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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1236561
Dear Me: Please keep me sane!
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Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours.Swedish Proverb


Here in the South, we don't lock up our crazy people. We sit them out on the porch for everyone to see."

~~ Julia Sugarbaker, Designing Women


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#1054725 by Not Available.

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by A Guest Visitor

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold  (18+)
A romance/erotica contest from The Talent Pond.
#1380461 by Jeff

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May 13, 2007 at 10:13am
May 13, 2007 at 10:13am
I should have written here yesterday when I was so angry with my son. I found them a place to live, only so I wouldn't have to deal with them every day. It's easier when they aren't in your backyard. You don't worry about them as much; kinda outa sight, outa mind. Well, he went to court on Friday for two failure to appears for a wreck (minor) several years ago. He was being mature in that he hired an attorney and set a new court date. I reminded him at least once a week to save money for fines and court costs. He went to court with $10. The judge informed him that he was not stupid enough to let him go without $480 because his reputation of not showing up would guarantee he wouldn't. (smart judge). They put him in general population until he could come up with the money. Now, my son is 5'5" stretching. Bubba loves little cuties like him so he was scared to death. His dad went and got him because he has access to his paycheck since he works for him and he needed him to work Saturday..... The "scared" child got on the motorcycle with no license right in the parking lot of the courthouse and DROVE home!!!!!! aaaarrrrrrggggggg...... Can you say STUPID!!!!!

Ok, we got through that and yesterday, I called him at 8 pm to ask him if he was coming by to feed the dog. They moved the things they wanted, left what they didn't and left the dog until next week with the understanding that he would come by and feed her and walk her and let her run everyday. He came by on Friday after court about 4 pm and fed her. When I called on Sat at 8, he couldn't believe I doubted him. He was so sick of hearing about that dog and answering questions about his bike...... Anyway, he came and got the dog. At least now, he has to look at her sad face when he ignores her instead of me!

May 11, 2007 at 7:04am
May 11, 2007 at 7:04am
I know that I am not a writer; however, I have come a long long way in improving since joining WDC. This morning I get this from:

I liked it, but, there is one thing that needs work. In paragraph three you say it is too cold to start the car so you don raincoat etc. It sounds like you are walking to work. In paragraph four you are in your convertible. I like the twist with the unmatching shoes. You did a good job incorporating the shoes, the meeting and the broken umbrella.

Character Count: 353

Rating included: 1.0 stars out of 5.0 stars. (Note: A 3.0 is Average.)

It was for "Rain? Not on My Parade!"   by SouthernDiva The item was written for a contest. It won 3rd place and the contest was run by a MOD and sports an awardicon. They only had one thing to comment on and then gave me a 1??????? And notice the color of the case!!!!! This makes me sooooooo angry!!! I swear I would have been thrilled with a real review with a 1 but to send me the comment above and then give me a 1 is just WRONG!!! And they have NOTHING posted in their port...... How can this happen? That means I could sign up for a free account, gives 1's to everyone who pisses me off and then be gone and leave. I know that they have succeeded in what they wished to do which was get a rise out of me. I should have just not commented but the redneck in me just came right out!!!!!!!

May 9, 2007 at 8:47pm
May 9, 2007 at 8:47pm
Ok, I did a long entry about work and taxes and water cutoffs and work and stupid people and then I hit some stupid button and deleted it...... ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Not in the mood to do it again so later!
May 6, 2007 at 10:29am
May 6, 2007 at 10:29am
Goood mmorrnnniiiiiiiingggggggg, WDC

As I sit at this computer, there's a feeling of lostness (is that a word). "C" left this morning for a short term job back up North. I was so used to him being here and having such a great few weeks that I think it's gonna be hard to get used to him not being here again. It's only for a short time though. I'll be in a class in a few weeks and it's near where his mom lives so we'll see.

Well, the son and his new wife came in yesterday to tell me that they have found an apartment. Oh my, they are leaving the nest!! There's a guy who owns a duplex who rents out part of it for $150.00 a month and the kids jumped at it. Damn, now I feel like I was ripping them off charging them $125.00 a week to live in a room in the garage....... I have mixed emotions about all that. They aggravated the piss out of me most of the time. Jamie's new motorcycle woke me up more than once. He borrows my tools and doesn't return them. He runs in and out of my house unexpectedly and he just acts like a normal kid...... Damn, I'm gonna miss them...... *Laugh* But he's 28! It's way past time......

I've been contemplating creating a static item to keep up with all my new friends and authors who are in or are from NC...... It's amazing how many there are on WDC...... Anyway, I think I might work on that.

Oh, the contest I was in "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor is on hold, I think for a while. TexansBeatTheMiamiDolphinsBy3 has been in a wreck with her future daughter-in-law. Please keep them both in your prayers..........

And if you haven't seen the new picture of me........... check it out..... It's sooooooo meeeeeeeee...... *Laugh*

"Invalid Item
May 5, 2007 at 11:13am
May 5, 2007 at 11:13am
I know with all the wild weather across the US, I shouldn't be braggin' about the beautiful day here on the coast of NC..... but WOW..... My new grass, planted by my old friend, is growing in leaps and bounds. The flowers we planted last week are blooming and my garden inside me is bursting, as well. It is very rare for me to have so many good weeks at work and at home!

Well, I think I'm "back in the saddle"..... We have had a great few weeks but he leaves tomorrow to go back to PA to work for a week or so. I get used to him being gone; then I get used to him being here. I like having him here... *Smile* I think that statement may have been a revelation!

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May 4, 2007 at 8:57pm
May 4, 2007 at 8:57pm
Ok, This is the real SouthernDiva..... I'm a master in the kitchen... shhhh... don't tell, that's supposed to be a secret... *Laugh*

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May 4, 2007 at 7:57am
May 4, 2007 at 7:57am
I have had the most awesome two weeks. I have had a visitor and we have really had some great days. He always told me that relationships always eventually have wedges that are caused from things one or the other has done or said. Then when there are too many wedges, the relationship falls apart. I think we've actually made some leaps in trying to dissolve those wedges. It almost feels new! *Smile* Life is good and the "baby" is smiling!
May 1, 2007 at 4:08pm
May 1, 2007 at 4:08pm
This has been one of the most exciting days. I found out that AntiBarbie was my secret pal for this month. She has gifted me some of the most wonderful things. My favorites is the "red hat" sig and the "Jack London" quote that I use for my Guestbook. By the way, if you haven't signed my guestbook, please please do.

I also received a badge for Reading.... whoo hoo! And a plaque for Reviewer of the Month for the Angel Army! You have no idea how much this means to me. I have found something that I love and I get encouraged and rewarded for it. How cool is that?

April 28, 2007 at 3:35pm
April 28, 2007 at 3:35pm
You know sometimes life just throws you a good week. Things are normal at work or at least undemanding, life at home is tremendous (don't ask) *Smile* and you plant flowers and watch them grow. It's kinda like relationships and life; you plant and you watch it grow. You have good weeks where you fall in love all over again; you wait with batted breath. You enjoy each other even in the mist of life's happenings. Life is good!

The son and his "wife" seem to be rolling right along. They don't bother me much and they pay their rent each week so I shouldn't complain. They are grown and old enough to make their own decisions.

I'm still in the contest for Storm. check it out...
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#1228519 by Not Available.

There are only 4 of us left out of 13. There are 7 rounds and this round, I have to write a ShakespearianSonnet.... *Laugh* Until this round was posted, I didn't even know what a Sonnet was!! The round should prove to be interesting and someone will be eliminated. Wish me luck!!

Ok, for a non-blogger, that's all I have for today. My life is kinda boring. I'll write again soon
*Kiss* *Kiss*

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"Under 12 Months Group A
"Invalid Item
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April 19, 2007 at 6:02pm
April 19, 2007 at 6:02pm
No more theraflu; No more jello; No more sudafed; No more chicken noodle soup!
I've had enough! I will not lay in bed one more day! I am going back to work tomorrow; no matter what! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!

I just had to put that in writing to convince myself that I AM NOT SICK ANYMORE!!!!!!

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