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by zsaag
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #1593733
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Chapter #3

the renagad, part two

    by: zsaag
Looking up at the building covered in snow before him, zsaag walked towered the old bus station with his Folsom M5A2 Carbine in his hands, covered in blood, and guts of point blank shots. On his back was his Rossmore shot gun and Fareye sniper rifle, all three eager and ready to kill whatever came at them. Walking up to the station door, he noticed that it was boarded up and chained shut to keep homeless out till someone buys the building. Taking out his Rossmore, zsaag put it up to the door, pulling the trigger; he blasted a round into the door, creating a new door for the station. Walking in, the first thing that noticed is that for a empty building, it was very well lighted with Anthra lighting. Taking his size thirteen boot, he placed it directly on the ten foot light, pushing it down. Not getting the results that he wanted, he decided to fire a round in the air. Waiting, he finally heard what he wanted, the growl of monsters. Loading some rounds in the Rossmore, zsaag lifted the gun up to his eye level. “I’m home.” Out of nowhere, an Anthra popped up in front of him, baring its teeth at him, only to have his head blown to bits. “Come on!” getting his wish, the whole nest of Anthra showed up, baring claws, teeth, guns and B.O. to back them up. Smiling, zsaag swung his Rossmore behind him and pulled out his Carbine and let hell out. Round after round, stink after stink, he made his way through to the only goal that he had at the moment. Soon after he got past the ticket counter, the Anthra pulled out the big guns. Standing before him was a howler. A beast that looked like a baby Godzilla, only was red and black, had horns on his head, and its breath was toxic to humans. The one thing that gave it a edge was the fact that it had no eyes, it see’s with its tongue. And the reason that it was called a howler was of its horrible howl that it made when it found food or needed help. As zsaag faced the beast, the howler stuck its tongue out, liking the air. Turning to him, the monster let out its blood curdling howl as it ran, mouth open, at zsaag. Rolling to the side, zsaag aimed his Carbine at the monsters head and let loss on the monstrosity, shredding the things head. Thinking that he killed the howler, zsaag smiles triumphantly as he headed off to the back door when he stopped, getting a feeling that something was not right. Looking back zsaag saw that that the howler that he killed, was fixing its self, the fragments of its head, was returning back to the spots that they belong. ‘Hmm.’ putting back his Folsom and taking back out his Rossmore, zsaag went back up to the howler, his thoughts racing. “You just won’t die, will you?” The howler responded him with a shout of its own. “Well then, come gets some!” as soon as he said that, the howler went running up to him, it’s green breath visible to zsaag. But he didn’t move. Instead, he just stood in that one spot, his gun at his hip. ‘Come on, hit me…..’ As the beast got closer, his finger slowly tightened around the trigger, his patience wearing thin. Finally, the howler reaches him, as the thing was about to close its jaws around his body, zsaag pulled the trigger, unleashed the round that was inside the Rossmore, splitting its head into pieces again. As same as before, the fragments started to go back to their original spots. Looking at the ground, zsaag noticed that one piece was under his foot. Picking it up, took out a grenade and strapped it to the skull fragment, releasing the trigger on the bomb. As the skull piece went back, he wondered if this would work. Once it was back, the howler growled at him, but in the middle of its growl, zsaag heard a small ping inside of the things head. What followed it was a explosion, busting open the howlers head form the inside. zsaag waited for the thing to regenerate, but it never did. Smiling, he took his Rossmore and reloaded it, knowing that he would need it. Taking back out his Folsom, zsaag went into the garage and looked around. Only finding papers and blood spate walls, he decided that what he was looking for wasn’t hear. Just as he was about to leave, a silver blur went past his head, landing into the desk behind him. Looking at the object, zsaag saw that it was a piece of shrapnel, ‘got ya, you little prick!’ Looking at the spot from where it had been thrown, zsaag saw that it was a Anthra that had thrown it, the same one that he swore to kill. Running up the stairs, zsaag tried to get the second floor, hoping that it was still there. Upon reaching the next floor, he saw that the thing wasn’t there. “Damn it.” Looking outside, zsaag saw that the stink was standing outside in the snow, with a smirk on its face. “He wants me to follow, he’s going to wish he stayed inside.” kicking the window open, he jumped down to the ground, his fall softened by the fall. Once down there, zsaag looked around for the stink. But to no avail. “Damn, where’d he go?” after some time, zsaag finally got his answer. Listening, he could hear giant steps in the distance. Heading in the direction of the of the sound, zsaag was soon at the top of a snow covered hill, but whatever made that sound was nowhere in sight. ‘Now where could it have gone?’ suddenly, the ground under him started to rumble and shatter under his feet. Then out of nowhere, the ground beneath him imploded outward under him. Landing on his back, zsaag looked up at the spot that he was on to find that a titan was in its spot, with the Anthra that he was looking for. A titan is a massive Anthra, over ten feet tall, huge arms and legs, with a withered fox head. In their hands is always a RPG that they sometimes use to beat their enemies to death with. As the Anthra at the top of its head shouted orders in its own language to the titan, the beast let out its RPG, firing down upon zsaag like lightning. Taking cover, zsaag opened up onto the titan with his Folsom, firing round after round at the beasts body, only to have the shots bounce back and nearly hit him. ‘Damn, this thing just won’t get hurt. Everything I throw at it just comes back.’ Not wanting to do it, zsaag takes his gun and aims it directly at the titans head. Using the grenade launcher on it, he fired one single shot at the things head. What surprised him was that it did not come back at him. Instead, it exploded on the titans face, leaving a black face behind. Now knowing, zsaag let loss all of the clip that was in the rifle into the things head, jumping out of the way of oncoming rockets. Once it was down on its knees, zsaag ran up to its head, with his Rossmore in hand, and held the gun to its temple. Pulling the trigger, he unleashed both barrels into the titan’s skull, killing it. Looking around the body of the titan, zsaag found no sign of the Anthra that was riding it. Looking at the top of the head, he saw what a trail of blood looked. Following it, zsaag found what he was looking for. The Anthra that he had followed to the station, but the thing wasn’t jumping away, it was crawling, its legs blown away. “Sweet, sweet karma.” Walking up to the stink that was crawling, with his Rossmore in hand, zsaag stood above it, his gun pointed at its skull. “Now how do you feel? You can’t fight, can’t move, just like the kid you killed.” As he spoke, he slowly forced his gun into the Anthra’s skull, causing it to bleed. “I’m going to do the same thing that you did to that kid, but before I do,” he lifted his gun. “ Any last words.” The stink didn’t speak. Instead, he spat on zsaag’s shoes. “ So be it.” Putting the gun back in its skull, zsaag slowly pulled the trigger. When it was finally pulled, the Anthra’s head became a dish for the snow. “Now to finish this.” Going back over to the titan, zsaag grabbed the gun that held and fired one rocket at the station, setting it ablaze. As he watched the fire, a man walked up next to him, with a cigar in his mouth. “Nice work, you did this in no less than an hour.” Zsaag looked over to him. “What do you want?” the fat man laughed. “To offer you a prize. But first, have you heard of project stink?”

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