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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1147339-Arabian-nights-gender-changing-world/cid/2721510-sow
by milida
Rated: GC · Interactive · Fantasy · #1147339
John must reach the exit of this world without becoming a woman
This choice: sow  •  Go Back...
Chapter #5


    by: milida
You spluttered back convinced you had miss heard "A sow?"

She laughed and nodded her head "Yes master, that is what you are becoming, a female pig"

You wanted to leap up and strangle her "You cursed me, why girl?"

She smirked "Oh I have my reasons but I guess you must be feeling rather horny now?"

You blushed and squirmed as alas you were feeling terribly horny by that stage. Biting your lip you tried to think of anything else, it didn’t stop the fact you could feel your clit pulsing with need.

She smirked "Master we are both females here so don't play coy, I'm not going to be offended if you seek release"

With your hand trembling, you pushed pass your belly and found your new slit hidden under your robes. Shivering, you started to work yourself slowly before the sensations started to compound quickly.

“F-f-fuck me,” you moaned with a hot, now completely feminine voice as the feelings quickly started to get out of hand for you. Legs writhing in pleasure, you couldn’t keep it together for long before you experienced your first female orgasm with a loud grunt and moan. You squeezed your legs together tightly and rolled to the side.

Now panting, you were trying to catch your breath while behind you a small nub at the base of your spine started to grow more and even started to twirl slightly. The girl looked at you with evident curiosity "Hmm you seemed to enjoy that master, now is that a tail you have?"

In horror you felt behind your back “No, no, no. Only pigs have tails like that,” you screamed back shrilly.

Aaliyah laughed "Naturally, but as I said Master that is what you are becoming"

“P-please stop it” you pitifully pleaded reaching towards her.

Rather than answer you she left the room and went to your bath room. She came back holding a wooden pig idol and smiled as she petted the pig in her hands.

“I may have played a small part in your current predicament,” she admitted, kneeling down near your head “I did plant this in your bathroom, but I’ve really needed my freedom for ages and my my family’s farm has needed a new sow for a while and I think you’ll fill that role quite nicely. Course, you’ll also the one being filled a good deal,” she added with a small laugh.

You give her a pitiful look "But, but wasn't I a good master, please stop this"

You then feel terrible painful cramps hit your hands and watched in horror as the nails grow blacker and that your arms and legs were also starting to to feel tugged into your body. Both were getting shorter while your flesh was pinking all over in splotches.

She shook her head "No to late for that Master, alas for you you will keep changing now until you are a full sow. I have a pony girl trailer parked just outside of your compound, waiting just for you but let’s see you finish up that transformation of yours first” Aaliyah idly said while checking her nails.

You squeeze your eyes shut as another wave of pain rips through your body. You felt a tight feeling around your jaw and mouth as your face was starting to push out.

“No! Noooo...SQUEEEEEEE! SQUEALLLLL!” you loudly proclaimed as your face forced itself into more of a snout. Your teeth grew and tusks soon appeared and then became more prevalent, pushing passed your lips and causing drool to drip from your new maw.

“That’s a good boy. I mean, girl,” she giggled cruelly.

You legs wiggled as they painfully became shorter and shorter and then grew their own trotters from your old feet. The pain and strain was causing you to make more panicked pig noises. All the while, Aaliyah was laughing and delighting in the lack of control her former master now had over his own body.

Aaliyah then pulled your bell, instead of staff two large farmhands came in. At that stage you were a combination of scared and embarrassed as every attempt to cry out came out as a panicked squeal.

“Come on, girl,” one said, helping to lift the weight of the pig up to her feet and then pushing you towards the door.

Naturally you were desperately trying to fight this but your body at this stage was feeling less and less under your own control.

“This is a big one,” one of the farmhands said as they pushed you out the back door of the door of your former compound.

Eventually they got you down and into the covered trailer and once they locked you in you had a unnervingly long drive to somewhere. When things finally came to a stop, you could smell the cleaner air but also the smell of something quite fragrant. The back of trailer opened and the two farmhands came in and helped push the massive sow out.

After the immediate flash of bright sun light, your eyes adjusted and you realized in growing horror where you were, a blasted farm.More squeals and panic came from your mouth but none of it helped as you were pushed towards a nearby sty. When the gate was opened in front of you, you could see the muck and shit that covered the ground and it felt like things were almost at an end. At that moment Aaliyah appeared, but now dressed as a farmer. She however was still holding the wooden pig idol. Finally, after a futile fight, you were forced into the sty.

“That’a girl,” Aaliyah said brightly finally setting down the pig statue on the nearby fence. In desperation you trotted up, squealing for help. So busy were you with this that you didn’t notice the few other hogs in the sty taking an interest in the new sow.

‘Let me out! Please! I’m not a pig!’ you pitifully plead with your eyes.

Aaliyah was no fool and of course could see this in your eyes but it was of little concern to her. Instead, she just kept the sow’s attention while the biggest hog, came up behind you and started sniffing at the wet, soiled cunt. When you realized what was going on your eyes naturally went wide and scared.

You have the following choices:

1. The Hog takes you

2. The Hog only licks your pussy

3. Aaliyah teases you some more

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1147339-Arabian-nights-gender-changing-world/cid/2721510-sow