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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Harry, my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your poem

 Sparrows of the Human World  (13+)
A free-verse poem about how sparrows are considered dispensable.
#1849432 by Harry

My first impression of your free-verse poem, is what a truth you're relating through your writing. People disregard

living breathing creatures as pests or being dispensable. The audacity, that parents would tell their children to

shoot sparrows, but never a blue jay, cardinal, robins or any other pretty song bird. This makes me upset. The

sparrow among others such as pigeons, crows and unattractive birds are considerate a nuisance. The poem tells

the unfortunate way people regard humans much the same way they regard the sparrows. A good example of this

is the people of Africa, we give billions of dollars to almost every country in the world, for development of countries

and help with Tsunami victims or military arms. Yet, millions of third-world children starve to death every year.

Who decides, who are the sparrows of mankind? The author has written a very sad poem giving the reader a

view of the reality of the way humans think, not only about sparrows that are birds, but about the sparrows of


Summary: This poem made feel anger, towards any parent that would teach their child to shoot a sparrow, but
to not shoot any beautiful song birds. I felt the poem related a very dad truth about the way humanity
I felt the poem related a very dad truth about the way humanity regards people the consider to be
disposable. I feel in my heart the all live should be reverenced and respected.

This is only my opinion of how this free-style poem affected me personally

This poem receives a 4.5 rating because of the truth and importance, Also the way the author has delivered it.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** This poem receives a 4.5 rating because of the truth and importance, it relates.
Also the way the author has delivered it.
Review of A Love Poem  
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Itchy Water, my name is Summer Wind, and I am pleased to review your poem.

 A Love Poem  (ASR)
An Eleventh Power poem.
#1825382 by Itchy Water~fictionandverse

My first impression of your poem is your words convey your deepest feelings from your heart. In your words I see

a word intimacy that makes the reader feel the love that you portray in your poetry. The flow of the words are like a

waltz and the arrangement of the lines carry the poem effortlessly through as I read it. The author expresses passion

and devotion for this love in her words. The words project a deep connection of soul mates and sensuality with tastefully

chosen words.. The author uses lovely visual word images in her poetry such as: following example

Locked under your spell, I can only comply,
leaving your tender touches to enkindle
a deep passion to soar; how can I deny?

I give the author credit for writing a difficult poem and balancing the lines with a rhythmic flow.

Summary: I thought the author wrote a poem that portrayed passion and devotion with simplicity of words.
I thought that the poem flowed effortlessly as I read it.
The author used lovely vivid word imagery in her poetry
I loved reading it, was a very emotional touching piece of poetry, that was beautifully written!

This only my opinion on how the poetry effected me personally.

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Review of Lovesong  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello David, I am pleased to review your song or poem
 Lovesong  (E)
A longsong.
#1840060 by David Cooke

My first impression of your song is a person who is inspired to write a love song for his one and only.

Unfortunately the song does not come to fruition. Most of the lines don't rhyme or flow, but I believe that they are written

from the author's heart. So in spite of the lack of technical aspects of the poem, it sings on its own merit through a

admirable effort from the writers heart. As I read this, I felt frustration come forth with persistence for the writer to

master writing a love song.

Summary: I thought the song or poem was off balance and didn't flow or rhyme.
I felt even though it lacked technical points. It sang on its own merit through the writer's heart.
I admire the writer for his effort.
This is just my opinion of how the poem or song affected me personally

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Review of Sparrow  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello April Desiree my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your poem.
 Sparrow  (E)
A poem about a bird.
#1831431 by April Desiree-I'm back!

My first impression of your poem is your incredible word imagery, and how you make each word come alive.

For example this line:The road got rough, the gales blew hard and flowers, they did die The angry world looked inward crying, "Sparrow! Why do you lie?"

The poem is true to what the message relates to all of us that we endure hardships whether it be a human or a little

sparrow. The sparrow just wanted to sit in the tree and enjoy her life and be at peace. But of course that was

impossible because she had to contend with nasty weather and bigger birds that were predators. I found the poem to be

very sad, but truthful especially with animals or birds and even human beings. That there is always going to be someone

or thing that is going to attack or instigate aggression on all of us.

Summary: I thought the writer did an excellent job of portraying nature realistically.
I thought the writer's visual word description was incredible.
The poem moved me to tears because it made me realize how vulnerable we all are.

This in only my opinion on how this poem affected me personally.

I give the poem a 4.5 rating because of the story telling and visual aspect also the lovely rhyming flow.

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Review of I feel... I want  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Christina, my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your poetry

 I feel... I want  (E)
I must set my words in motion...
#1847686 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams
Well Christina, my first impression of this piece of poetry is the urgent and intense voice that you

have projected through your words, Example:I feel time escaping through my fingers, Sometimes I just can’t

Stop the clock from ticking. To me that represents how you wish that you could hold on to time and repress it from

moving forward. In your poetry you give the reader a view of your inner fears that you will be forgotten when your gone.

I want my personal legend To last in their hearts if I’m gone No silent mysteries unquestioned. This poem speaks to me

loud and clear of a desperation of someone who wants to express all their emotions of how they feel about time and the

ones that are closest to their heart.

Summary: A poem written with an intense emotional view of time and life.
I felt Christina wrote poem based on some of her inner fears.
It made me reflect on the brevity of life, and how we should cherish those closest to us.
I felt sadness as I read this poem because I felt emptiness knowing I have hardly any family to cherish
I thought this poem was extremely well written with deep emotional projection!

This only my opinion on how the poem affected me Christiana

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Christina, my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your poem.
 A Rainy Sunday Afternoon...  (13+)
... in front of my 55'' wide-screen TV!
#1847928 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams

My first impression of your poem is a glorified info commercial written with humor and style. I think that you have included

everything that I have watched being advertised on TV in the last few days. I found the poem to be witty and have a real

nice rhyme scheme to it. The poem it self created flashbacks of pits and pieces of products that have been filed in my

mind with subliminal suggestions. It made me realize how we are manipulated so easily by watching TV. From jewelry to

drug ads that are a constantly bombarding our minds. I thought the word images were very captivating and realistic.

example: Swivel Sweeper, you can just see it sweeping across the kitchen floor.

Summary: I found the poem to be very witty and cleverly written.
I thought even though it was humorous it was factual.
I enjoyed reading it and think you should enter it into a humorous poetry contest.
Loved it really well written!

This just my opinion Christina on how the poem affected me personally.

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Review of My Husband Steve  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Oh my. My name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your adorable poem.
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1834067 by Not Available.

My first impression of this poem is what a bundle of fun and humor the writer has written in these lines.

Diddle Dumpling, what a nut
He dropped the keys as the door slammed shut
Husband outside, door locked shut
Diddle Diddle Dumpling, what a nut

I would think it would be very challenging to take a nursery rhyme and reinvent it using the first or last few lines.

I thought the author used a lot of ingenuity to create a cute and delightful use of a nursery rhyme to write

their own version. Even though she has written it in her own style and words, it still remains as a nursery rhyme.

That has the same sound of the original Diddle Diddle Dumpling.

Summary: I got a good laugh out of this delightfully reinvented piece of poetry.
I thought the writer did a great job retaining the original Diddle Diddle Dumpling rhythm.
I loved it and enjoyed reading it.

This is only my opinion as to how the poem affected me personally
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In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  
Rated: E | (5.0)
My name is Summer Wind and I am honored to review your short story.
 The Man and the Guardian Angel  (E)
James' Guardian Angel was supposed to be taking care of him. Where was Ortlad?
#1702189 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams

My first impression of this story is that I felt after reading it I had been at a 'Positive Thinking' rally. This paragraph

expresses so much encouragement for the reader.

If your thoughts begin to change, you will feel better. Change your thoughts! If you act despite your feelings, trust me, your beliefs and emotions will follow behind. Oh listen to me, my son, listen. Happiness is a result of a decision to be happy no matter what. Your emotions and feelings are created by your thoughts. Unhappiness cannot exist on its own. It occurs because of negative thoughts, which can be changed. So, change!”

After I read the story, I reflected on my own life, I saw that I have the ability to decide if the day is going to be a good

day or a bad day with my choice of attitude. James, was miserable, he lost his job and wife left him and his children were

gone. He was fed up and felt abandoned and useless.

His Guardian angel, tried to explain to James that he was never alone and that through all his trials and tribulations

that Ortlad was with him. I felt the writer's story was filled with nuggets of golden truth that can add spiritual wealth to

anyone who reads the story.

Summary: I thought even though the story was fictional, it had remarkable truthful attributes that can be applied to our
everyday life.
I thought the author did an excellent job of showing how many people see life with no hope, because of
their own attitudes and decisions.
I enjoyed reading this, it was encouraging and made me reflect on my own life which is a lot like Jame's.
Great provoking writing Christina, with an important message.

This is only my opinion to encourage the writer from my perspective of how it affects me personally

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Review of The War is Over  
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Tina My Name is Summer Wind I am pleased to review your short story

My first impression after reading your short story is that the second paragraph should be the first.

Barton gripped the leather and then he winced at the pain. He was starting to get arthritis. As a doctor he saw the signs. His knuckles were swelling and a couple of his fingers would not bend anymore. His doctoring days were over. He sighed.

He tugged on the reins and the mare shook her head, anxious to get moving faster than just a walk.

This was new land. It was Kansas and a man could set down roots, have a family tree that would spread far across the territory. He pulled the reins and the surrey with its faded fabric top and missing fringe slowed to a stop in front of the hotel.

Starting the story off with the second paragraph pulls the reader into the story with more description.

I felt the composition of the story was excellent. It reminded of a Little House on the Prairie episode.

I thought your interaction between the characters was very life like. The dialogue read smoothly as if I was watching a

western movie. I liked the way you portrayed the boys with a little mischievous side to them. Also, the introduction of

Colonel Montgomery and the information about the Negro Free men added some interest to the story.

I spotted two spelling mistakes that you might want to correct. The first one is the same clothes at the Indians.(as)

The second one: His hands gripped the leather and (the) . he winced at the pain.
Summary: I thought the story was very interesting and the characters dialogue seemed natural.
I enjoyed reading a story about the west, it reminded me of Little House on The Prairie.
I thought the second paragraph read better than the first.
I also saw two minor word corrections. I enjoyed the vivid word imagery throughout the story.
Over all I thought the story was delightful and well written!. With a touch of humor added with the impish .

This is only my honest opinions and suggestions to encourage the writer from my perspective and not to offend.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello T.J.De Wahl my name is Summer Wind and I am reviewing your story to thank you for the review you gave me.

 The Blue and the Gray  (E)
A lazy day turns traumatic when the last goober hits the ground. A tale of animal antics.
#1832806 by tj ~ endeavors to persevere!

My first impression of this story is its mirror image of nature, not just animals but humans also. The story brings to mind

a motion picture that I watched, Madea Goes to Jail. Madea is fighting to get a parking spot and someone else swings in

who has a smaller car and can maneuver faster and she takes the spot. Then, Madea has a verbal confrontation to no

avail and ends up stealing a fork lift to pick the car up out of the spot and smashes it. Then, goes to jail.

.For what ? A parking space. Your story has a similar moral the Jay goes for the last peanut and hammers away

until he is just about to eat it. When lo and be hold it falls out of his grasp to a patiently waiting squirrel who snatches

it and takes off running. Of course the blue jay goes after him dive bombing him and tearing at his fur, But the squirrel

does end up with one measly nut. You have delightfully portrayed the attitude of most creatures. Its mine, I saw it first.

Personally I don't think we as humans ever learn the lesson of humility. Go to a woman's clothing sale and see if you

see something you like, and pick it up and hold it while you look at other sale items. Then, see if someone won't try to

steal it from you. I had a sweater over my arm, that I fell in love with and I put it down for one minute next to me, while I

opened my purse to pay for it. Someone else grabbed it and said "you put it down". I started to argue, but then I thought

so what,I am not going to have a heart attack over a sweater. This is the same principle you demonstrated with your

story of the squirrel and the blue jay.

Summary: I loved your story, because it was written with a important moral that relates to animals and humans
It was humorous and your word imagery was excellent.
I thought it was delightful and well written! Great job keep writing!

This just my opinion to encourage the write on how the story affected me personally

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Review of I AM  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello your item was posted on Simply Postive Forum and since I reviewed it before. I picked this item to review.

I AM  (E)
Do you recognize me?
#1672192 by ~SilverMoon~
Reviewed by Summer Wind

My first impression of reading this prose is when I watched the Ten commandments and Moses asked who was

speaking to him in the burning bush. The voice answered I am that I am. The writer is showing that God is in everything.

Not only everything but everywhere. He hears our voices and our whispers. He collects our tears when we are sad and

nobody understands us. He cloaks us with his mercy and holds us with his hand. I felt the total embrace of God as I

read this inspirational piece of prose. The writer is demonstrating with their word choice the divine love of God.

I am love, you are love, and we are one.

Summary: I felt the writer did an excellent job of portraying God's omnipresence and his omnipotence.
I felt the inspiration spill forth as I read each word and was reminded of how awesome our God is.
I could find nothing that I would want to change or correct.
I thought the prose or poem was beautifully written!

This is just my opinion to encourage the writer and how the prose effected me personally

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Review of Imagine  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Dave my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your lovely poem.

Imagine  (E)
Love in the real world.
#1764082 by Dave

My first impression of your writing is what a beautiful visual poem! You have written a vivid word picture portrait of love

such as:.Imagine you and me embracing there upon a bed of morning glory blooms that sets up the tenderness of the

poem. I feel that you expressed that you can have a solid foundation of a relationship when each partner helps the other

in everyday living as you expressed. There is time for sharing and caring between the realities of hard work. The writer

makes the reader reflect on their own life. To examine what is important with time and what is not.

Summary: The writer has written a very practical poem that examines love in a very real way. Not some high in the pie
fairy tale with all butterflies and fluttering hearts. The romance is linked to understanding and compromising with one another to have love and hard work balance a relationship. This is what the writer has projected in his poetry I believe.
I enjoyed the poem and thought it was well written.

This is just my opinion to help encourage the writer how the poem effected me personally.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Christa, my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your poem

Setting Myself Free  (ASR)
This is a poem I wrote about an abusive relationship from my past.
#1834920 by Crista Jackson
My first impression after reading your poem was the sorrow I felt for you having to go through such

a devastating relationship. I felt that you expressed yourself very well in such simplicity of words such as this.

I will be gone tomorrow,
but do you even know why?
Do you see my pain and sorrow?
Do you hear me cry?

These verses tell of someone who is suffering from emotional torment that someone else has inflicted upon you.
The statement I will be gone tomorrow represents to me the person has come to the end of themselves and is about
to take their own life. The poem tells of an abusive relationship that has persisted for years with no reprieve.
The author has exposed their heart and soul and their inner emotions in this raw piece of poetry. The author sees no light at the end of the tunnel and therefore sets herself free through suicide.

Summary: A very heart wrenching piece of poetry that was well written with such simplicity.
This is a true situation for more women in these types of abusive situations then we wan't to acknowledge.
This poem brought me to tears. Because I had a friend who almost died from abuse from her husband.
Well Written!
This just my opinion to help encourage the writer on how the poem affects me personally

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Review of I Cry  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Mia my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your lovely poem.

 I Cry  (E)
The lifelong love of horse and owner
#1839146 by Mia64

My first impression of this poem is that it reads like a country and western song. The poem has a rhythmic flow to it just

like you would envision a horse gracefully galloping through the field. As I read this I felt like I was reading your private

journal of your life with this beautiful horse. From the time when he was young colt until his last breath. I love animals so

this poem song or story is brought me to tears.. I think your choice of words painted a wonderful.description of the

horse and life experiences you shared. This is truly a beautifully written poem with vivid imagery and visualization of the

words. Example this line: The water cooled our sun hot skin, as we splashed and romped and played.

Summary: I thought this poem could be a country and western song if a chorus was added.
I think that the writer should share this poem by entering it into a poetry contest.
I thought the poem was beautifully written with such sentimental love for the horse.
I wouldn't change one line in this poem. It carries itself all on its own, with a lovely rhythmic flow.
I truly enjoyed reading this poem and took me on a journey inside the private life of the writer.

This is only my opinion to encourage the writer on how this poem effected me personally.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Christina my dear Friend I am pleased to review your short story

 The Eyver (HM Tickle my Funny Bone)  (E)
A "Little" Confusion in Israel. Honorable Mention in the Tickle My Funny Bone Contest
#1737984 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams
My first impression of your story is it brought me back to when I lived in Israel for one year.

The author tells of how she is invited to spend time with an Orthodox Jewish family and be involved in their lifestyle.

The writer speaks of a plush neighborhood of real Sabras that were Rabbis and Rabbis wives and their children.

The writer is told that they are going to be observe the Sabbath and how the writer must be absolutely quiet during this

holy time. Then she has to use the restroom and flushes the toilet which Orthodox Jews do not do because it is

considered work. Everything the author has written about I can relate to because I came across a similar incident when

two Orthodox Jews had cigarettes in their mouths and asked me for a light. I said you are not supposed to smoke on the

Sabbath they replied as long as you light the match its okay The writer has given us a peak at the lifestyle of the

Orthodox Jewish practices with some humor.

Summary: The writer has related a time when she spent time with an Orthodox Jewish family and had to observe their
Sabbath when she flushed the toilet on that day causing an embarrassing situation that caused her to never
be invited back to the house of these people. The author has related her visit with humor and excellent story .
telling I found the story to be amusing and true how the Orthodox Jews consider many things we do work and
won't do it such as cook or turn lights on during the Sabbath.

This is just my opinion of how this story effects me personally

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Christina my dear friend I am pleased to review this short story.

 A Hollow in the Darkness   (ASR)
A Dialog in the Woods of Poland
#1814230 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams
My first impression of this dialogue story is that you have the ability to immerse the reader right into

the conversation. The dialogue is so real it transfers into a actual visualization of the people lined up naked and full of

fear. Your description of the pit and the names of the people further involves the reader into the story. I feel that you

have used dialogue to tell a very sad but probably more true story then most us would want to admit. The humiliation of

human beings being treated in a despicable way. All because they were Jews. This kind of writing makes the reader sit

up and take notice of how not only the Jews but other races face the same kind of degradation, such as the people of


Summary: This short story of dialogue reminds us not only of the atrocities of the past with the Jewish people but also what is going on today with other ethnic groups that face the same persecution.The writer has done an excellent job in relating the horror and shame and fear of what went through the minds of those people in the woods of Poland. I found this story to be very sad and tragic. Especially because I am of Jewish descent.

This is just my opinion on how this short story effected me personally.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ivama'e my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your instructional story,

Getting around WDC  (E)
A short piece on getting around WDC
#1676927 by Iva Lilly Durham
First impression of this short piece is why didn't I find this sooner. When I first came to W.D.C.

this would have been so much help. I felt like a mouse and a maze just like you said. After reading this short instructional

that gives so much valuable information. Where to search for articles forums and reading material in general.

I also can relate to W.D.C. helping me develop my writing skills. By the wonderful input of the reviews from the generous

people who take time to read and review our work.

Summary: The author has written a wonderful instructional short story. That relates her experience of when she first
came to W.D.C. and how she was confused about where to go to look for information.
The writer has written it with some humor and advice on how to enjoy W.D.C.
Well Written and I enjoyed reading it.

This is just my opinion and how this information effects me personally

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Review of The Cave  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Christina my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your short story

The Cave   (E)
Inside the Church of the Resurrection (Written for The Dialogue 500 Contest)
#1731287 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams
After I read the dialogue to this short story, I can relate exactly to what the author is writing about.

I went to Israel and wanted to visit a Greek Orthodox church. I was met at the entrance by a priest wearing all black who

asked for a donation for the church. When I gave him five dollars he gave me a candle to burn inside the church.

The dialogue to this story is so life like, that if I heard someone else reading it I would think that it was an actual dialogue

of two people carrying on dispute about paying money for a candle so you could pray in the church. This might have

been written as fiction, but I personally experienced the same situation that writer implied in this short story.

The writer has demonstrated what some churches have become. Caring very little for the people and their spiritual

condition, and more for what they can obtain monetarily from them.

Summary: I thought this short story reflects on the condition of man's greed especially in the church.
I also thought the dialogue in this short story was excellently written. So life like.
It made me reflect on my own experience with paying for a candle, when I lived in Israel .

This is just my opinion to encourage the writer on how this story affected me personally.

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Review of Dawn  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello April Desiree my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your poem

 Dawn  (E)
What comes to pass when lovers don't speak to each other.
#1830933 by April Desiree-I'm back!
First impression of your poem April as I read it was that it reminded me of Shakespeare.

The bitter sweet of loving someone and then loosing them is what I read in your poem. The poem tells that the wife

knows that the husband has left and she can't face tomorrow and bare the pain of being alone. It seems that even being

with him and suffering the pain and hurtful memories is better that being alone.

Summary: This poem was very well written and reminded me of a Shakespeare writing.
I thought the poem had a dramatic love and sorrowful flair to it.
I think the writer has a talent for writing very emotional and moving poetry.
I thought the visual choice of words made you feel the sorrow.
I enjoyed reading the the lovely but sad piece of poetry.

This is just my opinion to encourage the writer on how the poem affected me personally

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Review of Morning Brew  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Who Me? I my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your Poem.

Morning Brew  (E)
Lesson 2 Cinquain
#1740078 by ~WhoMe???~

I do not know very much about Cinquains, but I can comment on how using so few words you

managed to create a visual picture of what your were writing about.

The first word Coffee alerts the reader that they are going to find out information that pertains to that word.

The second line indicates how coffee is so important to the writer to begin their day. The third line triple white

chocolate is a wonderful visual of the coffee. The fourth line shows how the writer receives immense satisfaction

from one sip of the coffee and brings the writer to a state of Sweet Bliss.

Summary: The writer has written a poem in just 5 lines that perfectly describe what coffee means to the author.
The announcement of coffee followed with how it is important to start the day.
The wonderful description of triple white chocolate.
Finally, the partaking of the coffee with one sip bring the author to a state bliss.
Well written with just a few words of description.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Piau, my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your poem.

 I would like to tell you a story  (E)
Yes I would, right at the moment
#1825285 by Piau

My first impression of the story is the author wants tell the reader a story. The story it seems would be for a the moment

and then after that another moment and continues on until it doesn't come back. The author says the story would include

me or you or them and and you won't know until the end. The author does indicate that the story would be polite and

and say Hello or Hi and gives personification to the story by say if the story won't mind. The author tells the reader the

story could be long or short and it won't be boring and promises that it will be sad or might have you laughing

hysterically. The story would like to tell you a story which is not coming back.

Summary: As I read this story I did not have about clue what the author was writing about.
To me it was very confusing with no continuity of thought.
What I could get a notion of I thought was humorous, but that was bits and pieces.

This only my honest opinion to help the writer to understand how it affected me personally

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello R.C. my name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your short story

 What they left behind  (E)
Join me on a journey to see what they left behind
#1818011 by R.C.

My first impression of this story, is a view of the devastation left resulting from a nuclear war. The writer tells the reader

to look and see the remains of buildings and churches and implies that God used to watch over the people, but

eventually abandoned them. The story shows how even children that grow up to be geniuses, not even their intelligence

could keep them from killing one another. That man as we know him, fights wars and destroys himself with the ambition

of corrupt power and greed for monetary gain. How man has exploited the oceans, land, animals, and himself and has

left nothing but barren deserts, demolished forests and poisoned water. But the writer leaves the reader with a hope that

life can recuperate itself by indicating one green plant left with seeds that can start the whole cycle of life all over again..

Summary: A very grim, but fascinating story that might be a view into the future of humanity.
I thought this young author wrote an incredible story for their young age.
I felt the writer used exceptional word imagery and descriptions.
I can only review on the story, and not punctuation.
I can not find anything in the story that I would change.
I felt the introduction to the story was very captivating. ex: Com, Com with me. I wanted to know where.
This story also made me reflect on the current events that are happening right now!

This is only my opinion written with honest intentions to encourage the writer on how this well written story affected me.

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Review of Trumpets Sound  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello my name is Summer Wind, and I am pleased to review your poem.

Trumpets Sound  (E)
Heavenly trumpets herald major events in history [Catalectic]
#1724681 by Winnie Kay

My first impression of the poem is the summary of the bible in three verses. The trumpet sounds and creation comes in

to existence. Then man is made and soon sin destroys paradise. Again the trumpets sound to bring the Savior into the

world to save man from his sins. And man being what he is rises up and kills the King of Glory. The final trumpet

introduces the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the faithful rise to meet him. The writer has written a

condensed version of the meaning of the bible. The creation of the world and man and the fall into sin. The birth of the

Savior and salvation from his sacrifice on the cross. The final coming of Christ for judgment for the wicked and

exaltation for the righteous.

Summary: I thought this was eloquently written with powerful word choices.
It made reflect on the meaning of life and the sacrifice of Christ.
I thought this poem delivered a strong message of the bible in a condensed few verses.

This is only opinion to encourage the writer on how the poem affects me personally

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Review of A Nursery Rhyme  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, My name is Summer Wind and I am pleased to review your poem.

 A Nursery Rhyme  (E)
Just a frivolous little Nursery Rhyme.
#1786212 by Liam

My first impression of this poem is it was very creative. I like the way you took several nursery rhymes and reinvented

them by modernizing them with a twist. An ex: Little Miss Muffet decided to rough it. By finding herself a new diet.

I thought the way you wrote it was very clever and humorous. The way you involved Mary who had a little lamb,

Little Jack Horner who was her husband stuck in a corner,.Also the way you wrote the last part of the poem

That Mary was making excuses to try the diet. So Little Miss Muffet told her to stuff it and she went back to eating her

old diet. And the ending that implies that she is still eating curds and way today.

Summary: I thought the poem was very creative and humorous.
I liked the way the writer reinvented nursery rhymes with a twist.
I enjoyed reading it and had a good laugh.

This is only my opinion of this poem to encourage the writer and how it affects me personally.

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Review of Good Dog  
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello my name is Summer Wind, and I am pleased to review some of your writing.

 Good Dog  (13+)
Clancy decided long ago who he loved best.
#1831618 by Endless Enigma
This is a very sad, but amusing story. The story portrays the Good dog Clancy who only had eyes for

one owner, namely Dave. He loved Dave because he played with him and I would assume he loved Clancy. On the

other hand Gabby was grumpy and had no tolerance for the dog. The way should would pull on his leash and never let

him explore or enjoy himself. So when Gabby went to get Clancy when he slipped off the leash, and she started to fall

through the cracked ice. Clancy made a feeble attempt to help Gabby, but would never put him self in harm's way

except if it was Dave that was in trouble. I belief Dave and Clancy were saying goodbye to a pain in the but. Just by the

ending sentence. Gabby slips under the water and is swept away with the river current. Dave whistles and says "Good

job, Clancy".

Summary: I think Clancy showed that a dog can be man's best friend, if you are a best friend to him.
I really thought this short story was humorous and a delight to read.
The characters were believable and possible if such a situation where to arise.
Great word descriptions and imagery. Well written!

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