Path to this Chapter:
  1. Jess Again
  2. Kiss to Swap
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #2283574
A young man gains the ability to swap bodies by locking lips
This choice: Ask to swap bodies with Jess again  •  Go Back...
Chapter #2

Jess Again

    by: PrivateValentine
"Actually, uh, before you go..." you begin awkwardly, not really sure how to ask the question you want to ask.

Jessica tilts her head, brow furrowing, and places both her hands on her hips. "Before I go...what?" Oh, no, she's going to make you actually say it out loud. From her tone, you know she knows exactly what you want, and that she's not particularly impressed by it.

"Well, I was just...y'know, wondering if you wouldn't mind, uh. Doing that again?"

Jess raises an eyebrow. "You mean...you want to swap bodies again? Don't you think that's a little bit...intrusive?"

This...was the reaction you were afraid of. "Jess, look, you know I won't make you, I just thought, y'know, if we took the initial shock off of it, that it might be fun to, y'know. Spend some time as each other."

Jess moves her hands from her waist to crossed in front of her. "And I'm to understand this is nothing at all to do with you wanting my body to yourself for tonight?"

Your shoulders slump. "Jess, come on, did you forget what happened at the lake?" You grit your teeth as suddenly through your imagination, you see Jessica, dressed in just her underwear, posing seductively in front of a mirror. "A-and besides, that's not the main reason, anyway!"

"Hmm..." Jessica stares at you appraisingly.

"Jess, I promise, you can set whatever rules you want and I'll follow them. Cross my heart," you add, making the gesture. "I...just want to try this. Please?"

"...Persistent as ever," says Jessica with a sigh. "You know me well enough, Eric. Just don't do anything I wouldn't, okay?"

You blink, the realization of what she's just said taking a moment to set in. "...Jess, I love you so much." You grab her around the shoulders and pull her into a tight hug.

"Okay, okay, yeesh!" she says, giggling a little as she pushes off your chest. "Are you sure you don't have some like, weird issues or something?"

You laugh sheepishly in response, rubbing the back of your head. "If you had asked me that this morning, I'd have said no without even hesitating, but, uh. Now I'm not so sure."

Jess rolls her eyes, although you can just barely tell she's still smiling. "We're gonna have to work those out when we swap back."

"Ha. If you insist, hon," you say, and bend down to kiss Jessica on the lips once more. As the dizziness fades this time, you stumble backwards for a couple of steps, disoriented. Jess, back in your body, reaches out to grab your hand, but you catch yourself just fine.

"Thank you so much! ...Eric," you say. Calling your girlfriend by your own name feels strange in your mouth. But your girl/boyfriend responds in kind with a winning smile you didn't even know your face was capable of.

"Of course, Jess. Well. I guess I've gotta get home now. See you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" you say, giving a wave that you think does a decent job of mimicking Jessica's usual goodbye wave, before turning around and hurrying in through the front door.

Jessica's house is quiet - you presume her family has gone out for the evening, since there's not a trace of noise. You really do have her house all to yourself. Again the image of her...of you, posing in front of the mirror runs through your mind, as well as some faint thoughts of something a little more than that, but before they can take visual form in your mind's eye, you start to feel heavy. You must have really tired Jessica out with your date earlier. It would almost be a shame to miss the opportunity before you now - after all, it's not as though there are that many secrets between you and Jess - and yet at the same time, you very suddenly feel ragged. You decide to...

You have the following choices:

1. Just go in for a shower

2. Head straight to bed

3. Play around in front of the mirror for a bit

4. Indulge yourself

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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