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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1507403-The-Superpower-Chronicles/cid/629808-Dying-Moments
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Teen · #1507403
You're a boy who discovers one day that you're an alien being with super powers.
This choice: Skander opens his eyes and finds himself 90 years back. He can time-travel!  •  Go Back...
Chapter #5

Dying Moments.

    by: Shangas
"I wish I could see it..." Skander said.
"No you don't," Adrian replied.
"No, I mean, really...Must've been cool..."

Adrian jumped up, glaring at Skander, his eyes blazed red with fury. "If you think it's COOL then go ahead and wish and see it!"

Suddenly, Skander's head felt dizzy, his eyes went blurry. He staggered to his feet. "Adrian!" he shouted, "Adrian what's happening!? I...I can't see!" Skander struggled two steps, and collapsed backwards onto the floor.


"In here, doctor! In here!" a man shouted.
"Honestly Mr. Stone, I don't think this is wise, he is badly infected!"
"I don't care, I want him here, at home. Here. Here where I can see him, where we can...we can keep an eye on him".
"Oh alright, alright...In here, men!"

Skander opened his eyes. He was lying on the floor in a room. He stood up and looked around. It was his room! Only...it wasn't. He stared around. Everything he knew was gone, his clothes, his bed, his computer, his desk-lamp. He looked around. The desk was older, plainer. It had a rocker-blotter, dip-pens, inkwells and notepaper on it. An old bed and cabinet were in the corner where Skander's bed usually was. A shiny, brass alarm-clock ticked loudly on the bedside table. Two men were standing near the desk. The older one looked like a doctor. He had a doctor's medical bag behind him, sitting on a chair. The other man was taller, younger. He had brown hair and was wearing a brown suit. Four men came in, wheeling a gurney. The doctor stepped forward.

"Easy now," he said, "Onto the bed...careful, careful!"

The gurney rattled as the men struggled to move the patient. They laid him down on the bed and moved aside. The doctor placed a metal bucket next to the head of the bed.

"Keep him in isolation," said the doctor, "If he wants anything, he can ring the bell. Otherwise, keep OUT of this room. It is not safe! I must leave."

Taking his bag and hat, the medical man left the room. Skander stepped closer to the bed. He gasped.

Lying in bed was Adrian. He was wearing a suit. A black suit. He looked a mess. The white dress-shirt was covered in speckles of blood and the waistcoat and sleeves of the shirt were badly stained. Mr. Stone stepped towards the bed.

"Are you alright, son?" he asked.

Adrian struggled to get up, he wheezed and his arm collapsed. He fell heavily on his right side, his head hanging over the side of the bed. He gagged and coughed. The sound was sickening. A loud, rasping, retching hack. Skander clapped a hand to his mouth as white phlegm gurgled and spewed out of Adrian's mouth and slopped into the bucket with a dull "fwop!" Mr. Stone backed away and left the room, "Ring the bell if you want anything!" he said, pointing to the bell on the table, and he closed the door.

"Enjoying it?" Adrian asked. Skander jumped and turned around to see Adrian, the ghost, staring at him. "My last moments alive. Let's watch, shall we? It's not pretty, huh? I was so dizzy, I didn't even know which end was up! My father and mother are coming soon..."

The Adrian on the bed reached out a trembling, shaking hand. It was vibrating so much it hit the alarm-clock. The metal contraption fell to the floor and exploded into a hundred pieces, cogs, glass, metal and screws flying everywhere. The hand grasped the bell weakly and rang it. The door opened a couple of minutes later.

"What's the matter, son?" Mr. Stone asked. Mrs. Stone screamed and collapsed into the chair by the desk.

"I...I want..." Adrian wheezed. He reached out a trembling hand and tugged on something. Mr. Stone stood up and looked at his watch. It was the most expensive thing he owned. He knew how much his son wanted a nice watch of his own. Carefully, he undid the chain and tugged the watch out of his waistcoat pocket. He put the watch into his son's pocket and did the chain up around the buttonhole.

"There now, Adrian. You take it. I know you've always wanted it, you may as well have it now...Oh god!"

Adrian was shaking in bed, thrashing! Throwing his body around. The bed shook and rattled.

"ADRIAN!" he screamed. Adrian struggled over the side of the bed and threw up. Blood and white mucus squelched out his mouth and splattered into the bucket. He struggled up and stared outwards with bloodshot eyes.

"Father..." he wheezed. Suddenly, the body went limp. It fell off the bed, hitting the half-full bucket and tipping it over. The body hit the floor and the bucket rolled across the room. Mrs. Stone screamed and screamed while Mr. Stone ran out of the room.

"Jesus Christ!" Skander whispered...

You have the following choices:

1. Skander decides to stay and explore 1919.

2. Skander and Adrian return to modern times.

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