Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole/day/11-16-2021
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

November 16, 2021 at 3:59pm
November 16, 2021 at 3:59pm
?Apondia: memoir+ "Good insight into your eating habits over the years. *HeartO* A very simple diet growing up (yes), supplementing with homegrown foods (no), lots of self restraint (so not me). I do like fish (I prefer cod, flounder, crappie, whitefish), but today it'll be boneless porkchop filleted and stuffed and left over rice. I was raised on leftovers so that's what it is today. I hate throwing out food. My diet isn't good. I'm often sluggish. I have less urge to eat when I travel. " re "Walk Don't Eat

?Jenn: fasting. "I do like how you go into great detail. I can't quibble with the benefits of fasting. Good for counting one's blessings and flushing out toxins. I do point out to everyone I interact with though that healthy = the $$ to choose. Many cannot choose. Whether it's potatoes, bread from flour, or rice, cheap calories = survival. As an American who lives 6 walkable blocks from a grocery store I try to monitor what I eat by simply not buying certain things. I don't buy soda (no calories), bottled water (our tap water is very good), chocolate (because I'll eat it all *Laugh*). I do concur that brussel sprouts (and imho beets and parsnips) are best roasted." re "Invalid Entry

?Sandy: cast-iron "There are foods I don't like but not much will make me sick. *Smile* Me in Isan (NE Thailand): ไม่พริก (mai prik = no hot spice). I think... guess I'll find out!" "I commented before you completed the entry. Quite amusing — as teaching usually is." re "See Food Diet

?Robert: portions "I have problems with food going bad. Recently parsnips shriveled up on me (and they were good looking too), so I reduced them to powder to add to whatever... like potato flakes in a bag. *sigh* Those are just one serving for me unless I want leftovers (like today). One head of lettuce = I'm eating lettuce all week. I don't buy crackers or cookies for the same reason. They're all just one serving to me as why should I let them go stale? I have limited freezer space (room size freezers were designed for families who buy a side of beef at a time). As long as I have canned tuna (bought when it goes on sale) and pasta or rice I'm fine... but even then... portion control? Me? I'm a see-food eater and cheap-caffeine drinker. Nicely written by-the-way." re "Thought for Food

Sue: "Good luck with the diet. My weight loss is usually unplanned. I do cook, but there are days when a sandwich stuffed with whatever can't run away quick enough will suffice. I do not eat out except at a cafe and if I'm lucky that's once a week. Unfortunately, our local milkshakes include calories. When I travel I eat street food or at a local diner. I eat like a chicken, cheap cheap cheap." re "Food

QP: "Be thankful you have a talisman to hold that contains memories of past generations. *HeartO* I have a pumpkin that needs to be cooked. *Pumpkin*" re "My Bad Diet and My Good Baking

LeJen: "My mother took 'rat poison' to thin her blood. Goodbye fried cabbage... The trick though wasn't to totally eliminate it but eat it in very small portions. The blood needed to be not too thick, not too thin. (When am I thinking of Goldie-the-vampire *Vamp*?)" re "Food, Glorious Food!

Petra: "I immediately thought of eggplant and moussaka. And the potato I need to sacrifice very soon. The pasta can wait, as can the rice. I love both and eat them frequently. I seem to be 'allergic' to healthy foods; but... if someone would cook healthy for me I wouldn't mind at all. " re "Favorite food

Marvilla: "Get well *Care* soon. I'd eat better if someone else were cooking. I depend too much on bread, pasta, rice. If getting healthy is a priority then everything else may have to take a backseat and be handled by others." re "diet?

Cappucine: "I thought of Portugal, Taiwan, even Norway... could live on a seafood diet there. Not here. Lots of varied fruits, greens and vegetables in Taiwan. I prolly eat a lot of rubbish as well. Trick for me is not buying it, not bringing any home. " re "art of feeding

Kathie: "It's great that you-two cook together, sounds like fun. *HeartO* I actually used salt yesterday. Months can go by without me using it; of course, it's in most processed foods. I have water boiling with lavender (in a tea ball). I love the smell and then just use the water for tea or coffee. I do love fish, but other than polluck it's too expensive in Montana. But when I travel. *Smile*" re "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 16, 2021

Mike: "Balkan = burek (with cheese, mushrooms, meat or whatever). Not to forget to mention the sausages or in Serbija: pljeskavica. Or the bean dish of Makedonia. *Smile* Now I'm thinking of all the glorious food I ate there. I know how to say no peppers in Thai. Will see whether that works. " re "Chow call! [30 DBC entry]

Viv: "Yes, great to be able, willing, and disciplined to eat properly. I don't. I do eat more fresh food when I travel. For me, poverty = whatever food had calories to sustain me." re "FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD

Sonali: "Some of my best friends are tomatoes. What am I? Chopped liver? *Laugh* Funny; but, no pineapple on pizza ... nope... never." re "Chat about Chaat - #30DBC

Tina: "For authentic Indian food I suggest you go visit THANKFUL SONALI Now What?. Flights IAH-BLR roundtrip are about $1200. Not a bad price to learn about chaat. I rarely add salt. Sugar is my downfall. Love me some grits and pork&clams (Portuguese style). *Laugh*" re "Invalid Entry

Sox: Actually... a decent response! A fried PB&J... a step above what I usually eat. My next bologna sandwich may be fried in Thai peanut sauce. I have a new addiction. I get panic attacks... but this must've been major. *Care* re "November 16, 2021

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole/day/11-16-2021