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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2141885-Shrunk-Near-Your-Favorite-Girl-X/cid/3090868-Yotsubas-Game-Night
Rated: E · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2141885
You shrink near girls. (300 Word Minimum.)
This choice: The sisters decide to all play a game together with you, to cheer Yotsuba up.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #44

Yotsuba's Game Night

    by: Unknown
Sure, it's soft and warm inside a giant girl's hand, and it's nice to be held so close to the delicate palm of an actress, but does Ichika really have to squeeze you this hard? You're barely able to move around. Her skin may squish like a soft mattress, but being sandwiched between two mattresses isn't all that comfortable. You really hope she calms down a bit soon, or at least realizes she's turning you into her stress toy.

"I don't want to point fingers at anyone," Ichika says to her sisters, walking home together, "but I hate seeing Yotsuba upset."

"Yeah…" Miku says, fidgeting with the wire of her headphones.

"Maybe we just need a more structured system," Itsuki says. "That way, there won't be any more fights about him."

Nino scoffs. "No way, we can't create schedule around a boy, I-I mean slave."

Miku raises an eyebrow at her sister's comment, but nods. "She's right, promising him in advance, is the reason we're fighting right now."

Ichika opens her hand to look down at you. You immediately push your chest up off her palm and breathe. You look up to see the giantess smile down at you, before look at each identical face around you.

"You're right, Nino." Ichika says. "Grabbing him as we please certainly is a lot more fun, but we have to be more fair, and willing to share him. It's not about having a set time and schedules, but about being good sisters."

Despite feeling safer with a neatly structured and waterproof plan, Itsuki smiles at her sister's words. Sure, strangers would need rules and arrangements to get along, but they were quintuplets, close enough to be considerate of each other, without it needing to be put into law.

"You're right," she says. "As long as we don't act like brats, we should be able to make this work without all this fighting."

"Fine," Nino says, "but we abolish the promises and agreements after tonight. I was still promised a night with him, and I'm not giving it up."

Itsuki crosses her arms. "Alright, but no more; me-now, then-you, later-her arrangements, starting tomorrow. Everyone agree?"

Each of the four quintuplets, gives one quick nod, in sync with each other.

Miku looks up, as they all near the apartment. "We still have to tell Yotsuba."

Everyone's face sinks a bit, thinking about her. To think all this fighting over you, got so bad, that even the most innocent, happy sister, was left crying.

"We should do something to cheer her up," the short-haired giantess says, closing you into her fist again.

Itsuki frowns. "How?"

"She's been wanting to play games with him all weekend." Miku says.

Nino opens the slide doors, to the building. "But then you're giving away your time with him."

Ichika smiles. "Not if we all play something together."

The sisters get into the elevator and smile in agreement, as Ichika opens her hand again. The four of them stare down at you, with a scary smile on each of their faces.

You struggle even ask, "A-Am I in trouble?"


When they walk in to their apartment, they notice Yotsuba's school bag, and shoes carelessly tossed aside. Everyone takes their shoes off, and Itsuki tells the others she'll talk to their sister. Miku, Nino, and Ichika, all take a seat on couches around the living room's glass table, before you are set down on top of it. You look around, and notice each sister is still eyeing you. With a devil-may-care attitude, Ichika props her feet up on the table. You turn to see the dirty soles of her short, ankle-height, white socks. You stumble back a bit in surprise, seeing these massive, and smelly monsters pop up right beside you. Nino looks at her sister and pouts, as if it were a power play, she does the same thing, and bangs both heels against the table behind you. Startled, you turn to see another pair of socks. A cleaner, but still smelly pair of long, thigh-high, white socks. You stumble around and dash aside to escape them, before Miku, not wanting to be left out, blushes, and joins her sisters. Another pair of feet, now rest on the table, right in front of you. You can see Miku's soles and toes through the fabric of her nylons, which cover both her feet and legs. You even notice a bit of her nervous sweat drip down them. And just like the others, her feet have that awful foot smell too. You wonder how they can all have such mean stinky feet, before remembering, they're quintuplets.

"Seriously?" you say. "What is this, are you already back to competing with each other?"

Ichika giggles, and scrunches her toes. "What are you talking about? I'm just getting myself comfortable."

"Yeah, me too," Nino says. "You got a problem with me hanging back in my own home, twerp?"

You cower, surrounded by three pairs of giant feet. "N-No, that's not what I meant."

Miku leans back into the couch, quietly staring at you. "…"

You get uncomfortable, being gawked at by them, like you're the last slice of pizza. The tension breaks however, when you hear a door upstairs fly open. You hear the rapid thuds, of steps pounding against the floor, as someone runs down to the living room. Everyone turns their head towards a green ribbon, with straight standing tips, twitching like rabbit ears. Below that shines the most adorable, happy and excited face you've ever seen. Itsuki follows up behind her, walking down the stairs normally, unlike her energetic sister.

"I explained everything," Itsuki says. "And told her we'd play a game together."

Yotsuba, happy as can be, tip-toes, before banging the heels of her bare feet back down against the floor. "I'm so happy you guys wanna play, I've got so many ideas ready…!"

As Yotsuba rattles on in excitement, everyone around the table stares at her, dumbfounded. She looked heartbroken, less than twenty minutes ago. It's amazing how quickly this idiot's mood brightened up, just by hearing you'd play with her.

"So," Yotsuba says, "which one do you want to try?"

Ichika shakes her head, to snap out of her own confusion. "Sorry, could you repeat the games?"

Yotsuba doesn't look annoyed in the slightest, and gladly repeats her ideas for a fun game.

"Game 1: Foot Catcher! We set the tiny down on the floor, walk to the wall, and count to five. Then we all have to try and trap him underfoot. We play five rounds, and the person with the most points wins. If there's a draw, there will be a deciding final round!"

"Sounds dangerous," Itsuki interrupts.

"Game 2: Finger Soccer! It's like soccer but with a very small ball. The tiny gets to use his full body, while we can only use our fingers. We spilt up in teams of three.

"Eugh, I don't want to ruin my nails," Nino says.

"Game 3: Stealth Game! We create two pieces of paper, one starting point, and an end point. Then place both around the apartment, letting the tiny know where they are. We put him on the starting point, and then close our eyes, and count to ten. Meanwhile, the little guy gets a head start, and has to sneak towards the end point. After the count of ten, we can search for him, if he's caught, he loses!"

You snicker. "That's cake! You guys are too easy to sneak around, you barely noticed me for an entire month!"

"Game 4: Parkour! We use my old plastic bricks, and whatever else we can find, to build an obstacle course on the table. We also each get to use one part of our body, as one of the obstacles he has to traverse, like using our mouth like a pit he can fall in, or our fingers as a ladder."

"A true test of his resolve." Miku says, with a quiet monotone voice.

"Game 5: Truth or Dare! I know it's not as special, but we can play a classic game of truth or dare, if the others seem like too much effort."

"Well, if that's what we're picking, I promise not to push it too far this time," Ichika says, which makes you wonder how their last game went.

You all take a moment to consider each game, before the majority of you decides on…

You have the following choices:

1. Game 1: Foot Catcher

2. Game 2: Finger Soccer

3. Game 3: Stealth Game

4. Game 4: Parkour

5. Game 5: Truth or Dare

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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