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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #932855
Empty or full, shiny or a little in need of washing and sometimes just cracked!
I heard about these blogs and wondered why people would want to air their dirty laundry online. But I feel safe on this site so maybe it's worth a try. We'll see.

And Another!

Huge thanks to zwisis for the lovely blog logo. *Kiss*

Kindly presented by Nada

Thanks and hugs to Nada for the angel's wings. Now we can fly together my friend. *Kiss*

Drawn and gifted by Vivacious.  Thank you so much.

Many thanks to the lovely vivacious for the fabulous design to match my blog title *Kiss*

This blog is complete. Please find my new blog from the link below...

Second Helpings  (18+)
Another plate full of the meat and vegetables of my life.
#1219658 by Scarlett
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April 6, 2006 at 8:38am
April 6, 2006 at 8:38am
After a very pleasant day out yesterday, celebrating my friend Pam's birthday, today will be quiet and uneventful.

I've had a few hours of space and time alone before going to the gym later. Don't worry, I'm not lonely or bored or anything. In fact, there's loads of interesting things going on around me.

April 4, 2006 at 12:30pm
April 4, 2006 at 12:30pm
You know, whatever we do in life it always seems to create problems. Even when we go all out for self-improvement, the things we didn't anticipate can cause havoc on a daily basis. Just a simple thing like what to wear is giving me a headache at the moment.

I always find this time of year very frustrating clothing wise. I'm fed up with winter coats and boots and itching to get out my sandals and summer dresses. But typically, the weather refuses to acknowledge it's spring and despite some sunshine today, a cold wind persists and it's been trying to snow again.

I don't own any shoes. Now, that's rare for a female I know, but I'm not talking footwear in general. I have a passion for sandals and love boots, but actual shoes are always too uncomfortable for me to wear for any length of time. During winter I wear boots all the time and not being a creature who feels the cold too much, I tend to come out of boots and straight into sandals around this time of year.

Last week my comfortable every day boots fell apart and had to be binned. The shops are now full of summer footwear, so it's impossible to buy any new ones. It's far too cold to wear sandals as yet, so poor Cinderella has nothing to put on her feet. *Cry*

This morning I discovered the one pair of trousers I have that actually fit me are also falling apart. I frantically tried on three other pairs but due to my mammoth dieting efforts, I have to admit they'd have dropped off before I got to the bottom of the stairs. I don't wish to buy any new ones yet as I've not finished my diet and don't know what size I will be when I do reach my target.

Today I've got by, but tomorrow I'm going out for the day with my friend Big Pam, as it's her birthday. So, I either go barefoot and trouserless and get splinters and probably arrested, or freeze to death in a skirt and sandals. See what I get for my good intentions?
April 2, 2006 at 6:51pm
April 2, 2006 at 6:51pm
Not having any inspiration to make a blog entry this new month hasn't been a big concern, as I know from experience there are times when life is very uneventful and inspiration doesn't strike. I have no ambitions to complete a blue month or make contrived entries just for the sake of it and am content to just read other's blogs and comment where appropriate.

Having completed that task this evening I've spent some time editing a few pieces in my portfolio and come away feeling rather sad. It was an experience rather akin to looking through an old photo album of dearly departed relatives or listening to old records and thinking of the times associated with them.

It's not that I think my own creations are masterpieces or anything special. But I'm quite amazed at the amount and diversity of the things I've written. I've remembered how some pieces were praised in my creative writing class, how others made people laugh, the ones which have won contests or been published and I'm left wondering what's happened to me.

I have not written anything new this year at all. I've made plenty of blog entries and written the odd piece for Newsletters but have avoided sitting down and wrestling with anything more challenging and I'm not sure why. Admittedly, my parents and my fitness program are taking huge chunks of my time, but when I do get a few free hours, the motivation to write just isn't there.

I'm not short of ideas. I have lists of them and know there are many contests, both on WDC and elsewhere I could enter. I have lists of publishers I could send out my work to but something stops me doing it. I don't hold with muses or writer's block; writing is hard work and we are solely responsible for what we do or do not produce.

I feel I'm letting people down. My sister, my ex boss, my friends have supported and encouraged me with my writing for years and await the novel they all say I have within me. My portfolio is rarely visited and I haven't received many reviews in ages, but that is down to my own lethargy.

I've tried the writing class again but sadly it does not stimulate or inspire me any longer. I'm on my own now and if I'm going to write again, I need to give myself the proverbial kick up the backside. I know I will never stop writing one way or another, but as time moves on, I'm starting to doubt I have the dedication or patience needed to produce anything of any length or depth. I hope this is just a temporary phase.

Maybe I need to start drinking again. lol In the meantime, I shall content myself with reading the fine words of others and hope their enthusuiasm rubs off. And that's as much as I can manage today, poor sad writer that I am. *Cry*
March 31, 2006 at 11:16am
March 31, 2006 at 11:16am
Scarlett Waves. HI!!!!!

Now don’t go scratchin your pointy lickle head and thinkin ya stumbled into da wrong Glob or sumfin. And don’t go yellin at me sayin stuffage like ‘Ya can’t DO this’ or ‘Ya ain’t nuffin like CC’ or ‘Dat Buckethead is gonna whack ya tail section when he gets ta know bout dis.’ Cos…WELL!!!! It ain’t my fault see?!!!

Wot happened was da other night I was doin sum lip flappin wif dis WDC person not so far away…well she is over da pond but ya know what I mean. Anyways – SHE (who shall remain nameless…I would nefer be THAT bad…I mean Skinnyribs, Toolwoman, Leatherlegs, da Queen of da Brats or whatever ya call her wud KILT me if I told ya it was HER idea. ROFLMAO

SHE is gonna be in big trubble wif da dark Lord for calling his glob BORING!!! OMG – I can hear him growling and swaring and beatin his manly chest from here. But that ain’t all – there’s worse to follow, but my lips are sealed. Don’t ever let it be said Scarlett is a blabbermouth.

WELL!!! She said I had ta do a glob CC style...cos it’s a bit too quite round Blogsville wifout the cute lickle guy we all WUB. Sooooooooooooo…here’s my idea. YES!!!!! I haf one now and again. I’m NOT totally empty in da brain section...YET!!! lol

Ya know, we’re all different. Sum a tad more different than others. And and and sumtimes we say things and do sum word flingin that sumone else might not agree wif. But but but no matter. We is all agreed on one thing. Specially the WIMMINS!!! An DAT is...

CC is as important to Blogsville as dat oxygen stuff is ta breathin. GAWD! Dat was deep. (Scarlett gazes at da sky thru da winda, thinkin deep thoughts) And and and when he ain’t around…WELL!!! WE MISS HIM like we miss da warmth in winter. OMG…I’m gettin all teary and blubbin and leakin now. Sniff sniff.

Now while da white knight is away sortin out his jobs and takeover and stuffage an ta show how much we WUB him, we gotta do our best to keep da smiles and laughs he brings us tickin over. SOOOOO…if you’re reading dis…YOU’VE BIN TAGGED by da WWCCS (We Wub CC Society) an NOW ya gotta go and do your own GLOB CC style. No cheatin! No thinkin ya can sneek out of here without a comment an get away wif it. I got CCTV cameras installed an I’ll know who's bin hangin round in here. SO THERE!!!!! (Scarlett sticks out tongue)

Grab a few Advil on da way out ta keep da pain away while ya do it.

Wub you folks.

March 29, 2006 at 5:15pm
March 29, 2006 at 5:15pm
*Bullet* Why is it when I'm feeling really, really tired and have difficulty even climbing the stairs, I then lie in bed tossing and turning for hours? Eventually I concede defeat, get up in the cold and dark to watch some crappy film until three in the morning.

*Bullet* Why is it that when light dawns and it's time to start the day, the sleep I longed for the night before is extremely difficult to fight off? It takes mammoth efforts to keep the eyelids open and get out of bed.

*Bullet* Why is it my hubby can fall asleep in an armchair with the T.V. blaring and beer glass still balanced in hand, yet wake up the minute I leave the room to crawl into bed?

*Bullet* Why is it he can then resume sleep before his head even hits the pillow and within seconds be making noises resembling a full orchestra, complete with brass, wind and percussion sections?

*Bullet* Why is it that animals don't seem to have sleeping problems? Cows and horses can sleep standing up, dogs can decide to take a nap in the middle of a game of 'fetch,' and my tortoise has no problem dropping off at the end of September and not waking until spring.

If you haven't already guessed I'm tired and having sleep problems. I won't let it worry me, but just find it such a pain. Napolean, Florence Nightingale and Margaret Thatcher all survived on four hours sleep a night apparently. No one knows exactly why we need to sleep, but I tend to agree with Thomas Edison who thought it a complete waste of time. Incidentally, did you know that -

*Bullet* Fish can't close their eyes as they have no eyelids and it's not certain they sleep at all.

*Bullet* Dolphins only sleep with half their brains as they need to be conscious to breathe.

*Bullet* Leonardo da Vinci slept 15 minutes out of every four hours - a daily total of one and a half hours.

*Bullet* Cows can sleep standing up but only dream lying down. {Now WHO researched that?}

*Bullet* The world record for sleep deprivation is held by Randy Gardiner who, in 1965 stayed awake for 14 and a half days.

I think I'd better stop now - I don't want to send anyone to sleep.
March 26, 2006 at 5:23pm
March 26, 2006 at 5:23pm
Today is Mother's Day in England, or Mothering Sunday as it was originally called and a name I prefer.

Special days and occasions often leave me feeling pensive and rather sad if I'm honest, and today is no exception.

I think of all the people who no longer have mothers to love and send cards to and indeed of the mothers who have lost children and how days like today must be almost unbearable. I feel for those who never knew their mothers or are estranged for some reason. I feel saddened for those who so wanted to be mothers and never got to be. On every day of celebration, there are always so many who are reminded of painful experiences and loss.

Today I am lucky. I was able to see my own mum wipe away a tear as she read my card and share her pleasure in the new C.D.'s I bought her. My morbid side cannot help wondering how much longer I'll have my mum and what the future holds for her fragile and delicate state. Selfishly, I worry how I'll cope.

My stepdaughter and her twin boys bought me daffodils and a new duck. (Dumpy is a fitting name.) I appreciate that despite the fact she has her own mum, her husband's mum, two grandmothers and two lively little three-year-olds to look after she can find time and think of me on such a day as today.

I haven't seen my son yet today as he's been away this weekend, but he phoned this morning to tell me what a wonderful mum I am *Blush* and wished me a good day. He's on his way home now and I know I'll have gifts and no doubt a couple of drinks to end the evening. Well, it is MY day. lol My son is the ONE thing in my life I feel I've succeeded with. He's a wonderful human being and I'm proud to have contributed to that.

Yesterday, he and his friend booked their flights and accomodation for the first stage of their travels starting in September. I'm excited for him, I envy him even and think travelling the world will be a wonderful experience for him. But I'm painfully aware that he won't be here for the next two Mothering Sundays and I know how much I'm going to miss him and worry. Not to mention the possibilities, probabilities even, of what might happen while he's away.

So, my reasons for reflection and sadness are manifold on this day set aside for Mothers. Don't get me wrong; I know I'm fortunate to have a mother and be a mother but sometimes both are heartbreaking roles.

Time for that wee drink methinks. Maybe it's the clocks moving forward that brings on these maudlin thoughts, or perhaps it's this stinking cold. But - 'Tomorrow is another day,' and even if it's just a trip to the supermarket and the gym, I'll just be pleased I'm here to be part of it.
March 25, 2006 at 7:16pm
March 25, 2006 at 7:16pm

Lose a stone in six weeks has worked out to be perfectly accurate. People are starting to notice and comment and that's yet more encouragement to keep plugging. I intend to start the whole cycle again and although I realise it will probably get harder from this point, I'm hoping the extra activity at the gym will help get rid of another stone in or around six weeks. And that will take me to a weight I'll be happy with. Woopdedoo - does this mean I can take extra luggage on the plane to Sardinia in June as there'll be a lot less of me on board?

The bad news however is that during my sister's stay the cold I'd been bragging about not materialising, did. I've now got the stuffy nose, the aching joints, lethargy, earache and feeling ready to find my beddy. I also think some of that lost weight may have returned due to a couple of days of over indulgence.

But sis has gone now *Cry* so it's back to the drawing board. The problem is the old saying 'Starve a fever, feed a cold,' is kicking in. Feeling hungry and in need of comfort food but must not give in. The clocks go forward tonight; I just hope warmer weather comes with the lighter nights so salads and light meals will seem appropriate.

So, goodnight my friends. Cocoa and a hot water bottle for me. One thing I won't die of is excitement.
March 23, 2006 at 5:51pm
March 23, 2006 at 5:51pm
I'm not sure if it's the virtual chicken soup, the Vicks, Nyquil and tissues, the Vitamin C, the bourbon, honey and lemon juice, the tea and whisky, the two hats, the root ginger and rum or the sleep but the cold I felt coming on, still hasn't. Touching wood and crossing everything.

While everyone around me is coughing, sneezing, blowing their red noses and snuffling, I still only have a mere frog in the throat. Not even a frog really, more a tadpole. So it seems you folk are experts in cyber preventitive medicine as well as all your many other talents. Thanks very much for that and all the good wishes.

You're not much good at picking winning Lottery numbers though. *Pthb* Out of two lines of six numbers we got exactly none right tonight. Oh well, we may not have loadsamoney but we are rich in many ways others will never be. I shall keep on using those numbers though; you never know when Lady Luck may visit.

Today my sister arrived for a visit until Saturday, so tomorrow night I suspect all my diet and low alcohol resolutions will go to the wind. *Blush* Well, even angels need to rest their wings once in a while. I'll make it up next week and pull in a couple of extra gym visits if I can. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I anticipated, particularly those times when I get the pool, sauna and jacuzzi all to myself.

All I need now is some serious sunshine. And a cruise...and a new wardrobe...and boxes and boxes of calorie-free chocolates...and a handsome millionnaire...and a reminder to stop all this self-indulgent daydreaming. lol
March 21, 2006 at 12:50pm
March 21, 2006 at 12:50pm
My dad has a cold.

My mum has a cold.

My sister has a cold.

My son has a cold.

My swimming friend has a cold.

Guess what?

I think I'm getting a cold. *Cry*

March 19, 2006 at 3:38pm
March 19, 2006 at 3:38pm
During the sixties I remember promising myself that when I grew older I wouldn't criticise the young, as many older people did during my teenage years. To this day I try to understand the world of youngsters and hope I support them in their plans and ambitions. That doesn't mean I approve of everything every young person does or says, but I do try to see the world through their eyes and make allowances where necessary. But I have to say, the following forwarded mail did make me smile.

'My mum used to cut chicken, slice eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't get food poisoning.

My mum used to defrost mince-meat on the kitchen sink and I used to eat a bit raw sometimes. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper, in a brown paper bag, not in icepack coolers, but I can't remember anybody getting e.coli.

Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool. There were no beach closures then.

We all played sport and also did P.E. and risked permanent injury with a pair of Dunlop plimsolls instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built-in light reflectors. I can't recall any injuries but they must have happened, because they tell us how much safer we are now.

Flunking sport wasn't an option. There were not many fat kids back then.

Speaking of school, we all said prayers and sang the National Anthem and got free school milk for strong bones and teeth, and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention. We must have had horribly damaged psyches.

What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat, combed our hair for nits and was even allowed to give you an aspirin for a headache or fever.

I thought I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself. I just can't recall how bored we were without computers, Playstations, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital T.V. cable stations.

Oh yeah...and where was the Benadryl and steralization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed.

We played 'King of the Castle' on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites, and when we got hurt, Mum pulled out the cheap bottle of iodine and then we got our hair ruffled and were told to get back out there. Now, it's a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10-day dose of expensive antibiotics, and then Mum calls the solicitor to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a threat.

We didn't misbehave at a mate's house, because if we did, we got our bum smacked there, and then we got our bum belted again when we got home. I recall Donny Reynolds from next door coming over and doing his tricks on our front veranda, just before he fell off. Little did his Mum know that she could have owned our house. Instead,she picked him up and swatted him for being such a yobbo.

To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told they were from a 'dysfunctional family.' How could we possibly have known we needed to get into group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many social ills that we didn't even notice the entire country wasn't taking Prozac. How did we ever survive?'

Yes, times change in good ways and bad and no doubt will continue to do so. I'm sure readers of a 'certain age' will relate to the above and for those not quite so mature, don't believe you won't look back and think some things were better in your younger days. You will!

Huge thanks to silversara for the merit badge. Much appreciated on an otherwise bland Sunday.

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