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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #214850
An evolution in years
#143324 added January 15, 2002 at 8:30pm
Restrictions: None
A day in the life of an IB student.....
So, I'm part of this advanced program at school that's called the International Baccelaureate program. It sucks. Think AP only all your classes are impossibly difficult, and there's no rest. The homework alone is enough to drive you crazy, and most of us are weight lifters from the sizes of the books.

So I've been meaning to let my fellow stories.comers into the life of an IB student. Recently, I've had too much homework to even really get online, except to check my Email (which I have to do for one of my classes anyway.). That's the first clue that my life is way too complicated by homework. However, I was able to finish it all early today.. and now..

A day in the life of IB (Dramatic Chord)

Well, depending on the day (my school has a block schedule where you have a class every other day) I either start off with IB Spanish 2 (or regular spanish 7) or IB Biology HL (higher level) 1. Spanish is fun, my "sister" is in the class, and we sit next to eachother (really bad call by the teacher to let us do that). However, it's a foreign language, I have enough trouble in my own, and once I realized about two years ago that I had enough spanish to get by if I ever got stranded in Mexico, I really lost interest in the whole subject.

Bio is worse, the teacher makes really stupid jokes ("well, when you're an embryo you have a tail and what a cute tail it is too! ). And she refuses to answer your questions. You know prophets? How they always answer questions in riddles? That's what she does, only she does it when she's supposed to be teaching ("what does your disection book have to say?" "it doesn't" "read it again" "i read it 10 times, it's not in there" "Well, read it again, it's in your disection manual")

Then, on both days, I have a free period (Yea!). On the days I have bio, I get it with my boyfriend (double yea!), and on the other days (spanish days) I have it with a good friend of mine. This is generally the high point of my day.

After my free-period, on bio days, I have IB European History with Mr. Mehlbach. The guy makes crazy people look sane. He's the hardest teacher I have, but he keeps class fun. Picture a guy with a buzzed head prancing down the aisle pretending he's a pig... and that's on a bad day. The guy is tough (30 document DBQ's to write in one hour - which means we have to use 15 documents as evidence, and analize the point of view on 8 of those...), and he drives most of us crazy on a regular basis... but, then again, what can you expect from a class who's motto is "Have you had your power poop today?"

After my free-period on spanish days, I have IB Junior English. This has to be the most boring class in creation. There are only so many times you can discuss the purpose of the colour yellow in Crime and Punishment. I'm sorry. The teacher can be fun... but... eh, not always. The only redeeming fact of this class is my other "sister" sits next to me, and we write notes to each other.

After Euro History on Bio days, I have Theory of Knowledge (ToK). This class is also known as "The hell class of IB". It's our philosophy class, which I personally don't mind, but as most of our fellow students in IB are slowly recognizing, they don't think for themselves. They repeat what the teacher tells them in different words. However, our teacher doesn't ever speak first. Thus ruining thier entire thinking (or lack thereof) process.

After English on spanish days, I have IB Math Methods. This is the harder of the two Math classes an IB student could take. I should have been in the easier one. I used to think I was good at math... turns out I'm not. The teacher is great, She's only 27, and she complains to us about her roommates. The only other redeeming quality this class has is that my boyfriend sits behind me (triple yea!).

Then I go home, do 5-6 hours of homework, go to sleep, wake up at 4:30 in the morning, and do it all again.

Kgirlfae ~ Wanting

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