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Review of ID NUMBER 1866900  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
It's amazing how reading poems from the same contest can use the same assigned words to write totally different poems and evoke different feelings.

The third and fourth lines in verse one confused me. Words go to the hands and then to the pen, so I got lost. sorry.

The second and third verses I got, or think I did. lol

the fourth verse--when I think of sunlight settling to earth, I think setting sun, but masking the shadows? I can see deepening them, so that would hide them I guess, but it threw me. The meaning of the rest eludes me, but I can feel the heartache. Although the meaning eluded me, it was well written.

You filled the poem with sorrow and that comes through. Thanks for sharing this with us.

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
My heart ached when I read your poem. You spoke volumes in such a short poem. You drew me in right away.

Some here would suggest putting in punctuation, I am not a pro, but I would tend to agree so that we pause where you want us to pause.

Your second and third lines left me wondering what happened to make you shake in horror. Another verse or two would be good. If you could bring yourself to expand, but maybe you don't want to if it's so private.

I really like the 'tainted pages' line. Very well said.

The last two lines really say it all don't they? I think a lot of us writers get out our anger and grief in our writing.

I do hope you are feeling better.

love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I'm not a pro!

Your first verse grabbed me and made me smile. So fluidly romantic right off the bat and I didn't know until a couple of verses later you were refering to the sun and moon.

In verse 2 I pictured a woman standing in the window with her back to her love on the bed or standing behind her.

I didn't get what the stars implied. That did elude me.

Verse four could be an egotistical man, but the word luna gave me a clue. lol

Nicely done!

Thanks for sharing this with us. I really did enjoy it.

Love, LinnAnn

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Review of Gentle Warrior  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am not a pro at poetry, but your poem caught my attention right away! The first verse caught my heart and held it. You didn't use any 'pat' or obvious rhyming words. I loved it. I can atell a lot of thought went into writing this and it shows.

Each verse builds on the others and you tie it all up neatly and sweetly at the end. My oldest daughter has adopted three into her brood, the two oldest from korea had to be taught wat a toilet was. You knever know what you're area of expertise will need to be.

Again. This was amazing. I don't give '5's very often but this rocks.
Thanks so much for sharing.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I cannot review concerning the format, I don't know about it, but I can review about the way you express images etc. in your poem.

You mention 'spirits' and I got a bit confused as most of us feel we have one spirit. I didn't know if you needed an apostrophy for ownership or what.

'without your permission'--it didn't quite fit with the 'ation' vowel sound and tion ending.

not an illusion--again the 'a' is missing in the sound/rhyme. I do not know enough to know if that is true to form.

This is a sweet poem I just kept getting pulled out with the ation and the switch to the usion or other sion endings.

I do appreciate all the time and effort you took to get so many tion eding words. lol Thanks so much for sharing this. Such devotion is rare.

love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am unfamiliar with this kind of poem. It starts out ABCB then there is that extra little line in there. So since I can't review based on the form, I can on the meaning and all.

I was able to tell it was set in a bookstore even before I got to the 'Note'. lol

I thought it was interesting the 'velvet' was coin. Did they use velvet as a currency in the past?

I loved your last two lines. She must be a wonderful woman.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
love, LinnAnn

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Review of Buttercups  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
pardon typos, using libraries computer and the keys stick!

I sit here a bit stunned. I had to work to find the rythm, but when I quit looking for the pattern and just enjoyed the words, it all fell into place.

You gave me good imagery and I was intrigued as I read, 'Where is the writer taking me?" Then I got to the end and it was very powerful. "Fragile hope deserted us'

Then you brought in church, and it drew it all together. The pulling and subtle leading astray, then the consequences. Powerfully done. Thanks for sharing this with us.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Sketching  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm using the computer at the library, so if there are typos please forgive me, the keys stick.

I read through your poem, and you gave me a wonderful mental picture of your mother. I like the way you staggered your words for the 'rising and falling'.

You used 'quietly' three times in your second stanza and at first I thought it excessive but then I realized you were making sure we got into the mood.

I got a bit lost on the 26. 26 shapes or 26 sketches?

Then you went to hospital and at first I was lost, then I wondered if you were talking about past trips, or worried about future trips. It sounds like the mom is anorexic. I may have totally missed the mark on that, if so, sorry.

But then you told how you were really made up of parts of your mom, I get that. The daughter, half the daughter threw me a bit.

There was one spot that I wondered if you left out a word, is english your second language? only take--did you mean talk?\

There is a lot of deep thought here, thanks so much for sharing with us. I do llike more, bu my computer time is up.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Same Difference  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I gotta tell you, I loved this poem. Of course, I'm a bit odd, so you may not find that a compliment. If there are typos, sorry, I'm at the library and the keys stick.

That dry tear, makes total sense to me. Crying on th inside doesn't mean you still aren't crying.

Same with the 'silent scream'. when the mouth opens in shock and pain but nothing comes out. I totally get it.

deafening silence has been throughout history. I have that alot at my house.

There are so many broken, intact hearts. Broken can mean not working but the darn heart is still there and in pain.

sad joy, when you watch a past sweet heart walk down the isle.

You have a lot here, and I loved it.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You mention at least 2 revisions, I have to stop myself from revising too many times as I go along. You're right, wastes time and effort to 'fix' something that might get thrown out.

I agree and finally 'got' the first conflict. I had to throw out a few thousand words on my first nano novel. started with a heart attack, to set the stage for her health issues. Sometimes it takes time to learn, lol

You mention 'story points' I wish you'd elaborate more on that, what do you mean? Do you mean plot points, minor and major?

I do like your itemized list.

Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge.

love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your second paragraph cracked me up. I love my writing, I reread for editing, and get caught up in the story and forget I'm editing. That's when it's nice to have writer friends and their red pencils.

Having XP helps, it finds those nasty 'passive voice' mistakes I'm prone to make. And it is ruthless, as it needs to be. lol

You got to meet Robert Frost!!! How cool. I am so impressed.

I have no qualms about someone offering advice or crits. I do get annoyed with 'this is great' and nothing about what made it great, or what could be better. Also, do you notice how 5 different sets of eyes can all find something different to crit? lol

Thanks for sharing this, I enjoyed it immensely.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review of White Balloons  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This was very touching and unfortunatley, children die too young and too often.

I don't know if this was real or not, but you put the pieces together very well in setting the mood. The rain, the questions about if they notice...all very mood setting. The other child's balloon, not lower than the rest, but sagging, again perfectly setting the mood.

Your ending, tying it all together and pulling us back to the reason they were all there. Nicely done, Nicely done.

love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I can tell a lot of hard work went into this. Kudos to you.

Verse four confused me a bit, It's been too many decades for me to remmber the story that long ago. If I understand correctly, her father would be the one killing her? You said 'steered' and that threw me a bit.

In verse six, you said 'tomorrow he'd be feared'. However, if he'd already killed off all the rest, wasn't he already feared?

I never realized her sister shared their wedding night bed. I'll have to get to the library and check out the book. lol Thanks for the reminder of a great tale.

Thanks for sharing this with us as well.

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Review of Spring Fevers  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was delightful! I don't recall ever reading this type that also rhymed, good for you! It made it all the more enjoyable for me the reader.

Each line was done well, so it was hard to pick any one that stood out but I have to admit theriotous daffodils was great as mine are already dead on my porch.

The virile youths with lusty thoughts was also humorous especially with the 'doe-eyed' girls. crack me up.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
this is the 4th time I've tried to do this review and the page changes. so if you get three others, sorry.

I like how you start off powerfully with the imagery. You pull the reader in right away.

It flows beautifully into the 2nd verse but then the last line of it pulled me out from his looks to the question. Have you considered making that line stand alone?

I liked the line about the 'tiger'. nice touch.

The 6th verse mentions the 'god' ...would the other line fit with it?

The burn up, burn out, made me wonder if the audience was wanting that or if they were worried about it.

I like the 'lights fade to black' too, nice lead into finishing.

Thanks for sharing with us.

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I may not be a pro at poetry, but I know what I like; I like this!

This so reminds me of me, NOW. lol

I like the way you incorporate her talking. It brings the poem to life. I picture an older woman searching for those slippers, like I do mine, now. I really like the 'there...right there...I think.' lol made me chuckle.

I got a bit confused at the part where she is already in Kansas, yet seems to be wanting to 'go' there.

The ending is priceless, bend, rainbows end...just there. Absolutely lovely.

Thanks so much for sharing this with us. It sounds so much better than our dark clouds and freezing rain. Heaters are going full blast. Where are those slippers?

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I"m not a pro when it comes to poetry, but I do recognize a great Haiku when I read one. This is very well done.

Your title fits the poem perfectly. I wonder who you were advising to look around and see, 'for a change'. Was it an adult or child? Too many people get so busy they forget to live, and living is appreciating beauty.

The river completes the scene I think. I smiled at the frolicking carp, good detail.
Thanks for sharing this with us.

I clicked on the link and enjoyed seeing you perform. Was that your father?

Keep writing.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review of Desperado  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I loved this poem! It was thought provoking and really got to the heart of 'freedom' verses home. There is a song that says hell is going through life alone.

Johnny Cash had a hard life. He had a strong wife. He had fans who cheered him on and rooted for his success. It seems he had a great fan in you. Too bad he never got to see this tribute. Thanks for sharing this with us.

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am not familiar with this style, I'm not too bright when it comes to poetry, mine is very simple. So I can't offer comments about rhyming, or meter, etc. I'm so sorry about that. BUT....

I can tell you my feelings about the poem.

It touched my heart, especially standing up for her. Many today mock her and do not understand how she could feel so deeply when shut away from the world. I appreciate your tender understanding and treatment of a great woman poet.

Your 'moth in white' intriqued me. I thought first of 'moth to a flame' and couldn't figure out the meaning. Then thought of a delicate woman in flowing night gown writing by candlelight and thought you might mean that.

Feel free to enlighten me.

I enjoyed your poem, and thank you for sharing it with us.

Love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
I am not a pro but a student of poetry, so take what you can use. lol That is assuming I can offer something of value.

First let me express my deepest sympathy on your mother's passing. The woman I called mom died a few years ago and I miss her. We have 'chats' in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. She was fortunate to have a caring daughter. Do not be offended at my comments, I only wish to help you.

Your first two lines are sort of predictable-mother, no other...
have you thought of rhyming other words and have 'mother' in the middle or beginning of the line? The old time poets did that.

I notice each verse has a different amount of lines, what style is that?

and said, :You've done me -----You forgot the opening quote marks.
The syllables are not the same or word length, so this confuses me, again I don't know this style.

Your last three lines do not rhyme with each other, so this threw me again. I'm so sorry, I just do not know this style.

I signed up for the poetry newsletter and last weeks was so remarkable. I could never attempt something as complicated as that author in the demo part of lesson.

I'm so sorry I can't help you more. Ignorance is NOT bliss, and it's not very helpful.

I do love the sentiment you express toward your mom . I'm sure she loves it. I talk to my mom all the time. I'm sure spirits can hear us.

Got bless you.

love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I"m sitting in front of the heater, flannel jammies, and a terri bathrobe, still cold from fishing in the rain. Your title caught my eye and I had to give it a look see, added one more for good measure! lol

I have to tell you, of the four poems I've read, this is my favorite. You really drew me in with the senses and lovely mental images.

I liked the wind and the weathervane, memories of my youth.

My daughter took my 'complete works of longfellow' to school, and that night the school burned down. sigh. he can be a perfect call sometimes.

I loved the sun above the clouds, very hopeful

You must have a covered carport to be grilling steaks in a storm, lol Sounds so much better than the frozen eggrolls I had for dinner. I should keep that in mind for the next rainy day.

I live in Aberdeen, wa. Grays Harbor. about 2 hours south of Forks. They are NOT the wetest place in the continental usa like they claim in the Twilight books. lol

I didn't get it when they said Aberdeen was outside a rainforest. lol I sure get it now. lol

This was lovely and fun.
love, LinnAnn

Reviewing image for SAJ and SP

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Review of Weigh the Facts  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I loved the explanation below the title. I had to see the poem after that. giggle
I'm eating a donut as I read the line 'cut down on sweets' lol

My son was telling about he and his wifes Pilates class, and he didn't mention it could be done lying down.

This was a very cute lpoem. I loved it. I'd rather shovel dirt than do pilates. So today that is what I did.

Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

love, LinnAnn

Reviewing image for SAJ and SP

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Review of Reminiscent Youth  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The switching time zones in one sentence to the next in some of the verses threw me a couple of times. I reread it after I realized what happened so it wouldn't kick me out of the 'zone'. lol

I have to tell you, if you think the 40's are hard, try hitting 60! lol

I loved the no broken bones, just bled part the best. giggle I hope you were jumping into a haystack. lol My oldest step brother found out the hard way that little home made parachutes don't work off roofs.

Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

love, LinnAnn

Reviewing image for SAJ and SP

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Review of Poets Verse  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am not a pro, so if I'm off, please forgive me. Take what you can use.

I had some trouble with some of the meter. I counted out syllables, and said the poem aloud and still verse 2 had extra counts. The third verse game me the same and 2nd line of verse six.

However, The poem was on!

Verse 4 made me smile. I loved that one. lol
Verse 7 was also good!

I do like poems that make sense and especially if they make me smile.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Ego Verses Self  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (2.5)
I am not a pro, but I'll do my best for you. I can tell you that this would be easier of you had this in verses. One long poem in lines makes me wonder if I should expect the poem to have a structure. there are rhymng parts but I can't figure out the structure. I'm sorry.

I am a notoriously bad speller, there are probably misspelled words in this review. But you may want to make sure you check your spelling in the actual poem so it's professional looking.

You put your honest feelings into this poem and it shows. It gives it power.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Love, LinnAnn

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