Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole/day/11-13-2021
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

November 13, 2021 at 8:06pm
November 13, 2021 at 8:06pm
*Cappucine: "OMG... stay away, stay far far away... *Shock2*. I hope the readers understand the satire except... it is much more than that. It is chilling, dystopian... absolute horror. Well played. " re "Alpha's Letter

*Robert: "Well, parenting for everyone long before age 15; like start at age 10; after 5 years they should have a clue what's involved. Support for children after they are born (even when you don't approve of the parents). Friends adopted an Afro-Korean son because they were interracial and interfaith. You are sooooo spot on about this one. And yes, this would be a dilemma on a spaceship. You don't want too many children enroute but infertility upon arrival would doom the colony." re "Procreation Pass

?Sonali: {c:}"I took people in. I'm quite aware that my parenting skills aren't stellar (even adults need to be parented). *Sad* I can be the wacko uncle or mentor... that's about it. " re "I opt out - #30DBC

Viv: {c:}"Couples who wish to adopt face this all the time, whether infertile, single parent, same-sex couple. The scrutiny and hurdles make many give up. In Costa Rica and many places a pregnant 15 year old faces no questions (fortunately most have supportive family). " re "PARENT, MAYBE

Sue: {c:}"I think the African proverb fits best: "it takes a village to raise a child". Many animals do quite well fostering babies, even cross species, even humans do. " re "Great idea

Kathie: {c:}"Yep. It is frightening that many of the same people who wanted the freedom to have a quiver-full were not particularily open to extending their love to others who didn't live up to their expectations. I think of all the Irish Catholics having a bakers-dozen while Asians, Africans and Jews were turned away ... and still are. The quest for a White Christian Nation was and is dependent on high birth-rates, incarceration of undisirables and the exclusion of any non-white immigrants. Oh, I could rant..." re "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 13, 2021

QP: {c:}"I don't think it would end well for you or most anyone we know. It would be like getting into Yale or getting out of jail. Only certain people would be valued. Sad, really." re "Parent Proof

Petra: {c:}"Hmm... the Dutch have a decent sex education program. Parenting could easily be dealt with as well. That said, we have neither in the USA. There are still kids that are shocked when they find out at age 13 that they're gonna be a mommy or daddy. " re "No, thanks

Marvilla: {c:}"I've taken people in and at times tried to support and help. I wasn't very good at it. I'm better off being the batty uncle. It's good thing to know... but others think they can't and then surprise themselves." re "Would I be a good caregiver? I am.

Mike: {c:}"Actually... perhaps. Not everyone is as nice as people think; however, it's probably true most of the time. Do cats and dogs adore you? They aren't always right but do seem to be more perceptive than humans. You do adore those litle ones, don't you? *Delight*" re "Wanted: Pitter-patter of little feet [30 DBC entry]

Sox: {c:}"And... have you ever been around children and do they like you? I denote just a bit of sarcasm... *Smirk*" re "November 13, 2021

Apondia: {c:}"China has been working on 'social credit' scores and although it sounds dystopian we've been doing that for centuries with who gets fed, who gets neutered, who gets slaughtered on the spot. It's very human to think in dog-eat-dog terms. Fortunately there are those who also think in terms of cooperation and community where diversity is valued. And diversity is essential should we move to new real estate among the stars." re "Childhood Planned

Sandy: {c:}"Yep, you've been there. *Laugh* Present this to everyone ahead of you in line. See how many have 'better' things to do. I wouldn't volunteer unless I were forced to do so. We all have our talents. This may be one of yours... certainly not mine. *Sad* " re " Mamma Me-a?

LeJen: {c:}"Traditional black/white categorizing of good/evil. Very Spanish Inquisition. Very dystopian. A past and future that's disturbing to those who look at life differently. Waltz mentions SF's role of prevention; but, I also think of literature as propaganda and apology with the power of normalization." re "Alternate World


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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole/day/11-13-2021