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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/hawaiifoeva/month/7-1-2020
by Emily
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2166092
A blog to house my musings, curiosities, and fascinations.
When it came time for me to start blogging again, I found myself paralyzed. I was trapped by the belief that my blog had to be unique, that it had to have a defined theme, and that it had to be appealing to everyone. After some time scouring Google for advice, I realized that if all I did was worry and plan, I would spend forever worrying and planning and never get to writing.

From that realization, I've decided to display my blog writing guidelines here for everyone to see, but especially for me to see when I come here to write.

Blog about what is appealing to YOU.
Don't worry about anyone else.

Allow yourself to WRITE!
Don't restrain yourself to one voice, one writing style, one genre, or one topic area.

Throw out the fear of maintaining a consistent theme.
Blog about your passions, interests, fancies, inspirations, opinions, musings, curiosities, ramblings, and loves.

Explore, experiment, and have fun!

So, this is my solution. A blog about anything and everything that sparks my interest. *BigSmile*

The title is inspired by the quote at the bottom of this introduction. Everything you love, even for a short time, becomes part of you. Our experiences and perception of the world is colored by those things we love and have loved, whether those things are *Paw* or not. This blog will be a place to house those passions and curiosities. Please enjoy!

In memory - 8/15/2017

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."

Merit Badge in Aloha
[Click For More Info]

Only the most selfless, dedicated person would come up with an idea like an Aloha MB. But then, from all those  things you do on WDC and we know you're doing out in the world, it's what we should have known you'd do. You've always been working to make things better and help people, animals, and places. Maybe the badge should have your picture so everyone knows a real example of Aloha.

Cover image by Jessica Woulfe
July 1, 2020 at 2:04pm
July 1, 2020 at 2:04pm
I don't understand how half of 2020 is over already. I must be getting old.

Before getting into this, I need to take a moment to thank the entire Quills team for putting on the 2019 Quill Awards ceremony last month (read the ceremony notes here: "Quill Ceremony Notes). It was my first time listening in live, and it was so impressive all the work Elle, Kit, and the panelists do to keep the thing running. Thank you!! If you're reading this, remember to keep the "Quill Nomination Form 2024 bookmarked so you can nominate worthy items for next year's Quills Ceremony!

I was blessed to receive 3 Quill wins, 3 Honorable Mentions, and place as a finalist in 2 additional categories. Notably, "Callused Hands won two Quills for Best Medium Length Poem and Best Medical/Health! *Shock2* Wow-oh-wow! Much thanks to "The Daily Poem for supplying the winning prompt for that poem! I'm very happy that contest is back for July *Smile* "It's a Journey won Best Single Person Activity. *HeartG* "The Winning Color received Honorable Mention in the Action Adventure and Short Story categories. "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS received Honorable Mention as well for Best Contest. Go Bloggers! *Quill* I was also very happy to be selected as a finalist for my Portfolio and for my poem "All the Things You've Given Me *Heartv*

And this shiny is pretty sweet too *Blush*

In June, I managed to keep up with the "Promptly Poetry Challenge (2023-2024) - woohoo! I'm really enjoying taking the prompts and making them my own. I know I will not feel inspired by all the prompts (that's just a given), so I'm glad I can find ways to spin the prompt to something that does inspire me. I always want to write things that make me feel something. I don't want to share a poem on here that is an intentional "throw-away." That is, if I struggle on a poem and it comes out poorly, that's okay. But what I don't want to do is intentionally put something out onto the internet that I didn't even try to make good. Anyway, here's what I was able to write in June:

Cyclic  (E)
How we understand time is how we make sense of our lives.
#2223718 by Emily

Little Tree  (E)
Lessons of neighbors across worlds
#2223863 by Emily

Escape  (ASR)
Only when I can't remember how far I’ve gone, do I stop in a little town without a name
#2224943 by Emily

We are the Interrupters  (ASR)
…and this is our time.
#2225510 by Emily

In July, I will:

For "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge, "Little Mouse Loves to Read and "Angel Product Reviews
*Boxcheck* "The Book of Longings: A Novel"  
*Boxcheck* "Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor"  
*Boxcheck* "Wow, No Thank You.: Essays"  

*Boxcheck* Complete PPC "Invalid Post"  

Enter Contests:
*Boxcheck* *Boxcheck* *Boxcheck* *Boxcheck* *Boxcheck* "Promptly Poetry Challenge (2023-2024)
*Boxcheck* "The Taboo Words Contest ~ On Hiatus
*Boxcheck* "Christmas in July Poetry Contest for "The Contest Challenge
*Boxcheck* April 2017 "The PET NEWS CONTEST Open in July. Prompt: Write a poem about having a "wild" animal as a pet.
*Boxcheck* May 2017 "The 4 Controversies Contest (Round open: June 17-July 17) non-fiction, at least 1,200 words, subject: COVID-19)
*Boxcheck* September 2017 "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest
*Boxcheck* January 2018 "Write from the Heart Poetry Contest
*Boxcheck* October 2017 "The Daily Poem Open in July only!


*Boxcheck* April 2017 "The PET NEWS CONTEST Open in July. Prompt: Write a poem about having a "wild" animal as a pet.
*Boxcheck* May 2017 "The 4 Controversies Contest (Round open: June 17-July 17) non-fiction, at least 1,200 words, subject: COVID-19)
*Box* June 2017 "Invalid Item
*Boxcheck* July 2017 "WEIRD TALES CONTEST
*Boxcheck* September 2017 "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest Due Aug 8: lighthouse hope seagull waves sand power crashing clouds
*Boxcheck* October 2017 "The Daily Poem Open in July only!
*Boxcheck* January 2018 "Write from the Heart Poetry Contest
*Box* March 2018 "The PET NEWS CONTEST (try to enter in August (see Joy Word Doc)
*Boxcheck* April 2018 "Poetic Traditions Poetry Contest
*Boxcheck* May 2018 "WEIRD TALES CONTEST or "The Science Fiction Short Story Contest

Contests to use if nothing is open

Continue Regular Commitments:
*Boxcheck* Normal review crediting for "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group and "Anniversary Reviews
*Boxcheck* Prompting and judging for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Do something that inspires you,


© Copyright 2021 Emily (UN: hawaiifoeva at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Emily has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/hawaiifoeva/month/7-1-2020