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April 9, 2020 at 6:27am
April 9, 2020 at 6:27am
The Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

The Original Logo. Prompt: "What will you never take for granted again once we are no longer quarantined?"

There are a lot of things people will not take for granted again once we are no longer quarantined. One thing will be hugs. I love to give hugs and it kills me to not be able to do so. I know some people will not change due to this quarantine. It won't slow them down one bit. The rest of us it will drastically change however. It will never be the same.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "What features are you looking for in a dream house?"

Somebody must be looking for a house? This is the second time prompts about dream houses have come up recently. Anyway as I said before, my dream house is on Lake Tahoe Nevada. It is built of logs and has cedar lining. It has a loft and staircase leading to the loft. It is nestled among some beautiful pines and you can either drive to it, take a boat, or fly to it if you have a sea plane. It is isolated with no neighbors.

Blog City image small "Prompt: Make a list of things you would put in a Happiness Jar."

If I were making a happiness jar, I would put Jesus in it first. Jesus is the real source of joy.

Then I would put in Blog City Prompt Forum having a Blogger of the Week contest. That would make me really happy.

Happiness though doesn't come in a jar. It comes from being content with what you have. We are always looking for more, more, more. When we learn to be satisfied with what we have and to count our blessings for having it, we will be happy.

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April 8, 2020 at 8:26am
April 8, 2020 at 8:26am
The Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

The Original Logo. Prompt:"What is the most ridiculous thing about what's happening this month?"

I think the most ridiculous thing is the greed. People are hording everything and you can't find anything in the stores. It is ridiculous. I mean it isn't like anyone is going to starve to death during this pandemic. Yes, they will starve if there is no food to buy because some idiot done went and cleaned the shelves but pandemics kill, they don't starve people. A friend of mine works in a store and regularly gets chewed out by customers because they cannot find what they are looking for. It isn't his fault so quit cussing him. Don't blame the stores because people are greedy idiots.

I'll bet when this is over people will better appreciate stores that have supplies! Toilet paper will be appreciated. A hug will be appreciated. I'm a hug monster and I miss my hugs. *Hug* *Hug1* *Hug2*

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "Have you looked into your family history? Tell us about one of your ancestors."

I have looked briefly into my family history. I had a great great grandfather who was the commanding colonel of the 33rd Ohio Artillery Battalion Battery D during the Civil War. His name was Henry Schrebe. He fought at Gettysburg and several other major campaigns.

There was a woman once who tried to sell us a book about our last name. She said she wrote it because the name "Schrebe" is so rare, even in our native Germany. According to her my family come from a long line of aristocracy and if Germany ever had a king I was suppose to get the throne. I laughed at that silliness and told her where she could shove her book. I do know my family does have a family cloak so there may be something to it but royalty? No way!

Blog City image small "Prompt: Write about the word believe in your Blog entry today."

You don't want to get me started about "believe". I believe we are having a pandemic because God wants people to repent. I believe He wants corporations to quit lying to people and misleading them. He wants them to build a better mousetrap and make quality products. He wants us to quit sinning. He wants us to dismantle and quit accepting gay marriage. He wants us to stop abortion slaughterhouses. I believe he wants us to repent. Now some will say this blog is "full of venom" but I can only agree with God's word. I personally don't care what people do with their lives.

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April 7, 2020 at 9:25am
April 7, 2020 at 9:25am
The Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

The Original Logo. Prompt: "What is the best thing to come out of staying at home (so far)?"

The best thing is that I have managed to get a lot of writing done. I've written letters to about a dozen people. Now it's just a matter of getting those letters mailed. The administration office here is closed and all of our mail goes through administration. It's really tough to get mail in and out of here.

Another good thing about being home is that I've had time to do some research that I needed to do. I found a website yesterday for the West Virginia Certification Board for Addiction & Prevention Professionals and was able to discover that I meet their qualifications to be a certified peer recovery support specialist. Now it is just a matter of sitting for the certification test. I had been working before and did not have the time to research and find the site.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: If you had a choice, what would you dream about tonight?"

Anything but what I dreamed of last night! I had a weird dream last night that made no sense and still makes no sense.

To be honest I'd rather have dreams of a good church service or doing something to help somebody.

Blog City image small Prompt: “Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”― Shel Silverstein

Discuss your thoughts on this quote."

I know a lot of kids who would benefit if they would listen to that quote. My son is one of them. He's eighteen and knows everything.

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 2019 Quill Awards
April 6, 2020 at 10:13am
April 6, 2020 at 10:13am
The Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

{2066112-15%} Prompt: "Family Movie Night! Pick two movies your family and close friends can come over and watch. Give us a brief synopsis (no spoilers!) and share with us what you'll be snacking on throughout."

I won't be having a family movie night. Don't you know there is a pandemic going on and we're distancing ourselves from others?

Seriously though I wouldn't do a family movie night because I don't like television or movies any more. I use to watch them all the time. Now the quality and everything has gone down hill. I just don't care for it.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.” ― Germany Kent
Is this true or false? What do you think?"

I think Kent is spot on. Our attitude does pretty much set the tone for a week at a time whether that be on Monday or any other day. I determine how I am going to act and feel.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "With the shelter in place or stay at home orders in place, are you revisiting hobbies that you haven't done in a while or are you learning new ones to pass the time? Tell us how you're passing the time when you're not writing."

I have been working all through this. I have been doubling as a housekeeper here at the Veterans Home so I've been pretty busy.

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 2019 Quill Awards
April 5, 2020 at 12:40pm
April 5, 2020 at 12:40pm
The Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

The Original Logo. Prompt: "You get to pick three people- living or dead- to be quarantined with. But...in order to pass time, you have to play Monopoly. Who wins? Who cheats? Who cries? Who flips the table, sending pieces flying everywhere? You choose the players and how they see the game through its finish."

I would choose to be quarantined with my son and my commander at the Salvation Army. I choose these two because I believe my commander could get through to him and I don't seem to be able to. He is at that rebellious age. He's 18 and has all the answers to his own problems. I was like that at eighteen and it took many years of living before I finally figured it out. my son worries me though. At the moment he is angry with me over something though I have as yet to figure out what. He hasn't called me throughout this whole pandemic. I know through other sources that he is fine.

My commander is just a fine woman. She is an administrator and a take charge kind of person. She would win the monopoly game though my son would think he was going to win. Lieutenant would smoke us all at it because she is organized and methodical. I would choose her due to these traits. She is also a good communicator and would be able to reach into the clutter of my son's life and organize him some. As a rule I could because counseling is my specialty. However when I use my skills he rebels and sees me as prodding or provoking him. I'm too close. She would have a professional relationship with him and could reach him.

In the end she would win the game if he didn't upset the table first!

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 2019 Quill Awards
April 4, 2020 at 7:07am
April 4, 2020 at 7:07am
"April 4, 2020 The Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

The Original Logo. Prompt: "As we're staying #SaferAtHome, I hope you're all staying hydrated- whether that be with water or other liquids! *Wink*
How many cups/glasses/mugs/etc do you have at home? Which is your favorite, and why? Tell us about how you got it."

Staying safe from COVID-19 may bring about my death from kidney failure. I live at the West Virginia Veterans Home in Barboursville WV. I have known for a long time now that I have stage three kidney failure. It worries me sometimes but they tell me I will be fine if I stay hydrated and away from caffeine. The kitchen here is closed between meals because they have a limited staff and have to sanitize between meals. This means I do not have access to the drinks I normally can get to. My only two options are fountain water or soda such as Mountain Dew, which is loaded with caffeine. I despise tap water. I was raised drinking unfiltered spring water and tap water tastes like bleach to me. Due to that I am limited to drinking Mountain Dew and what drinks I can get when the cafeteria is open.

I think I have a solution though. The nurse's station has a fountain that uses the water in the upside down five gallon blue jugs. I love that water. I can handle drinking it so I may go down there once an hour and get a cup of that and chug it while it is cold. I am also going to invest in one of those coolers for myself and put it in my room. I'll pay for it in advance out of my student loans. Problem solved. If I continue drinking soda (what we call "pop" around here) I will worsen my kidney failure and eventually die from it. God tells us not to harm the temple, which is our body and I am harming mine. No more!

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: Make a happy list with ten items."

A lot of things make me happy. Let's see:
1. Jesus
2. Holy Spirit
3. God
4. God's word
5. Souls saved
6. Repentance
7. Writing
8. Studying
9. Serving and talking to innerlight
10. Sunshine

I think what makes me happiest of all, aside from my relationship with the Lord, is studying and writing. I am a member of the
The Snail Mail Forum  (E)
A forum for interaction between members of WDC's first letter writing club.
#1982210 by Annette
and I write a lot of snail mail letters through there. Don't worry. I seal the envelopes with scotch tape or use self adhesive ones and self-adhesive stamps. I usually use scotch tape. I have written a total of twelve letters I believe since this thing started.

Something else that makes me happy is serving others. I have a class this semester which is teaching me how to administer and score a standardized test that reveals what your personality type is. It lists seven basic personality types including administrator, prophet or seer, (the books calls these "perceivers"), compassion, teacher, server, and two others that I can't recall. So far I have scored high as "perceiver" and "server", both being personality types that love to help others. I think I am a server though because I love to work. I am currently floor leader, chaplain, and temporary housekeeper here at the West Virginia Veterans Home. I do four Bible studies per week as well as doing the janitor's job during this lay off. By seven AM this morning I had 90% of the job done. I still need to take out trash and wipe some things down. The guys here love me because I am a go-getter. They know I love them and want to take care of them. One of the guys said this morning that he hoped they gave me a raise for getting up early and getting it done. He said it took someone special to get up at 5:30AM and clean the bathroom. It's just second nature to me. I don't want these guys getting sick. I guess I could put work, work, work on that list couldn't I?

A lot of things make me happy though. It is really hard to narrow it down to a list of ten things. Jesus makes me happiest of all. There are times that I bubble over with His love. I am not the preachy type. I'd rather let Christian living do my preaching and I seem to be effective at it. I had one of the men here report an incident to me that made me feel very good. He said he overheard a conversation that a cranky old man here had with a new guy. The new guy had asked the cranky man what I was like as a chaplain. The cranky old man said "He loves with his whole heart. He bends over backwards to help others and would give the shirt off his back if he thought it would help somebody. A lot of the so-called Christians around here are hypocrites, but Marvin is the very picture of Jesus Christ at work in this place."

I was floored because I did not realize I was making any impression at all, and this man told me he overheard one of the crankiest men in the place say that about me. I ask the man reporting it to me what he personally thought. he said "I concur with him. If you don't live and act like a Christian I don't know who does."

I decided that day that I was not going to verbally preach Jesus. Instead I was going to model Jesus in all I do. That would not be possible if Holy Spirit did not guide me. I will tell you right now though that I call sin what it is: sin. I often get dogged because I say that COVID-19 is from God because He wants the world to repent. He wants the corporations and their shyster lawyers to quit figuring out ways to rip people off. He wants us to quit aborting babies because in His eyes abortion is murder. He wants Adam and Steve to quit getting married because homosexuality in His eyes is sin. America and other countries have legalized all these things and God did not authorize them. He calls them sin. If He says they are sin then I have to say they are sin. I know the Bible is a very old book. It was formed 2,000 years ago. Until God comes back and cancels it however, I as a Christian am obligated to obey it. It may not be politically correct and it may not read according to man's modern way of thinking but Jesus Christ does not change. He is the same today as He was ten thousand years ago. If my beliefs hurt somebody's feelings I don't apologize. Jesus does not change His mind about sin and neither can I. His message is clear: Repent or die in your sins.

Blog City image small Prompt: "Tell us a funny story about an animal.|"

You want a funny story about an animal. Okay. I'll tell you how smart my little dog Sandy was. She was a Pomeranian mix. She weighed maybe five pounds soaking wet. She could almost talk and I swear her expressions spoke volumes. One day I was arguing with my wife over something. I forget what it even was. Anyway the argument was escalating and getting very verbal. I told my wife I was not going to argue. I was going into the bedroom and lying down so I could calm down and then we would discuss it. I went in the bedroom and Sandy followed me. I lay down and she jumped up on the bed. Normally she would lie with her head face up on my shoulder but this day she jumped up onto my chest and gave me an evil, hurt look. I realized the look was saying "Dad, you are wrong about this and you know it. I'm ashamed of you."

I immediately went to my wife, kissed her and apologized, telling her she was right. I went back in and laid down on the bed with Sandy in tow. She again jumped up on my chest and began licking my face as if to say "Good job Dad!"

Dogs are very smart!

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 2019 Quill Awards
April 3, 2020 at 8:22am
April 3, 2020 at 8:22am
The Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

The Original Logo. Prompt: "California just announced an extension of the self-isolation through May 1/April 30. With all this newfound time spent at home, TV time is also skyrocketing. What TV/movies do you recommend for us to watch, on which platforms, and why?"

I don't watch television very much. I may have my cable on once per week if at all and then less than an hour. Most of the time my television is on HDMI 3, and being used as my monitor for my computer. I have a laptop but I use a separate keyboard and mouse, and hook the HDMI cable to my 32" television for the monitor. I spent an incredible amount of time on it. I will begin spending even more time on it in May because I am going to start classes then online. I am a graduate student at Regent University in the Master of Divinity program. I was called to be a chaplain.

If I was to watch television I would watch Law and Order SVU or the old 80's show CHiPS. Sometimes I watch Walker Texas Ranger. Aside from that I don't do much television.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "Where is your favorite vacation place? Have you actually been there or is it on your bucket list once all this craziness calms down? What makes it special to you?"

I have always wanted to see Lake Tahoe NV. I don't just want to vacation there though. I want to live there. My dream was always to have a little log cabin house tucked away on the Lake like Stringfellow Hawk had on the 80's show "Airwolf". I will never have that house in this lifetime but I believe my mansion in heaven will be just like that house. I could be completely wrong about that but I believe God is going to give me my wish one day and a house on Tahoe will be my home.

Blog City image small Prompt: "What's your favorite national park? Why?"

My favorite national park is in West Virginia. It is New River Gorge and the bridge there. It's my favorite because I have actually seen it. I have driven across the bridge and walked under it. I actually slipped and twisted my ankle going down the steps of that park. If I had started tumbling I could have fallen hundreds of feet. As it was I lost my footing due to dew on the boards and fell on my backside.

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill Awards Image #2187984 over display limit. -?-
April 2, 2020 at 7:50am
April 2, 2020 at 7:50am
The Original Logo. Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2066112 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "My coworkers and I had a virtual happy hour today where we all just chatted and played "Never have I ever". *Laugh* It was great to feel the connection between everyone, even though we're physically distanced.

How are you trying to stay socially close to others while #SaferAtHome and physically quarantined?"

I am staying busy during this shut down. I am the chaplain of the WV Veterans Home and I am also floor leader of Delta-2 in the building where I live. Our housekeeping staff has been laid off during this shut down so I am doubling as part time housekeeper as well. I mop 100 yards of hallway and clean two day rooms and sanitize the bathrooms at least once a day. I also spend a lot of time doing my job as chaplain and counseling people who are naturally nervous and anxious to get out of here. I also talk to outsiders by phone and Facebook. I just downloaded Google Duos so I can try to do face-to-face Bible studies with some of my students. I stay busy. The days go by pretty quickly. I am also reading my text books for my graduate classes. Give me two more years and I will be signing everything Marvin D. Schrebe, M.Div. instead of Marvin D. Schrebe RBA. Maybe there is just a hint of vanity there, but I worked hard for my degree.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "Who's your favorite author? Why? Is it because of the story or the characters involved?"

I am my favorite author of course! I love to go back and read things I wrote three years or so back because I have forgotten about them by then and it is like reading the work of a stranger.

In all seriousness though, my favorite authors are Charles Dickens and Louis L'amour. I also like reading William Johnstone if I am just reading for fun.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Write a poem or prose using five titles of Beatles songs."

To be honest I don't know five of them. I was never allowed to listen to them as a child and really never did as an adult either. Sorry.

Image #2098718 over display limit. -?- Image #2118746 over display limit. -?- Image #2187503 over display limit. -?- Image #2187984 over display limit. -?-
April 1, 2020 at 6:17am
April 1, 2020 at 6:17am
Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "The worst movie you ever did see, and why"

I don't watch a lot of movies. In fact my television hasn't been on in a week. I'm just not a big movie fan. I'd rather curl up with a good book.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Hope for the future. Use this line in your Blog entry today."

There will be no hope for the future unless man repents. As long as mankind corporately keeps screwing his fellow man over there will be mo hope. It is only when man goes to truly loving his fellow man that we will find hope.

Image #2098718 over display limit. -?- Image #2118746 over display limit. -?- Image #2187503 over display limit. -?- Image #2187984 over display limit. -?-

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