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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1047838


         The pre-dawn light painted a limbus of rose blush upon the stately Sierra Nevada Mountains. Their back lit image gave the appearance of prehistoric dinosaurs stalking the eastern horizon. A man named I was sitting in his home, nestled in the fertile northern Sacramento Valley, where he was counting curds and drinking whey. Suddenly there was a knock at his door. Peering through the peephole, he saw his two friends, Me, and Myself. It was common knowledge I was a seer who had visions, so his friends had come to him with a plan. These three friends had known each other since birth and it seemed whenever one got involved in something it naturally would involve them all. “Good morning,” greeted Me and Myself, to which I replied“What’s up?” Well, Me recognizing an opening when he saw one blurted out “We want to change the world and need you to see how we can do it”. I was familiar with his friends vagaries so he did not blink an eye as he replied “How can we change thee, let us count the ways”, I liked to wax philosophical.
“Consider this, we could each stand in a different spot and that would change the global positioning of humanity, or we could plant some seeds and that would change the plant population, the possibilities are endless.”
“No, no we want to change the world so all people are treated fairly,” said Myself.

         “Whoa there big fella”, replied I, “that will take some real seeing.” After lengthy discussion on the matter, I told his friends, “You will have to give me at least 48 hours for a vision of that magnitude.” Thus, his friends departed.

         I was very vexed for he knew his visions were nebulous and whimsical on occasion, also he found the whole idea a little ridiculous, so he had committed to a daunting endeavor. I decided he might need to employ a mind, expanding drug and so chose two Bayer® Aspirin. He was not exactly sure what their effect was, however, they were all he had ever tried. To his astonishment, within minutes the headache he had acquired, thinking about his chore, had disappeared and this made him sure his mind was expanding. I immediately assumed the famous, madam-butterfly-with-a-half-hitch… Zen position and awaited his vision.

         As the cramps from his restful position took effect, I fell into a fitful sleep and began tossing and turning. Remarkably this thrashing about failed to loosen the knots, required by his restful position, and the pains heightened his awareness of the need for two more Bayer® aspirins. He was now ready to rock and roll and for the next two days he slept, ached, and ate aspirin. Finally, in the last hour, he thought he saw the light, but alas, it turned out to be the headlights of his friends’ car pulling into the drive.

         When his friends knocked he yelled out “Come in.” To which they replied “We can’t the door is locked.”
I screamed out “For God’s sake break down the door and help.” After breaking down the door and unbending I’s extremities, from their meditative position, I’s friends asked “Well how do we do it?” At that moment a look of beatific ecstasy crossed I’s face, as the blood rushed into his screaming joints, and he screamed, “Damn that hurts.” Dizzy from the rush of shooting pain invading his personage I perceived a revelation of stupendous splendor. “Eureka,” he extolled and his two friends were mesmerized at the thought of traveling to the northern California coast community.

         “When are we leaving?” they queried?
Confused, I replied “Leaving for where?”
“Eureka,” intoned Me and Myself in unison.
“We’re not going anywhere you dolts, for a vision of a remarkable ‘concept’ has flashed before my eyes like the bursting of the coming dawn.” As I made this statement he realized he needed to be very careful. Instinctively he understood what he had just seen made him the most dangerous man in America. A chill ran down his spine and he wished, with all his heart, he had never taken on his friends challenge. “Oh my God,” he was thinking when his friends voices pierced his thoughts.
“A vision?” they asked, “What were you looking for?”
“A way to change the world you fools”.
“Say, that is a splendid idea what made you think of that?”
“You know, sometimes the thought comes to me that shooting you two is all the change the world really needs, don’t you remember when two days ago you asked me how we could accomplish that goal?”
“Oh yeah, we forgot.”
“It’s too late to forget about it, because the vision was very clear so now we have to do it”. Words of destiny and a sense of fear grasped his soul for he realized it was too late; for once a wrong was perceived it then became your responsibility to address it. Never again would their world be the same. Why oh why had he listened to them?
Me and Myself looked at each other and shrugged. “It is your fault we forgot, we got excited when you said that we were going to Eureka”, they replied.

         I yelled, maintaining there was no suggestion about going to Eureka. I started explaining, telling his friends, “We are going to need a minimum of ten thousand people to make this idea begin to sizzle. We had better start with all the people we know”. Both Me and Myself stated they knew two people apiece they could count on, so I wrote this down. As for I, he could only think of himself and so tallied up the total. Two people each, plus ourselves equals seven people. “Okay,” I explained, “We need to tell each of these people what we intend to do and get them to tell their friends.”
“That’s easy” replied Myself, and he turned to I saying, “We have a plan to change the world.”
I’s mouth fell open, and Me protested, “That’s not fair, I was on my list”.
         I held his head and bemoaned, “Well we are back to just the three of us”. Me, and Myself complained, “What about the other four people?” I, told them not to worry about it, as six of the seven were too stupid to be much help. Me, and Myself were satisfied with that answer for each was sure they were the one who was smart enough.

         I found himself, thinking, “You say that sand through an hour glass tells time. I say that it demonstrates gravity, ah, perspective. You say that surely both are true; I say we both portray the fool. Because we believe doesn’t guarantee right, another answer there just might.” Me, and Myself asserted, “Okay we will just have to get the guns and bombs ourselves.”
“What the hell are you talking about,” queried I?
“Well we are going to need a lot of supplies to change the world” they replied.

         I took his friends by the shoulders and gently pushed them down on the couch. “Listen to me,” he said, “You do not change the world with violence that just reinforces the ethic extant.”
“Oh no,” he explained, “If you look at the really great changes of history they were all founded in non-violence.”
“Oh yeah”, retorted Me and Myself, “what about the Roman empire, Genghis Khan, Alexander, the conquering of America from the Indians and all the other wars.” Smugly they looked at each other. I shook his head and asked, “In all of those violent endeavors what changed, was it the world or merely who was applying the same old rules?” Well, Me and Myself had no answer to that inquiry so they asked, “Then nothing has ever changed the world?” “Oh yes,” stated I, “and there are three methods for achieving this goal.” Me, and Myself were vexed for they could not think of one so they were forced to ask, “We don’t get it, so tell us what they are?”

         I instructed, “The first two are tried and true and have wrought great change in the advancement of mankind, the third is available but as yet unapplied to the welfare of humanity. It is the third method we will use, for its impact will forever alter humankind and their status. Let us view the first two and then we will address my approach. The greatest changes made to-date were accomplished by acts of faith, Christ, Mohammed, Sidartha Gautama, and all religious movements stressing kindness, Godliness, and a path for attainment of a higher spiritual plane. These movements all had at their heart rules of social comportment, which stressed decency towards our fellow man and faith in a higher power. Their effects have lasted centuries but dark forces have contrived to erode their values with increasing success.”

         “The second method has forged societal changes which seem to be permanent and lasting. This method is non-violent civil disobedience or individual refusal to accept the systems inequities. Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and many others currently are or have applied this method, and won. In the case of Gandhi, he managed to defeat the greatest empire on the face of the earth by his efforts. These changes are harder to erode because they are changes of status, political, physical, economic, and once gained, not to be relinquished. Where the matters of faith are mental and therefore subject to psychological attack and enticement to false pleasure, the, I, I, Me, Me theory of instant gratification rather than long run values of contentment. Faith requires your pleasures be derived from your values and the gifts of your higher power, not the shiny baubles of Society, which never fulfill. Rather these baubles are designed and promoted to create a feeding frenzy of pursuit in hope the next bauble will provide your contentment…they never do”.

         Me, and Myself asked, “When you say feeding frenzy are you saying we shouldn’t eat?” I was feeling very good at exposing these concepts so he gladly answered this stupid question. “No, that is not my point at all; however, it is a portion of the equation. The feeding frenzy is pointed at the resources of the earth and these include food. The incipient fat epidemic in America is a reflection of the greater gluttony of consuming the treasures of Mother Earth and the long run repercussions are coming due and payable.
Nevertheless, that is a complex and difficult problem and we must leave it until we apply method three. Then and only then can we have the voice needed to confront that threat to humanity”.

         “Okay, we will wait, mostly because we don’t have a clue what should be done. “Tell us about method three,” they piped like excited children at Christmas. “This is going to be very difficult due to the fact method three involves the use of intelligence, something you two are ill prepared for.”
“Did you just say you don’t like us,” they asked.
“Oh no,” protested I, “Just merely giving you credit for your native capabilities.” Me and Myself seemed to swell up in self-importance, and replied “Why thank you I, you really do like us.” To himself, I wondered how is it possible to ever make this clear to these dolts and then how to make it clear to the world. He further mused these two are my dearest friends so it is vital to make them understand. Besides, if they can understand the rest of the world will be a piece of cake. But do I have the right to include them in this battle? Fear, confusion, frustration were rampant in his thoughts. With all his heart he wished he could undo the past two days.

         Before I could get started, Me asked, “Isn’t it getting late for us to start for Eureka?” Momentarily defeated, I replied, “Why you are correct, why don’t you two come back early in the morning and we will go to Eureka first thing. There we can make our plans and discuss method three.” Me and Myself took their leave and I sighed “Well that allows me time, to plan how to break granite with a rubber mallet.” Shaking his head his words clearly stated the fear this ‘concept’ had invoked, “I would not have entered this road had I but known its destination, and I wish, with every atom of my being, there was an exit,” and again a sense of doom invaded his very soul.


         Early the next A. M. saw the three friends traveling Hwy 101 north in a large U-haul truck. It seems that, Me, and Myself were confused about what they were going to do in, Eureka, so decided to pack everything they owned to be sure. I merely placed his gym bag behind the seat and said nothing. Shortly after leaving their homes in Whynot, California, the vista began changing from the agrarian splendor of the valley into increasingly mountainous terrain. I had determined to forego any discussion during the ride. He knew his friends, and was sure they would be totally absorbed in awe-filled perusal of their surroundings. Time showed the sagacity of this decision; for currently his friends were enmeshed in a competition of count the bugs. This consisted of seeing who was fastest at tallying the number of insects as they splattered the windshield.

         I was amazed and delighted, for in all their years of association he had never believed them capable of such concentration. Wanting to expand the benefits of the game, he made a classic mistake. This occurred when he suggested they include identifying each insect as well as count it. The confusion this wrought immediately descended into a bickering, name calling melee without end, and I was certain that the next hours of the ride were destined to be a living hell. “Why bother to try?” he said with a sigh.

         Fortunately for I’s sanity, there appeared a roadside sign which indicated the next exit was for, “The Avenue of The Giants.” He was sure that the old growth Redwoods would distract his friends. No sooner did he take the exit than a deluge of questions bombarded his senses, all concerning the existence of giants. “Wait,” he extolled, “and you can decide for yourselves.” Soon, they were, enmeshed in the verdant primeval world of the enormous trees. Pulling into a turnout, they exited the vehicle and I watched his friends’ expressions of rapt amazement. “Well, what do, you think of the giants”, he asked.
Me and Myself both replied, “Those are the biggest trees in the world, but that doesn’t mean giants live here.” I began massaging his temples, and the thought occurred to him that he really should not have decided to stop taking mind-expanding drugs, at that moment he would have given anything for a bottle of Bayer® Aspirin.

         The respite provided by their brief detour, seemed to accomplish the hoped for results. I was no fool and understood this was a momentary peace, as the existence of giants question had not been resolved. In spite of this cloud on the horizon, I was willing to take what ever was offered, and thus they continued their quest. The ticking semantic time bomb would have to wait its turn, for other matters were the focus of this trek.

         I’s reverie led him to an analysis of the characteristics of the three of them, and the qualities that may be perceived by others. He felt it vital, for his vision seemed to indicate that in reality, they were going to enter a world never before seen, and changes were in the air, which would forever alter the way the world presented itself. Oh yes, as unlikely as it seems, his visions would truly, alter the future of all humanity.

         I realized as an individual, he would be described as formless but finite. Physically he presented an enigma of mind-boggling proportions. He was generally seen as a rather tall, short, fat skinny person of indefinable image. I was known by few, and of those, not one doubted his clear aversion to the system extant. I lived his life based upon a self-perceived belief the world was not right. However, until now he had never considered any possibility this was his responsibility. He was somewhat perplexed at the indications of his new vision, which was based on the foundation we are each responsible for the world we inhabit. This reality check had forever altered the direction of his life, and added a here-to-fore unknown strength, and purpose. I was excited, and perplexed, at discovering his reason for existence. He accepted his charge as philosophically as he had always accepted his assumption that, “we can’t change it so why try?” This go-with-the-flow attitude was a key ingredient of his make up, and he had always fulfilled its dictates assiduously. He would be damned if this newfound concept would sway him from the path of his essential self, and in fact, it seemed exactly fitted to his beliefs. Thus, there was no conflict between his espousal of it, and its results. In all respects, I was an overseer of the truth, and a natural teacher.

         When considering Me on the other hand he viewed a much-grounded individual. One who always required the conversion of complex philosophical ideas into linear mathematical terms, for his comprehension. There was no room in his imagination for leaps of insight. No, his life was based upon linear realities, and as such, he required definite resolutions. Just as two plus two must equal four, the concepts of his life must add up or they did not exist. Physically, he was seen as a short, fat, skinny, tall person of definite form without clear boundaries. These features often made his friendship with I contentious, until I’s natural ability to teach provided insights. These insights for Me came when he understood well enough to apply mathematical formula to the philosophical concepts. The upshot of these characteristics produced in Me the foundation of a natural accountant. In this role, he provided an essential function for the reduction of stress within the bounds of their joint friendship, for he dealt with the minutiae of all their daily accounting, and planning needs.

         Oh, now for Myself, mercurial, ephemeral, this described Myself, a man of skinny, short, tall, fat description. He possessed a loyalty, and dedication rare in the world. Myself, once convinced of a things worth could promote it without peer. He had made countless dollars in sales, and yet he was unable to hold a job. It seems the corporate reality preferred conformance to performance, and this was beyond Myself’s ken. Like spreading concentric circles, the fear of his phenomenal sales would ripple through levels of management. Each level more certain than the last, Myself intended to replace them in their fiefdom. If only they had asked, and believed, for the last thing on earth Myself wanted was responsibility of a formal nature. The most he could expect was three, maybe four years of number one sales, and then “Brutus” would appear. This did not daunt him, for his memory of that which people wanted disposed of provided endless income. This was due to his ability to match these items with the wishes of those who were looking for just such items. Myself was the ultimate horse trader, a salesman non-parallel.

         I’s thoughts concluded that when combined the three of them formed an amorphous one, a symbiosis without form. He realized that if asked, any who knew them would not be able to confirm the existence or description of one, or all--an enigma that even I could not clarify. He confessed to himself to not knowing the answer, yet he mulled it over does their form matter, or does their result? He would wait, and see, wait and see.

         I realized he had been holding his breath, as whoosh, the air exploded from his lungs, and relief surged through him like a strong current of electricity. This reaction came upon pulling into their motel parking lot. I was amazed at the lack of contention during the final stage of their trip, as he had steeled his resolve for an inquisition concerning the existence of giants. Thankfully, the verdant splendor, the vista, and the amazement at the huge redwoods had quelled his friend’s usual bickering nature.

         Scanning their surroundings, I and Myself were deeply impressed with the rustic beauty of the motel, and the unparalleled view provided. It seems Me, in his detail driven persona, had taken time the previous night to research motels, and make reservations. I felt a sense of elation, for if this concept could ever be successfully implemented here was the place. The aura of peace and contentment was as palpable as a healing poultice. Yes, he thought, give them a day, or two, and they will be ready. He determined that until that time he would keep his discussion to veiled references. It was his hope that in this manner he would stir subconscious questions, and answers, easing the road for future enlightenment. I considered the task before him, and realized his profound appreciation of his friends’ diversity of personality. He grasped the reality that each would take a different tack for grasping this plan, and this process would allow the
development of a comprehensive presentation. Oh yes, if he succeeded here he would be well armed to educate the world.

         Two hours later, the U-Haul was unpacked, and all three stalwarts agreed it was time for a nap. They wished each other well, and retired to their rooms. I, to his pristine uncluttered quarters, Me, and Myself into a hodgepodge of the cluttered confusion of their piled possessions. Having agreed to awake in two hours the tired travelers slipped into the cloak of somnolent repose.

         At the appointed time, thoroughly rested, the three friends were sitting in I’s room, the only one capable of holding them. Me was detailing the logging, and sea faring history of the tiny community. It was very apparent Me’s research of the previous evening went far beyond motels and reservations.
For reference, the period was the early nineteen sixties and Eureka was still a close-knit little community struggling to exist in the changing world. Tourism was an important but limited resource, and as-yet the influx of entrepreneurs still far distant. All three were awed by the fact the perceived raw beauty of their first impression had been grievously under appreciated. I decided it was time to plant a subconscious seed for future harvesting.

         To that endeavor he calmly asked his friends, “You know it is so beautiful here…What would you think if the three of us purchased some land together? We could build cabins, and share the responsibility of managing it for our future.” The response of his friends was so enthusiastic he was very heartened, and so he determined to expand on the lesson. “Ok, but do you think we would be able to manage this without fighting, cheating, or abusing the endeavor?” Immediately, Me set off on a legal, financial, and morally detailed outline for establishment of written rules of responsibility insuring the sanctity of the endeavor. Myself explained, with heart-felt sincerity, how his lack of concern over possessions would never allow him to complain, and both I, and Myself knew his protestations were genuine. Me, and Myself looked to I, and asked, “Don’t you think we could make it work? If not, why?”

         I was privately elated with his result in this discussion so determined to add one more nugget. “Yes, of course we can develop a system where we are each responsible for the decisions we make. Therefore, surely we can make the idea work.” Deciding to leave it at this, he told his friends to think on the idea, and they would discuss it later.

         Knowing it wasn’t that easy, he decided to distract his friends with the ultimate diversion, “Right now my hunger is giving me a blinding headache, what about you guys?”
         Instant diversion, and once again Me’s research came to bear. He regaled them with the complete history of a restaurant called
“Lazio’s.” He told of how it was a fishing company, and cannery specializing in both fresh and processed seafood, further he explained they maintained on site a restaurant renowned for its cuisine of fresh seafood dishes. His excitement and descriptive narration soon diverted all three into a hunger driven rush to the rental car they had procured.

         Following a map, provided at the motel lobby, the three amigos were riding in rapt admiration of an abundance of Victorian architecture. I commented, “There are more Victorian houses here than my eyes have ever beheld. Why, there must be three or four hundred such structures.”

         Myself was very excited as he said, “You know if real estate were my game there is a fortune to be made here.”

         Me, merely shrugged, and proclaimed, “In fact I, you are considerably short in your estimation. According to my research there are in excess of eight hundred homes built in the Victorian style here.”

         Amazed, they continued following the map to their destination. It was obvious that the local residents were waking up to the charm of their homes, for here, and there, these structures had undergone remarkable restoration. Complimentary shades of pastel paints adorned them highlighting the detailed trim, and remarkable forms. I pronounced this to be a spreading phenomenon, which would shortly cover every home in town. This was his unintended attempt at painter talk, to the amusement of his cohorts. “I, you are a card” they uttered in unison, “spreading, and cover, why that is funny.” For a moment I was confused, and then the realization struck him, he quickly recovered, by acting as if he had intended the puns all along.

         Arriving at the oceans edge, they pulled into “Lazio’s” parking lot, and entered the building. The restaurant had the rustic sea shanty atmosphere expected of a building, which was both restaurant, and fish processing facility. Finding a table for three the friends took their seats. I decided that he would continue his subconscious education while waiting for their meals. “Well, have you two thought about my idea of buying some land?”
“Oh yes” they responded, “We think it is a splendid idea.
I probed, “Perhaps we could find a caretaker to watch our investment.” Myself, who had learned the hard way that it was important to handle your own customers immediately replied, “That is not such a good idea.”
“Why is that?” was the response of Me, and I.

         Myself, very thoughtfully explained his statement. “Well, it is like sales, you just can’t expect somebody else to handle your customers like you would. Every time I’ve tried that path it resulted in disaster.”
I, with a quizzical mien, asked, “It’s kind of like you can’t really expect somebody else to be responsible for your life. Is that what you’re saying?”
“I’ve never quite thought of it in that manner…But yeah, that’s it exactly, and that must be what my father meant when he used to say everybody should ride their own horse.” I orchestrated the conversation until he got agreement on a simple adage, “You cannot pay somebody else to be responsible for your life.” When all three agreed to this, I was ecstatic with the result. He silently mused,” This just might be possible, ain’t that a kick?” For the first time the icy fist of fear seemed to loosen it's grip on his heart.

         When the meals appeared, conversation was monosyllabic, and directed at the superb array of dishes offered. In the process of leaving the restaurant, Me, and Myself were amazed at I’s buoyancy, and lightness of mood. They asked in unison, “Was the meal that good as to put you in such a great mood?”
I laughed aloud, and shaking his head replied, “No it’s just that life is wonderment and I’ve truly been enjoying the companionship.”
         Me was shocked as he uttered, “Why I, that is the nicest thing you have ever said to us. However, don’t think that you can butter us up so that we forget we have not settled the question of giants.” I began laughing so hard his friends had to support him lest he fall down. The three cohorts managed to make it to their car, where Myself assumed I’s normal position as driver.

         I found himself wracked with intermittent bursts of laughter, and noticed that he felt a joy quite abnormal for his general attitude. It seemed this joy was an infectious substance, for as the three returned to their rooms the bursts of laughter would issue forth from first one, and then another.
The three friends couldn’t wait to achieve the safety of their rooms where they could wait out their feared temporary insanity.

         Upon reaching the motel, the three burst from the vehicle like a covey of quail. With hands firmly clasped over their mouths, to keep from laughing, they streaked for the door to I’s room. This, it seems, was the room of choice for two pervasive reasons; one, it was the only room not filled with stuff, and two, all three were so amazed at their condition that none wished to be alone. After, an extended period, the raging gales of laughter subsided to intermittent showers of giggles.

         Me and Myself looked at each other, and said, “What are we laughing about?” Me, paused analytically, and then offered up, “I don’t know but I believe it is I’s fault, however, I’ll be damned if there is any reason for his laughter.”
“Au contraire you cackling cluck there is a wonderful reason for my mirth.”
“Well please share it with us,” they intoned, “because we almost peed our pants and would like to know why.”

         I’s answer both shocked, and delighted his friends as he elucidated his newfound joy. “As mentioned earlier the appreciation of companionship, but far more significant is the ease you two have displayed in grasping method three. For it now seems quite possible that we can change the world.”

         Nervously both friends edged towards the door, “I you have cracked up, and we think you need to rest perhaps you will have found your senses in the morning.”
“You two have hit the nail on the head, we all need to rest, for tomorrow will be a great day. Nevertheless, you are wrong in your reasoning and I have to ask you to ponder our conversations for they are the foundation of method three. Tomorrow we will wander the tidal pools and beaches and I’ll be more specific, until then think and rest.”
“Ok if it makes you happy, but remember we still have a ‘giant’ controversy.” I caught himself rummaging in his medicine chest before he remembered his pledge to forego mind-expanding drugs. “Damn, a Bayer® aspirin would sure feel good,” he muttered.

         Me, and Myself were on their way to their rooms when Myself asked, “Do you think I will be alright, has he really gone crazy?” Me thoughtfully replied, “We must give him the benefit of the doubt, for as we know, I is remarkably fey and enigmatic so we better be ready for an education, because it is probably us who fails to see.”
“You are so right, that guy always confuses me, but when he explains, he is always right. You have to love that about him because it keeps us from getting into a lot of trouble.”
“Yeah, you are right about that. We are very lucky to have a friend like I.” “Lets make a pact that we won’t doubt him again, at least until we hear him out about method three.”
The duration of this pact was approximately three steps when the two friends questioned, “Do you think he might be nuts?” To which both merely shrugged and entered their rooms.


         The early morning light broke on the three friends as they exited a local café. Their conversation had been limited to salutations and desultory comments, about their meals. Crossing the road back to their motel they spied a winding path leading to the beach and agreed to explore. I broke the reticent mood by asking, “Did you do as asked? Did you think about our conversations?” Me was first to respond and replied, “The best thought that came to my mind was that it must have something to do with buying something.”
Myself chimed in with his impression by stating, “I’ve felt that it must have to do with responsibility.” I complimented his cohorts by saying, “You both are right. Those two factors, when combined, will allow the common citizen to alter the world and insure their future.” The two acolytes were a sea as to how this would work and did not hesitate to say so. I merely shrugged and said not to worry, as their progress was far more advanced than they thought.
“Remember when we agreed, you cannot pay somebody else to be responsible for your life,” I questioned.
“Yes, we agree that is true,” they responded.
“Alright, then let us take this a step further. Would not it then be true to say, “We are each responsible for the world we inhabit?
Me, and Myself gave this grave consideration before responding, “Yes we will accept, the two are basically one and the same.”
“Okay, let us apply these concepts to our talk about buying some property. Did we not agree that it was possible for a system that was designed, and would ensure our joint satisfaction and limit disagreement?”
“Oh yes, we surely could do that so we could enjoy our future usage of this endeavor. Yes, yes this is highly probable,” they excitedly intoned. I decided to limit this discussion while he was ahead of the game. However, before closing this conversation, he decided one more piece must be included. “Well if it is possible for three people to agree on a project of this magnitude, is it possible that more than three could achieve a like accord?” “Hum,” Me, and Myself became pensive as they pondered. After several minutes they replied, “Yes, this too is possible.”

         “Alright,” I added, “if this is the case then it is important for you to consider these ideas until you are comfortable with them. At that point, it will be time for further discussion.” Somewhat disappointed, Me, and Myself argued, “What’s wrong with discussing it now?” I placed a hand on each of their shoulders and said, “Please trust me, this is important. If we do not get this foundation strong all the rest will blow away.”
“Whatever you say I, we will do it your way.”

         The rest of the morning, they spent exploring the beach and myriad tidal pools. Occasionally I would point out various symbiotic aspects of nature and God’s creations. It was his hope that his friends would get the subliminal message of the wonder and balance exhibited in the world and universe. This, he knew would be vital for implementation of his goals. In short, order the time passed and it was Myself, who mentioned it was noon, and he was hungry.

         Naturally, Myself would be the one, as his years in sales had instilled a compulsion towards timeliness and the other two had come to rely on this trait. I informed them it was time to address the giant controversy and this was to occur after lunch. Both Me, and Myself adopted a steely façade, for nothing would make them agree to the existence of giants.

         The three friends enjoyed a light meal in a local sidewalk café. They agreed to keep their conversation light and to wait before they attacked the tough debate ahead. Sharing a bottle of California Chablis, they consumed seafood salads and talked of their home in Whynot. I edged into this talk his belief that, Whynot would be a key factor in their incipient plans. However, when questioned he merely shrugged and replied, “All things in their time.” While all three were anxious to put the “giant” controversy to rest, they all admitted they were tired and so agreed a nap was first in order.

         Safely back at the motel the three scattered to their respective rooms. It had been decided they would get together at 2PM and settle, once-and-for-all, the, “giant” dilemma. Both Me, and I knew that the on time compulsion of Myself would ensure their awakening and so did not bother to set alarms. I mulled over the efforts of the day and felt extremely heartened that they had made great progress. Minutely, he considered every nuance of their progress, and only when satisfied, all was going well, could he sleep.

         Me, and Myself likewise perused each tidbit of information, and while not sure where it was going, accepted there was nothing untoward or harmful presented and thus relaxed. Satisfied, all three rested with the innocence of children.

         2:15 PM saw the three amigos strolling towards the public library; here I had assured them that he could defend his assertion of giants. Upon entering the library I requested direction to the reference section and thus armed with this information, they entered the stacks of material. Me, and Myself watched as I scanned the volumes until he pulled an enormous tome from its berth. The two doubters noted the author’s name, Dr. Douglas Fir, a world-renowned expert on trees. I presented this work to Me, explaining that he would leave it up to him to confirm or refute the existence of giants. He further explained everything that was required for this effort was in the pages of the presented work.

         I gently took Myself by the elbow, and suggested that they allow Me to handle this research. This was satisfactory to Myself, and he pledged to accept the findings of his co-doubter. I, and Myself wandered off to investigate areas more in line with their interests. I headed for the history section while Myself instantly found the mystery and fantasy writings.

         The friends enjoyed the idyllic respite in the surroundings of the library until it was finally concluded, as Me approached; saying he now understood and agreed there were “giants.” Myself, shocked, was anxious to hear his conclusions, but was told he would have to wait for more conversation friendly environs. I was intrigued by the equanimity with which Myself accepted this stricture and was curious about the result of Me’s research. I further seemed to sense a closer bond between the three of them as they exited the library. A strong sense of joint purpose seemed to permeate their friendship.

         The contentious bickering of its former structure appeared to have lost its sway.
During the following, meandering, stroll of the small town streets, Me proceeded to explain his findings. Me began his report by looking at Myself, and saying “We were foolish and short sighted.” He continued his discourse, “We applied a fairy tale definition of giants and failed to see the overall picture.” By way of explanation, he quoted the dictionary: “Giant, 1. A legendary manlike being of great stature and strength. 2. A living being of great size. 3. A person of extraordinary powers. 4. Something unusually large or powerful. “You see what I’m saying Myself? We failed to consider definitions two and four, because it was the trees themselves that were the giants.”

         Me glowed with self-satisfaction for a moment and then clouded with doubt. “Isn’t that what you meant,” he implored of I.

         I was uncharacteristically lacking sarcasm in his reply, “Brilliant, Me you have done a wonderful job of research. My pride in being friends with the two of you grows stronger everyday.” Nothing less than sheer amazement adorned the countenances of Me, and Myself. In fact, the thoughts of all three were awhirl with confusion about the forces, which were altering their friendship. It seemed to them that destiny was afoot, forming them into a hammered spearhead of resolve. I shook his head in amazement at the thought, there truly was a crack in reality, and victory just might be issuing forth.

         I broke into a chant, “Yes, yes, yes the plate forever full, a constant changing menu fit for king and fool.” The three never realized that the uproarious laughter which all three indulged in equaled more laughter in the past two days than all their prior life. The battle was enjoined and no less than victory would suffice.

         For the balance of the afternoon, the three friends aimlessly sauntered the streets, and alleys of the quaint coastal community. Their conversation was varied, and there seemed no pressing concern to address the task, at hand. Me, and Myself even ventured an offhand remark that I’s idea of coming to Eureka for this discussion had been a masterstroke. I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and merely replied, “Why thank you, although you had more to do with it than you realize.” He was very happy when his friends simply shrugged and never questioned his statement.

         As their aimless amblings progressed, the waning light sought to define an expression of the painters’ palette. There was panoply of hues from the brilliant, almost pasture like, azure afternoon sky, dotted with a flock of white grazing clouds. Silently, this panorama slid thru a spectrum of shades, each second adding to this display in breath taking complexity. The expanse of blue minutely splashed with a wash of yellow and rose, then shortly a magnificent canvas of vermilion, gold, and royal blues it was a light show of God’s creation. It was impossible, for even the most jaded observer, not to acknowledge a sense of power and awe.

         The conclusion of this remarkable show saw the three friend crossing “Lazio’s” parking lot. A fitting ending to a rewarding day and the sky closed its curtain as it faded to gray then a depth of obsidian totality, carelessly, scattered with points of glitter. Only silence
seemed appropriate and thus the three, entered the establishment to be seated.

         Contemplation replaced conversation, and quiet reigned as they consumed an array of seafood specialties. The friends concluded the meal with three celebratory snifters of brandy, I added the only discourse required. “Tomorrow we will begin to define our approach and the structure of responsibility needed.” A mute mutual nod of agreement was the only reply as all three sensed a new path had opened. Each mused silently over the infinite variety of life’s mysteries and for the first time, in their long association, they were in essence at one purpose.

         Their conversation was simple and non-specific as they walked to their rooms. They reached a consensus on the profound depth of the night’s darkness and an acknowledgement, here, there seemed no fear of this phenomenon of darkness. There was a marked lack of public lighting, and there appeared to be no pressing need for each vacant lot and back yard, to be brilliantly awash, with light. They each agreed this seemed right, for there was no sense that the forces of evil lurked in every shadow. A pureness of nature held sway and the cloak of darkness wrapped you in an enclosure of safety and contentment. Gentle sleep was the only resident of this nighttime, so the three friends bide goodnight and sought its surcease.
         The rhythmic lapping of the sea and the lowing call of mournful fog horns were the clarions call for the trio of warriors. Softly, they found like paths of slumber to a nether world of pastoral pureness, a world where all was right. Cleansing, healing, and resolve were manna feeding the link they had forged toward their new field of battle. They need Sleep well, for tomorrow they must don the mantle of Knights of Freedom, battling for the souls and future of humanity.

         Like arrows of righteousness, Sol fired his shafts of light through the gnarled ancient teeth of the California costal mountains. These golden shafts of light, serving to awaking the costal enclave of Eureka, and lighting the opening doors of the three freedom warriors. In truth nobody noticed anything special about the comrades, however they knew, oh yes they knew. All three sensed a new union. The structure of their friendship had drawn plumb, a course straight and true before them. No derision or horseplay passed between them, for their mien was focused and positive. This new oneness was demonstrated when, to their surprise, it was Me, who took the lead in the discussion.

         “After much consideration, I’ve concluded, our prior discussion about property purchase was brilliant. I, you have led my mind to understanding a structure that is needed for our success. However, there is a more urgent need for the foundation of our endeavor. That need is the basic mortar of this plan, for without that, the foundation will not support the structure. Abraham Lincoln said it thus, “A house divided cannot stand.” Surely, it is true then, if that house’s foundation is not strong, that house shall divide and fall. I it is necessary for you to define the stones and mortar of our structure.

         I looked at Me with a clear-eyed sense of respect. “Me, if ever there was a doubt you have dispelled it, your analysis is concise and true.

         I thanked Me profusely and began, “So much about this vision has changed since it appeared that there was great confusion about where to start. Me has pointed to the exact beginning, so let us start. The foundation of this concept is no different from the foundation of every belief system ever presented. Each person on this path is a foundation stone. That is why it was so important that we agree on the adage, ‘You cannot pay somebody else to be responsible for your life.’ Once we agreed here, it was very simple to grasp this truth, ‘We are each one of us responsible for the world we inhabit.”

         Once again, Me and Myself pondered this statement then in unison replied, “Clearly that is the truth.”
“All right, then these adages shall then be two of the ingredients of our foundation, and the third ingredient is faith. Let us clarify that by defining this as a secular path. This faith must exist between the stones of this foundation.”

         Myself interrupted by saying, “Eureka to you I, in case you are wondering I have done a little research also. Please tell us if this is right “As of right now we are the first three stones of this foundation, and as we mix the mortar or outline of this concept we must indoctrinate more stones.”

         Nodding his head in assent, I dropped heavily onto a log. He clasped his hands and looked up, “Lord, you are amazing, we struggle to change the world, and you do so without effort. I give you my thanks for these dear and valuable friends you have bestowed upon this worthless wretch.” No longer was amazement part of Me, and Myself’s reaction as they moved to I’s side. Sitting, they placed their hands on his shoulders and each stated their position.

         Me began by saying, “The two of us have discussed our feelings, and we agree you are consistently right in your accessing of matters and it is only counterproductive of us to constantly refute this fact.”
Me quickly added, “That is right I, therefore we have decided to join you by assuming our rightful roles in this adventure. We feel we three can combine our talents and achieve far greater things together than if we strive individually. So for your peace of mind please be aware that we are one-hundred percent behind you in this effort.”

         Myself completed the avowal by saying,
“We do not begin to grasp what it is, or how this is to be accomplished, but we know without doubt that you are sincere and are only seeking a good and better world. We asked for this, and now we pledge to work whole heartedly for its fulfillment.”

         Tears slid down I’s face and his voice quavered in his reply, “I’ve never known a family until now, much of my life has been haunted by this fact. For the first time in my life, the feeling is strong that this no longer matters. No more time shall be wasted looking at the past, for I’ve been reborn and there is only the future to consider. So many stumbles and failure have resulted from this perusal of yesterday that there has never been time to consider tomorrow. Thankfulness that is the feeling, thankfulness for the friendship and family we have become. So let’s get busy and kick some, uh, hinny, for it seems that we now know what we are going to grow-up and become.” For some unknown reason all three found this funny, and again laughter, fueled by raw joy, shook them to their foundation.



         It was Myself who surprised everybody when he stood up, and said, “Well, it is time for you two to get to work. We have notebooks, pens, and calculators in our rooms and that is where you two are going. In order to, design this plan I; it will be up to you to teach Me in great detail the intricate workings of this concept. Then it will be up to Me to structure it so it is foolproof from the venality of our society.” I and Me looked at Myself and asked, “And just what do you think you will be doing while we work?” Myself laughed and pointed out that neither one of those chores were his strong suite so he planned on going exploring. He calmed their protestations by adding, “After all when you are done, that is the time to teach this salesman all its nooks and crannies, for we all know it will be my job to sell it.” I and Me looked at each other amazed and shook their heads. I muttered, “I’ll be damned, he is right” to which they all once again roared in laughter.

         Myself drove his friends to their rooms and gathered a bag full of his possessions. When questioned about his intent, he replied,
“I’ll go South, maybe Garberville, or
Shelter Cove there is no certainty. I have decided to find a large expanse of Redwoods in which to contemplate the insignificance of the mundane machinations of man. There is no doubt of the mountains of raw ore you two will generate and I’ll be required to shape this information into jewelry, in-order to market it to the masses. For success, it is necessary to clear all prior opinions and mind sets from existence, for it will be time for a new world’s birth.”

         “I, I am at peace with the reality of your visions. The truth is we have always relied on these visions without accepting their implications, you have never failed us, and I have totally accepted this fact.”
“Me, you are ironclad in your ability to provide a framework of security from which the future may be safely altered. Now my goal is to find the resolve to breach the ennui and fear of change inherent in man’s basic makeup. We all have tasks of staggering magnitude so let us get busy.” With that, Myself strode resolutely from the room and into an adventure, even I could not have envisioned.

         As Myself pulled from the parking lot both I and Me, were struck with amazement at the turn of events of the past few days. Their diverse personalities had coalesced into a solid foundation, each confident of the abilities and resolve of the other. Yes, life is wonderment. With that, they began their chore.



         Southward the course, no highways were traveled just the country roads of tarmac and dirt. Myself allowed no thought of destination or purpose, “All things are as they are supposed to be.” This then was his mantra; he sought not something but rather nothing. Purge that what is and allow that which might be, for tomorrow cannot be today and there is always another way. He carried no water or food, yet felt no concern, an understanding he was not in control but that all would be taken care of. Never in his existence had he been so sure, so willing to give up his choices and to accept, what ever was to be. Time, as such did not exist, and thus could not be applied to his travels.

         Destination? There was none, only here and now mattered. There was no coming from, or going to, merely a sense of homing and infinite paths, 360 degrees to the 360th power. All were true and all were open. Would he then be shown his path? Would he for the first time know? Of its own volition, the car swung between two behemoth trees, Redwoods, of such antiquity their sage presence dwarfed the achievements of man.

         Did he open the car door or did it swing open of its own volition? Unconcerned, it did not matter, for here vanity was not, moreover, pride was forbidden. In humanity’s brief tenure on earth, they had done nothing; no effort touched this awesome creation. Here was power so enormous it formed all, the universe and stars, all were encased in the tree’s silent souls.

         Myself dropped to his knees in acknowledgement of superior sentience and from his mouth he heard these words, “Thy will be done.” Standing, he followed a vague laughter until a rushing tributary was at his feet, and in its sparkling depths, the voice of all creation mocked the futility of man vanity. Myself lay prone and drank the ancient knowledge into his being and then looking about he sought a position of neutrality far enough from the laughing waters and near enough to the song of nothing, where both caressed his subconscious. Finding his refuge, he mounted an ancient stone of enormous size, a foundation stone of creation and security.

         No living sound, yet endless voices swirled through his mind chanting, “All things are meant to exist… in balance, balance, balance, balance.” He understood humanity’s purpose was to nurture this remarkable gift. Everything had been handed to our charge now what would we do. Eternity by its nature always was and always will be. We cannot alter this fact, but our decision was do “We” want to always have been and always be? This is the choice we must deal with, a responsibility, not a foregone conclusion. No, this must be strived for and anything else was a failure of purpose. Three hundred sixty degrees to the three hundred sixtieth power, “God you have given an enormous task to a faulty creature. Perhaps it is the effort of not settling, the constant seeking of your truth, which shall grant us membership in the all. At least it is a noble effort and one we should gladly shoulder, for the alternative is finality of our place on earth.”

         As time did not exist, he could not say the duration he had sat absorbing the earth’s data. He was not there, but everywhere, and thus it was with misgivings he became aware of the shadow. It seemed a rude intrusion, a yank back to the reality he sought to flee; however, it could not be denied. Something, someone, stood between he and the father suns warmth. That source of information had been disconnected, so all communication seemed quieted.

         Slowly, his eyes opened, and focused, “My God,” his thoughts exploded there are giants. Confused, frightened, jarred throughout every fiber of his being, his eyes traveled up and up until alighting on the face of a giant. His mind rushed to comprehend this shocking development. How long he stared, he had no idea, but the truth slowly became apparent. No, not a giant, just the largest man he had ever beheld. Before him, dressed in jeans, flannel shirt, headband, holding his long braids from his face, was an Indian. As incongruous as it seems an Indian, this was so beyond his experience Myself could not help himself and burst out laughing. This was a product of relief and amazement. Feeling he might anger this apparition he quickly stood up and apologized, “I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you, but rather the surprise, for I was sure I was alone.” Myself realized the piercing gray eyes held no animosity rather they seemed to express ancient wisdom and seemed to probe the depths of his mind.

         It took, Myself, a moment to relate words with the avalanche’s roar that filled his head. The man’s voice was a deep rumble and vibrated, incomprehensible, in his mind. “What, what was that you said?” He inquired. Again, the deep resonance and this time the words were clear, “You are one of the three who have come from the land of all learning.”
“What do you mean?” It was as though his mind had not fully returned to his control. He felt like a child caught playing with matches and he did not know why. Six foot nine or more of towering humanity appeared to coil into a cross-legged idol sitting before him. The voice thrummed, as it instructed, “Sit down we must speak.” It never occurred to him not to sit, and he realized he felt like a child in this man’s presence. It dawned on him he was feeling the same wisdom and calmness he had first felt from the natural beauty of the pristine surroundings. His mouth fell open at what his ears perceived, “You are one of the three, who are one, and have begun a quest. You may call me Sachem, I’m your spirit guide, and together the four and the two of us will battle and learn.” Myself shook his head as the incomprehensible statement made perfect sense to him. He fought down his panic and repeated in his mind, “All things are exactly as they are supposed to be.” At once, the sounds of nothing and the laughter of all the earth encapsulated both men.
“Very good,” the rumble spoke, “you have become who you are supposed to be.”
“Just what is that,” questioned Myself. The man before him now appeared so benign and wise that his answer made perfect sense.

         “Becoming what you are supposed to be and knowing what you are supposed to be are the two hardest of all things to achieve. Many, become what they are supposed to be and never know it, and others often know what they are supposed to be, but never become it. Only wizards and warriors are capable of doing both.”
Myself thought on this, “Well, surely I’m no wizard and there is no way I’ll ever harm anyone, so I’m not a warrior.”
“True warriors never harm anyone,” stated Sachem, “their weapon is enlightenment, and their foe is ignorance.”

         “Mankind has adopted a pack mentality and in this way they have refused the destiny for which they were designed. In this role, they hide by denying their individual responsibility and deferring to a leadership, based on strength of might. Without thought, they will allow themselves to be subjugated, used, and killed rather than simply decide for themselves. Rather than reaching out, they huddle in abject fear of those of different packs. They draw their worth and status from the pack and its territory…and possessions, rather than from their humanity and the singleness of purpose of all humanity. Have you ever noticed their willingness to call a rock a rock regardless of shape, size, or color or all trees are called a tree, or any river a river, any cloud a cloud ad infinitum? It is even acceptable for other living beings, all birds are a bird, and likewise for others, all dogs, cats, cows, but a single appellation, we can go on through the spectrum of inanimate and animate objects, except man. Here these fools have devised categories Nigger, Jew, Honky, Christian, Muslim, American, Russian oh the stupidity is endless and never comes the name ‘human being’ and thus wars, hate, cheating, killing all become acceptable, for they are not like us.”

         “The truth my friend is, it is not acceptable, it is the power of evil, and man has a choice… free will. We do not need to be greater than any other person is, for science can prove, each and every person is unique in his or her being. This fact is an awesome value, and should be sufficient. For it is true in the entire history of man there has never been, nor will there ever be, another you. If any mineral or gem had like rarity it would be the most valued item on earth. That is the uniqueness or you. As a matter of fact everything we have discussed is unique and vital for the requirement of balance, balance, balance.”

         Sachem’s eyes pierced Myself and he asked, “Do you think we are balanced?”
Myself responded, “Not even close.”
Again Sachem spoke, “If the strength of a dam is not equal to the pressure of the water what will happen, or a top trying to spin that is not balanced or if your income does cover your expenses?”
“They don’t fulfill their purpose and they shall fail,” replied Myself.
“Then I say what of humanity?” asked Sachem. “Shall they fulfill their purpose?”
Myself, was awash with thoughts and feelings he had never considered. Sachem uncoiled and stood. His voice was like a drum, rhythmically tattooing a beat into Myself’s thoughts. “Come, there is much to discuss, for you are the reason that I’ve come.”
“Why?” The only word Myself could speak.
“Because, the three who are one and the one who is three have opened the door,” replied Sachem. “My place always was, and always will be the guardian of this door and before entrance is allowed I must be sure you know.”
“Know what?” asked Myself.
“That remains to be seen…come,” with that, and without seeming to move, Sachem was walking away. Myself, felt like a rope was stretched between them and he ran to keep him in



         Me, and I set about gathering pens, notebooks, calculators and all that was needed for chronicling method three. I asked, “Do you think Myself will be alright?”
“Not a doubt in my mind” answered Me. “Myself is far more capable than either of us give him credit for. We tend to see his lack of concern for material things and responsibility as a sign of his inability to cope. This is something I’m guilty of and my records clearly prove the stupidity of such assumptions.”
“What do you mean your records,” questioned I.
“Well you know, I’ve never spoken a word about any of our financial conditions and I’m the one who keeps the records,” Me replied. “However it is time we all know where we stand for our future endeavors. General terms should suffice for this explanation, and Myself must have this information upon his return, agreed.”

         “Not a problem and I’m in complete agreement this information is important for our ability to plan, every resource will be vital,” was I’s response.
“Okay but I’ll keep it short for now, just an overview.
“I you have the greatest material wealth due to that strange inheritance you received. After all, it is hard to compete with a township, or thirty-six square miles of unencumbered property. It is also true you founded the town of Whynot, however, you did not sell any land nor do you accept any rent, so your cash position is less than either mine or Myself. I am aware there was cash also when you received this inheritance from the ‘Brotherhood of Light.”

         I looked quite confused as he hesitatingly replied, “You know that is the strangest thing, I’ve no knowledge who those people are or why this land was given to my possession.”
“It was not my place to inquire but I’ll admit to doing considerable research on that situation,” stated Me.
I‘s head jerked up and he questioned, “I’m as curious as you are, why haven’t you shared your finding?”
“In all honesty there is very little to share. There are no records of the ‘Brotherhood of Light’ in any church records, and very little about the property. It seems that land was to be a part of the California mission system; however, no effort was ever given to complete the plans. Research of California Indian legends mention only vague references, which seem to indicate the land was never settled, hunted, and rarely traveled. There are references to knowledge, or truth, and something about an opening, knowledge, learning, it’s not clear. Anyway that was the best guesses based on what was found. The only trail found on the property is now the road and main street of our town. No paths ever split off in any direction other than North and South. Remember when we first traveled to your inheritance we found that one path, and that we made it the road through the property?” questioned Me.

         A perplexed concentration filled I‘s eyes, “Yes that was very curious.”
“Yes, when we had the road surveyed the engineer’s were amazed that the path’s placement was exactly in the center of the property,” added I. Me shook his head in resignation and stated, “Well back to our finances.”
         Me continued his outline of their personal finances, “My situation is completely liquid and due to the fact I’ve almost no expenses, no rent or mortgage, my car is paid for and we all basically eat what we produce. I save ninety-five percent of what I take in. My cash reserves are quite substantial; however, they do not hold a nickel to Myself’s. The fact is Myself is, for all intents, quite well off. He earned large commissions during his years in sales and, in fact, he currently makes a very large annual income as a…horse trader…so to speak. What this boils down to is, Myself, currently has twice as much money as yours and mine combined.” I was surprised at this information, “I’ll be damned, and well, it is very apparent my estimation of Myself has always been erroneously founded.”

         “Listen, Me it is time to get down to business and I’m not quite sure where to begin. The concept as it was originally shown to me appeared simple. You know, just tell everybody and the world will change. However, in our travels here, and subsequent conversations, insights have arisen, which make it glaringly apparent, simplicity is not the case. I am overwhelmed and unsure what my purpose is. No, that is not quite right, my purpose is clear, it is the method that is vague…I‘m not sure what I‘m trying to say.”

         “I, my good friend, if you will allow me I have some observations that I have meant to share with you for some time. I have not said anything, because until now it did not matter. However, we are now in a new era of our friendship, so please hear this out and please listen with an open mind. What I have to say is not meant to hurt you, rather my intent is to inform you, and to that effort, it is important to tell you my views. You have always assumed a leadership role and believed you needed to drive this relationship. You have never stopped to consider Myself or Me as vital parts of the equation. You saw a leader and two followers, not three legs each holding up a table of friendship. The three of us have found a new purpose and realization of our places in this concept and you must let us do our part. For our success, this is the only logical approach, and if we can establish these responsibilities, our overall chance of victory will be greatly enhanced…is this correct?”

         “Why yes, yes indeed. Me, you are a hundred percent correct and my mind is beginning to grasp what you mean. We are each vital and we each must fulfill our role or we will be spinning our wheels…right?”
“Exactly, and your role is to ‘See’ and keep us on the true course. My role is as the guardian of a treasure, it is vital a system of protection be established so outside forces cannot infect our goal and reduce it to the self-serving condition currently in place. For that, effort you must monitor these efforts through your vision and give me feed back if my plans will succeed or not. Once we have accomplished this effort then it is our job to present this package to Myself and he will then direct its promotion. If any of us try to assume control, in areas, that are not our responsibility, the goal will not be meet. Does this make sense?” questioned Me. “It is the same as you always say, “Leave God‘s work to God and worry about getting you right,” well leave our work to us, and worry about your job.”

         “Makes sense and you could not have said it better. Me you have just opened my eyes and my mind for you are clearly right. Thank you, your honesty has clarified and simplified my thoughts greatly. Let’s get busy, because there is a great deal of information to consider and sort through, if we don’t want to disappoint Myself,” added I.

         On that note, the two gathered their material and retired to the garden patio to begin their chore. A purposeful stride and demeanor was clear in the carriage of both.



         In silence, Myself ran gasping after Sachem; there was no time to talk, as the effort of keeping the tall figure in sight took all his effort. It soon was very apparent, to Myself; they were penetrating to the very heart of the stygian depths of the primeval growth. He noted the lack of undergrowth, and realized it was due to the fact the sun never reached the floor of this cathedral of trees. However, the giant strides of Sachem left little time for perusal of his surroundings other than to note the murky dimness, and shrine like feeling. After, what seemed like miles to Myself, he saw before them appeared an alter-like monolith with natural step like protuberances. Here Sachem stopped and disappeared. It took, Myself, a moment to realize Sachem had ducked into a mound of boughs forming a lodge like structure. As he stepped towards the lodge, Sachem reappeared and handed him a clay jar of cool water. Myself realized he was extremely thirsty and drank until the vessel was empty. Handing the jar to Sachem, Myself in a show of arrogance asked, “Why do you call yourself Chief or Sachem?”

         With a glint of amusement in his eyes Sachem replied, “As a matter of fact, I never have, that is what I said you could call me--for now…what I call me is far different. However, right now, that is not for you to know! Feeling like a little boy caught in a fib, Myself asked, “Why not, I do not understand?”

         Myself knew he had asked a stupid question, of his teacher, when Sachem replied, “When two people do not ‘know’ each other they cannot ‘know’ who they are. If we manage to teach each other what and who we are then we may, if we choose, say what we are called. This too remains to be seen.

         Myself realized he was almost staggering with fatigue and his mind seemed to spark and flash with a whirl of confusion. “I don’t understand,” he slurred, wanting nothing more than to sleep. Sachem, wavered before his eyes, his arm extended pointing. Again, the rumble of words vibrated his ears, “Go to the Hogan, and rest in the arms of understanding.” Myself could not even consider the words as he hungrily staggered into the entrance.

         There would be no recollection of his entrance or falling instantly into sleep.
However, memories there would be, memories of worlds, teachers, and paths disappearing into lost horizons. Each of these paths was separate and diverse, yet converging beyond sight in a realm, which could only be termed…all.

         Insight, vision, understanding, even awareness, these appellations, were all but a single term--truth. How long, millennium, eons, it seemed the paths endless, and the conclusion grasped, “If you step onto a path and travel long enough without exiting, you will arrive exactly where it leads,” each path’s destination identical…truth. Yes, he understood truth unique to each path and the same for all paths. The truth never changing yet different, for it was the path, which defined the truth. Three hundred-sixty degrees to the three hundred-sixtieth power that was the truth, a sphere of light reflected from each and everything in existence. It was the photons of light and the photons of dark matter, combining to form an every expanding amalgam of paths, a ball of existence, and a task of choices. Man’s purpose to seek his true path of light for only man was responsible for…‘free will.’ All other creations were exactly what they were supposed to be.

         The awesomeness of the truth of creation, the gift, and the curse, “We are each and everyone responsible for the world we inhabit.” These words tolled in his thoughts. He understood it is choice not fate that leads us. It is fear of mistakes, which cause us to relinquish our will to another, and it is self-glorification, which allows another to accept or seek this role of responsibility. All this preordained to failure. Yes, he saw, failure, for you will arrive exactly where it leads. He walked with the twelve and heard the directions, which formed man’s books of instruction, and he saw dark matter insert loopholes, which were really snares, traps of failure. For a while, he walked with sages who shone the light and saw their tears when the light was dimmed.

         History had provided a handful of sages to herald and balance the countless individuals who reached from the dark. He learned you did not need to acknowledge the construction company, to recognize the quality of the road. The doors to all paths are forever open to the destination of that path. All roads of light, lead to light truth, and roads of dark, lead to dark truth. Free will, responsible,responsible, responsible, his eyes flew open and he was bathed in sweat.

         Sachem sat crossed legs, Buddha, Christ, Sidartha, Mohammed, images of all reflected in the fires glow on his face. His voice thrummed, “Do you understand why the creator allows the chaos of darkness which prevails on this small planet?”
Myself did not hesitate, “Yes, for it is not his job it is ours.”
Sachem’s eyes cast a gleam, “Do you understand why it is our responsibility?”
“Not completely but it must come from ‘free will’ and our failures of its correct usage.”
Sachem smiled and instructed, “You are right and wrong. In the long ago, all was perfect and the creator left it in man’s care. Man, however, reasons, and if left alone will reason himself into accepting he is the center of all. He will do this without thought if there are no outside evidences regularly manifested to the contrary.

         When I say this, I mean the manifestation of a presence, a sentience, clearly greater than man is. Without this presence, man will evolve by ignoring all the signs of creativity around him as random occurrence. His vanity will not allow for one greater than he is. After all is it not he that provides shelter, food and security for his life? He does not consider where the means of shelter, food, or even life itself came from.

         Here and now are his references, for the requirements of survival sap his thoughts, and block them from seeking higher planes. From these tendencies and other factors, we shall discuss, came man’s greatest impediments, training or belief, ennui, and fear of change.”
“These are learned characteristics not inherent; in fact, all of humanity is structured by learning. Oh, there is great discussion on this, ‘nature, nurture,’ but nurture is by far the contributing factor. This evening we shall take a short stroll through the time period of man, and see that which always was, still is, but no longer is supposed to be.”



         I reclined, on a patio chaise lounge, and Me was seated at a patio table. Scattered about Me was, a battery powered tape recorder, a pile of notebooks, and a container of pens and pencils. Thus, armed to the teeth, Me poised expectantly awaiting I’s discourse.

         I began by stating, “Initially there came the concept, and it was my naïve impression that was all that was required. However, over the course of time, it became more and more apparent, further understanding was needed. It is like a disease, for a true cure, it is vital to know the cause, and the same is true for our goal of a fair world. There is no doubt, people will vilify this plan, for the fear of change is pandemic, but if we plan well it cannot be stopped. The entire ability of this plan to succeed is due to the foundation of America. It is only from that monumental occasion that this road for world change has viability. But for purposes of understanding, let’s outline causation then we shall define cure.”

         Me watched fascinated as I seemed to drift into a far off place, and his voice became monotone as he began his instruction. “The past is clouded and un-precise but there are many truths, examine this statement, ‘The more money in the hands of a broad base of the population, (individuals), the stronger is the economy of that nation,” I’s voice emphatically stated. Once again his voice low he continued, “Does it make sense; can we agree that this statement is true? If, at this point we find ourselves in agreement, then examine the following statement, ‘the stronger the economy of a nation then it must follow, that nation itself is stronger,’ again emphatically stated.

         Me watched in fascination this drama unfolding. I continued, quietly, “Can we again agree on this statement as true? If we find ourselves in agreement at this point, all that follows should validate and enhance these basic facts. I am going to try showing what I was shown, about where we are, and how we got there. I also have been shown a simple, effective economic outline that shall not only strengthen and enhance our economy, and our nation, but shall forever remove individuals concerns for their daily and future security. It is my hope, after this walk together; we will find that we are all swimming in the same river. If we do, then it should be apparent if the dam breaks we all drown together, and that is what we are attempting to forestall. Let us take a moment to point out some widely talked of concerns. We should all be aware that our nation is seriously in debt, approximately twenty-thousand dollars for every man, women and child of our nation. A debt, which is secured primarily by foreign investors and that currently, requires twenty-five percent of our national revenue to service the interest.

         Think what this would mean to our nation if this interest payment were available for the internal needs of our own people. Isn’t it true, we all are aware of the growing concern for our future, due to failure of retirement funds, and questions of Social Securities ability to fund our future life style? There is great pressure on our public officials to address these concerns and rightly so. However, I hold the belief that we are each and everyone responsible for the world we inhabit, and so shall propose how we can address these concerns. If this approach is adopted, we do not need anybody else to insure our future. This outline will not take great time or money, on our part, and shall be one-hundred percent effective. With these concepts, all concerns shall stand corrected and we will be able to lead the entire world into an economy, which is structured with a foundation upon which peace and understanding may be forged.”

         Me felt almost hypnotized by the strange scene playing out before his eyes. An eerie sense pervaded the room, it was as though someone else’s voice was speaking through I’s mouth. A shiver passed down Me’s spine as I continued.

         “My fellow Americans, from the founding of our nation we have been a glowing torch, a beacon for all the world, and their hopes to focus upon, and it is time to show the spirit which made this so. We are capable of such great humanity and kindness and there is a way to fulfill this heritage by the simple expedient of self-interest. That is correct, for through this concept we can do all the above by simply doing that which benefits us, the individual. By taking care of ourselves, we enhance all humanity, and this you should feel is how it is supposed to be.” Nervously Me shifted in his chair, the air seemed thin, and he felt his head pound and queasiness caused his stomach to roil in discomfort.

         I continued the strange dissertation,
“Resistance and misunderstanding will be rife; however, you must determine from whom this turmoil comes. For it is imperative certain flaws be addressed. At no point is this concept intended to attack America, rather it strives to hone her glory into the vision she can be. In this vein ask yourself; was the first car, gun, airplane, television, or any other invention perfect? I am a member of the human race and I am a resident of the planet earth, important considerations. In addition, I am first, last, and always an American, and, as such, it is my obligation to use the freedom she provides in guiding her to greater heights. Nevertheless, if these heights are not good for the human race, the earth, and each individual, we all drown in that river, for the dam shall burst.”

         “In the founding of this nation, the tremendous original concepts that were put forth forever-altered humankind for the better. However, just as those other inventions, her continued advancement requires ongoing fine-tuning. That is all this concept is trying to accomplish. Is this speaker to benefit? Yes, just as it is my hope you, they, and all will improve; for if, this is not the case, my vision shall have failed.

         Let us examine the airplane and accept, at its inception, the design did not include wings. It would still have been a remarkable invention for it would have been a mode of transportation propelled by mechanically generated wind. Two hundred plus years pass and the continued refinement of this process
produces remarkable advancement in transportation. Now envision the advancement created by one man’s imagination designing wings and a great new leap forward for humanity appears. Is this not the natural advancement of humanity? Yes, the implication is, there are wings for our system of economy, and through their application, all may soar. In other words, we strive not to ground America rather we seek to aid her flight.”

         Me was so nervous; he almost lost control as I punctuated his comments with a loud burst of flatulence. Grabbing a pillow, he stuffed it over his mouth so-as-to not break the spell. I seemed to have no awareness and his voice continued in its monosyllabic recital.

         “Why should we believe this refinement is required? The restive statements of our era are as valid as the old adage ‘Where there’s smoke there’s fire,’ for it is generally true, if it does not feel right, you had better beware. The statements referred to are demonstrated in recent polls where the majority of Americans are concerned they would not have adequate resources for their continued life style upon retirement. Further, the concerns over the erosion of our political and human freedoms due to security measures are just as valid. The unjust war we fight in Viet Nam, these and many other phenomena, are being structured in a common causation along with many, many other diseases of our society and the fact is all of them can be addressed with a simple therapy.

         This therapy shall show each of these problems and demonstrate their improvement through this concept. Did we choose this chore for our finite time? Hell no, but the truth is if we happen upon a wrong, and recognize it as such it is our responsibility, our obligation as Americans, and more importantly as human beings to attempt to set it right.”
“Further, if we see an opportunity to advance humanity we must share it--our responsibility. The attitude of not getting involved is crippling to all humankind, for we are each and everyone responsible for the world we inhabit.

         Most of us agree it is our patriotic duty to give our lives for our country, though it makes sense to value General Patton’s observation, ‘It is far better to make the other son-of-bitch die for his country.’ However, understand heroism is not confined to patriotic sacrifice; it is a vital part of humanities obligation to do that, which is right. There are values so important they are worth dying for, far beyond national reasons. The present concern with youth and fear of death is confusing, for nobody can die before their time, and it is merely that you were born to do, a natural occurrence and nobody has beat it yet.

         I will state firmly, I am looking forward to my death and hope it is interesting enough that I will enjoy looking backward upon it as well.”

         Me quietly rose and opened the patio door. It felt like he could not breathe and he stepped onto the patio in hopes of clearing his head. Inside, he could clearly hear the monotone recitation, and again a chill raised goose bumps on his skin. He had no idea what he expected but the other world aspects of these events, he found extremely disquieting.

         During a break, which I seemed occasionally to require in-order to refill with words, in preparation for the next verbal barrage, Me quickly changed the tape reels. Just as he finished, I began again, “Here we shall begin design analysis pointing out the perceived missing wings. 1776 ‘Our Fathers brought fourth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and justice for all.’ Freedom = free enterprise, private ownership, the right to vote, constitutionally guaranteed rights = Freedom. Here is a portion of the missing wings, for all these remarkable proclamations and rights address the political failures of prior history. It is true these were such glaring inhumane problems they overshadowed a simple and human factor.

         ‘We hold these truths self evident all men are created equal,’ this statement is designed and made in support of these political advances. It addresses a political and religious truth but it ignores human reality.

         Please try to imagine your future determined by Olympics, which compete for each generation. You are required to participate and your finish determines your life for its duration. The top thirty percent of competitors achieve security throughout their existence. While the bottom seventy percent of humanity, will forever endure the stress of uncertainty due to not being equal competitively. They get no award; yes, they work and are vital in the economy, and production of the world. However, they do not receive the award of protection, security, and reward for their efforts. They are losers of the competition and told it is your responsibility to assure your future, however, they are not competitively equipped to achieve this end. Further, the effort of survival at this reduced status leaves no time or excess resources to accomplish this goal.

         This stress, failure, loneliness, and realization of abandonment forge aberrant attitudes and hostility. Here lies foment of terrorism, violence, theft, and all anti societal illness. No, not for all, as it is a sliding scale and you will see a progression of these reactions as you progress down the seventy percent towards the base, where hopelessness is the norm. ‘When a man has nothing to lose he cannot lose,’ here is the reason why laws, punishment, nor all the military might in the world can stop this disease.”
“You can no more pass a law against this condition than you can walk on the sun. We throw money and resources at this condition and it is destined to fail.

         For you to understand this you must simply clear your mind and imagine you and your family with no hope. What would you do, what do we do? Look at the common solution of 1929 when the stock market crashed and hope was lost, suicide often resulted and in today’s world, again this is often the response, that and responses far worse for our society. Now imagine generations of this condition and its effect on this population. We all would like to believe we are better than that but you cannot know until you are there, and logic dictates the results will be negative.

         The answer why these results will be negative is simple; it is a negative condition, nothing more complex than that. The constant denial of this condition is demonstrated by the mistaken belief these people are leaches and do not want to work, or produce, and we have perpetuated this belief through welfare.

         Welfare is a costly self-perpetuating fiefdom, which promotes a mistaken belief these people caused it through their lack of initiative. Nothing could be further from the truth for they are showing great initiative and common sense in taking the path provided, and comparing it to the path offered by their opportunities, and choosing the best solution.

         Yes, after generations it becomes a way of life. These people finished last in our Olympic valuation. There is no acknowledgement of their value nor a viable incentive provided for their escape. Thus, perpetuation and a micro-economy upon which those who often decry it, profit. The conclusion reached in this scenario is simple. Politically and humanely, we are equal competitively we are not.           Therefore, when we grant political freedom we only cover fifty percent of true freedom. Here are the rest of the parts for the wings, for it is time to address the lack of the other fifty percent of freedom, the missing freedom, that which crushes the hope from those consigned to the bottom and a great many of us in between.
That vital percentage is financial freedom.

         Financial freedom, if this freedom is not addressed, then time will prove me correct, when I say ‘none of these social diseases shall be cured.’ Oh, Oh, let me anticipate your response, more welfare, ‘Let’s give these people more money then they will be happy,’ and sure, they would be. However, nothing could be further from the truth, for that would be an extension of our current failure. No neighbors’ what is needed is a path, one that includes the ingredient missing in our current system--PRIDE and acknowledgement. A simple path, which opens doors of responsibility and by accepting that path,instills--PRIDE and gives acknowledgement.

         However, we get ahead of ourselves, and that, forces us to look back to see if we are catching up, setting us up for, ‘He who stares at his past, stumbles in his future.’ Our future is more than clouded enough and we cannot afford to stumble. Oh by the way, ‘He, who learns from his past, can change his future.’

         Let us walk on, for the river is not far. Stumbling, interesting, prevalent and almost one-hundred percent caused by failure of attention, and application of vision, or application of external, and internal vision on matters other than the path. Narrow vision or vision focused on the result, and failure to include the cause. Causation, for that is the place where all diseases may have a cure.

         In society, when we see negative results our current attitude is to pass a law against it. This leads to frustration, condemnation, and more failure so we pass another law, an expensive failure. This approach only enhances the causation and leads to more extreme results. However, if we expand our vision to the whole picture and then address the causation, a cure is possible. In the long run this is significantly less costly and infinitely more satisfying, further it advances our whole society, a just endeavor.

         “To accomplish this goal reality must enter, for the following statement is true, ‘All things are meant to exist, but in an unbalanced society they exist in disproportionate values.’ If we had a video of the most successful society ever to exist, we would find all the aberrations of current society. However, these would exist in their correct proportions and thus be easily addressed.

         This is an interesting question. What would you say is the most successful, longest lasting society to exist in history? Envision a society, which existed over ten thousand years (historically documented) in basic harmony. This society was a multi-nation society absent of war, greed, and honorably honoring boundaries and rights. Quite an accomplishment ‘right’ and this society would still be in existence today if outsiders had not conquered them. They did not overpopulate, abuse the environment and while unimportant contained the tallest and shortest of all their culture in separate nations.

         Curious? Some study of the tribes of California, and West Coast Indians is in order. For further appreciation of all Indian peoples, be aware that sixty-five to eighty percent of all produce eaten today first was cultivated, or gathered by the North American Indian, good appetite.”


         It took a moment for the preternatural silence to penetrate Me’s senses. Slowly he looked about and noticed I sitting with eyes closed and slow sonorous breaths coming with each rise and fall of his chest. Was he asleep, thinking, exactly what was transpiring he could not say? The sudden cessation of sound was far from reassuring. A heightened feeling of surreal tension filled Me with concern. Had something gone wrong, was I all right, all of these concerns assaulted Me’s thoughts. He had no experience to call on for these decisions. Deciding to check on his friend, he slowly rose and leaned over I, everything seemed in order but how could he be sure? Me retreated to his chair and turned off the tape recorder. A feeling of incompleteness filled his thoughts and he knew I had not finished his dissertation.

         Me sat back in his chair and waited. He allowed his thoughts to view what had transpired thus far. In, his perusal he concluded what had been said was a remarkable compendium of insights and thoughts. He felt cheated at the incompleteness, and wondered if they had been found wanting. Had the mysterious speaker using I’s mouth hung up on them? This thought brought a smile to his face. While lost in these thoughts he almost screamed when I’s voice loudly asked.

         “All-right so what? The correct balance in our society is as good as we can do and then we can easily address the aberrations. Year after year, we decry our legal, social, and financial situation and its solutions are only a step away. If we apply half the faith that we put in money ‘A made up medium of exchange’ we cannot fail. There is a remarkable organization, which demonstrates a mandatory ingredient of the solution, on a limited basis, necessary for this problem. However, additional analysis must come before discussion of this solution.

         Before we continue, eighty-five percent of what you will hear is the product of common sense. No volumes of facts, or figures, though they exist, however, do not use that as an excuse to reject these conclusions--Think and feel your response and realize it really does not matter what you think or believe it only matters what is true. So let us travel on to the river.”

         Apparently, the connection was reestablished, and Me had hurriedly restarted the recorder. Again, the unreal monotone lesson reverberated through his mind.

         “America, America God shed his grace on thee“, inspiration and unquestionably true. We are a nation blessed with land, weather, resources, and the isolation, which allowed us to grow strong in our bounty. We came at first like flotsam-and-jetsam, thrown away and tossed by the sea upon the shore. Tenuous our roots, and often yanked from the glorious soil, and cast back into the sea. Nevertheless, we would not stop, for here was the stuff of dreams. Oh, had they but known, the punishment of exile to this glorious land was in reality a tonic for centuries of abuse, and crushing social injustice. The outcast nettles of the old world produced a rainbow bouquet of flowers. All varieties here grew, reached, and deeply drove their roots into the land. No longer was home where they were from, rather it was where they were going. They came, faster and faster the countless huddled masses and still there was room.

         Everybody contributed, all hunted, gathered, explored, cultivated, and manufactured. Thoughts turned loose, producing, like an avalanche, a rush of new and unheard of advance. From this melting pot, formed like a genetic kernel of new life, concepts of rights, law, a completely new societal model with a foundation of freedom as its underpinning. Progress, shall no longer be advanced on bended knee. All ‘citizens’ can achieve their rightful place of upright stance and lifted head. Psychology, I. Q. tests, and disparity of educational facilities these were unconsidered.”
“An assumption of equality fueled this nation of freedom and uncomplicated structure. Unemployment, unheard of, everybody was employed in the full time pursuit of survival. The blood of numerous cultures mixed in the mortar of our foundation yet nothing would dissuade their coming.

         Then came ‘1776’ and the placing upon parchment, concepts never before other than whispered hopes and dreams. Words in violation of law became the law, Political, legal, and moral advancement, yet in this proclamation none could envision one simple fact. Freedom could be given politically, however advancement in the method of securing survival would show that freedom was a two edged sword, Political, and financial.

         No, this was not a factor during the first eighty-five years of our nation. This was due to the bounty of the land and the flow westward to new horizons. Yet the first eighty-five years were the time of gestation leading to the symptoms, which would show this illness. Here, was the point when our leaders began the process of passing laws against the incipient disease rather than wise correction of the cause.”

         Me found himself relaxed, now that continuity had been reestablished. He acknowledged the fact this unusual conversation was far less unsettling than the silence of moments before. As these thoughts came to him, I again punctuated his talk with a loud burst of flatulence and Me barely had time to grab his pillow. Uncontrolled, raging mirth spewed into the feathers as Me released his tension in a surrender of laughter. Yet, still the tape wound on.

         “It is a recognized fact; America gives more to aid the underprivileged and damaged people of the world than any other nation. Our hearts flow out to these people and we reach deep in our concern. Paradoxically when we address our own nation of need, approximately thirty million, poverty level Americans, our response is generally far less benevolent. We blame them for the Welfare State and its destructive influence on our economy. I have never heard anyone point out if we had the lost revenue spent to service our debt, we would not notice his or her impact. No one points out, they did not enact the welfare laws, and I have no doubt in the beginning that was not their solution of choice, this solution was accepted, as a matter of survival, which is always the path humankind, will choose. It was initially a life preserver, which, with the passage of time, became their island, a way of life. Look at the truth of this condition, when saying it is their fault, they show no initiative for the opportunity is there, they are too lazy to take it. In fact, the opportunity is not there for this approximate twelve percent of our nation.”

         “Currently we have an unemployment rate of five to six percent; this figure does not include this twelve percent of chronically unemployed. This unemployment is not, in the menial jobs, but rather is reflected in the mainstream of our society, those who have been working and participating but due to flux are not required at their previous position. Realize this previous participation gives them a competitive edge in securing a new position when available, thus reducing this referred to opportunity.

         It must be asked then, if our economy is, only five to six percent from employment fulfillment how are these noncompetitive members to break free? The only place their share exists is in the possession of somebody else and these holders of resources are not going to give them up. There are no excess resources waiting around for these people to claim.”

         “Our nation’s current approach for dealing with their fiscal mismanagement is through reducing benefits and opportunity to these nonvoting citizens. Again, we have a complete denial of causation, the mentality of placing of a band-aid on a severed head. This placates the rest of society and aids the reinforcement of subservience by this lost segment of our society, further generating detachment, and hopelessness…Increased societal disease. The fiefdom does not want to end this condition and economically, without viable alternatives, our society cannot take the elimination of this system.

         In economics, it is stated; money spent in your community will re-circulate six times on a continued reducing scale. That means a dollar spent in your community will be re-circulated six times though not at full one-hundred percent value, it is a scale approximately as shown, one-hundred, seventy, fifty, thirty, twenty, ten percent. In this view, you can see the tremendous impact welfare money has in keeping local and national economies viable.”

         “Where does this money go? It is diluted from one locale to the next by the mobile nature of our society carrying it to other areas, where it continues circulating and fueling our economy. ‘So what?’ you intone, if we stop this system, we the participators in our economy will have more money, so the same amount will be spent. This I am afraid is not the case, and for many and varied reasons.

         Before pointing these out, let us examine the humanitarian and societal impact. Millions of Americans shall endure starvation and worse, and a significant portion of our participating society will become unemployed…Welfare workers, Doctors, Grocery store owners, people who thrive on this system, an event that will lead to an explosion of societal disease.”

         “Your security will be assaulted ten fold in comparison to current conditions. All of this will occur without you benefiting one iota, and here commonsense and reality comes into play again.

         Simply ask yourself, when has your Government ever giving back anything they once have in their possession? They will perform the rob Peter and pay Paul shuffle and you will find your pockets still empty and your senses numbed by rhetoric. It will be a classic case of, doctor, doctor, tell me the news, they keep spinning, and we still lose. So what are we to do? There is an answer and it is far simpler than you will ever believe. However, we must wait until the majority of us are swimming in that river.”

         Me found his head nodding in agreement at each pearl of information. Rapt concentration
filled his face and his body language was tense and focused. Never in his life had he heard his subliminal thoughts voiced so concisely and with such conviction. What was this referred to solution? How, how, could this system ever be changed, was it truly possible? Me quickly looked at I as his next words entered Me’s thoughts; it was as though his mind had been read.

         “Having listened this far, stop and mull over these words. Ask yourself if there is a grain of truth running through it. View it twice, as any good doctor would want a second opinion. This needs addressing, because here is an outline of causation. We must understand this part before we can address this causation and fix the problem. As stated, condemning the illness is not the answer, it can only happen when we face the causation, and correct it. It is our responsibility, for the unique nature of our Nations foundation is, in fact, unheard of in all previous history. Think of it as a fledgling child, a new species of life.

         Do you know of any time in history where an entirely new nation came into existence based on rights, and freedom never before heard of? Sure, in history many nations were conquered, reestablished as an amalgam of old, and new. Nevertheless, in the case of America a completely new, unheard of form of Government was established. This makes it very easy to realize why constant trial and error be applied. That, concisely, is all we shall attempt to do--help her walk the true path and be all she was intended to be.”

         “So, let us walk on and examine some causation, and results, for this is how we shall stifle the illness. Earlier it was stated the flaws in our freedom were not apparent for the first eighty-five years of our nation’s existence. Any, statement with such defined limitations should be automatically suspect. Trying to encapsulate happenings on too defined of a period is dangerous. Of course, these flaws were apparent with each financial crisis and recessional occurrence. When these happened, the disparity of security would be glaringly apparent. However, the full impact of this disparity remained hidden by a key factor. This being, our nation was a primarily rural population who supplied their needs through hunting and agriculture. Money was a rare and unnecessary commodity. The full impact of a financial crisis never reached these citizens so the inequality, was confined to the smaller segment of our population, the industrial workers of the city.

         In many ways, this was defused by a
unique resource of our nation--land.”
“That is, when things got excessive,in a families life. They resorted to the expedient of packing up and moving. The expansion westward was both a product of these factors and a basic human desire for land. Opportunity, ‘Go west young man, go west,’ instructed Horace Greeley, and in reality the solution of choice until the early twentieth century. At this point expansionism slowed and urban sprawl began. Fixed population centers, fueled by industry, assumed increasing importance for our nation. It was like the first half of our nations existence was a giant exhaling of breath. This exhaling of breath scattered the seeds of our population’s expansion the width and breadth of our nation. There they sank their roots and their metamorphosis into a swirling amalgam of cultures, termed, a giant melting pot of people began, and slowly urbanization sought to hold sway.”

         “A clear validation of the disaster of this competitive disparity appears in the fact ten-percent or less of the people control ninety-percent plus of the wealth in this nation. There is no justification for this fact; it is merely a by-product of our wingless structure. Think on this and you must surely see there is no way this is fair in terms of effort. Now we need not defend the twenty-percent who are just at the fringe of this disparity for their situation is secure and plentiful. The seventy, or seventy-three-percent, if you want to apply recent polls, which provide the vital economic foundation blocks of our society and yet are not honored for their effort, is our focus. These citizens are the foundation upon whose backs rest the entire economy of the world. They pay the taxes spent by governments and they pay the profit pocketed by the ten-percent, for the very products and services they produce. Their entire heroic lifetime boils down to a stress laden time of doubt.

         Will their retirement fund be there? Will Social Security be there? Moreover, one question or the other the answer is too often no. Ten-percent controlling ninety-percent how can any decent thinking human being, justify this disparity. It represents nothing less than intended abuse and self-glorification. Let us imagine this ten-percent controlling twenty to thirty percent of the money. What would be the result?”

         Me, allowed his thoughts to digress a moment. He was fully aware of the power and veracity of the words he was hearing. Yet, even in this seriousness he could not stop the thought, that, while the show was brilliant, the incongruity of I’s explosive gas attacks provided just the right comic relief. Thinking these thoughts, he chided himself for such childish behavior. At just that moment, he was forced to grab the trusty pillow once again.

         “One thing should be clearly apparent; this segment would be significantly wealthier than the rest of the population. Another thing should be clearly apparent, the balance of society would benefit, to the tune of sixty or seventy-percent more money with which to improve their lives. STOP; think how this would strengthen our nation. Think of the opening statements of this conversation and the sought after agreement. ‘More money for more people = a stronger economy’… ‘Stronger economy = stronger nation.’ The winners of the competition achieve just reward and are decidedly wealthier than the rest of us, and to the swiftest will go the race, this is not a bad thing. It is not a bad thing because this incentive provides the fuel of human advancement without which stagnation sets in.

         Nevertheless, we all should get to compete and have acknowledgment. This change is not to be accomplished violently, but it can be done peacefully, intelligently and without fail. Free enterprise and there is not one thing wrong with it. Let us consider what I’m writing about, as a better mouse trap.”

         I jerked upright, startling Me, who gasped and inquired, “I, are you alright?”
I responded, “Yes Me I’m fine, however I’m suddenly very tired so we will have to begin this work after I’ve had a nap.”
Me looked at I with a quizzical expression and replied, “I you have been explaining your vision for the past two and a half hours.”
I’s head snapped around and the question exploded from his mouth, “What the hell are you talking about? We just got settled out here.” In reply, Me reached over and hit the rewind button on the recorder and after a few seconds, he pressed play. I’s mouth fell open in amazement when he heard his voice, in trance like monotone, reeling out, point after point of his visions. Standing unsteadily, I shook his head and asked Me to help him inside to lie down. “I’ve no recollection of that conversation at all,” he mumbled.

         After helping I inside Me was very concerned and muttered to himself, “What in the hell is going on.” He too realized he would need sleep before transcribing his notes. Incomprehensibly muttering to himself, he made his way to his room. As Me lay there thinking his mind kept asking, “What the hell is going on here, is I really crazy? There is no possible way to shift the resources of our economy to make our system fair. The holder’s of this wealth have all the resources, and will never give them up without a damn bloody revolution, they don‘t care about the losers of the Olympics. Damn, listen to what I am saying; I have gone as crazy as I, yet I insists’ it is possible, and peacefully so, and I has always told us the truth. Is it possible?”
“Have we just been following a fairy tale? God, I’m getting a killer headache…maybe I has some aspirin in his room,” With that thought Me fell into the vortex of sleep.



         Myself spent the rest of the day exploring his surroundings with increasing awe at its beauty and interdependence. Creation in its complexity, simplicity, balance---perfection. He chuckled when thinking of man and his efforts of understanding it all. With all of their pontification, expounding guesses as fact, and then covering their foolishness when their theories fell to pieces. He ruminated on an article, about the edge of the universe, he had recently read. He chuckled at the comical arrogance “Edge of The Universe,” indeed and if they were told, it always was and always will be would these fools hear? He knew it was here, there, and everywhere. He had seen that there was no start and no end, but he knew this was not possible to tell. They would not listen, for such vastness would discomfort those pious fools who applied such reasoning.

         Give them their finite structures, needed for security least they pee their pants in fear. They required the applications of good and evil, light and dark, hot and cold, these all needed segregation for definition. Yet, that was the same as defining splinters and failing to see the tree. There were many, yet only one, and in his mind, that was the fun. His fear had dissipated as fog before the sun, for this enormity, as tiny as a thought and just as large, was freedom. It was freedom from the foolishly mundane, freedom from the need to know, for in the acceptance ‘it just is--- and that is okay,’ was all the understanding and freedom required.

         Myself was amazed at the course of his thoughts, “Where did these thoughts come from,” he questioned. He had never felt these things before and yet they were so simple. Why had he never seen or felt them before? The obvious was so invisible, and that which is in plain sight is unable to be seen. This was curious, yes very curious the old world so new, different yet the same. Yes, that is it, the world is what we see, and what we see is the path we take. All is true, and true is the same yet different, for the path defines it. It is very possible to change my world by seeing a different world, yet that is personal. However, to change humanity’s world it will be necessary to have many see this view. When many see this world, then that vision shall be true, the more that see it the greater is its truth.

         He thought of it like a house full of people, each with their own room. As long as they stayed in their room, that was their personal true world. The trick he realized was to get them to wander the halls and realize there were many rooms or many individual’ true worlds. When the residents had done this, they could step outside and see “The Truth”, all those true worlds were a house. In this way, he passed the afternoon until walking from the trees he found himself where he had started.

         Sachem did not appear to have moved, a stone idol seated before the monolith. Myself approached him and prepared to speak. “Have you had an amazing journey?” he realized Sachem had spoken first.
“There should be a word more descriptive than amazing yet I’ve no idea what it would be,” replied Myself.
“Yes, spoken language is such a poor medium of communication, especially when discussing vision, emotion, or truth,” was Sachem’s response.
“Why is that?” inquired Myself.
“You ask a question for which you know the answer, which seems very silly. However, I will answer it just for fun. Vision, emotion, truth are products of the path one is on, and this makes them personal. Yet they are slivers and not complete. Man assumes his sliver is the sliver, or at the very least that there is a sliver which is the sliver, and so seeks no greater purpose or understanding. However, as
slivers, these things are important for construction of the whole. All slivers are required to complete the tree and each path’s truth is required for completing ‘The Truth.’ That is man’s true purpose, the rejection of the slivers and the acceptance of ‘The Truth,’ and then applying this acceptance in their social structure. Then and only then will he achieve his place as a higher life form.”

         Myself was amazed at these words and excitedly replied, “That is exactly what I‘ve been thinking.”
“Well you wanted to understand, so your journey has begun, and while understanding is not necessary, merely an added incentive. If understanding is wanted the price must be paid,” Sachem instructed.
“What is the price?” Myself nervously inquired.
“The price is everything that is you.”
“What do you mean?” again, nervousness highlighted Myself’s response.
“All that is your eternal self must be given to the appetite of understanding. It is the chore of knowing, from here to there to the three hundred sixtieth power and beyond, an infinite number,” was Sachem’s reply. Sachem‘s hypnotic gray eyes twinkled and he said, “Do not worry about it, for all things will be as they are supposed to be.

         For now the time draws near for our journey through history, and how things became what they are, and the remarkable happenstance which makes it possible it no longer need be.”
         Myself was filled with great trepidations. He pictured his mind as a great cement mixer tumbling its contents endlessly. It seemed to him that no matter how long it tumbled the ingredients would not mix. So many thoughts and conclusions had bombarded his awareness yet he was not sure of the final concoction. Could he absorb any more, or would the mixture overflow and drown him? He knew he now saw a great many things he had never before considered…Yet did he really understand more?

         Finally resigned to his fate he shrugged and sat down. “Well let’s go,” was his fateful response.Chuckling, Sachem handed him some food and instructed him to eat. “You will need the sustenance,” was his only comment. Completing his meal Myself accepted a container of liquid without questioning its content, and swallowed it thirstily. The liquid was a tea, slightly bitter but strangely satisfying for slaking his thirst. A great lassitude flowed through his cells and he yawned widely. Sachem’s words came from a great distance as they instructed him to enter the shelter and sleep. No argument came from Myself as he staggered to fulfill the instructions.

         Sleep was instantaneous and his mind seemed to expand in proportion with the universe. All time and space was available yet he was unsure of the direction. Looking about himself, he detected a form moving towards him. Slowly the form coalesced into an enormous bear and the thought occurred to him he was the bear’s food. He should have been frightened but was not. He should have been surprised when the bear opened its mouth and Sachem’s voice issued forth, and again he was not. “Why are you a bear?” was all he could think to say. Feeling stupid at this statement, he listened to the explanation.
“We travel to very primitive and dangerous times it is for your protection I’ve assumed my totem form.” Sachem explained. For some inexplicable reason this, made perfect sense to Myself and he accepted it without question.

         Before Myself could further ponder the incongruity of his situation, a vista of raw, primitive starkness spread beneath his feet. Volcanoes and bubbling pools with hot gas spewing forth, long lost flora and fauna populated this landscape. The shock of his lofty overview was quelled by the fact there was no sense his position was insecure. While this view was from extreme heights, he did not feel any possibility of falling. Exactly why he did not know, he just knew he was safe. Sachem explained the panorama by explaining, “We are above the earth as it was in the beginning of man’s time on earth.” Animals only vaguely familiar from history books dotted the landscape. It was very apparent the ability of Archeologists to flesh out these creatures was sorely remiss from their reality.

         Sachem pointed out a small enclave of humanoids and explained their tenuous position in the land. “As you can see humanity was numerically insignificant and surrounded by predators of vastly superior strength. This fact and the great distance between groups of people formed the basis of discrimination between rival groups. As far as these people were concerned, this was their room, or world. They did not consider that as far as they knew anywhere over the surrounding hills there were nothing, no thought of oneness, of many rooms equaling a house. The initial abundance of wildlife and the full time job of survival, gave no reason to find out any different. This promoted in each enclave the acceptance that their group was, ‘The People’ and anyone else could only be the enemy.

         On the rare occasion that others were met, they were explained away as evil spirits or worse. It was automatic; the strongest and best hunter would assume leadership and all else deferred to him. Certain physical and mental advantages allowed men to not only survive but to triumph over the lower animals and thus man’s numbers grew. This fact plus ecological factors brought about situations where their ‘world’ no could longer sustain them.”

         “Now realize; the time required for this to occur was long and had allowed time for the realization there was more over the hills. Each group then assumed this too was theirs for they were ‘The People.’ Here began the seeds of expansionism, there was no moral dilemma, for each group assumed they were ‘The People’ and all else enemies. When ‘The People’ needed more area for survival, the solutions was simple kill the enemy or drive them away and assume their holdings. They are different, they are not ‘The People,’ they are demons or worse. This was a simple expedient, which led to human traits in existence today… Prejudice and hatred of the unknown. The defining of packs or tribes as unique ‘The People’ allowed the next phase of our inhumanity.

         Wealth, for it was a simple step for the realization, life was made simpler by capturing rather than killing these enemies. They were not ‘The People’ so it was perfectly acceptable to own these captives like dogs. Therefore, it was that man became one of the first domesticated animals, although like all wild animals he was never tamed.”

         “When men established this practice, it became a way of life that is still in existence today. Slavery was and is the foundation of wealth. It is the only resource capable of generating labor. Labor, which is the source of all production and right now, today, production is the foundation of all wealth. Any and all other resources are valueless without the labor required to convert it into a usable commodity.

         Gold, gems, oil, iron, etcetera, what is their purpose without the labor to extract, convert, and form them into items considered valuable. As this phenomenon was occurring, two traits of humanity were taking root, and these too survive today. Those strong, skilled leaders began living a life far better than their followers did, and this created a dilemma requiring extremely sophisticated solutions. Naturally, this better life style gave them an improved diet, aiding the development of improved mental acuity, it also allowed the free time for applying this situation, to plot the securing of their advantage.”

         As Sachem lectured, it was like a slide show beneath Myself’s feet. With each spoken word of advance, the vista altered to reflect these changes in humanity. In this way, his ability to grasp these concepts became remarkably simple. “Yes,” he thought, “why it is as clear as glass when put into this context.” “Why has nobody seen this before and explained it to the world?” he inquired of Sachem. The look Sachem gave him might be mistaken for pity, “Don’t be a foolish child, this information is common knowledge in certain circles. As to why it has not been disseminated….why do you think?”

         Myself was chastened and shocked to his core. The implications were clear, yet too nefarious to consider. Myself turned these thoughts over in his mind and the answer was obvious. In many ways Myself wished, with all his soul, he had never seen this information. With this, regret ringing in his mind he heard Sachem say, “Do not regret this information for the path of the three who are one and the one who is three, will need every advantage they can acquire for their quest.”

         “My God,” Myself had forgotten all about his reason for being here. A shiver of terror rippled down his spine and a cold sweat broke out upon his brow. “What had they let themselves in for? Simple and foolproof, I had said. How can that be possible, with all that will be brought to bear against us?” wondered Myself. Sachem, sensing Myself’s doubt and fear, spoke seemingly to no one, “The door has been opened, and who knows what waits. There are infinity paths, and who is to say there is not one unconsidered, and easily walked?” Myself looked at him; however, there was no indication Sachem had any interest in him.

         Again, Myself examined the information and this time he realized he did not give a damn. There were things worth dying for other than national defense, or national pride. There were human values, without which humanity had no future.



         Me awoke after only an hour of sleep. He was restless and curious about his notes. Walking next door, he checked in on I and was convinced he would not be waking anytime soon. He then crossed the street and purchased a cheeseburger and cup of coffee to go. Carrying his food, he reentered I’s room and headed for the patio to organize his notes. Both the coffee and cheeseburger were cold when he finally finished his transcription, however, he had lost his appetite anyway. He hoped it was just his imagination leading him to the conclusions he had reached. “Please let it be,” he muttered to himself.

indent}There was nothing in I’s narration he could find fault with, for all he knew of the system seemed to exactly fit I’s tale. “We are in way over our heads,” he said aloud. “I will be damned if there is anyway we can change this cluster fuck. This system will chew us up and spit us out. Oops, my promise was to hear I out and I will honor that, but he had better have a lulu of an idea.”

         Again, Me found himself exhausted, so he made his way to his room and fell heavily upon the bed. Instantly he fell into a swirling maelstrom of thoughts, spiraling downward until he found himself deposited in the bottom of a sand and gravel pit. Looking about, he realized he was not alone. All about him, he discovered, were every nationality and race of people.

         There were men, women, and children working to shovel the aggregate on to an enormous conveyor belt. He noticed not everybody was working, for some people, far more ragged and skinny than the workers were, were sitting aimlessly around the sloping walls. They either had vacant hopeless expressions, or in some faces the feral and shifty appearance of thieves and cutthroats.

         Me wandered over to a group of people who appeared to be on break, “What is this place?” he asked. A rather tall, intelligent looking man turned to him and replied, “This is work.”
“Are you slaves?” questioned Me.
“Hell no,” was the instant reply. “We are free people who work here and if we dig hard enough we can dig our way out of this pit,” came a chorus of voices.
“How many people work here?” Me asked.
“Well I don’t know that figure but I know it is approximately seventy-percent of the population,” answered the tall man. Me introduced himself, and he was informed the tall man’s name was Joe Average.
“Well Joe who are these people that appear not to be employed?” questioned Me.
“They are the bane of our society, they are leeches who think they have a right to the fruit of our labor,” came his answer. “These people are the reason it is so hard for us to dig our way out of the pit,” explained Mr. Average.
“It seems to me the harder you dig, the deeper into the pit you will find yourself,” stated Me.
“Oh no, that is not the case, our overseers assure us our welfare is secured, and every opportunity is available to us,” came Mr. Average’s irritated reply. “What exists up there?” ask Me, point to the far distant rim of the pit.

         “Up there is the world, there are plenty of beautiful structures, exotic foods, jewels, cars, a veritable heaven of plenty,” described Mr. Average. “You see we know that is our destination because we elect our rulers by voting,” proudly explained Joe.
“I see, so everybody is allowed to vote for these people?” asked Me.

         Joe seemed agitated at such a foolish question; “Of course, we are free people with a free system’” was his sharp retort.
“So you all vote and these rulers are the choice of the people…right?” queried Me.
“Now you have to realize we are very busy digging and surviving so we don’t always vote…but we can if we want,” came the proud response.
Me pondered what he was viewing with a decided sense of discomfort,” Yes, yes I’ve every confidence I’m from a place with a very similar system,” he informed Joe.
“Well then you know how lucky we are to have such freedom,” was Joe’s retort.
“Well let’s just say I’m getting a very clear picture of the unique situation we live in,” was Me’s reply.

         Me pondered if he should ask his next question. However, the need to know was too strong so he said, “And what if you don’t make it out during your lifetime?”
“That is no problem for only the best actually make it. But that is not the point,” Joe intoned.
“What is the point?” questioned Me.
“Why opportunity and freedom to try,” was the incredulous reply.
“Of course that should have been very apparent,” Me said in hopes of soothing the irritation caused by his question.

         “I’m curious,” spoke Me, “if you once work your way out what do you do then?”
“You seem very stupid for someone claiming to come from a like system,” snapped Joe. “It seems you would know, once out of here we get to work for the owners,” Joe seemed to swell with pride at sharing this boon.
“Just one more question, so I’ll know if our systems are the same,” implored Me.
“Sure neighbor asks away,” Joe benevolently offered.
“If you don’t make it out, how is your future cared for?” Me was very nervous this question might create hostility.
“Here we do not have to worry for we are covered with retirement plans and Government programs to secure our future needs,” smugly Joe’s reply stated.
“So these programs are perfect and care for your every need?” asked Me. “Not quite, you must realize our system is only a few hundred years old, so of course there are glitches. We have had some greedy thieves steal the retirement funds and the Government programs do not quite cover all they should. But hell nothing is perfect and our Government will fix it,” proudly, this was stated by Joe as though speaking to a retard.
“So you don’t feel it is your responsibility to insure your future?” was Me’s question.
“Don’t you listen to a God damned thing stranger? I told you we are responsible for our future, we take care of it by hard work, and our Government will handle the rest.”

         Me clearly felt it was time to leave before he incited a riot, with himself the focus of the violence. Thanking Joe, he focused on opening his eyes, and for a moment panic set in, what if he could not leave, and then the surroundings of his room came into view. A sharp whistle of relief issued from his lips and a wide smile lit up his face, he was back and never had he felt such joy.

         Mulling over the adventure he had just endured, a deep sense of melancholy invade his very soul. A realization, a clear understanding of the truth, shook his foundation, for the truth was he had never left, nor come back, he lived in the pit. Sure, he had taken steps for his own welfare but that was survival instincts, and just because he was better off than the man at his shoulder, did not change the fact they were both in the same pit. At that moment he was so mad he would gladly attack the gates of Hell, with a bucket of water.

         Seething, he went in to check on I, as Me looked down on his friend he felt a strange sense of peace. He chuckled softly and whispered, “It’s very apparent you know something very powerful that allows you to sleep like a baby.” Smiling, Me felt a glimmering of hope and softly said, “Maybe you do, maybe you do.”



         The vista flickered before their eyes, and like pages; time seemed to flip forward like a book left open in a breeze. At their feet were fiefdoms, few and far scattered. Each a different realm, worlds divided by fear. Sachem and Myself could see it all with the vision of eagles, as they soared over the landscape. Sachem pointed out a new and clearly identifiable division of the hierarchy of humanity. These divisions were easily spotted as sumptuous palaces and towering churches, Sachem began sadly pointing these out, defining them as the yoke of slavery, humanity would bear until he made the choice to embrace true freedom. He went on, explaining how the leadership had evolved from ability, as either great hunters and warriors, or wisdom and diplomacy, to a false belief in manifest destiny. This was their claiming of leadership not by ability, but as a right. Yes, a right, which was bestowed at birth and passed through families, and with this right, went God like authority and ownership.

         This, pointed out Sachem, was one of the two traits he had referred to earlier and the second was a nefarious use of God to confirm this right. A separate and unique subculture had evolved in order to sway the populace to this evil view of the world. The priesthood had risen, claiming they had dominion in matters of God’s dictates for humanity, and this was supported by the Royal class. Each supported this twin tool to control humanity.

         Oh yes many conflicts between them would arise in the ensuing years, but for the most part they exercised a dual and ruthless control over the masses. From the earliest time, these forces strove to retard the enlightenment and knowledge of the masses in order that their advancement was facilitated first. In this way, the following ages became an evil and venal effort of acquisition and control. Humanity was refused access to acquired knowledge and advances, until slowly they were trained to accept these false values. However, not only were the masses conditioned to this system, the perpetrators came to believe in their uniqueness and right to control.

         There is only one excuse for the suppression of any knowledge or technology and that excuse is advantage. Not merely advantage over men who were not considered ‘The People’ but advantage over all people considered less than the special class. “These then are the two traits I’ve alluded to previously in our conversations,” affirmed Sachem. “What was, still is, but should not be,” he added. All humankind deserves the truth and knowledge upon which to make the decisions for the directions of their lives.

         It should be obvious that any decision made without this information will only place you on the wrong path. Through this existing system, it is obvious man’s native intuition has allowed him subliminal realization he is being lied to and used. This animal intuition has then taken this fact and made it a part of his survival system. For, if lying and venality worked for those suppressors of the masses, then it must be the path out of the pit.Man’s animal nature allows him to sense the truth; however, his nurturing bends his insights into incorrect interpretation of the information.

         Here is a foundation road sign, one of the most important truths of humanity and this information needs to be ingrained in all people. It is only through acceptance of this truth that humankind can begin their ascension to the higher plateau that they were placed here to achieve.
“It does not matter what you think or believe it is only important what is true. Therefore, hold no opinion or belief so strongly that you fail to see the truth.” Reserve judgment, for you are far better off if you have no opinion rather than a wrong opinion.

         Our whole world system is designed to sway mankind’s beliefs and opinions and none of that which is presented is the truth.”

         Myself felt subdued and chastened by the serious mien of Sachem. “I can understand how what you say existed in the past, but can it still exist today?” questioned Myself. In answer, Sachem informed Myself of a new name with which he could call Sachem, “”From now on it would be allowed for you to call me “Bear” or “Standing Bear.” Once again, Myself felt foolish as he asked, “Why.”
“This is so you will remember what I can become, and if you keep acting stupid I can always become a Bear and bite you on the ass.” Myself was terrified and shocked until Sachem roared with laughter, at his expression.
“I have felt very stupid at the questions I’ve asked, and in retrospect the answers were all very clear but I did not want to face them,” Myself confessed. Sachem smiled, nodded, and then added, “By-the-way, I was very serious about that name change, it is my Totem name, and by now we know each other well enough to share it. I’m confident you shall hoist the guidon of our small army for change.”

         Myself could not help the sense of pride he felt at these words and felt himself turn a bright scarlet. Bear muttered a low aside, “Pride goes before the fall.” and flew off only to appear again far distant. Myself, instantly, caught up and inquired, “What is my Totem name?”

         Sachem appeared ruffled by the question and responded, “That is a very interesting question. When I went on my vision quest a bear appeared before me and acted as my spirit guide, thus a bear was my Totem. In your case, it is me who was sent to act as your guide and honestly I have no idea what that means.”

         Myself was agitated by this and testily responded, “Well it must mean something after all aren’t I supposed to find my Totem name in this vision?”

         “Yes, that is what is supposed to happen so it is my suggestion we travel on and it shall be made clear.” Mollified somewhat by this assurance, Myself nodded his willingness to continue.

         The invisible breeze once more rifled the pages of time, and now below was no longer widely scattered enclaves or worlds. Now, it was very apparent the spread of humanity had encompassed large holdings of land and natural boundaries defined nations. Within these nations there were still to be seen the clear division of ruler/owners and the masses. Also, very clear was the Priesthood’s effort toward imprisoning God within structures of their construction. Magnificent palaces and churches with soaring spires dotted the landscape defining specific dominions or fiefdoms swearing allegiance to the leader chosen by God.

         Yes, thought Myself it still exists now at this juncture of history and he now believed he saw how it would continue to exist. “How is it possible that these people would allow such disparity? Why would they accept one small segment had the right to own all, and to dispense its usage to those who enforce their will?

         A sharp line of demarcation defined the condition of those in thrall and those who ruled. Even more astounding was the obvious success the church had achieved, for their cathedrals were magnificent beyond the imagination. Myself, looked to Bear and offered his capitulation to reality, “There is no reservoir of doubt, for only a fool would argue against the obvious and it is not my desire to be a fool. But why,” he implored, “why would people value themselves to this condition?”

         “Training,” was the concise response of Bear. Myself was shocked by this word spoken in such an expletory manner. “Training?” was the only response he could speak. Standing Bear placed his hand on Myself’s shoulder in a conciliatory gesture and answered softly, “Yes training, my young visionary, however, in your time it shall fuel a great, asinine, debate over ‘nature or nurture’ and by-the way this debate too is merely diversion.

         If you want the truth of man’s formation, you can count the nature factors on one hand while the nurture factors are legion. We are the Creator’s clay and as such are far too malleable, to outside influence and control. We fail to understand it is our job to survey the construction of ourselves, and to direct the outcome to the highest level possible for the material available.”

         “How is it possible for us to build ourselves? Aren’t we the product of upbringing, our parents construct?” Myself was genuinely confused and felt he needed clarification for grasp of Bear’s statements. Standing Bear appeared close to tears as he replied, “Yes, to a degree I’m afraid this influence has an undue effect. It was not long before this time we are viewing, that a great seer, one of the hands full, came and instructed the truth on the importance of this responsibility. “Do you see these young ones? They who harm a hair on their head have denied me. To them the gates shall be forever closed.” How much clearer could it have been made that the value of nurture was paramount?”

         Bear seemed to sigh with frustration at his own words. Myself was torn to his very soul at noting the tears coursing down Bear’s cheeks. He went to his mentor, and reaching as high as he could, placed his arm around his shoulders, concern filled his eyes as he imploringly asked, “Can we do nothing?”

         Bear chuckled when he saw the concern of his student and pronounced, “You are, ‘Big Heart,’ and to answer your question, oh yes we surely can do something. You keep losing your purpose for this vision quest, and you must not do that. You see your friend has truly sorted through the paths and found one which will change it all.”

         Myself found he was dizzy and staggered back. It was true, he did keep getting lost in the adventure and forgetting why he had started it. However, never had not anyone so firmly stated it was possible, he had hoped it was, but the niggling doubts had never relinquished their whispering hold. Suddenly a thought hit him and he snapped, “What do you mean I’m Big Heart?”

         Bear took him by the shoulders and looking into his eyes, spoke, “When my vision quest began my Totem name was giving to me by the Spirit Guide who came to me. That was why I have been confused about you and your name. With me as your Spirit Guide, the information should have been mine to give you. I will admit to my confusion, and until just now had no answer. The reason your name was not to be found in the vision quest, became very clear, you carried your name within yourself. This I saw at your display of compassion towards my pain, thus you are ‘Big Heart.’

         Myself turned red at the words and only managed to stutter a response, “Are you sure?”
“I’ll take an oath this is what was seen,” was Bear’s response, and he solemnly raised his right hand palm out.
“Well I don’t know if I should be happy or not,” replied Myself. “Who ever heard of the name Big Heart?” He attempted gruffly to add, but the wide grin on his face ruined his effort.
“Don’t worry about it Big Heart, as only those very close may know this name and they will know it’s validity.”
“Are you going to keep calling me Big Heart?” nervously Myself queried. “No, that will not be necessary, I did it just this once just to make it official,” Sachem assured. “It is generally not done among friends and cohorts and for that matter it is up to you what you call me. When I told you my name it was to inform you of the respect you have earned,” with that, Sachem whisked the breeze and the pages turned.



         Me once again crossed the road and entered the quaint little diner. He ordered a hearty breakfast and while waiting its receipt, began ruminating over the stupendous recent events. The recorded observations of I were his focal point and he realized he was very nervous at their implications. If society was genuinely held in benevolent slavery, it could only be a purposeful act, which directed this fact. He could not refute the claims of I, as they provided resolution to the sense of disquiet he, himself, often experienced. He realized this disquiet was the pervasive sense the world was not right, and in sharing that thought with his friend Myself, had discovered he was not alone. Their discussions had led them to the only person they knew who might be able to clarify these feelings.

         Both Me and Myself had been astounded at the ease I had accepted their request to seek a solution. Clearly, I had agreed, with their feelings, or he would have denied such obligation. The only linear conclusion Me could arrive at from this course of events was that if three out of three had these feelings, something was afoot.

         Me suddenly realized his meal had not only been served but he had consumed it without any awareness. While he was filled with a gnawing fear at the implications of his thoughts, he also had resolve, hope, and was totally committed to act on this information. “Please God let I’s solution be real,” he muttered to himself as he left a tip and paid the bill.

         Exiting the café, Me determined to awake I and continue their discussion into the effort they had espoused. “This is getting very frightening,” he thought yet he was very excited at the coming conflict. Crossing the road back to the Motel Me headed straight for I’s room. Letting himself in he was struck by panic, and for moment a paranoid fear, they had been found out. The room was empty and Me knew I was not at the café. After the first instant of panic he realized how ridiculous his fears were, after all only the three of them had any inkling of what they were discussing. Again, he was struck with the enormity of their intended campaign. Shaking his head in amazement he again reiterated, “That idea better be a lulu.”

         Me headed for the patio to see if I may have gone there to do some more work. Sure enough as he opened the door he could hear the rustling of papers, and I’s muttered comments of incredulity.

         Me, stepping through the curtains questioned I, “What the heck are you muttering about?”Startled, I’s head jerked up and his eyes instantly shown recognition of who had spoke. “Hello Me, you need to sit down and listen to what I’ve got to say,” said I, as his only answer. “I’ve been reading your notes and they correlate exactly with the visions I’ve been having. However, that is not what I am muttering about, for I fully intended sharing them anyway. My confusion comes from the fact, that while they are my words, I have no recollection of sharing this information.

         Me went and stood before his friend and asked, “Did you, by chance, play the tape recorder back and listen to it,” inquired Me.
“No, as you are well aware I’m not at my best when working with the high tech gadgets of the world. Rather than foul up your notes I’ve felt it expedient to wait for you.”

         “Nodding in agreement Me stated, “Well it is my opinion you should hear what occurred, and then we can go on from that point.” I, agreed, so Me quickly set up the recorder and pressed the play button.

         The monotone dissertation of I was the only sound heard for the next two and half hours. I seemed almost hypnotized as the reels spun out their stores of information. He only showed a reaction at the end where he declared his fatigue and stated they would have to
wait for a nap before they began.
“Amazing,” was I’s only response upon completion of the tape. I’s astonished look and words, made it very clear he was without a clue and he stated so, “Those are clearly my words and thoughts. But I’ve no recollection of saying them.”

         Me decided to ask a question he had been curious about for some time. “I, when you have these visions how are they presented, how do they appear?” I reacted with nervousness and embarrassment at this question and shifted visibly in his chair. “I’ve always dreaded one of you asking that question because of my fear you would laugh at the answer. However, under the circumstances you do deserve an answer.

         As you know, my visions always come when I am asleep. Sometimes when I am awake there are insights but those are not visions. The way the visions occur has always followed a very definite pattern. It is important for the answer, I am seeking, to be my foremost thought when sleep arrives. Then I am transported to a very restful place. This place is always the same; however, it is not clear where it is or how I got there. I am lying in the grass, and then the rustling of the grass warns of the approach of my teacher.

         Now don’t you laugh at this Me, because the teacher is always a giant bear. He approaches my head and seems to breathe into my ear and clouds swirl in my head. These clouds form into the stories, which supply the answers to what I have been seeking.

         By ‘God’ Me you better not laugh and you better wipe that smile off your face or I’ll break this vase over your head.” Me held out his hand in protest and proclaimed, “You have my word I’ll not even snicker I, but you have to admit that is a very, uh, curious story. At that proclamation he burst into laughter, and was joined by I, they both had tears running down their cheeks before they quit.

         “Me I’m going to have to get something to eat before we start again, will you join me?” I declared.
“I’ve already eaten, however, a cup of coffee would hit the spot,” Me responded. All during I’s meal Me would interject his humor by muttering “A giant bear” to which both would end up laughing. This went on until I menacingly retorted, “If you don’t cut that out I’m going to pour this coffee in your lap.

         Me acquiesced and promised he would not tease I any more. I kept a close watch on his friend lest he violates his promise with further remarks, but Me was true to his word.

         Once again ensconced on the patio of Me’s room I very seriously began with a dire warning, “Me, it is important you understand the nature of what we are going to discuss.” Interrupting I, Me exclaimed, “I, if you are going to tell me that what you have to say is dangerous, believe me that realization has vividly hit me between the eyes.”
“Me I’d rather cut off my arm than harm either you or Myself, and the reality is, this concept can do exactly that. You both will need to be totally aware of this fact before you commit to any further action towards its achievement.”

         “Me’s response was quick and heart felt as he exclaimed, “Oh quit it, and I’ll not speak for Myself, but as for my position, ‘Give Me liberty, or give me death.’ Pretty good huh, and you thought I had just slept through history classes. However, in all seriousness I there is no doubt whatsoever as to the dedication of us all in this voyage. You see it would be dishonorable for us to know of a wrong in our society and do nothing about it. While Myself and I will freely admit, we don’t know the solution we have long been aware of the problem. We are far less afraid of the consequences than we are the cost of doing nothing. Does that clear the air and make your chore easier,” inquired Me?

         “Let’s just say, it feels like I’ve recently met two human beings I had had no idea existed, and they have become closer than siblings. Therefore, there is nothing to it but to do it, “I proudly looked upon his friend, and replied.
“Turn that darn contraption on, and play the ending, for us to listen to,” instructed I. “Let us consider what I’m writing about a better mouse trap,” the final statement resounded from the tape player’s speaker.



         Myself yielded to the information at hand and stated, “There is too much evidence to refute the facts I’ve been shown. In addition, I think I have seen how it is that you say it still exists today. Please allow me to explain, and you correct me if I’m wrong.” Sachem nodded his approval and indicated Myself should continue.

         Myself began his evaluation of the information, “In the beginning, the tenuous position of man required the selection of the fittest person to lead the tribe. This created a mind set in the masses allowing them to accept this as a natural order of existence. Over time, the expansion of population was such that sub-rulers were established in order to enforce and promote the continuance of this order. A further controlling factor was introduced with the rise of the priesthood, who declared their right to represent God. The two factors scratched each other backs, so to speak, and were able to establish a situation of manifest destiny. A God given right of privilege and rule. Working in this manner these two factors divided the resources of the land, which further ensured the masses were held subservient. Holding these rights, and resources, plus control of advancing knowledge, and technology, gave them the advantage needed to hold generations in virtual slavery. This was successful due to the training or nurture factor, which instilled in man the belief this was the ‘Truth’, and so for the most part he accepted this condition. Benjamin Franklin said, “Three people may keep a secret if two of them are dead,” and this was true in this case. Slowly, knowledge became available to the masses, and along with the animal instinct of the truth, over time the masses, forced improvement in their condition. If the conditions were, severe enough these forced changes came about through explosive and violent change.”
“However, for the most part they were calculated change, incremental, in order to give the impression of advancement. This mollified the masses for they perceived their world as improving. They were trained into a game of patient waiting for that which was their right from the beginning. The two ruling factions orchestrated this incremental game of advance in order to solidify their position as owners of the resources. By controlling these resources, they controlled the lives of the masses. In order to survive it became necessary to work in the development of these resources, which funneled greater wealth to the owners, a gradual metamorphosis of benevolent slavery. The masses were never allowed enough wealth or time in order to achieve the true totality of freedom. They were eventually told they were free and granted great political freedoms but the second half of freedom has remained hidden from their eyes. It was dangled like a carrot to fuel their drive of production. Financial freedom was the carrot, and free enterprise the supposed road there. At no time were these people informed the resources of the world were owned by a very small, select group and this group does not intend to give them up. This group allowed poster child success stories in order to point to them and say see what you can do.”
“Again, at no point in time has it been pointed out by the priesthood that God put this bounty here for all his creations. Further you hear very little of the words of the seer, who gave his life for all for humankind, and his words “Where two gather together and speak of me I am among them.” In addition, his advice, ‘beware of false churches.’ All man needs to do is walk out into the night sky, and behold the greatest cathedral of all, and while there he should realize God cannot be imprisoned in a structure.

         If you want access to God simply, ‘Ask and you will receive, knock and the door shall be opened.’ God appointed each of us rulers of our life, and our obligation is to follow the path. It is not his way to appoint a ruling class, which he favors with secret messages. He proclaims to all, openly, his messages and all are welcome to the news. Nevertheless, I have digressed from man’s treatment of man so let me get back on track.”

         “As for this existing today, it is clear this gradual, seeming advance, is an orchestrated event, which offers no hope for the enfranchisement of all humankind. We must accept there are not enough resources on the earth to allow every person on the planet, the life style we enjoy in the leading economic nations. It is a myth and nobody points this out.

         Here is the greatest crime of the church for they profit through the gifts of tithing and donations thus they encourage this population explosion. More people giving, more wealth, “Mammon’ and the pursuit of it are clear indications of a false church. If they want to be holy, then honor the gifts of God and tell the truth. We are cancer on the face of the earth, and it must be addressed. For only through limiting population can the bounty be made available to all.”

         “Again back to the economic reality of benevolent slavery, this fact can clearly be demonstrated, simply ask do we have equality? A yes answer requires you to explain these diversities of benefits.

         Let us examine America the land of the free where, ‘We hold these truth self evident, all men are created equal.” then explain why we can all have an education, but not close to an equal education, we can all get medical help, but no where near equal medical help. We are not equal in food, entertainment, free time, ad infinitum. A true democracy, or rule by majority, requires that majority’s needs be met and that majority should have parity of life style. A government that does not strive for that goal is a failure and in thrall to special interests. Until this goal is met, freedom does not exist, for in fact freedom is a two edged sword, political and financial. All of these facts point to the great reality, ‘You cannot pay somebody else to be responsible for your life.’ Now I am willing to accept a minority who has more than the majority, for that gives incentive for advancement, it keeps humanity’s head elevated to the heights, and striving for higher goals. This is one of the paths humanity must follow in their goal of becoming a higher order of life. However, it is imperative this minority earn their advantage based upon each generation’s effort, not their manifest destiny rights. Inheritance must be made reasonable because we do not know of the abilities of successive generations, and to give them carte Blanc would be foolish and cheat those of greater ability. This serves to hold humanity back in their advance. For opportunity is denied by this holding of resources by lesser-qualified individuals, who say it is their right.

         "Phew," exclaimed Myself, “How did I do?”
Sachem displayed a wide grin and he reached out and patted Myself on the back. “Do you also see the loophole that was provided by the magical establishment of America?” questioned Sachem.
“No, I’m unable to say that is clear to me. There are some nascent thoughts on the matter; however, they have not fully formed. Nevertheless, please, before we go on to discuss them, define what you mean by magically founded, for that is a curious statement?”

         “That is a fair, and very good question, and I shall strive to make it clear. I cannot tell you how this occurred for that is the Creator’s secret. You must realize he hopes with all his being we are successful, and he gives us every opportunity to be so. However, I will attempt to show the magical fact of its occurrence; we must examine the new world, as it is known, to realize the mystery of its beginning and perhaps the reason for its downfall. For all signs indicate this was done by the Creator in order for man to change the world.

         The change I am referring to goes to the basic humanity of mankind. Yes, the leadership of early man required the usage of the most qualified. However, this should never have been allowed to become any different. Qualifications should always have been the touchstone used in these decisions, it was never intended anyone have the ‘right’ to rule. In addition, at the earliest stages of humanity, it should have been seen there was only one ‘The People’ and all human beings belonged. We have no right to judge the Creators creations. The only reason this was encouraged was to keep people focused on the enemy without, so the enemy within could profit. That is still the reasoning. There is only one race, ‘The human race.’

         All right, we see how that led to the here and now. It could have been different at the start and because it was not, the Creator enacted a plan where it could be changed….A second chance.”
“The new world, do you ever wonder why, of all the countries in the new world, only America formed a new and totally unheard of nation. All others stayed under the dominance of the oversea founders for years after the founding of ‘The United States.’

         If you travel back in time, you will discover remarkable societies, which existed in this new world. Many of these were far advanced in knowledge and culture. It is believed, by all the wizards, that because these societies were following the same path of the old world. The Creator decreed their demise. This, it is stated, was because he needed an incubator for development of a new way. He left the societies that existed in America, when the old world discovered these shore, so the discoverers would see the harmonious way they existed with the earth. It was his hope the castaway population, sent to these shores, would embrace a new path, and to a degree they did. However, a basic lack of understanding caused an incomplete vision to be seen. They went far enough to leave a great path open for this change. This greatly pleased the Creator for he perceived there was a door opened for the accomplishment of his wishes, and so hope filled his senses.

         Now realize he could have just said,
‘This is how it will be,’ and be done with it. But, that he would not do, for he had handed the mantle to man, and man must complete the climb from the pit. If he did not, he was a failure, and he too must pass away. The Creator still has great hope this change shall occur, for that door is still ajar. I’ll share with you the belief of the sages, it is believed the three who are one and the one who is three are tools of the Creator and their purpose is to open the door. It is my opinion this is true, for there is no other reason I can see, why I’ve been sent follow your lead.”

         “Why do you say to follow our lead, you are the teacher, the leader?” protested Myself and was shocked by the response.
“No Big Heart that is not so, I have taught you nothing you did not already know. Yes, I have done some tricks to hurry up your realization of this knowledge you all possessed. However, my true purpose is to aid in the implementation of, your discoveries, and plans. I have complete assurance you will find the one path.

         Myself was stunned. Everything he had thought was blown away, and even more disconcerting, was to discover he was expected to lead not follow. He was deep in thought, of his need for his friends, when Sachem spoke, “It is time to join the three who are one.” Myself felt a sense of elation and asked, “When are we leaving?”
“What do you mean we white man…That’s a Lone Ranger joke,” Sachem quickly explained when he noted the look of surprise on Myself’s face.
“You know the Lone Ranger and Tonto are behind a rock surround by two thousand Indians, and the Lone Ranger asks ‘What are we going to do Tonto.’
Tonto replies, ‘What do you mean we White Man.’ Forget it, anyway I’m not going with you, the three who are one will need time to solidify themselves and their plans.”
“Sachem you said you were here to support our effort, how can you leave?” Plaintively questioned Myself.
“Do not worry, my time is not yet. The three who are one must reunite and make decisions. When that is done and you get to the ground of battle, there I shall be. Before leaving, I have one more bit of knowledge to share, ‘If its victory that you call for, then patience is the way, for victory is quite fickle and may take another day.’ Follow me to your car,” and he began striding away.



         “So, I’ve termed it a better mousetrap? Well he who builds a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to his door. If we fall for that old saw, we should also go looking for a bridge to buy. Me, I am going to explain the framework of how we can change the world, and I am confident you will grasp its simplicity. However, we would be fools if we did not understand the inherent dangers of messing with the existing order,” cautioned I. “We must exercise extreme caution from this point on. Until this moment, I have been the only one holding this information and it has become a great weight. Yet, as long as I have been the only one to see it, we have been safe. The opportunity existed for simply keeping my mouth shut and being done with it. We both know that was never a real option, but believe it; I have given it strong consideration. Our lives will be forever altered once this information is shared by more than one. My friend we chart a course unheard of in all history, and once we pull onto this road there are no exits. If we pull to the shoulder and refuse to continue, we will perish. None of us would ever be able to face ourselves again. I am convinced
madness would devour our souls if we do not give it our all. I’m going to ask you this one last time, are you sure this is what you want?”

         There was no doubting I’s concern as he put forth this question. “I, Myself and I’ve discussed this exact question and we are in total agreement it must be done. If, as you say, there were a path it would be a despicable and dishonorable act not to rise to the calling. As you have made us aware, ‘We are each and every one responsible for the world we inhabit.’ I do not intend to turn my back on this obligation and I am sure Myself will avow these very feelings. Of course, Myself has to be informed not only of the concept but it is imperative he be made totally cognizant of the implications involved. From there we shall give him the opportunity to refuse also. If he accepts, I have no idea how he will approach it’s inception but, caution is vital. A better mousetrap, that is exactly its purpose, however, we do not seek the death or destruction of these mice, or rats if you prefer. Nevertheless, let us be honest from the beginning, what we intend will severely limit their influence. Once they become aware of our intention, every drop of power shall be brought to bear in order to defeat this concept.

         Yet once this concept takes root there is no possibility of its being stopped, short of the rich revolting against the poor. This would foment a situation far more catastrophic than the ‘Civil War.’ This is due to the fact the benefits it shall bestow will forever alter the economic structure of the world. I’m rattling on not because of fear, although there is plenty, but for clarifying every reason and aspect of its possibilities. Again, I will reiterate it was the founding of America, which made this possible. It is as if a door was opened intentionally for this very purpose, perhaps divine intervention, who knows? However, it is important to realize this was a momentary lapse and all efforts since, have been for the maintaining of the status quo.

         I’m convinced they are aware of its existence and that explains much of the manufactured tumult in the world. A program of distraction, including, prejudice, war, violence terrorism and maximum pressure on our daily lives in order for us to maintain our head above water. The use of propitious price hikes, taxes, and an endless array of obfuscators all designed to keep us so busy we never see the invisible door. Any effort to close this door would require a restructuring of the entire foundation of America, and glaringly point to its existence.

         Think about the slow inexorable erosion of our civil liberties. All have been defiled to the purpose of national security or for reasons of protecting us from criminal behavior in our society. This, I am convinced is a smoke screen in order to move us to the place this door may be silently slammed. Why, this is my opinion is for the very fact this concept addresses most of the causes of these problems. It is the Salk vaccine for societal disease and many of these problems shall be cured. This they know, but do not care, for their position is their only concern.

         ‘When we quit fighting among ourselves and face our enemy, we are stronger than they,’ and this they fear. Manifest destiny is their mantra and they firmly believe they are above law, even God, and us. It is their right to rule, own and use any-and-all resources including the people beneath them. Just so there is no confusion that is a lie.”

         “An apology is in order Me, because this whole situation is so upsetting, I’m prone to losing my place and orating against the problem instead of focusing on spreading the cure. Okay, let us examine what special facts about the founding of America opened this door.”
“In their enthusiasm for breaking the chains, of enslavement, imposed by England, our founding fathers placed on paper, and adopted, unheard of concepts. If you are familiar with Thomas Jefferson’s interest in the Iroquois Federation, you will recognize many of the concepts were incorporated from that system into our American Constitution. This is surprising considering the enmity that was rife during this era.

         Perhaps we again have an example of divine intervention, who knows? There is no doubt the writing of this document was inspirational and went far beyond any system ever before hinted at. Ask yourself, how this concept evolved, without accepting inspiration, it seems impossible, the founding of a very new form of government, a completely new society, and a completely new type of nation. Concepts that, for all recorded history, had been forbidden became the law of the land. For all intents, with one stroke of the pen, the world was changed in ways never to be surrendered. All men are created equal, free enterprise, private ownership, constitutionally guaranteed rights to insure our individual civil liberties. We the people, Government of these people, by these people and for these people, it was written to guarantee ‘we’ are the most important factor of this young nation.”
“With that writing, came the responsibility, ‘we are each responsible for the system we endure.’ It was placed in our care and that must never be relinquished lest it shall revert to prior ills.”

         As I spoke tears coursed down, his cheeks and an occasional sob tore his words. “What is wrong I?” questioned his concerned friend. The response shocked Me. “We have a fifty-percent voting turnout, we elect officials who abandon us to the refuge of Washington, D.C., and then respond not to us but to those in place to wield influence. We have relinquished control and participation. We know nothing of these elected officials except what is fed to us through the media and their secrecy is assured by others who also hide their own secrets. That my friend is why the statement, ‘You cannot pay somebody else to responsible for your life,’ is so important. Here is where the efforts of obfuscation become apparent, for we are so busy surviving we have no time to participate. We designate free rein, and bemoan, ‘I can’t fight big Government’ and this lie is taking as true. We are the Government, and why do we forget this fact?”
“Me, it is okay to slap my face whenever these tirades lead my story from the path,” instructed I.

         Me looked at him with understanding and replied, “It is all part of the path and must be said if we want to succeed, so please say it in your time and way.”

         “You are wise and kind my friend, and I’ll follow your advice. Three factors of our founding make this concept possible. These are personal freedom, free enterprise, and private ownership. Backbone features of our nation, and thus they have been impossible to change. Therefore, the campaign of confusion needed to be enacted. Personal freedom gives us the right to assume responsibility for our own future, nobody else can tell us what we must do for our survival and security. Free enterprise, this gives us the right to found, own, and define, how our businesses apply their products and services. Private ownership says we can own our lives, businesses, homes, property all aspects of what is needed to insure for our posterity and ourselves their financial security.

         “Due to these three rights, there is no need for Government programs or corporate retirement funds in order to insure our every future concern to be met. Further these three rights guarantee we have the power to reassert our voice into the formula of society. We can redistribute the wealth of our nation back down the population percentage, where all shall be rewarded for their service, and there is an opportunity for every citizen to participate. These three rights are so important they give us the ability to cure most of the social maladies of our nation. They shall provide equality of education, medical services and lifestyle for the majority and this is how it is supposed to be. They are so important they make it possible for us to make our economy and nation so strong it shall take decades for all else to catch up. Realize this shall spread to all economies of the world just as the right to vote and other concepts founded in America have, but to the swiftest shall go the race. Even more important, for our image and relations with other nations, we shall be recognized as the first honorable nation on earth. It will provide the opportunity to eliminate divisiveness and conflict a true platform for communication. No longer will we be viewed is users but rather as givers. Our nation shall no longer need to feel responsible for others failure to match up. This places everybody’s responsibility squarely on their own shoulders.”

         I stood and stretched, looking down at his friend, he stated, “I’m hungry and you should think about this and discover if you can see the door. Consider it a puzzle and you are the puzzle master. It is the same as saying the world is a giant puzzle with infinite solutions,
and all humankind is the puzzle masters. Their job is not to settle for the first solution or the thousandth, their job is to find the ‘right’ solution. We’ll eat, and then you can tell me how you did with the puzzle.” Me started to protest but I, held up his hand, to silence his words, then turned and headed for the door.



         Once again, Myself found himself struggling to stay with the striding sage. However, he was adamant about maintaining contact so he could continue with his questions. “What am I supposed to do when I’m back with my friends,” he asked.

         Sachem chuckled and replied, “What to do will be the least of your worries. Many things will be put before you to learn and much caution will be required. Also a new identity will be required; you shall become a puzzle master.”
“Is it okay to share my experiences and to tell them about you?” implored Myself.
“My friend this is the time where absolute openness, and honesty, are vital when dealing with fellow warriors. Also, if you tell certain aspects of my character you may be surprised to find I’m not a stranger to all.”

         This statement silenced Myself for a bit, as he pondered its meaning. “Are you saying they already know about you?” he finally asked.
“Both know of me. One has seen part of my persona and he has informed the other, however, I’m sure both will be startled at your information,” was Sachem’s cryptic reply.
“Are you sure we will see you again, and that you are to help us?” Concern was very apparent in Myself’s query.

         Sachem spoke to assure his friend, “In the beginning of our time together you were told ‘The four and the two of us shall fight this battle’ and this battle still looms, yes I’ll be there with the three who are one on the field of battle.”
“Boy is my memory clear about that statement. Not wanting to seem stupid, I did not question what the hell, you were talking about. I am glad my curiosity was held in check because it now seems perfectly clear. My friends and I’ll be proud to have you with us in this quest and I’m personally grateful to the Creator for providing such powerful help.”
“You have spoken well Big Heart, and I too look forward to this adventure for it shall affect, forever, the path of ‘Truth’. We must use stealth, wisdom, and most valuable, your natural abilities of promotion.” Myself was caught off guard, for the conversation had hid the distance traveled and they were back at his vehicle. “When will we meet again?” Myself sadly questioned. Sachem rocked with infectious laughter and replied, “That too remains to be seen.”

         Both friends laughed and grasped each other in bear hugs of friendship, and common cause. Simultaneously both retorted, “All things in their time.” Myself started his car and pointed it on the path to Eureka. His thoughts rang in his mind, “Wait till I’ve shared this story.”

         Myself was excited by the prospect of seeing his friends, and found himself singing as he drove, “Sunshine go away today, I don’t feel much like dancing. Some man’s trying to run my life, he don’t know what he’s asking. How much does it cost I’ll buy it, the time is all we’ve lost, I’ll try it. He can’t even run his own life I’ll be damned if he’ll run mine.” Thus, the miles slipped away.



         Both I, and Me, discovered they were extremely ravenous and ordered freely from the menu. Me appeared deeply introspective, and it was very apparent he was giving every consideration to the information just received. At one point, I heard him mutter, “Responsibility, and buying something?” I smiled at his friends struggles, but remained silent. It was his belief that the further each one of them made the journey on their own, the stronger would be their combined attack. The warrior will always fight that extra effort for convictions that are his own. You can train a warrior to fight your battles, but should he begin to question your reasons to fight, he shall lose.

         I pondered America’s current involvement in Viet Nam, and was certain this would validate this belief tragically. He sadly pondered this situation while Me was seeking insight. Yes, he was certain failure would meet failure, for the resolve needed just was not present. It is impossible to win a victory if you tell your warrior he must fight with his hands tied behind his back. It was obvious this was a war of profit, not victory, and it made him sad so many were being sacrificed to mammon. I watched his friend and was convinced he could actually see his thoughts. He believed Me was very close to the invisible door and hoped he would grasp the implications.

         The meal completed, they left a liberal tip and headed toward the counter to pay the bill. Me was trailing I and just as they reached the counter, I was startled when he was grabbed from behind. Turning he beheld the look of amazement on his friend’s face, and heard him speak. “My God,” emotion made Me’s voice hoarse as he whispered. “If what I’m seeing is the same as you saw, it is brilliant.” Again, he exclaimed, “Oh, My God.” I, we must be very careful this is far more dangerous than anything I’ve ever imagined.”

         I quickly paid the bill and rushed his friend out the door. He cautioned him to wait until they returned to their rooms before any further discussion. Safely ensconced in I’s room, Me appeared flushed with excitement and his eyes held a look, best described as hope, tempered with terror. “I there is no way we should put this information on tape or even paper,” Me’s voice shook with emotion at these words.
I’s smile, meant to reassure, was far from convincing, and he replied, “For the moment Me we don’t need to talk.

         Let us just ponder this development. You do not need to say a thing because it is very apparent you have seen the door. Nothing less than that could have affected you so.”
Silently the two were sitting, in stunned silence, when the door to the room burst inward, and an explosive greeting startled them so bad, both knocked over their chairs, springing to their feet. “Hey I’m back and guess what I’ve been doing,” Myself stopped in shock at the reaction of his friends.

         Both I and Me were ashen faced and clearly frightened at his appearance. “What the hell is going on?” He wondered. Me managed to speak first and exclaimed, “Damn it, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Myself was taken aback at this response and confused he replied, “Hell I’m just happy to see you two and I’ve so much to share. I’m sorry if for some reason I’ve upset you.” Both I and Me realized they had overreacted and somewhat chastened answered, “We are glad you’re back also. It is our fault we reacted like that, Me has just seen the danger of our situation, and we were deep in thought.
“Well I’ve no way of knowing what you two know but I can assure you I’m fully cognizant of our danger.”
I questioned Myself’s statement, “Have you seen the door?”
“Not quite, but I’m very close, and in combination with all else I’ve seen, caution must be our watch word.” I suggested Myself sit down as there was some information he should read before they talked. Myself was anxious to share his adventure, however he acceded to I’s request. The balance of the afternoon was spent in introspection and perusal of the documents and tapes created by I’s revelations.

         Myself could barely contain his amazement, at what he was reading, and hearing. When he came to the part where I explained how he arrived at his visions he almost choked. “A giant bear appeared,” and his mind returned to the words of Sachem. “I am not a stranger to all,” an unsettling sense of destiny filled his thoughts and he blurted out. “That bear has become my good friend and he is a vital ingredient in this quest.”

         Stunned silence filled the room and for a moment, nobody could speak. I regained his composure first and questioned, “Are you referring to the bear that brings my visions?”
“There cannot be another, and I’ve just spent the past several days with him,” Myself informed his companions.

         Me and I looked at each other in awed silence at this information. Me’s response was almost as if he was speaking to himself, “What in the world is going on?” Silently all three were lost in that exact thought. Finally, I declared, “It is very apparent we have much to tell each other, but we should do this fully rested…. Do you agree?” Me, and Myself nodded their silent agreement and the three shocked friends made to retire, for some much needed contemplation, and rest. It was obvious, to all three, tomorrow was going to be a very busy day. The thoughts of each, was awhirl as they sought their rooms to sleep.



         Sachem traveled all day and far into the night, on his journey. He walked ancient paths of power, which were known, to Wizards, since the long ago time. These, were paths, which existed over the entire world, and had been traveled by those who came before, a people about whom almost nothing was known. There was so little remaining evidence of these people, researchers found it easier to ignore the information, than to try to explain it. As he walked, he smiled at man’s unique tendency to ignore, that he could not explain, or fit into his preconceived theories. This had been one of Sachems greatest sources of amusement for longer than these researchers could possibly accept. Because this amusement was always generated by man arrogance, its source was endless so a very satisfactory form of entertainment.

         He reflected upon some of his favorite examples. Temples, where the discovered art work depicted flying machines, and a fairly recent discovery of a pyramid in Mexico, which was partly covered by lava, from a volcanic eruption, which dated four million years old. How convenient a dating method, which was so accurate it, was given as authority for all, which fit their theories, yet could be discounted as fallible when it did not? He particularly loved the new world theories, which were so dogmatic and so wrong. The very paths he walked were known to the earliest known civilizations and studies of their stories verified this fact repeatedly.

         All civilizations talked of the ancients who came before, yet this was discounted as legends. So often legends become fact for the researchers, you would think they would give credence to all, until proven wrong, instead of the other way around.

         Sachem did not care one way, or the other, he just took great amusement from this foolish tendency. As he considered these facts, his great strides seemed to devour distance, and by early light, he could see his destination. Looking, toward the eastern horizon Sachem could make out the outline of the sacred mountains. Their true name was not to be spoken or even thought, so his processes referred to them by their current name, “The Sutter Buttes.”

         Sachem always felt at peace when he neared these strange and unique hills of power. They appeared as an after thought of creation, mud shaken from the hem of the Creator’s robes. For all of man’s time these sacred hills had been a parking lot for his people, a place to camp while shopping for the abundance supplied by the plentiful rivers and valley at their feet. Now they are known as the smallest mountain range in the world. A free standing range with no apparent purpose, as said, an after thought. All around them was the flat fertile valley, stretching into the distance, until giant walls of mountains soared up to guard both horizons.

         For all history the medicine men, seers, and wizards had made pilgrimages to this place of power. From their heights, one could look across the land of all learning. A man could walk their width in a couple of hours, and their length in a few hours more. Nevertheless, this size belied the fact of their power for they were sentinels from which the all learning land could be safely viewed. Here Sachem had spent more time than he could count, or remember, for here was his post. As keeper of the door, located on the land of all learning, he had guarded its sanctity from these heights for centuries.

         The land of all-learning had been guarded by one group of enlightenment, and then handed to another, for safekeeping for time unknown and he had been there for all. In his heart, he knew his endless vigil was about to change and great new adventures awaited him. He was ready; he had never once felt boredom at his charge. No, that was not why he was excited. It was an anticipation of destiny that, which is supposed to be, which made his step lighter and his heart soars. He mused on the possibilities, was this truly the time? Centuries of guarding the door, every effort made to keep it invisible, had been so successful; few recognized the small parcel existed. Even while all the land around had been walked, planted, grazed, hunted, and used for one purpose or another, the land of all learning had remained pure. Only the path of the ancients had ever marred its surface.

         This path was a path of power, lying exactly on the North, South magnetic axis. None had ever camped on it, and only the most powerful had visited to see the way of learning. It was remarkable, for animals had not grazed upon, nor birds flew over this thirty-six square mile piece of property.

         Oh, Sachem had known for some time change was soon. This knowledge had been confirmed when the dwellers in the light had bequeathed this properties stewardship. All Sachem was sure of was the new steward must have lineage, ancient, and powerful, for this to happen. The trumpet had sounded and something very special was expected to begin, it was his place to watch, and this he did. He watched the
coming of the three who are one and the one who is three. At first, he could not see the reason for their coming. No, he was not fooled by the one person, into whose possession the land was given. From the beginning, he instinctively knew, this change would be the effort of all three. They appeared, as all people, self centered, and unaware. Yet he withheld judgment, and watched. Judgment was not his, and watching was, so he watched.

         If these new keepers did harm he would be required to deal with that threat, but otherwise he watched. There were no more than a handful of people in the world, who could have seen the changes, which occurred with each passing day of their residency. Almost from the beginning, a shimmering wall of power formed around the boundaries of the land. Day by day, this wall grew brighter, and brighter, power beyond any he had ever witnessed, began to display its presence.

         From the first, the three who were one, honored the structure of the power. They constructed a road, which followed exactly, the ancient path, precisely centered in the middle of the land they surveyed for their town, and was their town’s central street. It was obvious this town’s design was to be like no town he had ever heard of. As far as he knew all towns were formed by the fact of propitious location, a river crossing, or advantageous location on trade routes. These were thrown up to take advantage of their location, and it was not until long after their establishment that any thought was given to their functional design. It was obvious that was not to be the case on the land of all learning. As these facts became apparent, Sachem found himself drawn closer, in order that he might observe in more detail. In this way, he hoped to learn the purpose of these efforts but he must admit he was still uncertain where it would lead.

         While his nearness had done nothing to clarify these facts to him, they had served to make him aware he would be required to teach these three. Surprised, and excited, he understood these, three and one, were his next purpose. Very curious he began to spend more and more time, wandering the all-learning land, seeking to feel the knowledge of it all. He, was extremely careful not to be seen, or create any awareness of his visits, and to that purpose, he often assumed various forms. His great time on earth had allowed him many talents and one of these was the ability to shape change in clever and natural forms. Coyote, bear, and hawk, were three forms he was especially fond of, and for wide dispersal, he could take the form of the morning mist.

         In this form, he had spent most of his time, exploring, and absorbing these new happenings. This allowed him to touch all things at once, and seek to understand their unified purpose. While not guaranteed, in a way he came to understand, it was the time of new birth for the world, and his work was just beginning.

         These were not new insights, for he had long been aware all things were related, and interdependent upon each other for balance. Nevertheless, here was a situation unique, and wonderful in its potential. A new instinctive awareness was swelling in the land. An entire subculture was breaking the shell of its confinement. He already knew this time would come to be defined as the “Drop out generation.” A youth driven discontent at what was, and a drive for what should be. He further was able to discern the forces being marshaled against this chaotic clamor. Indiscriminant drug usage, had freed primitive knowledge, and urges, to find the true path. However, these efforts were destined to wither like the flowers that defined this culture. The use of native plants to alter perception was well known to Sachem, but he knew it vital to be accompanied be a spirit guide, in-order to not lose ones way. Yes, the knowledge would well to the surface, but the ability to take it into the heart, for its care, was lacking.This then, must, somehow be related to what was happening on the land of all learning. This was as clear as he was able to understand this occurrence, so he let go, and watched.

         Sachem was taught, if understanding was sought, you must first stop looking. He understood, acceptance of the truth that, which was sought, would reveal itself, in its own time, and its own way. If you had mistakenly preconceived its purpose, you would fail to see the solution. Time was his ally, the wheel would turn, and He watched.
ID #393754 entered on January 29, 2006 at 7:42am
ID #393751 entered on January 29, 2006 at 2:10pm

© Copyright 2006 K. I. Smet (UN: k-i-smet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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