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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2206688
Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
March 25, 2020 at 12:51am
March 25, 2020 at 12:51am
This day wasn't good. I stayed in bed most of the time. I felt depressed. I felt like some force was holding me from doing what I wanted to do. I hid under the covers. My family of pets were hiding too. I was hated by my stepfather. All day long. I wanted to escape. I can't. I want to find freedom from the pain he give me, physically, without even laying a hand on me. He was so distant as a parent. He never really gave my mom a gift for any anniversary or birthday. He kept saying he has no money to give her gifts, I can't believe this guy ever cared for my mom. I found out yesterday that he had kids with his 'sisters' who he passed off as his sisters. So those cousins of mine are my half siblings, but he's really not my real father, and I'm relieved that is true.

I cannot stand this man another day. I want to take off and never come back home, but I want to bring my stuff with me, and my pets. I've a friend from another country who says he can give me a home. I pray that is true.

I don't know what the next day will bring. I wish that God would intervene. I don't want anything to do with this bastard. He lies about how he has no more money in the bank. I tried to think how many bills he's paying. He pays the mortgage, the car loan and his cell phone. He said he no longer pays his credit cards. He said he used to use some credit counseling thing who pays the cards for him. But he said he stopped it. So I don't know what the remainder of his pension is used for. Oh there is the energy bill, the water and the gas bills. But that isn't a lot. We had a mild winter so the gas bill didn't go up much I imagine.

But he wants me to give him some of my pension to help with things - groceries. He's never able to make ends meet. I've had to pawn a few more jewelry items to help with getting to the next pension check.

One time he showed me he has a huge bill with the waste management company. I said I'd help him. But I couldn't either. This guy comes up with different bills he has to pay. There was another time he said he forgot or didn't pay the mortgage and I had to pay it. Then he came back and said the bank said it was stolen from his account. I couldn't stand it. Then he said that his car payments were late and he talked to some guy from Capital One who kept calling to keep him in line. I guess that guy hasn't called anymore. I figure that car is paid for the month. He also said we have no car insurance. That was a shock. We've been going round running errands with a car that has no insurance. This next month in April is when he needs to renew his driver's registration and I am sure they need him to have insurance.

I'm thinking that he's bulding up to something. A ruination of my family. His getting out of this life that I have to share with him expenses. I think he's going to split someday soon and I'll be taking care of the house. I need to have some help for this guy is a schemer. I thin k he's lying about everything. He has a tendency to lie about stuff. He also used to keep money from my Mom. I think he took out money to give to his other wives or mistresses.

I've a good mind of sending an email to my cousin (his kid) and accuse him of being a shithead and a piece of trash. I can't stand how this parent that adopted me has been such a louse, he really is.

I want to get out of this life and find another life. I wish to God that this guy just up and left me. I can cope with the house for a while. I applied for jobs in town. I just need to have a car. If this stepfather of mine toook off and left and said nothing else, I'd be grateful to God. I can pay the mortgage that I could get from an extra income.

I don't know why I had such a bad parent like this. Who decides on my life anyway? I can't stand how I am feeling. I need to get me some alcohol or whatever. I bet that's what this bastard wants me to do. To get drunk and take my Rx meds so I'll never wake up from my horrible existence.

One day maybe I'll write a story about this bastard. I'll be quite succinct. I wish there was a better day ahead for me. Not just a glimmer of hope from some person.

Who can help me? Is God going to keep me in this state? Is there a God even? Why punish me this way? WHy punish my mom who died in a horrible series of deaths and then that bastard just stood by and said NOTHING at all about how he felt for my mom who suffered: gall bladder surgery, heart attack, coded from an accumulation of fluid in her lungs, sepsis, and finally death.

Is that my fate as well? Is this guy waiting to see me die so he can get some sort of prize for sticking out with me somehow? Who deals the cards on this guy? Is this guy a real bastard from a long time ago? Is he the longest living bastard who ever came to this earth?

The bastard who pays for my house mortgage is 91 years old.

I ask you - what would you do if it were your life?
March 23, 2020 at 8:48pm
March 23, 2020 at 8:48pm
Tonight I have a few tortillas and coffee. I'm not that hungry. I made the tortillas from scratch earlier today. I was not a happy person for a few moments today. I felt as though my stepdad was making things up for me to believe. He's a very bad person yet he comes off looking like a simple ordinary guy from the barrios of Manila. I don't think I ever realized how very dupiicitous he was. I knew several instances he would say a lie to people. Most of the time these lies were to his choir group which when he wanted to skip the choir he would tell them that he was going to be out of town. Well, I objected to him. He even decided not to go to church that same time he said he would be out of town. I didn't care for this and I tried to tell him he needs to just say he can't make it and not say why. Now it looks like he's been lying to me and my Mom all my life. He and Mom used to have problems with how he kept money from her in their marriage. He would buy things without telling her, stuff that he wanted and didn't consult her about it.

She hated this. And soon their marriage got so quiet and they never seemed to share any moments together. One time I heard him say to her that if he left her first (died, I guess) he wanted her to marry again. She said nothing about that and so there was an awkward silence.

She died in 2011. I think that after she died he became more interested in finding women to date. But he said he never had enough money to take a girl out. He was already in his 80s. I saw once he was looking at online dating. I was appalled and tol dhim that I would also do the same thing just so he would stop. I know that he was too old and it was a scandal for someone like him to get iterested in girls again. But what do I know?

Now it lookslike my haters are talking about me and my stepdad as somehow 'incestuous' and that is NOT TRUE. I hate those bastards talking about us that way. I will be so made if I met those people and they try to be nice in front of me.

I'm seeing a man named Colin and we are serious. I will always love Colin and we've been together for a long time. He has a job that takes him away from me but we do communicate in our own spiritual way. That makes my stepdad nervous and now my stepdad is realizing that Colin is really angry with him and how he thinks he can go off and manipulate me.

LIke, for example, my Stepdad says he needs money to pay bills. SO he asks me to help him because he's really getting broke. I know some of Colin's sources are telling us that my stepdad is really rich and he gets his money from the Queen of England who has told him and my late mother to take care of me. I'm Ione Mountbatten, the child of Philip of Edinburgh and a sweet woman who was my mother. So I am now knowing that my stepdad is working for that Queen who wants me to die all the time so that she will never have to deal with me and my presence in the world.

I also am told that I am really the Queen of England. I am Queen because I also am Olga, the daughter of Nicholas and Alexandra. I am now Natasha Feodorovna, so I am going to be Queen whenever Colin thinks it is a good idea to tell people. There are those who know about this but are not into teling people about it. I will remain an exiled Queen and I don't care if people know it. I will be good and faithful to Colin always. I am a person who has had many careers in my life and I've been a researcher, a scientists, a pharmacy tech and a regulatory scientist. I have no children and I have four pets. Colin and I will be always in love with each other and will never part from each other.

I hope this is enough for now.

Ione Mountbatten
March 21, 2020 at 7:15pm
March 21, 2020 at 7:15pm
Folks, this is what I've been working on this afternoon. I'm somewhat inspired to hawk about my new business. But i'm getting a rather rundown feeling that this is all for naught. I hope it isn't. I hope there are still people out there who are interested in helping their fellow woman get up in the business world. Given that there isn't a lot of business out there to make. The country seems to be on lockdown! i hope people aren't getting too depressed. I'm not sure that people are eager to help in some way their fellow human being because they're scared that they will run out of money fast if this virus isn't held back.

I'm not rich, but I sure wouldn't mind getting a few bucks to help feed my dogs and cats and bring some sort of snack to the table.

My dad in his own way is trying to find money but I'm afraid he's going into this sort of thing the wrong way. I am afraid he'll be dragged into the front of a judge because he's dealing with some sort of business that's not couth. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm going to have to face the future alone if this happens. I have no money to keep him out of the slammer. I am sure he can get a defender but these days defenders aren't that great to have on your corner. They're also downstrodden, and they feel depressed because of their inability to get the biggest jobs in legal lands.

So I'm not trying to be a sad sack. I wish to show you what I"ve written about my work and business so far. Here it is:

Mary Ione Faderan, Mary Kay
Independent Consultant
3156 Stratus Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 637-8346
Product Brochure about
Mary Kay Cosmetics
21 March 2020
I’ve joined Mary Kay Cosmetics as an independent Consultant. I wish to give you advance
notice that now you can call on me or ask me anything about Mary Kay cosmetics. You can also
schedule a makeover at your convenience where you are, given the circumstances of the
statewide awareness about the COVID virus. I can
also conduct a short or medium length discussion
with you on Skype or Zoom. Just call me first and
schedule with me. I can also arrange for a virtual ‘go
to’ kit for you to try at a nominal charge with free
If you wish to shop online, my website URL is:
If you wish to have a catalogue I can also send you
one via email in a PDF format. However, my website
has all the different catalogs based on what interests
you with looking gorgeous!
Podcasts by Ione and Friends
For your enjoyment I started podcasting on anchor.fm. You can find me there and you can listen
to my daily or even more than twice daily podcasts about beauty, fashion, life and the current
things people are worried about.
Today’s podcast was about what I would wish me to be to have fun in life. I think the most
enjoyable thing I could wish to be is to be a makeover diva. I love to help people change their
appearance in a natural way, without any real surgical intervention. I am not a surgeon, anyway,
haha. But if you ever wish to ask me what you think I ought to help you with, do not hesitate to
write me with a recent photograph of yourself (or send me your Facebook image) so that I can
give you a good and honest and fair assessment of what you ought to change about your hair,
your makeup, or your skin issues. I do not practice medicine, but I do have a fair knowledge of
what cosmetics are out there.
Be sure to send it to me via post (USPS) and enclose a small fee ($15) for me to send you back
a good two page assessment of you and what I think the best YOU should be. My mailing
address is:
3156 Stratus Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47906
The podcast URL is: http://anchor.fm/ionemerdle (or Ione and Friends)
You may also see my latest ideas about fashion at my Mary Natasha blog on Facebook. I’m
there as @MaryNatashablogger..
Remember to note my email address: mfaderan@gmail.com
My mailing address is: 3156 Stratus Drive West Lafayette IN 47906 USa
My cell is: 765-637-8346

PS This is in my FB and my Twitter. I haven't tried other social media. i'm afraid that I'll be made to suffer for going to far afield.

Here's to the next day - sunday. I hope things look up. Oh by the way, I've no doctor that i went to last week. i will have a call with my therapist and that should be good. She's also doing things 'away' from the patient. everyone in the medical field is all sad because they cannot examine their patients the right way. I don't even know if I will see my shrink in a few weeks. i think this whole virus is causing everyone such a lot of worries.

Me, i'm not sure I can really worry, except that my Dad is making me feel a bit stressed because he seems to have got himself into a scam that elderly people have got themselves into. How does one cope with an elderly parent who hates to be told to be careful. He's probably hating himself now.

Guess that is all. See you in the funny papers.

Mary Ione
March 12, 2020 at 1:19pm
March 12, 2020 at 1:19pm
From a post online:

"A several day thing of being upset over a glitch in my LLR website. It all stemmed from the fact that I had inadvertently cancelled my business with them. I redid this business and they were gracious enough to reverse the cancellation. But then I found out that the website of mine wasn’t registering anything. For days I couldn’t figure it out. Then i submitted a ‘case’ or two to Support. They all did some work and then gave me a contact and that person wasn’t quite sure what was going on. He later sent a voicemail saying what he thought was the problem. Now I am slowly getting back on track with this.

In the meantime I’ve not had any nibbles on my FB page but that’s to be expected. People are like that, I’m sure. I am glad some of them are following me. I don’t know if they’re really there or if they’re merely 'fake’ accounts. Sometimes these people get into a troll-like sort of meme and make some bad associations with the accounts or Pages they follow. It’s like a game to them, I guess. I do have a message for the “trolls” that I’m onto them. All they can do is watch and see.

ThirtyOne is still ongoing. I am going to see what things I can do to get it at a point that it will have some followers at least. I think some of these who follow me on FB might like to see I’m on it as well.

I did make that announcement but they all could need to have a nudge, haha.

Knitting is still ongoing. I finished a hat (beanie) the other day. It’s for a smaller head circumference which could be good for teenagers.

Tweeting and FBing are ongoing. Blogs are having a rest. Feel as though some of those who look on these are not friendly.

Some of these who look here are also unfriendly. But that’s to be expected. I’m not afraid of these. I’m with Someone Good and Big and that Someone will keep me from being injured or what not.

I haven’t written anything. Mainly due to being in some way tormented by the LLR problem with the website. However, this problem did present a difficulty in me that wasn’t me at all. These 'hackers’ who’ve been guarding me are prone to make me have a fit when I don’t need to have a fit. They are so easily put into my emotional stuff that I get this as my reaction and not as a 'role’ or practised scripted thing.

So I’m watching for these 'feelings’ so that if they try to overcome me and make me have a difficult moment so that i’ll either die or fall over or give in or give up, these will be taken out of me by my own will and by my Guardian Angel.

I’ve had these scripted things in my mind that are like 'tapes’ that go on and on and they are known to the psychiatric profession. This means that people have had these in their minds that make them feel depressed, sick or self-hating, or even suicidal. This is a bad thing but the creative minds are most prone to these and that might also include those who are into creating good things for medical and scientific areas.

I hope this will help."
March 7, 2020 at 5:05pm
March 7, 2020 at 5:05pm
I am in my kitchen making something of a late lunch. My dad cooked a tin of menudo last night and I cooked rice and I'll eat them in a while.

Myday has been difficult. I cannot describe it but it made me very sad and depressed. i felt as though someone I love was in danger. i coudn't figure out how to get him out of danger. I felt as though I was held back from asking Jesus to help him. But I had another way to get Jesus to see what I was gooing through.

I awoke at almost 3 am. I wasn't a happy girl then. I felt the pressure of bad thoughts. i did some work but I wanted to go back to my room and sleep a little more. I had a bad dream. Then i awoke again. I went to th ekitchen and made coffee and some bacon. Then i forgot to take my meds, which added to the stress. I wanted to see if my friend onlnie was around but it wasn't so. I tried to go again on social media. I also worked on my Lularoe stuff. I took pictures of my latest inventory and I posted them to my store.

That store is a headache. I discovered later Friday that the store website doesn't go beyond the front page. I couldn't figure out how best to fix it. I sent a Tweet to Lularoe Support. Then i also emailed somebody there. Then i also submitted a "case" to LLR. Today I receive aan email from the mentor I was given. She said t o message her Monday and she'll get to the Home Office to figure ot how to fix my website.

I felt bad because I had this whole Month of February to sell and it turned out the stupid website wouldn't work! So even if I had peple looking they weren't able to get to their selection. Oh well.

I'm not going to give up. I'll still work on LLR and I enjoy it well enough. I wish I had more contacts to send emails to. It's kind of sad to send this same email group new stuff but if they are not that upset maybe I can do this more often.

I wrote the start of a scene of a play. I have never written a play before but I think I remember enough from reading Shakespeare about enter Right and so on. I don't know how it will turn out. I think I could noodle on it and see how it goes. I don't know what more to say but it's a bit of an abstract story. I don't know if people will take it the right way. I feel a bit threatened that the Church, Holy Mother Church will make me sad about it. I don't belong to that church anymore, Not since 2017.

I think that might be all. I am trying to figure out how much time I have to lollygag on line until I make supper tonight. The menu is merely macaroni chicen soup with chicken liver and shrimp. Dad asked me to keep the shrimp intact and not to dice it before adding it into the dish. I guess that's ok. I do'nt like shrimp much.

I remember once I was allergic to shrimp. Then i wasn't. Go figure.
March 6, 2020 at 5:23pm
March 6, 2020 at 5:23pm
My day has not been that stressful outside. I feared I'd get into trouble with some bastard out there as we went on an errand. I instead received an accusation from the head of MI5 that I was a soviet spy. I was so unhappy and disgsted with this accusation I wrote a letter to Colin about this. They were trying to tell him I was a bad woman and he asked me to write him a letter tellin ghim what I did most of my life after we got to USA.

I wrote him a letter which was a bit incoherent due to typographical errors.

I am this:

1. I am a woman of God. I adhere to the laws of the land. I have paid my taxes but the last year I had no money and so I still owe taxes but I am going to do my best to pay this off. I have voted several times for either Democrat or Republican candidates for President and on down the line.

2. I am pro-life and pro-traditional marriage. I am not gay. I have not had phsyical relations with any human man.

3. In high school, I attended Ladywood St Agnes High School. It spanned 3 years from 1970 to 1973. I was admitted straight into second year high school in 1970 when we. arrived from the Philippines. My parents were Sally and Don Faderan. Sally was a school teacher. Don was in the title business. Don was trained and educated as a lawyer. Sally majored in English. All of us were God-fearing and law abiding. We had no soviet friends that we knew of. My family sometimes attended the INternational Center Shows in Indianapolis but we didn't meet anyone soviet there. I knew nothing about the soviet agenda in the country except that my cousins (second cousins) LInda (Rheeda) Lagadon was supposedly a member of the SDS in BLoomington, Indiana. She and I never really cared to be friends except for the last few years after Mom died. She decided to come to the house every year in July to 'have a reunion' with the family. I wasn't that excited but they were family I cared for her late Mom, Maria B Lagadon. Linda and her sibling Ben left the home in Indianapolis leaving their Mom to fend for herself. My parents and I visited Maria as much as we could and sometimes took her out for dinner.

Rheeda and Ben are probably the communists that some of these people are talking about. Obama is acommunist and I hate him always because he's been killing me and so has Hilary Clinton who has been paying to make me look bad to Colin and spread rumours that I was 'whoring' around at yale when I worked there.

4. In graduate school, I went to IU in Indianapolis. Before that I went there for my bachelors in Chemistry. I didn't date anyone there, I might have had a crush on a guy but there was no real contact. I worked part time at Marion County General Hospital and I went there straight from class and then my parents picked me up after work. I was there until I graduated. In the interim before grad school, I went to the VA Hospital to work as an Inhalation tech. I then went to work for George WEber who was an MD researcher. I was a graduate. research student for him. I did not have any idea he might be a spy athough he had visitors from Eastern Europe, Japan, Italy, and other European places. he also had people from Purdue and California and Colorado who worked for him and another student, Melissa Reardon who worked with one of his postdocs, Judith Sebolt Leopold. One day I think he was regaling us with his travel experience and he said that someone mistook his luggage for theirs. They looked similar. I had a recollection of seeing this as scene in a spy movie about people who steal high document containing suitcases and leave a similar suitcase in their place. I might have had a notion that George was dealing with some spy stuff but I never got recruited by him to do this. I did not travel out of the country except to Toronto for a meeting and I was with my mother Sally who wanted to visit an old pen pal of hers, Choylan. I don't know her last name. We ate once and had a shopping afternoon. Choylan bought shoes and we merely watched. I liked the food she let us eat at a restaurant there they had Shepherd's Pie.

5. At Yale, I was not recruited. I was a good girl there. I didn't date anyone. My parents visited me every weekend. They stayed the whole weekend. I worked from 8 or so to about 5 pm. I went home and fixed supper for myself and watched tv. Then I went to bed.

I was having an infatuation with a man who worked in the same lab, Tom Trautman(n). He had this subliminal idea to me that he was an FBI agent. I decided that he wasn't able to conduct any real interest in my friendship. He wasn't staying around and he already had a girl friend. But I was sad. I was unhappy and I had an affair instead with Colin Firth at the time. Colin and I had an affair in the evenings and nights. But that didn't last. Colin left. I was taken to the hospital because I wasn't eating and didn't go to work for days. I stayed in the hospital for several weeks. Then they let me get back to work.

Work after this problem was not a happy occasion. I lost interest in the work. I would go to work and then I couldn't take it anymore and left early, every day. I went home and stayed in bed because it was the nearest to Colin I ever had. Then my boss told me he couldn't keep me hired. So I asked another Doctor Dr Bertino if I could work for him. He said he was moving his lab to NYC and he can hire me. I transfered my NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship to his lab - the last year of the three year award.

6. In NYC, I lived with my parents in Woodside. I took the R train every morning and went to the SLoan Kettering Cancer Center. That is where i worked from 1987-1991. I had some social stuff I did with some o f the staff. I went to the Opera at the Met with them, I attended Mostly Mozart concerts with my Dad, I went to eat at the Russian tea room because it was somewhat unique. I didn't meet any soviet spies there but thre were two russian laboratory technicians named Yelena Gritsman and yaroslav Elysseeff. They were friends but I didn't pry into their relationship. Yelena lived in NJ and yaroslave lived somewhere in the city, that Island place which I cannot remember the name. They had a daughter who was a tall blonde who worked in the summer.

I had to leave work at one point because of a relapse in my mental health. I went from hospital to hospital between Niagara Falls, Buffalo and NYC. I got back feeling sad. Some of the people at work had progressed in their jobs and their relationship with the boss. I had to work from the ground up but I got less interested. I was depressed and visited my psychiatrist often. I had no therapist but the MD who I saw was Dr Alex Deutsch.

The grant I was working under was getting reviewed again by the NIH. My boss told me that it might best if I looked elsewher for another job. I decided to use the AACR conference as a way to find a job at their job board. I got a call from Dr Chan from Purdue U and he offered me a job.

7. I traveled with my parents (who both had lost their own jobs in NY) to West Lafayette, IN. In 1991. I worked at the Uni for one year or less. My boss told me he needed to pay mor eattention to his son who had ADHD and so he got himself another position in California. Then he changed the job site to Massachusetts because some friends heard he was leaving Purdue. I was able to stay at Purdue because my Dad's friend, a lawyer in Indianapolis, carmen duran's friend, said in passing that she thought I had a contract so I went to the Head of the Department and told them I wasn't resigning but wanted them to honor the contract, The boss was mad. I was in tears but in the end I got to stay. I needed the money from this contract. They said I could work for other professors and that is what I did. Sometimes it wasn't a lot of work and I admit I also went home early.

8. Then later on I worked for Dr Wu at the Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab (ADDL). She was a bacteriologist. I was her research technician for those years from 1993 to around 2000 unless I got mistaken I think I worked for JC Penney where I sold jewelry and some dresses. That was as a temp but I worked for almost a year. I also worked for LS Ayres and that was in their China department and Christmas department.

9. In 2000 or so I worked for LabSupport and worked part time at Staleys. I have a resume I can give. Staleys became Tate & Lyle. I stayed for almost a year. I went to the church for Mass services most of the time after my job was over. Sometiemes I went shopping with my Mom. Dad worked part time at a title company. Mom was a tutor for a Filipino family with 3 kids.

10. Then I worked for St Elizabeth Medical center as a pharmacy tech. I stayed for 3 years and 3 months.

11. Then my last employer was Cook Biotech Incorporated. There I was the regluatory scientist for their FDA US regulatory department. After a few years I was marginalized and assigned to work for International Affairs and worked with foreign notified bodies like TUV and Health Canada and some APAC countries, and some Latin American countries. I was fairly successful in each branch of regulatory.

In CBI I had some intimidation from new people like Daniela Changkuon and Nick Wang. Also from Jason Hodde and Sue Erb and Connie Beasor. My boss had a 180 and became more critical of me in front of others. Another one who was unhappy with me was Katie (Kim ) Molland. I had other vibes that were bad from people but I was so very tired by that time. I knew that people were killing me in thoughts and some stuff. Daniela and Nick were the culprits. I also heard them talk about how they were going to kill me.

I don't have any real idea why HRC was against me. I know that when I was writing On Days LIke This, she was hating me. She went to Yale I read. So did her husband go there. I guess she might have been protecting Yale and its reputation. I only know what I went through and I wrote the book as a fictional story. Those things are from my wild imagination.

March 4, 2020 at 1:48pm
March 4, 2020 at 1:48pm
To All,
I'm having some quiet time with the dogs. The garage door man came and has gone away. Dad (stepfather) paid it. It wasn't a lot considering I was thinking it might cost upwards of 200 dollars. The man on the phone said we could always pay it in 15 days as my check will arrive in that time range. But Dad had some extra money but he asked me to help him when I get my pension. That will arrive on the 18th.

The other thing to get done sooner than later is the faucet drip in the kitchen. Someone said she won't allow it. Must be Betty the Queen.

This will have to be figured out but I do plan to call somebody to fix it.

It will be around the time I get my pension and if some people are guarding the bank and the IRS and the Treasury they've been monitore and 'made' as they say in the movies.

The other thing I did today with the dogs and Dad was to visit the clinic. The BP was monitored and it seems to have gotten down to an acceptable range. Then on the spur of the moment they asked me to stay for the labs. So I said Ok. That was done after sometime waiting in the sitting room or waiting room. The time spent waiting was good as I reviewed a book that I had in my bag. It caused such a happy reaction from Colin. One of the things in there was PG Wodehouse's story of a befuddled man who got himself engaged (behind the potted plant) to a woman named Myrtle got us in hysterical giggles. It made me wish for PG Wodehouse's book which I'm not sure I have any longer. I'l l have to get a copy again. The book is rather a large book I don't know why I hadn't read a lot of it, butit could be because some o f my thoughts aren't English and have no sense of humour that way.

So they all said No more of this and I got sad and left the conversation.

However, that is about as much as happened but I do remember one more thing. There was a sound of a high pitched beep that came to the consciousness of the Thoughts and I wondered where on earth it came from. I didn't worry much. I decided after a bit that I might have an auditory problem, or, someone's hearing aid was not functioning well enough. some of the thoughts got upset that it could be a sound of a bomb waiting to go off. I even heard someone talk to my dead mother slally who claimed she was in the presence of said bomb. I believe she was let off. I don't know where the hell she is now.

No seriously this beeping sound went on for a goodish hour. I can't tell you that it kept me from my equanimity but it did. I was somehow asking Colin in a whisper what the heck that sound and whether or not I ought to do something like take apill to get out of that awful sound. I don't know if - well it might have also beent he fire alarm going off intermittently It does that in this house. I swear this house is quite weird.

I might actually write a small operetta about it. The ghoulish inhabitants and all that sort of thing. These beastly asshole thoughts will be relegated to caricature like people. I nominate several people in my past for it. Haha. No need for what, Colin? No need to audition, ahh.

Oh m goodness, exlaimed some asshole who shall look like that Peanuts character with the blank stare.

Ok going off now. Bye Toots.
March 2, 2020 at 3:15pm
March 2, 2020 at 3:15pm
I'm rather psyched. I received a letter from Prince Philip! He's been very classy about returning a thank you note to me. I mean to say, that I sent him a package containing a doily from my MERRYAGNESKNITS brand of knit and interior decor and a small note to say Hi and hope Him a good day. I got the package back due to some VAT problem which I'm not so familiar with but VAT is called Value Added Tax and I'd priced the doily too highly and they got a bit concerned they' have to ask me for a VAT so I re-sent the package with the remark that the doily is only $5 worth and has no VAT associated with it. Then i got my ptinesy bowse app to make the necessary documents to add to the package and it was worth all that to get back a letter from Him. And, so I am quite happy that this happened to me in my ordinary life, haha. I'm really not that into the Royal Family but well, I got inspired to send this to him in case you see I could put up my MERRYAGNESKNITS in England as a business. So if the Prince could be noticed as owning or having something I made in his office or whatever, then someone would say something to someone else et cetera and you know how it might go.

Then well, I got a bit of a walk in with the dogs. My pup is getting the idea about being on a leash. He does walk fast for a puppy and it's rather difficult to keep him from going too crazy. My other pup who's 2 years old, is not afraid of being with us now. He comes up and then he goes off somewhere nearby, then he runs up and joins us, and he's getting out of his sad thoughts I think. I hope so anyway.

I have no other real news. Oh I did get some money from a sale on eBay and that is always welcome. Nothing much, $46 and then Dad and I will use it to buy groceries and whatnot. I could buy my yarn as I need to get more of it to make the Beanie that I've told my friends about.

I'm not in Lularoe as some might know. I was thinking of going into Mary kay but I'm on the fence about it. I think for now I'll work on my stuff.

Writing, well, that's a bit of a challenge for me as I'm seemingly unable to get too creative there nowadays. I mean, it's all rather random whenever I get the urge to write anymore.

I am getting somewhat tired so I think I'll make some tea and well, I think I might steal some of Dad's walnut mini-cups to eat. Haha.

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