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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fanfiction · #1879793
Nyx, the good-natured reincarnation of Nightmare Moon, decides to follow her true calling.
This choice: Go to Canterlot as a student of the princesses  •  Go Back...
Chapter #2

Accepting the royal invitation

    by: MagnusCorvus
Twilight said to her friends, "Well, we spent a few days considering her options. I made charts with the pros and cons of each one and modified for the severity of each factor of course. And I made sure to thoroughly research each one, because I didn't want her to make a decision based on a knee-jerk bias over objective-"

"TWILIGHT!" Rarity and Applejack both interrupted in unison as the unicorn started to ramble, snapping her out of it.

She sheepishly smiled and continued, "R-right. Well, eventually, we figured that apprenticing with the princesses was probably for the best. We knew there would be ponies in the capitol who wouldn't want her so close after... after what happened..."

She choked a little, still having difficulty talking about how the cult that had created Nyx flooded her with the memories and power of Nightmare Moon that she had been intended to have from the beginning. Nyx... her Nyx, as much as she didn't want to think about it like that, had taken on that role and overthrew the Royal Sisters. Thankfully for all of Equestria, it was because she was Nyx, and didn't have Nightmare Moon's spite and jealousy that she had chosen of her own will to reject the role that had been chosen for her and undo the harm she had done.

"And she doesn't really need lessons on being an alicorn. She still has the latent talent and knowledge. It's just that her mental and physical maturity are based on how much magical power she has, so that'll come back on its own eventually. They just thought that everypony seeing her prove her loyalty to the princesses will go a long way toward showing that she really isn't Nightmare Moon anymore. Not in any way that matters."

Rarity beamed happily at the news. "That's quite an astute observation. She certainly does take after her mother in that regard." Twilight blushed at the praise. "Oh, and just think! The conservatory Sweetie Belle will be attending is within trotting distance." Stars started to gleam in the white unicorn's eyes. "The two of them, bosom friends, together mingling with the creme de la creme of high society! Oh my... oh my, I simply MUST make dear Nyx a suitable gown to match with the one I made for Sweetie Belle! Such a cosmopolitan center of culture and style, it would be an absolute CRIME to send them off without giving them the opportunity to make the best possible impression for their grand debut! And Twilight, how could you have kept this to yourself, knowing that I would have so little time to work?"

Twilight blinked a few times and opened her mouth to say something, only for Rarity to place a hoof over her lips. "Shhh, it's alright, dear. I know you have so much on your mind, and I DO forgive you, but I simply must hurry." Turning to the gathered Crusaders, she called out, "Sweetie Belle! Sweetie Belle, dear, I'm afraid that I have to dash off to the Boutique!"

Sweetie Belle looked confused for a moment, but could tell that her big sister was on a mission, so she waved and assured her that she would make it home after the party. As Rarity made it to the door, Pinkie Pie, who was being spun around, quickly pulled her blindfold up and cried out, "Waaaaaiiiit! Don't go out yet!"

The white unicorn was already out the door, however, and a series of loud bangs and brightly colored flashes filled the library through the windows and open door. Nyx dropped Pinkie Pie as everypony quickly ran over to look, only catching the last few trails of a fireworks show that backlit Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as they held up a banner reading "GOOD LUCK, CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" Fluttershy's end was hanging lower, as she'd reflexively cringed from the display.

"What the hay, Rarity?!" Dash exclaimed, glaring down at the unicorn. "We've been waiting out here a good half hour setting up, and you go and blow it early!"

Spike, who was down between the two pegasi with an empty box of fireworks, said to the downcast little Crusaders, "Sorry, everypony, we were expecting you to be coming out!"

This was met with a disappointed "Awwwww" from everyone until Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up from behind Spike, somehow having left the library without anypony noticing her pass them by, a second box of fireworks perched on top of her head. "Well, it's a good thing I brought backups!" This was met with a round of cheers as she set it down, and Spike lit the fuses with a puff of fire.

As a cascade of sparks and streams of light exploded in the skies of Ponyville a second time, Scootaloo took the opportunity to show off by whipping out her scooter, upgraded and adjusted over the past few years, using her wings to give her a quick boost of speed and launch herself up a small rise in the road like a ramp. Hooves clapped together wildly as she flipped around in the air, backlit by a bright, star-shaped explosion, getting a high-five from Rainbow Dash at the apex of the arc. The sound of her fanfillyish squeal on the way down could be heard even over the pops and bangs of the display.

Down on the ground, Applejack and Apple Bloom sat next to each other, ooohing and ahhhing.

Sweetie Belle clopped up alongside Rarity and asked, "You still need to go off to the Boutique?" Rarity, glancing down at her sister, smiled before putting a foreleg around her and pulling her in for a hug while they shared what would be the last of such moments for a while. "Well, yes... but it can wait a minute longer," she replied.

Nyx, likewise, made her way to Twilight and leaned down a little to nuzzle her mother. "You all had this set up for us?" she asked, amazement in her voice. "I love you so much, mom!"

Twilight was actually as surprised as anyone else, but decided not to say so as she nuzzled back. Her horn lit up with magic as she formed an image in her mind, then cast a spell to shoot it up into the sky. A fond memory from when Nyx was just a little filly, the two of them with Spike and Owlowicious sitting around a storybook. This image then spread out, bringing all of their friends and family into a tapestry that spread across the sky.

"I love you too, Nyx. So much."


The next day, it came time for those who were leaving for Canterlot to depart. Because of Twilight and Nyx's special relationship with the princesses, a private pegasus-drawn chariot was to be sent down to pick up Nyx and Sweetie Belle. Hugs and well-wishes were shared between everyone present, and an only ever-so-slightly frazzled looking Rarity levitated a pair of packages to her sister and Nyx.

"Here you go. It took me all night to finish yours, Nyx, but be sure to put it on before you land. You two will look so absolutely DIVINE, you'll steal the breath of everyone who sees you! I trust you both will act like proper ladies while you're there?"

The two young mares giggled to one another, then replied in unison, "Of course. Thank you, Rarity," both of them performing their finest curtsy, which had her smile in both pride and relief.

Twilight also presented them with gifts in the form of stacks of books bound together with twine. "Here, girls, I was able to requisition some books from the library, so you don't need to worry about returning them." Sweetie Belle's stack were largely books on music or collections of songs while Nyx's were mostly storybooks, with a few of her fillyhood favorites slipped in. "And you promise you'll write?" she asked Nyx.

The black alicorn smiled and tried to keep from crying as she thought back to all the times Twilight had read her stories, even once when she was in her fully-grown form. "Every week, mom. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Twilight's eyes widened, not having expected that. "Oh? You know, if you make a Pinkie Pie promise, you'll have to keep it-"


"--What she said."

Nyx laughed and nuzzled Twilight again. "I know. I'll definitely keep it." They then turned their heads up toward the sky as the moment approached for the chariot to arrive.
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