Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1395561-Life-is-randomand-so-am-I/day/2-6-2015
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1395561
My thoughts/experiences/feelings/beliefs, depending on my mood. Blah, blah, blog.
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*Star* Winner of "Best Blog of 2011" for "The Quills. Previous winner of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Round 1. A big, heartfelt thank-you to all of my fans and supporters! *Heart*

Welcome to the randomness, silliness, craziness, and all-around tomfoolery – what a great word that isn't used nearly enough – that is my blog. Don't get me wrong, it isn't always silly and crazy. Sometimes it's serious or sad but, more often than not, it's comical. Nonetheless, it is always entertaining. I try to see the fun in life. I'll add to it as much as I can so make sure you check back often. *Cool* Feel free to leave a comment or review to let me know you stopped by. *Wink*

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DISCLAIMER: If you are someone who gets offended easily, then you shouldn't go any further. I'm up-front, to-the-point, sarcastic and honest (sometimes brutally so). I tell it like it is, or the way I think it is. If you don't get offended very easily, then you've come to the right blog. All are welcome. The fun is free! *Wink*

My life is an open book blog. Hilarity and chaos ensue...

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February 6, 2015 at 1:46am
February 6, 2015 at 1:46am
Day 6 Prompt for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS: Copy and paste the following letter in an email, then send it to a Writing.com acquaintance, who is NOT in this competition. Wait for a reply to your email, then share your reply and your blog entry with us.

Hello Friend

I'm participating in a unique blogging contest in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge Group on Writing.com. It's an elimination style, fundraising blog competition, and I need your help. During the competition we are provided with daily prompts which we then write our blog entries in response to.

Today we are required to solicit a writing prompt from one our acquaintances, who is not a part of this competition, and I selected you.

Would you be so kind as to provide me with today's writing prompt? It can be anything you would like to write; a question; a challenge; you can ask me to write a poem or a short story; whatever you want, as long as it is family friendly.

If you can do this as soon as possible it would be appreciated. I have to submit my blog entry on February 6, 2015, but before February 7, 2015. The sooner I get your reply, the more time I'll have to write my blog entry.

It would be great if you can visit my blog and read my response to your prompt. I may even get extra credit if you leave a comment on my blog entry.

Thank you very much.
I'm excitedly awaiting your reply

Well, well, well, that’s quite a little prompt Joel tossed us today. I dig it. I, of course, reached out to none other than my friend, Andy (aka Jakrebs . Below is his response.

“Thanks for thinking of me first. Naturally I will get your reply back "promptly" because I'm sooo excited to have you back, and I'm keeping tabs on your blog like I'm doing a stakeout

But hmmm, I hope I don't disappoint you with lame suggestions.

The first thing that comes to mind would be for you to maybe talk about the social aspects of WDC. This is a BIG topic for you because I know you're friendly with lots of people here, so that blog entry could be a book. Go with any angle you want to keep it manageable, whether it be outside the writing world friendships you've made from being here, supporting other people in their writing, other people supporting your writing...anything really, but I think it should somehow address the supportive element of WDC.

And it should not cover me. I don't want to read about me. I want to read about your relationships with other members.

If this doesn't move you, how about some sports stuff? Have any thoughts on the Superbowl? Anything sports related. I always love your sports blog entries.

Or you could write about you writing poetry. Julie D poetry. What gets you in the mood, what kills the mood? How are you inspired? Write about your muse, if you have one. Anything about your poetry you want to share.

There, there's three things off the cuff. Pick one, pick none. Just get to blogging.

I will be reading.”

First, I’d like to thank you for supplying today’s prompt and for being one of my biggest supporters/fans/friends. You ROCK, my friend! OK Andy, here goes nothing…or something…errrrr…you get the idea. *Wink*

1. Social Aspects of WDC

Honestly, I just came back this week after being on hiatus for a few years. I’m sure the social aspects around here are still the same as they were before. They mimic those of everyday life. More often than not, you’ll run into some truly wonderful, amazing people. People who are not only friends on here, but are your actual real-life friends as well. I am fortunate enough to have a number of those.

Unfortunately, this, like every other place on the planet, can have more drama than a high school dance. There are some cliques, bullies, brown-nosers and people who are just downright mean. There’s one person in particular that comes to me. We simply refer to her as SHE THAT WE DO NOT SPEAK OF BY NAME. The mean girls (and guys) are absolutely the exception and not the rule around here. Like I said, I’ve had so many wonderful people come into my life because of WDC, and for that, I’m very thankful. You guys are my biggest fans, my best & most insightful critics, and truly genuine friends. Thank you.

2. Sports

The Super Bowl was horrible. I had zero interest in the game. The Eagles weren’t in it. I’m beginning to think I’ll never see them win a Super Bowl in my lifetime. The Patriots are cheaters. The Seahawks completely blew the game with the biggest bonehead play call I’ve ever seen in all of sports. *Facepalm* All I can really say about the Super Bowl is thank GOD the Cowboys or the Giants weren’t in it. Oh, and Katy Perry killed the halftime show. I loved Lenny Kravitz and Missy Elliot, too. Seriously, halftime was the best part of the Super Bowl. True story.

In other sporting news, pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training next week. Let’s go Phillies! *Baseball* By the way, guess who is officially a Phillies season ticket holder? You guessed it. I got a 6-game plan. That’s all I could justify for two reasons. One, the expense and, two, the Phillies suck right now, but I will always be Phillies Phaithful. *Heart* *Baseball*

3. My poetry, muse, and what gets me writing

I covered my muse with this entry the other day, "Invalid Entry. Feel free to check it out if you haven’t already. As far as my poetry goes, or really any of my writing, I simply write what I feel. Sometimes it’s just something I feel passionately about, but other times, I’ll have an idea pop into my head and I have to write it to get it out of my head. You guys are all writers, so I’m sure you know what I mean when I say that.

This concludes the prompt segment of today’s entry. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope I covered everything you wanted, Andy. In other news, I have a new favorite show. It’s called Hindsight and it’s on VH1. My friend, Nancy, was telling us about it the other day when she was over here for our Super Bowl Party (yes, I hosted a party even though I had no interest in the game *Laugh*). Anyway, my roommate and I just binge watched the first 4 episodes. It’s AMAZING!!!! We have 1 more episode from this past Wednesday and then we’ll be all caught up. If you guys miss the 90’s and love 90’s music, you need to check this show out. You can catch up OnDemand (it’s free).

Here’s a promo for the show:

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In honor of my new favorite show, and all the awesome 90’s music played during each episode, I thought I’d leave you with a little Spacehog. Enjoy and have a great weekend, everyone!

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1395561-Life-is-randomand-so-am-I/day/2-6-2015