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  1. Eat all night
  2. A farm in Utah
  3. USA
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by T
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #2228612
You are a breeder type alien sent to earth to control as many people as possible.
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Chapter #4

Eat all night

    by: T
By the morning you ate a whole pie, a turkey you made over night, a arch of cookies, the 2 bags of sugar you had, and a 8 pack of oatmeal. You felt extremely bloated and fell asleep on the couch. You woke up at about 4 P.M. and knew you had something inside you. You do this thrust with your stomach and and a spawn starts coming out of your mouth, you slide it back down your throat and go upstairs. You go into your room and see Joe awake.

Joe: Arlene, what the hell happened? I can’t walk, how did you push me that hard?!
Arlene: You'll be fine honey, let me give you something you’ll feel much better.
*Spawn starts sliding out of your mouth.*
Joe: What the hell!!! Help!!!

Obviously nobody would hear, and the bug took him over within minutes.

Arlene: How do you feel?
Joe: Not well my queen. Get me nutrients to help rebuild my spine.

You realized sugar was some sort of steroid for bodies already taken over. You had none left but got some at the store to help joe recover. As soon as he drinks a full glass, he stands up like nothing happened. The rest of the evening and night he both of you order pizzas, bags of sugar, iced cream, and as much meat that was in the house.

The next day your daughters family gets there and walks inside. They see boxes and food all over the place. Abby, your daughter, yelled for you while walking upstairs. You and Joe were laying in bed, pretending to sleep, then Abby walks in.

Abby: Hey mom! How are you feeling.
Arlene: Hello honey, close the door for a second and come here.
Abby: Sure mom what’s up?

She closes the door and walks closer. When she gets close to you you grab her arm swiftly and pull her to you, covering her mouth so she doesn’t scream. A spawn crawled out of your mouth, and onto your hand. You switch hands quickly and shove the bug in her mouth. After a couple seconds she starts shaking violently, then falls on the ground for almost a minute before she gets up slowly.


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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2228612-Alien-Invasion/cid/2903896-Eat-all-night