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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2076320
A third blog? A good idea? A fresh start? A disaster? An omen? ...who knows anything?
I nearly gave up on blogging and WDC. Then life threw another huge curveball and I felt like giving up on everything. But I'm Scarlett...I keep trying and hoping. I know not where this will go but I take it one day at a time.

A fitting and simple image
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February 28, 2016 at 12:27pm
February 28, 2016 at 12:27pm
By popular demand here is the recipe for the aforementioned Angel Whispers. There are of course many variations on the net, but as with most things in life too many choices just confuse the mind.


For the cookies

1 Cup of butter

2. Half cup of sugar

3. Two cups of flour

4. 1 tsp of lemon zest

5. Half tsp of salt

For the Filling

1. 1 Beaten Egg (feeling a bit like one of those myself)

2. Two thirds cup of white sugar

3. Half teaspoon of lemon zest.

4. Three tbs of lemon juice

5. Half tbs of butter

In a medium bowl cream together the butter and sugar until light. Stir in lemon zest, flour and salt. Cover bowl and chill for about an hour. (chance would be a fine thing)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F/200 degrees C

Flatten teaspoons of dough onto cookie sheets and bake for 5 to 8 minutes until light brown. Remove from baking sheets to cool on racks.

To make the filling combine the beaten egg, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice and butter. Stir until thick. (I'm already thick) Sandwich cookies with 1 teaspoon of filling.

So there you have it. Simple enough with neat lists of five. I haven't tried it yet. I find cooking and baking one of the worst things at the moment. My hubby loved his food and I spent a great deal of time in the kitchen. I just can't do it right now and cooking for one has always seemed a sad state of affairs. Don't worry; I'm eating, but nothing like things used to be. I don't understand why I'm not losing weight as I'm doing a lot of walking too. Maybe there are more calories in alcohol than we're told or maybe it's stress. No matter.

I have started writing my book, but officialdom, paperwork, phone calls, humdrum and faffing are still taking up most of my time. When I researched images of Angel Whispers it also threw up a book of the same name. Shucks. Back to the drawing board. One day at a time...

February 25, 2016 at 7:49pm
February 25, 2016 at 7:49pm
I remember the day I started my second blog and how I stated I had no idea where life would lead me. What a journey it has been, beyond anything I could have imagined. God never gives you more than you can handle is something I debate on a daily basis, but here I am and a much more vulnerable, flaky and frailer person. I don't know whether a new blog is a good idea. There are few readers left here, but I just don't feel safe exposed in the cost free blogging world out there. WDC may be expensive, peculiar and difficult to navigate, but somehow it's home and the place I keep returning to with my broken heart and dreams.

My first two blog titles have culinary implications and I wanted to continue that theme. But so many things have changed and I have had so many strange and wonderful experiences amongst the pain. I wanted a title that would encompass food and spirituality. I researched and discovered there is actually a recipe for a cake called Angel Whispers. I like that on many levels.

I have many things to write about. I have an annoying and exhausting manic energy which I don't particularly like, but it's preferable to lying down in a darkened room. Maybe grief gives us an overdose of adrenaline, but I'm sure it will fade in time and I may crash completely. But one day at a time has been my motto for a long time and yet again fate has decreed that is all I can do.

I am now ready to work on the novel I have never been able to complete before. I just pray to put my affairs in order and complete my book, be it a success or a failure. I am not scared of life or death any longer. I am grieving. I have complete meltdowns and question why I am still here, now alone with no obvious purpose. But there are no answers to these questions. Faith will keep me going for the moment, but of course I have not lost my cynical, sarcastic heads and have no intentions of abandoning them. I am me, you are you and no matter how few readers I have, I will return here when I can and when I feel like writing. Now I must retire to bed. It's late, I am exhausted but I needed to give birth to this new blog before retiring. Tomorrow is another day...

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