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Rated: XGC · Book · Experience · #1442055
I have always been told that I am a mystery and a tough one to figure out.
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Birthdate: May21-June20
Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Symbol: The Twins
Lucky Numbers: 5 & 9
Special Color: Yellow

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"When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat."
---George Carlin

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July 10, 2008 at 10:06am
July 10, 2008 at 10:06am
Sometimes I am really tempted to rename my sister's cat. I think her new name should be Nuisance, not Patience. This new name is based on all of the annoying things that she does. She knocks, tears, and scratches, things up and down. Even claws up my legs and arms. She's worse than a puppy, I swear. *Rolleyes* Lastnight, she nearly knocked all of my dvds off of the shelf (I have nearly 150+ dvds) that's a lot to pick up. I was annoyed and frustrated at the same time. I couldn't tell you how much money we've had to pay to buy toilet paper because of her. As many times as I have told her 'no' and scolded her, it's like she never learns. She's worse than a child. *Frown* I am beginning to wonder if she's retarded or something. I know that she's just being a kitten. It's just aggrevating. Why couldn't Sheila get an older cat, like 6 months to 1year old? *Rolleyes*
July 10, 2008 at 12:25am
July 10, 2008 at 12:25am
I had to return those ankle weights. They weren't fitting me right. They would slide down, and the metal buckle would dig into my skin, which really hurt. None of the weights they had fit me. I am retaining so much water that it isn't funny. I have taken diueretics and that doesn't seem to help. I am starting to back off of the salt, so we will see how that works out. I got my money back. I picked up some Lipton Iced Tea to Go, Planters Energy Mix, and Volumes 4 & 5 of Garfield and Friends at $6.50 per set where you get 24-25 episodes, which I thought was a great deal. Now if only I could find a place that carries the first 3 seasons. For some reason, Target only had those two. They seem to do that with a lot of tv series. I don't get it. Oh well. I figured that I had better grab them, because they may not be available at some point. When I get a job, I can always get them new off of amazon.com or something.
July 8, 2008 at 4:19pm
July 8, 2008 at 4:19pm
*Angry*I saw the most disgusting thing in the world today when I got out of the shower. My sister evidently took a dump this morning and was too lazy to get up and waddle her ass to where the extra bath tissue was, because she used the empty bath tissue roll to wipe her ass with. Then threw it in the waste paper basket, where it was wide-open for everyone else to see. *Sick* I nearly puked when I saw the bare bath tissue roll covered in shit. She does some of the trashiest and most ghetto things in the world. She's just plain gross. I am thankful that she is the only white trash sister out of the four of us. Although, it's a damn embarrassment to have a sister that does gross things all of the time. This is why I need to get a job and get the hell out of that apartment for good. *Rolleyes*
July 7, 2008 at 6:29pm
July 7, 2008 at 6:29pm
Me, grandma, grandpa, and Aunt LouAnn went to the cemetary to wish my dad a Happy 50th yesterday. It was very sad to see the tears in everyones eyes. *Frown* Grandma found some letters in a storage container that Molly had written. I don't think that those were meant for anyones eyes but dad's. Grandma read one out loud. Most of it was her anger and asking dad if he knew that he was dying. I burst into tears, along with grandma and Aunt LouAnn. That letter made me wonder that same thing all over again. I am tempted to supeona my dad's medical records. I am really curious now. The autopsy revealed what he died from, but it didn't reveal if he knew he was terminal. I need to find this out one day.

The party at Melissa's house was really fun. I stayed at her house until really late lastnight as I usually do, lol. Jason does a really good job on the grill, those steaks were yummy. *Pthb* I got to spend some time with Mel, Jason, and the two boys after everyone else left. After Jason and the boys got out, Melissa and I noticed that the pool was lop-sided. So, we attempted to push our backs into the other side of the pool. That was dumb. *Rolleyes* Because, I lost my footing and slipped on the bottom of the pool and went under. *Blush* Melissa of course got a huge hoot out of it and was laughing hysterically at me when I came to the surface coughing, lol. I had a good time anyway. *Wink*
July 6, 2008 at 10:45am
July 6, 2008 at 10:45am
Today would have been my dad's 50th birthday. It's a shame that he didn't make it to that age. *Frown* I miss him dearly. My Aunt LouAnn (dad's sister) is 49 today as well. My cousin Melissa is fashionably late! has invited me over for her mother's birthday party, because she knows that I will be thinking of my dad all day. I am bringing stuff for salads and Mel and Jason are providing everything else. Before the party, me and my family are going to the cemetary to put flowers and goodies on dad's grave. It's going to be a long day.
July 5, 2008 at 1:22pm
July 5, 2008 at 1:22pm
The Family 4th of July party was really fun. The brownies that I made with the ooey-gooey chocolate frosting went over really well too, lol. They had good food too. Aunt Dodie gave me a glass of Pinot Noir, lol. I didn't expect that because I had brought water for myself. After that I had two more glasses of wine. I didn't get drunk though. Beer bothers me more than any other alcohol. Most of it was spent eating and talking, naturally. I talked with my Aunt LouAnn and my Aunt Janine. The big part of the conversation was about worthless Uncle Tom, and how he's a crazy psycho. I also learned some new info about my Estranged psycho mother. It turns out that after she left my dad she got hooked on every kind of drug out there, Heroine, Meth, just to name a couple, and how she had to go to a halfway house to get clean. From what I hear, she hasn't changed that much. Uncle Tom seems to think that he is going to get this huge inheritance after my grandparents are gone and that he's going to be in charge of the will. *Laugh* Yeah right. Knowing him, he would probably keep it all to himself and buy drugs with it. I told Aunt Janine and Aunt LouAnn how Uncle Tom came over and how he was verbally abusive with grandma. They told me that I should have kicked his ass. *Laugh* And told me that he wouldn't have done anything back to me, just try to block my punches, lol. I told them that I was seriously contemplating it. They were talking about how God took the wrong brother.....in my case, God took the wrong parent. I agree with them completely. After we got back from the party, I went out on my 2 hour walk. After that I was beat from being outside all day. I slept hard until 10am this morning.
July 4, 2008 at 7:21pm
July 4, 2008 at 7:21pm
Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy 4th of July! *Bigsmile* *Heart*
July 3, 2008 at 11:33pm
July 3, 2008 at 11:33pm
I stepped on the scale today, and found out that I lost 7-10 more pounds! *Bigsmile* I am so thrilled about that, it gave me more inspiration to keep going. I have incorporated more fruit in my diet, and have substituted Carnation Instant Breakfast drinks in place of my cereal. It has twice the protein of an egg, and twice the calcium of yogurt, plus 21 vitamins and minerals. It's quick and easy, and it breaks the monotony of having cereal or eggs everyday. I used to never eat breakfast, only because most of the time, I am never hungry in the morning. Losing that extra 7-10 more pounds has definately made my day! *Delight*
July 2, 2008 at 9:47pm
July 2, 2008 at 9:47pm
This year is just flying by! *Shock* It's already half over. I hope I can still make my weight-loss goals by the end of the year. I would like to be under a certain amount by then. Hopefully. I was rained out today from walking. It's been storming non-stop for the past 4 1/2 hours, and is supposed to continue on until 11pm tonight. Hopefully I can get my walk in tomorrow. I need to get serious about this, and lose some major poundage. *Pthb*
July 2, 2008 at 11:40am
July 2, 2008 at 11:40am
I won first prize in the journaling contest for:
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
(MAY Villanelle) JUNE:Annual Blog Month!
#981150 by StephBee

Thank you StephBee for the pretty ribbon that adorns my blog! *Heart*
July 1, 2008 at 10:26pm
July 1, 2008 at 10:26pm
I hate ice cream trucks, they are so annoying with that corny music, lol. They are just as bad as clowns. I hate clowns. They are out everyday practically. I think their ice cream is over priced anyway, it's always been that way since I was a child. Ice cream is cheaper at the super market. *Pthb* I'd rather get it there.
July 1, 2008 at 4:22pm
July 1, 2008 at 4:22pm
I get home yesterday, and Sheila announces that she has a new name to call Dan, whose real name is actually Richard. She says his new name is "Dick". How appropriate! *Laugh* I said, "Okay, what has he done now?" She told me how she called "Dick" lastnight to see if he could watch their daughter Jazlyn another night because she was going to hang out with her friend Stephanie, and he said, fine, no problem. Yesterday, he calls up and tells her that there's been a change of plans, making up this bullshit story on how he has to work the next morning, how he can't watch Jazlyn, and blah, blah, blah. What he really wanted to do is go out and drink, which he's not supposed to do because he's on probation, and if he drinks even one drop of alcohol he will be thrown in prison. In my opinion, that's where he belongs, since he's not contributing anything great to the world anyway. So, "Dick" tells Sheila, Okay, whatever. Then later on yesterday Sheila decides that she's not going to go out and says she will pick up Jazlyn. "Dick" told Sheila that Jazlyn wasn't there. Sheila then asks where Jazlyn is and "Dick" told her "None of your business." *Confused* Jazlyn is Sheila's daughter, so yeah, it is her business where her daughter is. Sheila kept asking "Dick" where her daughter is and he kept telling her that it was none of her business, and then after several times, he told her that his neighbor is watching her, who he doesn't even know, since he just moved in there himself. Then Sheila got really pissed and told "Dick" that he has no business dropping their daughter off at some strangers house. Then told him that if he doesn't let her have Jazlyn back today after she gets off work, that she's going to the police. I think that she should have seriously called the police yesterday when "Dick" initially refused to give her back lastnight. I know that Sheila is going to file for full custody, and "Dick" thinks that she doesn't have a fighting chance. I think given his criminal record, he doesn't have a prayer. He's been arrested on several occasions, for pot, crystal meth, mushroom, DUI, and failure to pay child support. I hope he gets busted again for drinking. He deserves it.
June 30, 2008 at 4:27pm
June 30, 2008 at 4:27pm
My sinuses have gone haywire for some reason. I have been sneezing non-stop, my face and head hurt, and my nose keeps getting slightly congested. *Sick* I have no idea what the trigger is either. I am allergic to mold, dust, dogs, and some pollens. It seems like pollen would come out in the Springtime and not Summer. Mold is everywhere and so is dust. I never really come in contact with dogs. The headaches and the sneezing are the worst part of the whole thing.
June 29, 2008 at 10:10pm
June 29, 2008 at 10:10pm
It's now official that I have nothing but total disrespect for my Uncle Tom. He comes over to my grandparents house and asks my grandmother for handouts as usual. When he can't get his way, he gets this, "Oh woe is me" attitude. He was yelling at grandma and also threatened to kill himself or someone else so he would go through the rest of his life not having to pay for anything, kind of like he has all of his life. He can't do anything for himself. Grandma does his laundry, takes him grocery shopping, runs him all over the place, gives him money and leftovers. Uncle Tom does nothing for himself, just sits around like worthless piece of crap. He doesn't even make an effort to find a job. Complains that he doesn't have a car, and that he can't get a job if he doesn't have a car. When I overheard the way he was treating grandma and the kinds of things he was saying to her, I wanted to beat the crap out of him. *Angry* After Uncle Tom left, I told grandma what an asshole he was to her, and how pathetic he was being. Grandma actually defended him to me. *Rolleyes* I can't understand why she thinks she has to bend over backwards for this leech. I am surprised that he doesn't ask grandma to go over to his house and wipe his ass for him after he gets done using the toilet. My uncle is a true drama queen. A few months back he thought he had skin cancer on his testicles, so my grandmother took him to see a dermatologist. It turned out to be blackheads. *Laugh* WTF? How can you mistake blackheads for skin cancer? Only my Uncle Tom, I guess. When my dad died in October, he didn't even attend the funeral. How can you not attend your own brother's funeral? I thought maybe he didn't show because he was too distraught to attend. But as soon as we started to clean my father's belongings out of his house, Uncle Tom was more than willing to take what he wanted. He didn't care enough to attend his own brother's funeral, but is more than willing to go through his brother's belongings and take whatever he wants. Talk about a self-centered asshole. *Angry* I went out to talk to grandpa about how he treats grandma, and I told him what I wrote in this entry, and Grandpa said that he has always been disgusted with the way Uncle Tom lives his life, and how he's a helpless druggie, who has sold his cars for money to buy drugs. Grandpa has disowned Uncle Tom, and grandma continues to kiss his ass. I am just hoping that Uncle Tom has been cut out the will. Just what he needs is more money to spend foolishly. My Uncle Tom doesn't care about anything unless there's something in it for him, that's why he didn't come to my dad's funeral, because the event was centered around my dad and not him. *Frown* How cold and self-centered.
June 29, 2008 at 4:28pm
June 29, 2008 at 4:28pm
I will definately have to go on my walk today, because I didn't go yesterday. I would have been rained out for sure. I know it won't hurt me. I also picked up some health-smart foods at the grocery store Friday night. Raspberries, blueberries, peaches, grapes, bananas, celery, salad kits, Carnation Instant Breakfast, cereal, apple juice, and milk. I realize that I have to do more than just walk two hours everyday.....I also need to eat better too, which I have been doing. I am going to start cracking down more on myself if I want to reach my goals by the end of the year.
June 29, 2008 at 1:49pm
June 29, 2008 at 1:49pm
I took this really cool quiz on http://www.lifescript.com/quiz/quiz.asp?bid=47361&valid=1&page=21&ptype=PA

You scored 1-12: You Are a True Gemini!

You are intelligent, talkative and quite charming - a true Gemini! You enjoy being social and meeting new people. You like to interact with others who are interesting and have a wide range of interests. You get bored easily, so you need someone who can keep up with you mentally. Geminis love to flirt and enjoy the chase. You are charming and extremely witty.

My Quiz Answers:

TRUE. Gemini rules the mind and you must be able to have an intelligent, stimulating conversation with a potential mate. An ideal mate for you is someone who is well-read and has a lot of interesting things to talk about. You get bored easily and cannot tolerate a partner who is quiet or uncommunicative.

TRUE. Geminis are constantly fidgeting and have difficulty sitting still. This is partly due to an abundance of nervous energy that so many Geminis are prone to. Learning to relax would benefit you a great deal.

TRUE. Gemini is the sign of communication. Even if you are the shy or quiet type, you still can be quite talkative from time to time. You are the social butterfly of the zodiac and are genuinely interested in what other people have to say.

FALSE. The dual sign of Gemini can easily work on two tasks at a time. You are the type who likes to read a book while watching TV or work on two projects simultaneously. You like to keep busy and need constant mental stimulation.

TRUE. Thanks to planet Mercury (Gemini's ruling planet) you tend to have a youthful appearance and people often think you are much younger than your actual age. This trait tends to be quite valuable as you get older.

FALSE. Unfortunately, the communicative Gemini tends to get caught up in the latest gossip from time to time. This is one of the negative aspects of being such a talkative, outgoing person, unfortunately.

TRUE. More than any other sign of the zodiac, Gemini needs freedom. You dislike being tied down and tend to run from people who try to control you. You are faithful and loyal to your partner, as long as you are given your space and independence.

FALSE. Gemini is one of the most adaptable signs in the zodiac. You crave variety and adapt to change quickly and easily.

FALSE. Geminis have a tendency to say what people want to hear out of a desire to please. You are the type who will tell your boss or spouse exactly what he or she wants to hear in order to avoid conflict.

*This is NOT true! I am always honest with people. I almost never lie. LOL.

TRUE. Gemini adapts well to different types of people and is usually very outgoing. You have an assortment of friends who tend to be unique and interesting.
June 29, 2008 at 1:32pm
June 29, 2008 at 1:32pm
My sister's kitten is very clingy. She always wants me to pet her, and she always wants to sleep on my lap. I don't mind it all that much, it's just hard to get anything done on here, lol. I love the kitten and she seems to be more attached to me than she is to Sheila or Jazlyn. Poor thing. I woke up today to find vomit on the floor. Maybe she wouldn't have that problem if she would stop biting Jezebel's fur off and eating it. *Rolleyes*
June 29, 2008 at 12:29pm
June 29, 2008 at 12:29pm
I need to get my sleep back on track. *Yawn* It sucks, because I feel sleepy all day if I get up too late. I can't just force myself to fall asleep at an earlier time. I don't consume massive amounts of caffeine or anything, so I don't understand it. Not even the diuretics that I am taking contain caffeine. Oh well. I am just so sleepy.
June 29, 2008 at 12:59am
June 29, 2008 at 12:59am
My auction is finally open for bidding! Please come and check it out. Lots of awesome packages! *Bigsmile*
 Invalid Item 
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#1440140 by Not Available.

Thanks! *Heart*
June 29, 2008 at 12:05am
June 29, 2008 at 12:05am
I think I have figured out a plan. I am thinking that maybe if I take some temp jobs throughout the summer, I could save up for my own place. My goal is to still move to the metro Detroit area. I feel that the only way I am going to get on my own and be independent is to move further away from my family so I won't have to borrow money. I have the desire to be on my own. I want to prove myself to me and everyone else that I can be on my own. I need everything to happen that I want to happen. I have goals and dreams and I want to achieve those goals and dreams on my own. I know that I have to take small steps to get there.

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