend and a great lawyer - I love him to death! I just hate these lawyers that are handling this case. Since they are my mom's car insurance company's lawyers, I'm not paying them, the car insurance company is. I feel like, since I'm not the one paying them, I don't matter. It seems like they could care less about this case. It's as if I'm getting second- or third-rate representation because I'm not the one paying them by the hour. I called again this morning to find out whether this guy accepted what the arbitrators said or not. I got voicemail again. Anyone want to place any bets as to whether or not I'll actually get a call back this time?? I mean, it's only been almost 3 weeks that I've been trying to get them to call me back. *Angry*
April 23, 2008 at 9:51pm
April 23, 2008 at 9:51pm
I was driving home from the food store tonight (I hate food shopping). I had to change when I do my food shopping since my stalker incident. I know I have some new blog readers, thanks to the plug I got from my friend, Fivesixer yesterday. Thanks again, buddy, you're awesome! *Cool* For my new blog readers, check out my blog entry "Invalid Entry for more information on my "stalker". So I'm on my way home from food shopping and Black by Pearl Jam was on the radio. As some of you may know, I'm going to see Pearl Jam (again) on June 19th. Love 'em, they're fantastic!! Black came out when I was in high school. My friend Tony used to always sing the last verse to me:

"I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a sun
In somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine"

Some of my friends used to speculate that he was secretly in love with me and I had no interest in him that way. He always told me he sang that part to me because, as hard as my life was, I deserved to be happy and he knew I'd have a beautiful life someday. At this rate, it seems that by "someday" he meant when I'm retired. *Rolleyes*

I shouldn't really say things like that, I suppose. There are people in this world that are a lot worse off than I am. All in all, today was a decent day. I'm just pissed off because I hate lawyers. Again for my new blog readers, you should check out my blog entries "Invalid Entry and "Invalid Entry for more info on my legal woes, or should I say my deceased mother's legal woes. The decision for the arbitration hearing had to be made by April 5th. I've been trying to get in touch with the attorney from my mom's car insurance company since then to find out if this is going to go to trial or not. I've been leaving her voicemails and she's just not getting back to me. Even my own personal lawyer (who happens to be my husband's best friend) hasn't been able to reach this woman. At this point, I think I have a right to be pissed. Next Wednesday will be the 3 year anniversary of my mother's death. Needless to say, I'd like to be able to put this behind me. You know, a little thing called closure. God, I hate lawyers!

I'll stop whining now. On to better things. The Phillies are ahead of the Brewers 4-3 in the 6th inning thanks to home runs by Greg Dobbs, Pat Burrell and Chase Utley. Chase, what a guy. All you new readers, take a look at my entry the other night "Invalid Entry. All I have to say is MVP. *Bigsmile*

Finally tonight, since I mentioned this earlier, I'll leave you with Black. Enjoy!

April 22, 2008 at 9:33pm
April 22, 2008 at 9:33pm
Today was PA's primary. I just saw that Hillary Clinton won. At least some of the political ads will die down for a little while, until after the conventions that is. I'm sick of them being every other commerical on TV. Ever wonder why primaries are always held on Tuesdays? I know why the general election in November is always held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. It has to do with accommodating farmers back in the 1800s. It was after the harvest so farmers would have plenty of time to go vote. In case you guys haven't realized this by now, I am a wealth of completely useless information. *Bigsmile* My point is, I get the whole general election on Tuesdays but why the primaries too?

The Phillies pulled off a win last night. They rallied back to win 9-5. They are currently ahead of the Rockies 2-1 in the 4th inning. Another win tonight would be HUGE! I can't wait until Jimmy Rollins is back in the line-up!

The Flyers lost last night. They are tied with the Capitals 2-2 with 3:28 left in the 3rd period. Oh yeah, did I mention it's GAME 7??! I only hope the Fly-guys remember how to play play-off hockey. It's do or die time, boys. No guts, no glory. No more chances after tonight. I'm literally sitting on the edge of my seat. This is so stressful! *Worry*

I'm just hoping the game is over by 10. I want to watch Law & Order SVU at 10. It's not only one of my favorite shows but Bill Pullman is guest starring. I love him. He might be old, but he's still hot! *Blush* *Wink*

UPDATE - 4/23/08
Sorry, Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation you're not going to like this but I promise to make it as quick and painless as possible for you. *Bigsmile* The Flyers won last night in overtime! WOOHOO!!!! They certainly don't like to make it easy on their fans. My husband kept telling me last night that they were going to give him a heart attack. Anyway, they beat the Capitals 3-2 thanks to the game-winning goal by Joffrey Lupul (<----- hottie, he has the most amazing blue eyes I've ever seen). They advance to the Eastern Conference Semifinals (Round 2 of the play-offs). They'll be playing Montreal. Game 1 is tomorrow night. YAY!

The Phillies beat the Rockies last night 8-6 thanks to a bases loaded double by Pat Burrell in the 9th inning. Yesterday was a really good day in Philly sports! *Cool*
April 21, 2008 at 10:55pm
April 21, 2008 at 10:55pm
For all of you non-Phillies (or non-baseball) fans, Chase Utley is the Phillies second basemen. He's a fantastic player...and not too hard on the eyes either. *Wink* He just hit his 6th home run in 5 games. Is it too early in the season to start the "MVP" chant for him? *Bigsmile* Even with Chase's homer, the Phils are trailing the Rockies 5-4 in the 7th. *Worry*

The Flyers didn't do so hot tonight either. They lost game 6 against the Capitals 4-2. They play game 7 tomorrow night in DC. That scares me.

In other sporting news, my honey, Randy Wolf, pitched another fantastic game yesterday against the smokin' hot Arizona Diamondbacks. If you'd like to read about it, have at it http://sandiego.padres.mlb.com/news/gameday_recap.jsp?ymd=20080420&content_id=25...

I'd like to say thanks to my friend janieruthryals for the lovely sig she game me:

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Thank you, Janie! I'll use it proudly for the rest of this month (April is autism awareness month).

I'll leave you tonight with a little something special for my pal, Fivesixer :



I'm very tired so I'm going to bed. I'll check blogs tomorrow. 'Night! *Yawn*
April 20, 2008 at 11:29am
April 20, 2008 at 11:29am
I hate allergies! I'm not one of those people that have seasonal allergies. Oh no, that'd be too easy. I'm one of those people who suffer from allergies year-round. There are certain times of the year, like now, where my suffering is that much worse. I'm not only allergic to the usual...dust, pollen, molds, pet dander, bee/wasp/hornet stings, etc. but I also have food allergies. That's right so I have to watch what I eat too (no seafood, no bananas, nothing with curry in it). Added to all that, I have really bad asthma. Gosh, I'm a lucky girl (<---- sarcasm). I take prescription medication for both twice a day, all year long. That doesn't prevent me from asthma attacks and allergy attacks. Again, this time of year is usually the worst for me. Well, since Thursday afternoon I've been having a horrible allergy attack. I can't breathe out of my nose. Yesterday and today, I woke up with my eyes swollen shut. I can't stop sneezing. I have so much pressure in my sinuses, it feels like they could explode. I tried not to let it ruin my weekend but it definitely put a damper on things. Friday night there was a happy hour with some co-workers after work. We had a few birthdays to celebrate. We played a few games of foosball but it was an early happy hour. Everyone had pretty much left by about 6:30-7:00. After that I met up with some of the girls (Tonia, Meggie, Donna & Shayne) at one of our local bars. We're all in wine club together so I guess you could say we're all "wine snobs". *Laugh* I was drinking beer at happy hour but decided to switch to wine when I was with the girls. Well, the bar we went to was so crowded that they ran out of wine glasses. *Shock* *Confused* We were drinking wine out of hurricane glasses. Here's a picture:

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Since we're wine snobs, we found that hilarious. The picture might not be that clear since it was taken from a cell phone but I thought I'd share. It was a good time and nice to hang out with them but I felt awful so I left before 10. It was an early night for me. Yesterday we went to my nephew's very first little league game. He did a great job too! He went 2-for-2 with 2 RBIs. We were going to go out to dinner last night but I just didn't feel up to it. So, again, I say, I HATE ALLERGIES!

Hasn't been a very good weekend in Philly sports either. The Phillies lost yesterday and Friday night against that damn team from New York that I promised not to mention in my blog. Here's hoping they can beat them today and avoid a sweep. *Worry* The Flyers lost to the Capitals yesterday. They're still ahead in the series 3-2. Game 6 is Monday night. There is also some very sad news in Philly sports. John Marzano died yesterday at the age of 45. For more information on him and what happened, go to http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20080419&content_id=2552943&vkey=news_ml...

That's all I've got. I hope everyone had a great weekend! And I hope no one else is having the allergy issues I am. *Sick*
April 17, 2008 at 9:17pm
April 17, 2008 at 9:17pm
Religion is a set of beliefs and practices. That's the very, very, very abbreviated definition. Here's what I believe. I believe in God. I know there's a life after this one. Do I pray? Yes. Maybe not every day but I do pray. Do I attend church? Not really, unless weddings, funerals, christenings and the like count. I don't have anything against going to church. When I do go, I enjoy it. My biggest problem, actually, my only problem, with religion is that we're not supposed to question. We are not supposed to ask why bad things happen to good people (and why good things happen to bad people). We shouldn't ask why horrible tragedies occur...war, 9/11, disease, famine (too many others to list). We are not supposed to ask why people die. I question all of this. Don't get me wrong, I understand that death is a part of life. It's a sucky part of life, but it's still a part of life. I can justify when older people die. They've lived their lives to the fullest. I have a problem when young people die. I went to a viewing tonight for a guy that was 37 years old. He died in his sleep. Why? He leaves behind a wife and 2 sons. One of those sons was just born 2 weeks ago. Again, I ask, why did this have to happen? I've, unfortunately, known a lot of young people that have died. It's so senseless. People will say, "they're in a better place" or "their work here was done." Bullshit! What about raising his kids? Isn't that work here that he has left to do? I'm not knocking religion and I really hope I haven't offended anyone. I'm just going on a rant because I'm upset. But I really do feel this way. I question all of this which is why I have a hard time "practicing" religion.
April 16, 2008 at 9:55pm
April 16, 2008 at 9:55pm
And political debates usually are a debacle. Regardless of your party affiliation, if you even have one, neither side ever comes out of a debate looking good. That's just my opinion. Tonight's debate is just the Democrats. I won't get in to the candidates and their issues because politics is always a touchy subject. My problem here is with the debates themselves. I was watching tonight's (flipping back and forth between that and the Phillies game - they lost by the way) and, yes, I am a dork like that. I watch debates. I have a vested interest in our potential leader. But debates are lacking because they never truly answer the questions. They are showboating, speaking half truths out of both sides of their mouths. All I want is for someone to ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTIONS. Not in a roundabout way, just answer it, honestly and without bashing your opponent in the process.

That's all I've got for now. Have a good evening!
April 15, 2008 at 10:04pm
April 15, 2008 at 10:04pm
My day started with me waking up with a cold. Not a good way to start the day. We had that funeral this morning for our friend's step-mom. I had taken a half day at work. I went in at noon. When I got there, I got an e-mail from my friend Stacie. Her cousin's husband passed away in his sleep last night. I know her cousin also. We cheered together growing up. Anyway, he was 37 years old. They had just had their second child 2 weeks ago. How awful is that? Death is hard enough as it is but the death of a young person is even more heartwrenching. A terrible tragedy. *Cry* Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

The only good things today were the Flyers 6-3 win. They are now ahead of the Capitals in the series, 2 games to 1. The Phillies also won tonight in fantastic fashion. It was a come-from-behind win. They were losing 3-0 the whole game. They came back in the 9th inning to win 4-3. Talk about a nail-biter! *Worry*

That's about all I've got in me today. I'm tired, my throat hurts and I can't breathe out of my nose. I'm going to bed. I was going to check blogs tonight but I'm beat. I'll do it tomorrow. Sorry guys!
April 14, 2008 at 10:07pm
April 14, 2008 at 10:07pm
You totally have that Bangles song in your head now, don't you? C'mon, admit it. *Delight* And if you don't, here you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ6zX5cuvxA now it's in your head. *Bigsmile* Sorry, I couldn't resist. That really is the perfect title for this blog entry because today certainly was manic. And last I checked, it was also Monday. *Rolleyes* I hate Mondays. Today was a pretty crazy day at work. I was trying to get some loose ends tied up because I'm taking a half day tomorrow. I have a funeral to go to in the morning for a friend's step-mom. When I put in for the half day off, I realized that the only time I've taken off so far this year are 2 days for funerals, 1 day to go to court and 1 sick day back in February. We're now 4 months in to this year and those are the 4 days I've had off. Pretty sad, isn't it? Anyone else think I need a vacation? If only I could convince my husband. OK, I'll shut up now and stop complaining.

An update from yesterday: the Flyers won 2-0. The series with the Capitals is tied 1-1. Game 3 is tomorrow night. The Phillies ended up losing 6-5. I knew they were going to lose by a run because in the 6th inning, the umpire called a home run for the Cubs and it was actually a foul ball. Just our luck. Almost makes me wish there was instant replay in baseball. The Phils have the day off today. They start a series with the Astros tomorrow.

'Night all! I'm tired and I'm going to bed. *Yawn*
April 13, 2008 at 12:23pm
April 13, 2008 at 12:23pm
It's been a very busy weekend. I'm sure you can tell since this is my first blog entry since Thursday. Friday night was happy hour for a little while then I went over to my friend Theresa's house to have dinner and celebrate with Tonia, Theresa and Lisa. Lisa had just returned from a 2-week business trip to Switzerland. Can you imagine being sent to another country for 2 weeks for work? We were also celebrating my 2 second place wins from earlier this week.

Saturday was spent doing the normal weekend chores...cleaning, laundry, food shopping. Then last night we hung out with a group of people my husband used to work with. We get together with this group every other month. Everyone takes a turn hosting. What's really cool was that last night was hosted by my brother and his wife. Yes, my husband used to work with my brother and his wife. And no, that's not how we met. Our meeting was completely random and had nothing to do with him working with my brother and sister-in-law. Weird huh?

It's a busy day in sports today. The Phillies game starts at 1:35. They're going for a sweep of the Cubs. The Flyers second play-off game against the Capitals starts at 2:00. They lost game 1. They really should have won. They were ahead for most of the game. Oh well, it happens. So we're heading to the bar so we can watch both games at the same time. *Cool*

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Go Phils and go Flyers!
April 10, 2008 at 9:44pm
April 10, 2008 at 9:44pm
I'm making brownies for my team at work. Earlier this week we had a meeting and it was my turn to bring snack. I forgot, of course. It had been a while since we had a meeting and, in all honesty, the whole team forgot to look at the schedule, so no matter whose turn it was, the snack would have been forgotten. Not that I'm making excuses or anything. *Wink* So I promised my team I'd make it up to them. I'm currently baking my "famous" brownies with Reese's peanut butter cups in them. I'm going to take them in to work tomorrow.

The Phillies game is currently tied 3-3 in the 8th inning. I, unfortunately, have to go because the timer on the oven is going off. Have a wonderful evening!
April 9, 2008 at 8:22pm
April 9, 2008 at 8:22pm
I had a bit of déjà vu today (actually late last night but I didn't get it until today) and now I'm going to pass it on to you. *Laugh* I was notified today that one of my poems came in second place in another poetry contest. How funny is that? Apparently, second place is the place to be for me! *Bigsmile* Or, as my husband put it, "second place is the first loser." Nice. He's as big a smartass as I am. Actually, he might have me beat...maybe. *Wink* The contest was "Invalid Item. Special thanks to stacylynn71. She does a great job with the contest. My prize was a 10k awardicon and 5,000 gps. Congratulations to all of the other winners! Here's my poem, if you're interested:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1408852 by Not Available.

The Phillies are currently losing to that New York team that shall still remain nameless. It's 3-1 but it's only in the 3rd inning so they could make a comeback. Maybe? Hopefully! Kyle Kendrick has had the bases loaded every inning. Not good. *Worry*

No news on the stalker today. When I pulled in the lot this morning, his car was already there but he was nowhere in sight. Tonight when I went to my car, I was with my boss and the stalker's car was already gone anyway.
April 8, 2008 at 9:27pm
April 8, 2008 at 9:27pm
I was notified today that my poem came in second place in the "ON WINTER BREAK. Special thanks to NanoWriMo2018 Into the Earth . She does a great job with the contest! My prize was a poetry merit badge. I'd also like to congratulate the other winners. There were some fantastic entries. The judges had their work cut out for them. If you'd like to check out my poem, here it is:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1404361 by Not Available.

In other WDC news, I was adopted by "The WDC Angel Army today. I've been adopted by Princess Megan Rose 22 Years . Thank you so much, Megan! I'm looking forward to working with you as my mentor. *Cool*

In non-WDC news, the Phillies won 5-2 today. They beat a certain team from New York that will remain nameless. I have a deal with Fivesixer . Sorry buddy! *Rolleyes*

An update on my stalker situation. There was no encounter in the parking lot tonight. But his car was still there, parked next to mine (kinda creepy). Thanks to everyone who expressed concern over this situation. Trust me when I tell you that I have a lot of street smarts and I'm always well aware of my surroundings. I'll be fine but I do appreciate your concern.

Have a good night everyone!
April 7, 2008 at 9:54pm
April 7, 2008 at 9:54pm
Now that I have your attention. First, the stalker. Apparently, I have one. I work in the city. I drive in to work but my company does not have on-site parking so I have to park 4-5 blocks away. Tonight when I got to my lot and went to get in my car, I heard someone say, "Excuse me, miss? Miss?" I turned around and this guy approached me. He said, "I've seen you before. Not just here in the lot but I've also seen you at ShopRite." He proceeded to tell me the exact location of that ShopRite that's in the town I live in. For safety reasons, I'm not going to list it here. Anyway, he proceeded to tell me that he's seen me several times at that parking lot and in our local grocery store. Just a little additional information, I work (and park) in one state and I live and do my grocery shopping in another state. So this was quite strange. He introduced himself and shook my hand. I can't for the life of me remember his name. I said, "I don't ever remember seeing you before." He said, "Obviously, I've made quite an impression on you." Then he laughed. I told him I had to go and he said, "OK, it was nice meeting you. I'll see you around. By the way, you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." I got into my car and he got into his Mercedes Benz (must be nice). It was really, really strange. Does anyone else find this odd?

Moving right along to my "missed opportunities" portion of this evening's entertainment. My friends all know about my crush on Randy Wolf. I've never even met the guy so it's not like there was ever truly an "opportunity". I suppose anything is possible. I did go on a few dates with Scott Rolen about 10 years ago when he played for the Phillies (before either of us were married). But I digress. Back to Randy Wolf. One of my friends sent me an e-mail with these two links. Here is the house that Randy Wolf just sold http://realestalker.blogspot.com/2008/02/randy-wolf-tosses-his-calabasas-crib-on... and here is the house that he just bought http://www.the700level.com/2008/01/watn-randy-wolf.html . Where did I go wrong? Just kidding...

One a good note, the Phillies won today! They beat Cincinnati 5-3. *Delight* I apologize to any of my blog readers that are not baseball fans. I can pretty much guarantee that from now until October, each blog entry will, most likely, have something about baseball in it.
April 6, 2008 at 8:02pm
April 6, 2008 at 8:02pm
Well, the Phillies lost again today. Why, you ask? It's simple: poor management and bad pitching. The Phillies put Brett Myers back into the starting rotation this season. Not only did they make him a starter, but they made him their #1 starter. Bad move all around. Myers is so much better from the bullpen. Even he didn't want to be moved from the bullpen to the starting rotation. Why did the Phillies do it? Their front office is too cheap and too stupid to make quality moves in the off-season. They know that fans, like me, will continue to go to games and cheer the team on, even when they are losing. So Myers and the Phillies lost 8-2 today. I won't even go into how badly they lost on opening day when Myers pitched.

In other news, this weekend was relatively calm. That's a welcome change considering I'm usually running all over the place, trying to be in multiple places at once. The craziness starts up again next weekend and I'm sure it won't end any time soon with summer just around the corner. No biggie. Anyway, I hope you all had a good weekend.

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