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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole/day/9-19-2022
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

September 19, 2022 at 11:20am
September 19, 2022 at 11:20am


25 *Coffeeo*

Drinking out of an orange "Social Worker" cup. Should give it to Angie.

My cup emoji was facing the wrong way. I corrected it. I'm left-handed.

Should start giving things away. I've thought about going through my canned food and offering duplicates to Billie Jo. I can pick up freebies in God's Waiting Room from time to time. How many cans of beans does one need at the end? (Later, I gave her three cans.)

Everyone at YCC going nuts over Ian. He can't make up his mind and get his act together... Wannabe him-a-canes are sooooo fickle.

There is other snews, but algorithms favor the hysterics of certain political buffoons.

I have no legitimate reason to avoid my chores.

I posted at YCC: "When we don't have him-a-canes, her-a-canes and them-a-canes swirling around the GOM bathtub I'll think of posting something about how disasters aren't just climate/weather driven. Poverty, politics, racism, xenophobia, urban-planning, zoning, education, ignorance... in other words PEOPLE create situations that are a major factor in who lives and who dies. BUT... plenty of folks here don't want to talk about that. However, when it calms down..."

66 degrees at 1:41, which is high noon in Missoula.

Now after 10 pm. I haven't accomplished much. Nerves went and I'm still not doing too well. I'm having trouble doing Sudokus. *Worry*

Bills lost 19-21, dominated the game but made costly mistakes.

It warmed up some, but now 57. I should try to stay awake for awhile. *Dead*

24 *Coffeet*

44 degrees on a what will be a pleasant Homecoming day.

Hot sugar-spice coffee in my Hawai'i cup this morn. I'm trying to get in the habit of using stuff. I have too much stuff.

8:27 ... need to fuel up before I go out.

Need to write "Den Siste Hausten".

I got yellow peaches and a chocolate-cinnamon milkshake. Bought a book placed in Cambodia.

The slightest thing triggers my traumas. This isn't good. Part of me wants to crawl under a rock. But the day is bright and shiny and I can breathe well without the smoke.

Ate spicy chicken. Montana won 53-16. Place is quiet.

Wannabe him-a-cane Ian is spinning and Floridians are panicking. Typhoon Noru is Cat 5 and crashing into Manila, then VietNam and Thailand. Women are declared 'wombs' in Arizona according to an 1864 law. Gnus is unsettling.

56 degrees going on 11. Warm days and cool nights = perfect autumn weather.

23 *Coffeep*

42 and fog as I sip cold black liquid out of my lavender Piglet coffee cup. Plus cake, the breakfast choice of champions.

It's 8:37.

Lentil soup and chicken for lunch. Nice chat with Jamie.

Picked up chicken and pork at grocery store (no ground pig).

Puddles from yesterday. Wore my suede jacket as no rain forecast. 67 degrees at 4:50.

Finished "21 วัน มีฉันมีเธอ | 21 Days Theory": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk7SEEXZtL4 It was light and short but watchable.

🌀 Fiona, Gaston, Hermine, Ian...

Watched episode 7 of Eclipse. The OST:


22 *Coffee*

50 degrees at 9 and raining... all day. SW breeze to boot. Very odd here but welcome.

Gender roles... a bane of testing. Better for a counselor to ask teachers if they are paying attention.

I am drinking out of my England mug this morning. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Sat with Billie Jo and Angie. Windows shut due to rain.

Shared yellow watermelon. Sweet and juicy.

48 degrees at 2ish. Will rain through afternoon into the evening.

Lunch: tuna fish sandwich.

48 degrees at 8 pm. *Rain* but tapering off in a couple hours then *Sun* tomorrow.

It felt great writing in my journal by hand. It really helps.

Baking chocolate cake with coffee-lavender. It's cool outside and my window is open so it won't get too toasty inside.

A new WDC group has formed on facebook from former bloggers. We'll see. *Smile*

My comments on YCC:

"I spoke with aficionados of electric cars last Saturday. My answer was public transportation, bicycles, walking... not cars. I would add living closer to places where one eats, entertains, works. Rural Montanans don't grasp that idea. NewYorkers would."

"My friend Laxmi would say "fewer people". My quiverful friends would disagree. Folks here would block immigrants, be they from Louisiana or Puerto Rico. I don't live in a heart-filled place. Long term? Stop abusing Mother Nature. Short term? Colonize the Moon? Turn the Sahara back into savannah?"

"That's far too cynical for me. Humans can be kind and cooperative. By-the-way, not everything is black/white liberal/conservative. Plus, Americans do not have all the answers regardless of religious or political or traditional persuasion."

21 *Coffeer*

Ran out of instant coffee. Put grounds into cup instead of pot... *sigh* ...it's after 10 so I have no excuse.

56 degrees, 22 AQI and a stiff Hellgate breeze from the east. Sunny, but it'll rain later.

Tomorrow is the equinox.

Gasoline went up to $4.93/gallon; milk is now $8.50/2gal.

Today is grocery day.

I put pumpkin spice and some lavender in my coffee. I'm using my maroon cup.

No ground pork, no chicken thighs. *Sad* Bought coffee, butter, cottage cheese (on sale). Scored pancake mix at the Center. Today's lunch was meatloaf. Must've been over 100 people. Birthday cake too.

Sprinkles by 9 pm.

I'm having a panic attack. Must be careful what I watch. Triggered.

20 *Coffeeb*

52°F this morning. Promising to be a cool, dry, windy day.

My coffee in a blue cup this morning is light and sweet with a dash of cardamom.

Long live the King. Can we move on to other news now? I mean... I don't care what so-and-so wore to the funeral. Elizabeth Regina had a long productive life. Let her rest-in-peace.


The Pandemic was devastating to me in many ways. I felt shut out, angry, abandoned.

However... the idea that major catastrophes lead to re-evaluations rings my bell. 1974, 2003 come to mind. I survived... but did I? Both led to changes in how others perceived me as I slowly went through a metamorphosis... more like a bug's instar than a butterfly.

The Thing-about-Towers-Tumbling is that not all survive the falling... or the sudden stop.

My own calamities were personal, are personal. Yet I do share... but, no one has commented in this blog in a month. I gave up commenting in other blogs as a test... yep, no one noticed.

I'm unhappy about the lack of community in Missoula. A safe-place for creative misfits became a cage guarded by mountains and inhabited by heartless people. And WDC became a ghost-town of everything shallow and silly. And many Americans have embraced fascism.

Move? Move on? Where... the common denominator is ME... "To commit suicide in Buffalo is redundant". Which perhaps is one reason why I left years ago.

We take our baggage with us wherever we go.

God's Waiting Room. Didn't order lunch, but Kathy gave me a slice of pizza. Scored left-over goulash.

I've transferred notes to my hand-written journal. Finished Spring. On page 5286. Now on to summer...

Bought 4 collegiate ruled notebooks. Book 68 of my journal is purple and begins on the 22nd.

Farmers Market tonight: nectarines, yellow watermelon, canary melon.

Saw Jaffri, met Dani.

Now 63 degrees at 6:45. Breezy.

This week's forecast in Mahasarakham: H 85-88, L 74-75. Winds from the NE. Rain every day.

Took a bath. It's been ages. My feet need to soak and my entire body appreciates it. Water wasn't very hot though.

Fiona is now a Cat 4 hurricane just north of Turks & Caicos.

19 *Coffeebl*

Cool 50° but hazy morning. AQI is 20 (lowest in quite awhile) so it's most likely low clouds or fog.

I went to bed early, got up before midnight, back to bed. Slept?

I'm fine... I think... but deeply depressed.

Trying hard not to add to any drama here, there or anywhere.

Meatballs on the menu today. Do I go but avoid people?

Looking forward: Hellgate winds Wednesday followed by a rainy Thursday. We could use a long widespread rain.

It's 9:27 and time to check the news as I nurse my coffee (black cup today *Coffeebl*)

I've been following her-a-cane Fiona. Hugging Dominican Republic this morning.

Augustine V at YCC: "probably busy with stupid storm that keeps dancing about like a tap dancer and moving slower than an old man cart at publix LOL

but in seriously, probably going to later today. Euro isn't 100% sold on it so that might be the delay"

My response: Sorry... but you made me laugh. Never took tap dancing but I've become that old man. Thanks for the making me smile.

I've become old.

It's not the age. Elizabeth II was never 'old'. Ancient, yes, even fragile towards the end, but never old. She seemed old because she harkened from a different era. Charles will move the clock forward a few minutes; but, youth won't be satisfied by grandpa-as-king.

That said, the US Congress and WH is lead by those even older. I do wish some leaders in their 40s and 50s would take the reins... and reign. But regardless of biological age I want to see stability with growth not stagnation, not living in the past, and NOT mean-and-ugly (are you listening wannabe Saint de Santis?).

Swedish meatballs on rice in God's Waiting Room. Sat with various folks.

Wrote in my journal... up to June 12th... only 3 more months to go.

Odd experience tonight. I don't think I've ever felt quite so unwelcome in the last 14 years in Missoula.

Anyhoo. Buffalo Bills won 41-7 so I'm sure my family is happy.

Gnus lynx:

Abortion: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/when-abortion-isnt-a-partisan-issue/
Montana trans rights: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/montana-to-allow-transgender-people-to-change-...
Nebraska mothers denied: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/nebraska-judge-rules-against-same-sex-couples-...
Malephobia: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/im-always-afraid-male-teacher-says-he-refused-...
Black and gay and banned: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/author-speaks-out-as-his-book-becomes-one-of-t...
         “The problem is when you decide that your concerns about your own child should apply to everybody else's children,” she [Summer Lopez] added. Banned book is All Boys Aren't Blue by George M Johnson.
Covid depression in minorities: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/black-and-brown-americans-had-higher-ra...
Thailand cave rescue story: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/netflix-s-authentic-thai-cave-rescue-and-the-t...
Boredom: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/boredom-is-a-warning-sign-heres-what-i...
Retirement lifestyle: https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/which-retirement-lifestyle-is-right-you?cid=2...
Solo traveling? https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/tripideas/10-unexpected-destinations-for-solo-f...
         Going in a group or staying in a resort isn't going solo.
Retire in Cincy or Wilmington? https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/the-no-1-best-city-to-retire-isnt-in-...
Declutter: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/home-and-garden/how-to-declutter-fast-10-sim...
Travel tips: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/tips/i-was-a-flight-attendant-for-10-years-here...
I've been to 8: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/article/19-places-in-the-world-that-are-cheap-t...
Banned book: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/girls-who-code-founder-speaks-out-after-pennsy...
Tiny homes: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/do-tiny-homes-really-work-as-a-soluti...
Holy War: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russian-orthodox-church-argues-that-sacrifi...
Covid peptides: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/new-discovery-can-kill-covid-with-hugs-...


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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole/day/9-19-2022