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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1767978-Ever-shrinking-Mina-toe/cid/1089040-Getting-noticed
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1767978
Minato from Sekirei finds himself shruken in the Izumo inn, along with his sekirei
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Chapter #3

Getting noticed...

    by: gtsdude
Tsukiumi was intruiged by the bug's precense, usually Miya kept the Inn spotless. After thinking about it, this was the punniest bug she has ever seen, a large ant could probably over power this speck in an instant. "It's so insignificent....crushing it would be a waste of my time. But what bug could be so small? How could its species survive being such a pathetic height? Couldn't hurt to check...' Tsukiumi thought to herself as she began to lower herself down to get a closer look at the bug. As she drew closer, the bug started to aquire human charactristics, develping a head, arms, and leg, but she shook it off and told herself it was nothing more than a bug. Minato couldn't believe it, was his luck finally turning around?

"What kind of bug are you?" Tsukiumi's defeaning voice belowed still keeping its feminine sound. The moment those words processed into Minato's head his hopes shattered like a widow hit with a brick. Minato quickly snapped out of it when his shadow was engulfed by a far larger one. He looked upwards to see a giant hand that could've been mistaken for god's if not for its female traits. Minato was whisked off the ground and was now on the endless plain that was Tsukiumi's index fingernail.

"Tsukiumi-chan! It's me, Minato, I'm not a bug!" He yelled at the top of his lounges to the blue eyed goddess. He tried jumping around while flaing his arms about, but to no avail.

"Sure are a jumpy little bug arent ya?" Tsukiumi said slightly amused by Minato's efforts to contact her.

"She still thinks I'm a bug.." Minato said to himself as he slumped over then falling on his butt, but not before feeling something in his back pocket. He reached back and pulled out a black marker. His hopes were restored as he now had a plan to contact the water goddess. He un capped the black marker and started to get to work. Tsukiumi was puzzld as Minato ran across her fingernail leaving behind a black residue. Soon he was finished and now it was up to Tsukiumi to figure out the rest.

"Whats this? Tsukiumi...I...am...not...a ...bug...its me...Minato.....MINATO!?!?!?!" She yelled finally putting the pieces together and nearly threatining Minato's life by almost knocking him off from her sudden outburst. She realized this and calmed down immediatly but soon that calm face was traded in for an enraged face. "Minato...." She said with a hint of anger in her voice and a twicthing eye to add effect.

"Now Tsukiumi-chan, I can explain!" Minato said now cowering in fear before the giantess that held him.

"Fine you have 1 minute, go!" She belowed.

" You see after that little fuss over me between you and Kazehana-san, I came downstairs to get some breakfast. Then I bumped into Matsu who was carrying a box of her old inventions. I was curoius of its contents when she left and found a shrink ray, but it turns out when I was holding it, I was holding it backwards. Then I accidently pulled the trigger and I shrunk. " Minato hastily exclaimed, and since Tsukiumi was focused on him she could hear him clearly.

"Ok, 38 seconds, thats alot faster than usually Minato..." Tsukiumi said a little bit concerned. "Are you afraid that I'm going to hurt you in such a weakened state?" She asked.

"Well, ya. It's kind of scary not being bigger than a pinky toe." Minato said a little bit relieved that there was no harm coming his way.

"Minato, how dare you think that I would even think of hurting my beloved husband. Understand that you are my husband ashikabi and I am you sekrei wife. I would make sure no harm befalls upon you." Tsukiumi sent him a heart soothing smile and began to gently pet him on his back.

"Great now all we have to do is find Matsu and end this nightmare!" Minato said to his protective Sekirei. Tsukiumi was about to nod in agreement but words from the past floated through her head...' the ability to just pluck him off the ground and stash him in my pocket...' Soon Tsukiumi was dreaming of keeping Minato to herself all hours of the day. Dreams of Minato giving her foot massages that felt incredible due to his perfect size. Would she truely give up this one chance at keeping the man she loved all to herself and away from her competetors? Minato looked up at Tsukiumi who seemed to be in some sort of trance. "Tsukiumi-chan? are you alright?"

She finally snapped out of her day dream. "Minato, I...
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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