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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Sci-fi · #2314301
KrisTee escapes her captors, but where does she go from there?

When I awoke with another burn mark on my side and the large bandage on my arm, I decided it was time to leave. Taran had not only taken blood but tissue as well. I may be what Igal referred to as a rodent in some cultures, but I was no lab animal.

I used ZaHa to open the cage and scurried quietly down the tree. I created a distraction in one direction easily on the insentient guards as I darted into the woods in the other. Unfortunately, I was not out of hearing range when the camp went into an uproar at my disappearance.

I panicked and broke into a run aimlessly through the trees. If I had a direction in mind before I would have less of one in mind now. The low brush and brambles tore at my top and skirt and scratched my legs and arms. The bandage on my arm started to bleed again. Higher limbs whipped at my face. I thought I heard footsteps all around me.

When I started to get out of breath, I decided up was a safer direction than forward, so I began to climb. I got up into the higher section and peered through the leaves below me and all around. No one passed below. No guards. No search parties.

I searched out further. The light was starting to crest the far mountain and would soon bathe the clearings, paths and nooks through the trees with light. Not good for movement. I gathered loose twigs and leaves and bended weaker branches about me into a nest. I decided here would be as good as any to try and rest. Night would be better for movement.

Early that evening I climbed down from my nest with my stomach reminding me that I hadn’t eaten since the Zaume’s last meal. That seemed like days ago. I didn’t remember my captors offering any food. The woods should provide something along my route, or so I told myself.

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