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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #2156248
This will be a different kind of Anime Shrinking/Growing story, where ideas come first.
This choice: Towering Toph's Tough Love(Reserved)  •  Go Back...
Chapter #5

Towering Toph's Tough Love

    by: Mr. Phorcys
Aang froze as he saw Toph standing high above him. He had been attempting to get into the Avatar state, and it had...backfired. Horribly. Now he was the size of a bug in front of the now-gargantuan blind girl. She took a few booming steps in Aang's general direction, and he tried to avoid looking at her massive feet and imagining what they would do to him if he wasn't fast enough.

He wouldn't have to imagine for long.

Toph's foot came crashing down a few more times, then suddenly stopped when she was right over him. The Avatar looked up at her glassy, unseeing eyes, and saw that they were looking directly at him. A puzzled frown formed on her face. "Twinkle Toes, is that you?"

Her foot lifted off the ground, and slowly glided over Aang. The last Airbender was mesmerized by its size -- he craned his head back, following the path of Toph's toes as they swept above him, until he lost his balance and fell on his back into the packed earth below. The young Earthbender's foot kept moving until her sole hovered above the spot where Aang was.

"Hold still, pipsqueak," she said. "I want to get a good look at you."

Then her foot stomped into the ground.

The Avatar was caught unprepared, and he was rammed head first even deeper into the dirt by Toph's sole. What little room he had to breathe in was polluted by the stench of her foot, and it was hard enough not to suffocate, let alone for him to Airbend his way out of the situation. Aang started to suck in air through his mouth -- it did little to dilute the horrible smell, but it was a start. Then Toph mashed her foot backwards, and Aang was given no time to react before he found his open mouth pressed against her sole. In an instant, he could taste it all -- all the accumulated grime and sweat caked onto the bottom of Toph's foot -- and he desperately began to bang on the thick skin of the blind girl's sole.

Toph retracted her foot, and Aang gratefully swallowed lungfuls of fresh air as he pulled himself up to a standing position.

"So it is you, huh, Twinkle Toes?" she said. "I dunno how you got this way, but it sure is perfect for our training."

With that, she stomped the ground. The earth started to shake and rumble. Aang looked around, and saw a huge wall of soil and rock rising up to form a ring around them. He looked back at Toph. She was smiling.

"We'll start off with some Airbending exercises to warm you up." Just as Aang breathed a sigh of relief, the gigantic blind girl slammed her foot right next to him. "Try and dodge my feet, pipsqueak. Trust me, you don't wanna be caught under them when I'm through with you, because then things are gonna get a whole lot worse."

Aang backed away a few steps, then made an air scooter and leapt on it. Toph raised her foot right above where the Avatar was and slammed down. But Aang had darted away, just out of her reach. She raised her foot and stomped the ground again... but by now Aang was racing circles around her in the ring, zipping between her legs, across her feet, and over her sanded-down and scratched-up toenails.

Then Toph went on the offensive, lumbering around the ring but routinely failing to squish the bug-sized Airbender. Aang, on the other hand, couldn't escape the arena -- he would have to move in a straight line for long enough that the giantess would surely catch him -- but he knew that all he had to do was outlast her. Unfortunately, at his tiny size, Aang would tire much faster than his much larger trainer.

And Toph had a trick up her sleeve.

Once more, the young Earthbender raised her foot and stomped the ground, and Aang zipped away to safety... or so he thought. He was so focused on not getting caught beneath Toph's foot that he backed away without looking and slammed into a newly-created wall of rock. As he slid to the ground, temporarily stunned, Toph took the initiative and moved her foot over to him. When she finally brought her weight down on him, it was not with enough force to break his tiny body, but the crushing pain on his chest jarred Aang to his senses.

His head was stuck between her toes, but the rest of his body was pinned under her gargantuan foot. Toph was very carefully not applying enough pressure to pop him like an insect, but the sheer force at work made even the simple act of breathing an agonizing endeavor. And the horrible stench was just as bad between her toes as it was beneath her sole -- Aang couldn't take it much longer. He tried to squirm, but there was no space for him to use as leverage.

Suddenly, Toph leaned over him, more likely to show off the wide smile on her now-enormous face than any other reason. "Well then, Twinkle Toes, it looks like you've failed at basic training. I guess I'll need to toughen you up if you have any hope of becoming an Earthbender like me... but lucky you, I know the best place to get some endurance training."

Toph then went back to standing straight, thankfully relieving some of the weight on Aang's body as she did so, and for a while he could only hear his captress as she muttered under her breath and as something moved against the fabric that she was wearing. Then something monumental in size landed next to her foot with a heavy THUNK! Aang struggled to look behind him, but he was still pinned and could only make out a vast dark band. Then the hand of the blind girl reached down and plucked the Avatar from between her toes, her fingers curling into a fist around his puny torso as she effortlessly lifted him into the air. As he sped upwards, he managed to get a glimpse at what had dropped next to him.

It was Toph's belt.

Aang would have little time to wonder at what she had planned for him, though, as she quickly maneuvered him to her backside and the meaning became obvious. With her free hand, she pulled up the the light strip of cloth hanging behind her to reveal her green pants. Toph then leaned forward and jutted her rear in the unfortunate Avatar's direction. Her ass was titanic, large enough that there was a tight round outline of either buttock on her otherwise very loose pants. Aang gulped. Toph's foot was already so large that when it was flat on the dirt, the Avatar was only about half as tall as the distance between the ground and the pinky toenail -- and even just one of her butt cheeks seemed at least twice as large as her foot. "Ready for your endurance training, Twinkle Toes?"

Before Aang could respond, she hooked open her pants and panties with her free thumb and chucked him into the waiting chasm of her butt crack. The last Airbender rolled down between the two massive orbs of flesh as they came closer together, eventually bringing his slide to a neat, if embarrassing, stop.

Toph withdrew her hand and let her panties settle back snugly against her rear as Aang desperately tried to clamber out of her crack, to no avail. Her muscles held his left leg in a vice-like grip just above the knee, which prevented him from either climbing out or bending his way out. He was stuck, so he tried the only method left open to him...


The Avatar started banging on the unyielding, massive walls of Toph's butt, yelling, "Toph! Toph! Let me out! Please!"

He would have kept going, but suddenly her ass contracted, slamming him between her twin cheeks and muffling his cries still further as Toph bent over to pick up her belt and refastened it, then grabbed something else...

Aang couldn't see the smile on the blind girl's face, but he heard her gloating. "Hey, Twinkle Toes, guess what I got -- a new nutcracker!" She gave a few experimental swishes with Aang's abandoned, normal-sized staff, and almost immediately felt the tingling sensation of her tiny captive shouting and trying to get free again. Toph straightened up, relaxing her rear muscles just enough to hear a tiny voice screaming ".-n antique! Let-"

Then she quickly clenched her ass again, and the voice went silent, but the squirming picked back up. Toph grinned. She was definitely going to have fun with this, but first she had to get back to camp. So the young Earthbender started walking back, while the unfortunate Avatar was being tossed back and forth between her powerful glutes, occasionally getting squished when she paused to squeeze them together.

Finally, after a long walk, Toph made it back to the camp. She walked over to her tent and tossed Aang's staff unceremoniously over her sleeping bag, out of sight from the rest of the camp. Then she walked over to the campfire and leaned over, causing her buttocks to spread wide. Aang, unprepared for his prison to open so suddenly, dropped like stone out of Toph's butt. He landed on the soft fabric of her panties, and came tumbling to a stop beneath her right butt cheek.

At that moment, the giantess sat down, and Aang was flung against her rear by the momentum, until finally she landed with a powerful WHUMP! As the blind girl reclined, Aang squirmed. An avalanche of assflesh barreled over him and settled above, giving him enough room to breathe but trapping him for the third time since he'd shrunk. Only the wider area stopped his friend's weight from pulverizing him.

Suddenly, someone else came into the camp; Katara. "Alright, as soon as the boys get back we can eat. Toph, have you seen Aang anywhere?"

Underneath her, the Avatar started squirming, but Toph just shifted her weight back a bit and clenched her cheeks, effectively silencing him. "I did, but he said he's going to fly ahead to scout the area. He said we'll meet him again in a few days."

Katara paused. "Hmm... I hope he'll be alright."

Toph silently sighed in relief. "Yeah, me too."

Then she had an idea. She slowly reached into her ass and fished out Aang, muffling him with her fist as she looked around. What to do with the pipsqueak?

1. She tosses him into her mouth for "waterbending".

2. She throws him down Katara's bra when she's not looking.

3. She decides Aang will be staying in her ass for the rest of the day and night.

You have the following choices:

1. Training With Toph's Tongue

2. Aang's "Easier" Opponent

3. Back In Toph's Butt

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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