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Rated: 18+ · Book · Young Adult · #1208242
A continuation of my journal "Almost Angelic"
Welcome to my life! The ups and downs, ins and outs, tos and fros. Its a crazy ride...hang on!
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June 15, 2007 at 7:46pm
June 15, 2007 at 7:46pm
I posted about 200 pictures from my trip on Facebook. If you don't know my name, but still want to look me up, e-mail me and I'll tell you. Better yet, join Facebook and become my friend. *Bigsmile*






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June 15, 2007 at 7:31pm
June 15, 2007 at 7:31pm
I've decided to step down as a Senior Mod. In June 2001 I was among the first group of moderators to be promoted to Senior. It has been a humbling and wonderful experience. In the six years since I've loved every moment of work and play that being a Senior involves.

But the reality is that I'm not a very good Senior, or even a very good mod. I haven't been reviewing as I should, and I struggle to keep on top of site events. Other than my journal I haven't written anything in more than a year. This is not something that I'm doing on the spur of the moment, but rather a decision that I've stuggled with for the past few months. But stepping down is the right thing to do. I'm NOT a good Senior Mod, but there are plenty of people who would be. It's not right of me to squat in a position I so obviously don't deserve.

I'll miss being a senior, but there is no way I can keep up with the responsibility, especially with Med School starting in a few weeks. *sigh* I'll miss the purple though, it was a great color for my complexion. *Wink*

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June 10, 2007 at 12:17am
June 10, 2007 at 12:17am
I'm home! I arrived back about 15 hours after I was scheduled to, but its all okay now. Off to bed with me *Smile* More later.

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June 1, 2007 at 3:15pm
June 1, 2007 at 3:15pm
Andrea is mine! And you can't have her! I've kidnapped her away from work. *Smirk*

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May 21, 2007 at 10:15am
May 21, 2007 at 10:15am
I leave the country in 9 hours!!!!!!!!! I have to be at the airport in 6 hours. I'm finishing my packing and helping my friends tidy their apartment. It's almost time! Ack! I'm so excited I can't stand it!

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May 17, 2007 at 11:35am
May 17, 2007 at 11:35am
I leave this afternoon for Chi-town, and Monday night for London! Then there will be much touristy behavior in both London and Edinburgh before I head back home. I'm STILL not done packing, however. So I must step away from the computer...

See you June 9th!

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May 15, 2007 at 1:19am
May 15, 2007 at 1:19am
1) Make sure its late at night
2) Make sure the American dollar is weak, as in every pound is worth about two dollars
3)Start finalizing your reservations for next weeks vacation
4) Add up your estimated costs
5) Deduct costs from total budget
6) Forget about $1000
7) Assume that you have $300 in which to feed and entertain yourself for 17 days
8) Feel all the oxygen leave your lungs and your heart stop beating

Heart attack achieved! Well done you blithering idiot. *Rolleyes* Somedays I wonder how stupid I can get. My heart started working again, as soon as I remembered the $1000. But for now I'm thinking that to avoid all future heart attacks I'll keep better records.

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May 11, 2007 at 10:58pm
May 11, 2007 at 10:58pm
It's a great feeling when something comes to fruition. I left my job at the Governor's Office a little over a year ago. I knew when I left a lot of projects would flounder. I'm a good organizer and my replacements have been obviously lacking. (Not to be conceited, its just true). The girl who took over in August has only just really begun to hit her stride. So this year has been a "slow" year, which is dissapointing for Committee members, given how much was accomplished when I was there. One of the projects that was really my baby was a Health Insurance Information Website. The Project Manager, my former boss, really doesn't understand Health Insurance. So when I left the website was placed on a back burner. This past week it was released statewide, with a press conference with the State Health Officer, and the Governor. It's pretty good, if I do say so myself, and I was pleased to see most of the elements I wanted included are present. Its funny to me to see be able to mark the fingerprints of committee members all over that website.

You should check it out: https://healthinsurance.alabama.gov

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May 10, 2007 at 10:37pm
May 10, 2007 at 10:37pm
After a week of near apathy I'm already bored. I'm doing Spring Cleaning and so far have reorganized furniture, cleaned and reorganized my bookshelves(no small feat), and bought books and new furnishings. I am also UPS' favorite address at the moment. I now am the proud owner of a red chair and a taupe duvet cover, The cat is enjoying the extensive seating, and he blends in well with the new duvet. I got my first Med School text book(thank goodness for textboks.com), and I can now start whoring myself out to my Biochemistry: 3rd Edition (what a scintillating title). I also got my new digital camera(mom and dad's present) as well as a American/European plug converter (Josh&Rachel's present). Another book just shipped from Amazon, so that should be arriving shortly. As for two more books, I don't know why they haven't shipped yet. *Rolleyes*. Of course I have more books ordered, but I'm waiting for release dates before I can get them. Yes, I AM overeager.

I need to get a new Social Security Card in order to attend Med School (Heaven only knows why they can't accept a driver's liscence or passprt, it MUST be a SS card). So in order to get that I need to produce a DL or passport, and my birth certificate. My birth certificate is locked in my fire saftey box. I just spent the last 30 minutes in a panic because the key pad wasn't working on the box, and I couldn't find the key. The key was exactly where I thought it was, in my jewlery box, but it was so enmeshed in costume jewlery it was well hidden. I open the box to find the batteries have combusted on me since I checked them in December. Fortunately none of my documents have been oozed upon. Given that these documents are things like my diplomas, passport, and birth certificate, its important to me that they remain pretty. Hence the box. *Rolleyes* So its down to SS office tomorrow morning hoping to get there first so my wait will be limited. *sigh* I could mail it in, but I don't want to be without my birth certificate and passport or DL for that long.

Speaking of Med School, I've been having issues with my financial aid. Because UAB is switching to a new system I am ocassionally listed as a Public Health student for 07-08, and ocassionally as a Med Student. This means the scholarship committee thinks they don't have my info, despite the fact that I had everything in to FAFSA by March 5th, and all the stuff to the Med School by April 1st, two weeks ahead of time. That should give me preference. Instead I'm fighting to be heard. *Angry* Fortunatly my degree has been posted to my transcript, which will finish up any lingering associations to the School of Public Health. But its still incredibly frustrating. But on the plus side I got two As and two Bs this semester. The 2 Bs were the undergrad classes, which I finished with a minimum of hassle. The 2 As were my graduate classes, including the class from hell, Alcohol&Drug Abuse. Now I can send the last bit of info they need, ie my transcript, to the SOM. Fotunatley for me its free because its on campus. *Bigsmile*

My mother's suggestion to only read trashy novels this summer is not going well. I'm bored already. Of course I do need to plan my trip to the UK. I pretty much stopped thinking about it between thesis and Grandma and finals. So, anyone want to plan my trip for me? Anyone in the UK *cough*Andrea*cough* want to come play with me? What do I NEED to see in London? Anyone want to put me up overnight? *Bigsmile*

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May 7, 2007 at 10:15pm
May 7, 2007 at 10:15pm
Anne M. ****** (1921-2007) Surrounded by the family she loved, Anne ******, 85, passed way peacefully after a short illness April 16 in Scottsdale, AZ, where she had lived for the past four years. A native of Rib Lake Wisconsin and 56-year resident of San Francisco Survived by her four children: Dr. Cheryl ***** and husband Dr. Walter *******, Karen ******* and husband Ronald, Gary ******* and wife Holly, Donald ****** and wife Susan; 13 grandchildren and seven great-grand- children. Kenneth *******, her husband of 29 years passed away in 1976. Daughter of Joseph and Emma ******; and sister to Bertha, William, Ethyl, Joseph, and Matthew ******, all deceased. Anne was a unique and proud woman. She enlisted in the US Navy WAVES at the age of 21, and was in the second company of WAVES to graduate from the U.S. Naval Training School at Hunter College in New York. She served three years, most at the Farragut Idaho Naval training Center. Anne was extremely proud of her service to her country, both in the WAVES and through her 30-year career with the VA Hospital in San Francisco. She was a longtime member of Holy Name Catholic Church and WAVES Nat'l. She was buried with honors in the Arizona National Cemetery in Phoenix, AZ. Donations to: Navy Women's Memorial Foundation, Dept. 560, Washington, DC 20042-0560.

If any of you are looking for a place to donate please donates to the Navy Women's Memorial Foundation.

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May 6, 2007 at 3:53pm
May 6, 2007 at 3:53pm
Between UAB Graduation and Cinco de Mayo I didn't get to sleep until 11:30 last night, despite the fact that I was literally falling asleep just after 9pm. I slept straight until 9:30 this morning, which was great because I planned to do absolutely nothing. Its been great. I have no responsibilities for weeks and weeks and weeks. I stayed in bed and read. Then I made lunch. Then I read. Then, strangely, I did something productive without meaning to. I ordered books for Med School. The first block is a class called Patient, Society, & Doctor. The books are all ethics books, and should make for interesting reading this summer. The second block is called "Fundamentals I", and has a Genetics and a Biochemsitry book as the course maerial. I ordered those as well, but i'm not terribly excited about them. But because of my OCD-nes I saved myself over $200 on textbooks. *happy* Now, if only they would post ALL the books so I can pre-order them too. So today hasn't technically been a "nothing" day, but its pretty close, and it feels GREAT.

I have so earned a few weeks of NOTHING.

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May 5, 2007 at 12:42am
May 5, 2007 at 12:42am
I own a papasan as my only "comfy" chair. Because of my issues sleeping I've chosen to not sit on my bed, if I can avoid it. Which, because I have a studio, is not always feasible. However the papsan is great for sitting on if you're a cat, because it is a bowl. It is not so great for sitting upon when one tends to have lower back problems from reading and writing all the time. So I decided to get a comfy chair; something I could curl up in, but also sit normally as well. I checked online and everything I liked was $300+, way out of my price range. So I headed to the Salvation Army, and low and behold, found my chair. For $135. Ad its real furniture! Don't judge until I've finished my description. You can technically fit two people in the chair, although it is rather cosy. Its this Santa Fe kind of muted modern red/pink color, made of velvet. Sounds hideous, but its actually very nice. I don't have it yet, I'm picking it up Monday, and I need to get rid of my papasan. So if anyone wants it, I'll give it to you. Now I need a new duvet cover for my bed because with the red chair and a blue duvet it would be too dark. Anyone want to switch a cream duvet for a cream papasan?

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May 3, 2007 at 1:59am
May 3, 2007 at 1:59am
I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finished my last exam at 4:40 this afternoon. I completed my Master's!

Tomorrow is the hooding ceremony. I decided to emrace the salmon pink of my hood and I bought salmon pink nailpolish. A lighter color for the fingers, darker for the toes. Its so very hot...and salmon. *Bigsmile*

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May 1, 2007 at 9:17pm
May 1, 2007 at 9:17pm
So I had my Cell Bio exam today. I either aced it or bombed it. I'm leaning toward aced. I know I missed one point, and am waffling on another point, but beyond that I was really confident about my answers. I think I can live with a 98. And I was the 4th person to finish, without rushing the thing. *shrug* I guess I'll find out, eh?

My exam tomorrow starts at 4, and should be over by 4:45. Its my Embryology exam. I'm not that motivated however. *Pthb*

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April 30, 2007 at 2:46pm
April 30, 2007 at 2:46pm
After my final, which I did NOT study for (but I finished 40 questions in 20 minutes, so I think I'm okay). I went to the student center to pay my graduation fee and pick up my cap and gown.


I am horrified by the ugliness I will be expected to not only wear, but be potographed in. First, we have the Master's gown, black, with pointed sleeves. Not too bad. Add the black motorboard cap. Ugh, ugly, but not too too bad. Then we have the "hood". It has a velvet salmon collar, with an emerald green and gold satin lining. *Sick* Clashing already. Then, the crowning glory, is the salmon colored tassel, but this salmon is muddy and manages to not only clash with the black, but also the green, gold, AND the salmon on the hood. Its horifically ugly. *Pthb*

I can only hope that shoes look good.

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April 30, 2007 at 9:52am
April 30, 2007 at 9:52am
Last night I updated my "About Me" on Facebook. I find it amusing how much, and yet how little information you can share. But really, what DO you put in that section. Here's what I have now:
I am gathering letters to go after my name. I also am now officially on my way to spinsterhood, and in four short years will be the most educated person in my family. I've already planned my retirement, complete with cats and a flowered housecoat. I spend my days fighting entropy and my nights fighting senesence. I eat meat, but don't like touching it, so I freeze all my meat before cooking it. I wish Diet coke tasted like something other than foot, and I can't sleep unless the air is moving. I own a Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. My major decorating decor is books, or as I like to call it, "Geek Sheek". I own a lot of shoes, but I hate feet. I like playing in the rain. I hate driving my car. I like my penmanship, but have mild dyselxia. I can never find the right shade of lipstick. I love the smell of lavender.

So, do you now feel like you know all about me?

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April 29, 2007 at 9:19pm
April 29, 2007 at 9:19pm
I seriously, seriously need to shave my legs. They don't look that bad, but they have some serious texture. I'm more worried about stuble than I am about exams. *Pthb*

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April 28, 2007 at 10:58pm
April 28, 2007 at 10:58pm
I have finished one class of four, Alcohol & Drug Abuse. The presentation was excellent, at least my part. Unlike my peers I was able to look at the class the entire time, only ocassionally refering to my notes. The professor smiled several times, nodded along, and complimented me on our presentation afterwards. My partner, who was inconsistent and late all the time fumbled her way through, and made some glaring errors that showed she didn't understand the material. *shrug* Not my fault, I worked hard to make sure she had all the opportunity in the world to do well.

Monday I have my last graduate level class exam. I happen to not care. I handed in the paper for that class on Wednesday. I plagarized myself by simply revamping a paper from Fall 2002. It was an "A" paper then, I don't see why it wouldn't be now.

Tuesday is Cell Bio. I should study, but there is a rumor going around that if you're happy with your grade the prof lets you walk out of the final without taking it. I would take my "B" and walk away happy. Unfortunately that rumor makes it difficult to study.

Wednesday I am taking my Embryology final. Its scheduled for Thursday but since it conflicts with the hooding ceremony, sorta, my prof is letting me take it early. I start at 4pm Wed, and should be done with everything by 4:45 or 5pm. And that will finish my class work. *Bigsmile*

Our Hooding Ceremony is Thursday. Mom and Dad are coming up for that, and I'm looking forward to it. Saturday is the actual graduation, and I am not looking forward to it. But I'll see my parents again, as well as Josh and Rachel, which will be lovely.

I need to do laundry in a bad, bad way. I need to clean my fridge and my apartment before family shows up. I also need to sort out stuff that belongs to the parents, as well as stuff I want the parents to help me with(i.e. I want my dad to bring his boy talent, and height to bear in hanging curtains for me).

I'm almost done, and I am in desperate need of a vacation.

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April 21, 2007 at 3:58am
April 21, 2007 at 3:58am
Its done. Well, its written. I'll edit it tomorrow then send it to my advisor. From there its a rubber stamp to send it on to the Graduate School where it will be read and "graded". At this point I don't give a rat's little pink patootey what grade I get so long as its passing. But I do think its at least a B, and possibly an A. The writing itself is pretty solid, as is the research (I'm a pretty thorough person). I'm just a touch light on the analysis, but I'm terming it more of a "literature review" rather than an "analytical" paper.

Of course the first thing I did was to back the sucker up on my jump drive. Right now its a 629 KB word document. Its 39 pages of text, 4 pages of references, and 11 pages of tables. I was thinking anywhere from 30-45 pages for this thing, so I was pretty accurate. I've read some of the most incredibly boring things ever...such as the No Child Left Behind Act (670 pages) or the proposed 2007-2008 Alabama State Budget (341 pages). I cite large numbers of government agency printings, but also am generous in my scientific papers, where appropriate. And it has a terrible title: Child Care Policy. But its mine, and its done. Once I've finished revisions I'll take it down to my local copy center and get a few copies printed and bound. One for myself, each of my parents, my brother, my unofficial research assistant, and my advisor. Any other takers? It'll solve your insomnia problems, I promise.

Speaking of insomnia I believe I have earned a rest. I am going to sleep and am not waking up until either my tummy, my bladder, or my kitty insists I awake.

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April 21, 2007 at 12:09am
April 21, 2007 at 12:09am
I cannot spell the word licence, or permutations therof, without screwing it up. Pretty much any way you CAN screw it up I HAVE. It makes it really difficult to write a paper section on child care licensing. Speaking of writing I am incredibly bored by my own thesis. Its about 34 pages of text so far, plus 15 pages of references and tables. It'll work out to 38-40 pages long. *sigh* I'm stuck on my analysis right now. The numbers are pretty, but I'm not sure how to present them.

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