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Rated: ASR · Book · Emotional · #1292405
my blog, for me to get out my views, ideas and emotions.
This is my blog; a place for me to put down my views, emotions, ideas, rants, and pretty much anything else I can think of put down while I'm typing. Enter at your own risk, I may be rather emotional, pessimistic and angry one day and downright giddy the next...You never know with me!
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February 10, 2009 at 3:54pm
February 10, 2009 at 3:54pm
My little sister has recently become handfasted and is planning her wedding. That was happiness in itself, that she finally found someone to accept and love her for herself and that she could love him the same. Then, last night on my birthday, I spoke with my big sister. She had a handfasting of her own last night and is planning to move to Canada with her love. That was surprising, but I'm glad she's happy (and I like him). After that I spoke with my best friend. Here is where the greatest surprise conspired. Douglas never wanted marriage, kids, or even love (well, of course he wanted love but not as much as most of us). He is now moving in with his girlfriend, who has three kids that already call him dad, and is talking about getting married in a few years.

For myself, I'm happy for my family and we're all happy at the same time which is incredibly weird....its never happened before...lol. I am falling head over heels for a man that I'm not even officially dating yet, but that I think could have serious potential. I just hope he feels the same...
February 3, 2009 at 9:33am
February 3, 2009 at 9:33am
Ok, we've watched Buffy and seen Willow and OZ fall in love and fall apart. But can a witch and a werewolf make it in today's society? Is there just too much pressure, too many outside forces ripping them apart before they get it all together? Think on that, then ask me about my werewolf....you might be interested...
January 29, 2009 at 2:15pm
January 29, 2009 at 2:15pm
I hurriedly dressed for work last night, threw on my coat, and ran out the door. Only later, when I was leaning out of the drive thru window, did I realize that you could see the top few inches of my cleavage quite well. I had just commented to my co-worker that I might need to go change my shirt when the boss called. It seems that she had a call from a customer complaining about my inappropriate attire. I was asked to change.

Now, I wouldn't have been upset at all, since I had already realized that I needed to change, but the person who called (and I'm fairly certain it was an older lady) didn't say anything to me or to the boss who was there...she interrupted the boss's wife while she was out with her nieces. That seems incredibly rude to me. I understood that the shirt was not good to wear and promptly changed, but I was pissed off for hours over that little slip up. The funny thing is, I had a couple of regulars come in later who told me that they weren't used to seeing me in such oversized nasty clothes, that I normally have better style than that. I had had to get in the trunk of my car and find a shirt from the "I've lost too much weight and these have to go to Goodwill" pile. It was ugly tan and looked like an undershirt made of heavy material with long sleeves. I was not happy!
January 22, 2009 at 11:16am
January 22, 2009 at 11:16am
Confusion is my name, I come to see and play. I move your heart strings, shuffle your brain, I make myself at home, I have come to stay. You may think you know what you want, but as soon as you do, I bring something else up in front, and your eyes and mind scream. This is what I want, your heart dreams, This is what I want, your conciousness dithers, the wants and needs move, quiver a snake in grass...slithers. I am Confusion and you are mine.
January 12, 2009 at 9:34am
January 12, 2009 at 9:34am
I stayed up until about 3am, then I got called into work at the school. I thought, no I've only had 4 hours of sleep I don't need to deal with kids so I ignored the call. A few minutes later my mother was knocking on the door, the principal had gone to her classroom and sent her to wake me up and tell me he needed me and to get my behind to the school.
January 9, 2009 at 1:50pm
January 9, 2009 at 1:50pm
Have you ever seen a drunken cat? I have! Last night I went to the animal shelter and picked up my male and female cats, who had just been through surgery to get fixed. My female cat is so tiny that the low dose of meds they gave her kept her looking like a bobble head for several hours after we got home. Up until after 2 this morning, my dear Smokey was wobbling around and acting completely drunk.

Cian, the male, did much better (he weighs a good amount more than her), but has barely left my side...or to be more accurate, my lap, at all today. Poor baby must think that I rescued him from the mean people.
January 5, 2009 at 1:40pm
January 5, 2009 at 1:40pm
We're 5 days into the New Year and I think that I'm doing fairly well with my resolutions thus far. I'm placing them here in order to have them somewhere out in the world with people who'll hold me responsible...hehehe

1) Take better care of myself, my home, my animals, and the people I around me.

2) Work more (and take more pride) on my crafts...writing, jewelry making, music....and see where those paths
will lead me.

3) Treat every day as if it is a precious gift.
December 9, 2008 at 10:15am
December 9, 2008 at 10:15am
Ok, I am trying to stay friends with my (ex)husband as we go through this divorce because we were always great friends, just a horrible married couple. So I'm talking to him last night and he tells me that he might move back to town and live with me again after the divorce, to "help me out"...If things don't work out with his new woman, who he isn't even dating at the moment because she wants to wait until she moves back to town (which I think is smart, they need to get to know each other again after so long apart. I do actually kind of like his new/old woman). I told him he would have to get his own place and job, he couldn't just live with me again after the divorce. So his old girlfriend (previously referred to as Marge) has now called Tru (the new/old gf) a whore because she got back with dh(darn husband) and me on because I told him he would have to live on his own. (I'm not kidding here, she also said that I was a ho because she's prettier than me...I will refrain from retorting here because I know it is very Jr. High to say what she did and replying that she is extremely overweight and doesn't care for herself well, along with the fact that she is still sleeping with her ex husband, my dh, a 'roommate', and some other guy...so if I were retorting it would be clear who the ho was...)
December 5, 2008 at 1:25pm
December 5, 2008 at 1:25pm
My husband (we'll be divorce on the 17th if everything goes well) has told me that he's in love. Well, he was in love with one girl, we'll call her Marge, now he's "still in love" with his high school sweetie; we'll call her Tru. But he's still in love with me too. Marge cheated on him so he cheated on her with Tru, who he realized he was still in love with (but he's been confessing to hatred for her during our marriage..hmm). So he's single right now until Tru moves back to town, but he's still sleeping with Marge almost daily, and Tru might be pregnant by him. On top of all that, he's told me that he knows I need a man and he'll fill that part for me and if I want to drop the divorce I can. But Tru will have to move back with him and live in my house with her kids until she get a house in town, and a job. That way he'll have the two women he loves the most near him.

Did I mention that the doctor said its incredibly dangerous for me to have kids and that was one of the problems between us. Now Tru is probably pregnant and 'he can have all he wants from life now that I"m out of the way."
November 18, 2008 at 3:56pm
November 18, 2008 at 3:56pm
Well, a lot has changed in the 4 months since I last wrote here. My husband left me after we talked extensively about how we were both unhappy. He requested a divorce and sometime in the next few weeks I should have a court date to finalize said divorce. I spoke with him the other day and he seems quite happy, living back in his parents house until he can find a place of his own that will accept animals (he took one of his two dogs with him and will be getting the other shortly). He has found a new girlfriend that he has been dating a month and says he's in love with.

I have quit working at Dairy Queen and am now working as an (almost) full time substitute and trying to find a job closer to home, the gas prices were killing me driving back and forth every day.

My best friend confessed to my sister that he's in love with me and is scared stiff of a relationship, so is now not talking to me. (Because men make sense that way lol). His parents divorced when he was young and he's very jaded about relationships like that. I tried to tell him that I'm not interested in anything serious right now, I just want my best friend back how we were, which is basically how a couple is but without the kissing (I think I told him we were great how we were but if he wanted to date I was ready for dates, just not anything serious), and that seemed to make him more distant. I don't know what to do about him except ignore him and his little fit and let him figure it out on his own as he is so interested in doing.

A really sweet, cute, and older military man with 3 kids who is divorced (he's about 11 yrs older than I am) seems interested in me and I really like him. He's a wonderful man who really seems to care about everyone around him. Plus, his muscles are just the perfect size and he looks like a sexy professor when he puts his new bi-focals on....

Ok, I think that might be all the news thats fit to type for now, let me know if you have any comments, ideas, or questions!!

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