Path to this Chapter:
  1. Nicked by a Nickit
  2. Wild Area
  3. Shrunk By Mew
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2220982-Shrunk-In-The-Pokeworld/cid/2830768-Nicked-by-a-Nickit
Rated: E · Interactive · Activity · #2220982
You get shrunk in the Pokeworld by Mew, and you have to go find it to get your height back
This choice: A wild Pokemon appears before you can make a choice  •  Go Back...
Chapter #3

Nicked by a Nickit

    by: Unknown
You are in the middle of pondering what your next course of action should be, when you hear a rustle of grass from somewhere near the log you are on. You freeze, holding your breath. Maybe it's a Skwovet scurrying to a nearby berry pile, or maybe a Zigzagoon running around. Yeah, that's it, just a rowdy Zigzagoon hustling and bustling. You get your mind back in track on think of what to do.

That is, until you hear another bush rustle at the edge of the log. You snap your neck to where the noise was made, but nothing was there. You run to the edge to try and see it better, but still nothing. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to get the high ground after all, making you more visible. You got to move now, even if you don't know where you are going to go.

Before you can, you feel a slight vibration from the other side of the log. Something just jumped on, and is probably standing right behind you. Heart pounding like a hammer, you turn around to view your new friend. On the other side of the log, you see an orange-maroon colored fox-like Pokemon with a bag-like tail you recognize as a Nickit.

"Nic?" You hear it say, tilting its head. To you, it sounded pretty feminine Maybe she's curious? You think, I need to be cautious though. She just may be hungry for a me shaped snack. You slowly try to walk back while watching her, but your heels reach empty air before you can make a single step. You're trapped!

The Nickit swiftly approaches you, barely making any noise or vibrations on the ground at all, until she's right in front of your face. She presses her wet nose right on your chest, pressing you a little bit off of the edge. "Uhhh.... Nice Nickit..." You nervously say, rubbing her muzzle. She then pulls back her nose, and you notice that she's....... smiling?

"Ni ni ni ni ni ni~." Is she laughing!? Oh, this cannot be any good. You are almost immediately proven right when the Nickit opens her mouth, letting you see all of it. Her tongue hanging out, her pearly whites showing bright which can surely crush you, and her breath taking out any of the cool air around you. Your heart practically stops, the Nickit is going to eat you.

You, without even thinking, fall off of the log backwards. She snaps her teeth at you, nipping your shirt, and tearing off a good part of it.

"Oww..." You land on the the dirt with a thud. "Geez, that hurt..." You can barely move, much less try to stand up and run. You look at where you fell to see Nickit's head leaning over the log, looking at you.

"Ni ni ni ni ni ni!" That's not good. You try to stand back up, but you collapse again right after, inciting more laughter from the Nickit above you. This must be such a treat to her, watching her prey struggle for their lives.

You then hear a sound from the log, as the Nickit has jumped right off of it. You shriek in fear, as her front paws are directly aimed at you. She's surely going to crush you doing that. You brace yourself, preparing to become nothing but a red stain on her paws.


Huh!? You feel pressure all over your body, but it's more like if someone threw a heavy blanket over you than an actual paw. You just then remembered what the Pokedex said about Nickits. "They have incredibly soft pads that compress lightly when in contact with the ground, allowing them to move silently without being noticed." She was just trying to scare you, and she sure succeeded, laughing even harder than before.

She moves her paw off of your face and torso, keeping them on your legs just so that you don't run away. "Nicki~!" She says happily, before opening her mouth again like before. You close your eyes, accepting your fate, when you feel the front on your shirt being lifted. You open your eyes again to see that it's in the the Nickit's mouth, as she lifts you up by it, your legs are dragged from her paws. She then starts to walk, making you swing gently.

"Geez, this cannot get any worst..." You mutter. The Nickit quickly lets go of your shirt then grabs it again, making you scream out a little. "NOT FUNNY!" You yell, as the Nickit snickers. Where is she taking you anyways?
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