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Rated: E · Book · Other · #1962205
You are what you write. Illusion and Reality...I reside in between. Where are you?
UNDERSTAND THAT REDIRECTING CIVILIZATION is a major undertaking. You can write volumes about it and who will listen? But the energy that goes for that purpose cannot be withdrawn. You know that.

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April 7, 2015 at 7:57am
April 7, 2015 at 7:57am
Blog City Prompt: “The blazing fire makes flames and brightness out of everything thrown into it.” Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
What do you think about this quote? Do you keep a blazing fire when it comes to your writing?

The concept of ‘everything thrown into it’ is part of the early creative process and the idea of Brain Storming as a technique. Once a direction and plan is determined, the creativity focuses in and a lot of not usable stuff is thrown out.

To be more specific, I use visual diagrams--that would be the fire.

I surround the central event or character with every element, other characters, anything and everything that could be within their POV or ultimately have an effect--that would be the fuel.

Then I guess that I stare into the fire looking for connections, influences, logical choices, dangers, conflicts--anything to shape the moment in the story. When it begins to make sense, the fire burns very bright.

After that exercise, I know everything that exists for that moment and I can create a sequence and write it down. The characters almost write themselves, and sometimes they say and do the most surprising things.

The entire process of story-telling in a novel is strange and wonderful. I don’t think a hard formula can be applied. Working in theater and film helped me learn about timing and visualization.

The mind is a visual machine...way beyond language.

Write on you fire bringers! >>>iggy

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April 6, 2015 at 11:25am
April 6, 2015 at 11:25am
Blog City Prompt: Over-thinking means obsessing about or over-analyzing regular experiences and interactions, and reading into them things that aren’t actually there. Are you an over-thinker? How do you think one can overcome over-thinking?

I'm not that way, an obsessive over-thinker---and people who are drive me right up the wall. So much time and energy wasted on not accepting things as they are.

If you look at your personal moment of NOW...

Did you look? That's how it is, baby. Nothing more, nothing less. And anything in the past is GONE except for the nagging memories. People talk about carrying emotional baggage. Those over-thinkers carry a lot of baggage (guilt, grief, losses, accusations, self-doubt, worries about everything.) all wrapped up in NEGATIVE ENERGY.

Have you noticed that negative energy attracts more negative energy, people, events, etc. Like a magnet it draws them in. And guess what? They get to be right. To support an out of control ego, a brain that has given up control and demands to be right above all logic and reason. And it's on automatic drive.

Now this runs in all percentages of degree from mild, barely noticeable, to extreme. With the extreme ones I just walk away. They'll drain your positive energy and make you sick.

One nice thing about WDC is the positive energy that dominates and flows throughout the site. Guess what that attracts? Those negative ones get neutralized and redirected with understanding and great vibes!

Peace and love...>>>iggy

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April 4, 2015 at 8:06am
April 4, 2015 at 8:06am
Blog Ciy Prompt: Why do you think food tastes better when it comes straight from a farm? Would you consider living on a farm? Why or Why not.

The big difference in taste happens when produce is harvested and gets to your table in the shortest amount of time. It is important that the fruits and vegetables are allowed to ripen on the vine or tree. Commercial procedure requires early harvest so the produce can “survive” storage and transport. And then they’re often chemically treated to extend shelf life.

The same problems exist of the methods of production of meat and diary products. Imagine chickens that never get out into sunlight or scratch in the dirt. Their eggs have to be less nutricious. The same for cows that are penned and confined. They need to be outside and grazing on grass to give useful milk.

I don’t think you have to live on a farm, but you really need to find the nearest fresh produce market. In Belize, that’s pretty much all we have. Lots of individual sellers bring whatever they’ve picked that morning to market. Saturday is the big market day so lots of trucks some in on Friday night. Prices are cheap because they are all in competition with each other. Nothing is packaged, you pick your own. It’s amazing!

Living on a farm is LOTS OF WORK. Then you are pretty much tied to it, especially with animals. But that’s where the good food comes from. Your choice.

Happy Easter...>>>iggy*Boat*

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April 3, 2015 at 12:44pm
April 3, 2015 at 12:44pm
Blog City Prompt: Imagine that you have caught a talking bug in a jar. What does the bug have to say about nature and the life of a bug? Would you let him free, if asked? Why or Why not.


I had an old, scratched-up glass jar,
With a screened hole right in the lid,
Used to keeping glow worms and fireflies,
When I was a mean-spirited and lonely little kid.

Now my problem was a new kind of bug,
He came unannounced in a broken-top jug,
Then hid for a while in the old living room,
Under the dusty shag rug I attacked with a broom.

I could hear the bug singing,
Like an old rusty zither,
Horrible, loud, and clinging,
To my brain a sharp pain bringing.

Like a ninja I crawled on the old shaggy rug,
Jar lifted, poised and ready,
To capture, silence and mug,
That shrieking voiced insect, uninvited interloper.

Bug must have seen me coming,
Or heard my thumpy knees,
He shut up tight, silence, no humming,
Not a sound, not a squeak.

My jar arm began to quiver,
Old muscles turning weak,
“If you’re not going to sing,
“I’ll leave you alone for the rest of this week.”

I creaked to my feet,
In a cloud of shag-rug dust,
Then a new sound I heard,
In a raspy, flippant, thrust.

“You are amazing,” the little voice said,
“Old fools like you give me pleasures galore,”
I couldn’t believe it, I heard it distinctly
A bug voice, I’m sure, coming up from the floor.

“Believe it or not, I talk when I want to,”
It said in a voice not mellow, not nice,
“For humans are stupid,” the bug said with a smirk,
“You try and you try to not have to work.”

With old warrior skills, I dropped with a vengeance,
The jar hit the shag carpet and circled the beast,
It said something nasty and angry and cruel,
Bug said, “You have wronged me and broken the rule.

“To capture an insect is only the action,
“Of cowards and weak muggers,
“Who torture and taunt,
“Without a thought why.”

I slipped the lid under and turned up the jar,
The bug glared, I saw him,
His gesture spoke volumes, universally clear,
A bad-assed creature in a scratched-up old jar.

My prisoner, my captive,
Will he plead for my mercy,
Will he beg for release?
“What say you now?” I loudly did preach.

Peals of laughter, he jiggled and shook,
“Unknowing and foolish, that’s how your are,
“My pleasure’s complete, I can’t ask for more,
“Just take a good serious look down at the floor!”

Under my feet the rug started moving,
“You’re done for,” he shouted,
“You wretched old crook,”
My balance was slipping, I fell with the jar!

His voice I could hear,
The joy unmistakeable,
“My cousins, you see, my family and friends,
“We all work together to make true amends,

“We’ll sing at your funeral
“Well dance on your grave,
“Your bones we will keep,
"In and old, scratched-up glass jar."

Because I missed yesterday’s prompt, this is an adventure we probably should avoid.
Peace and Love...>>>iggy*Boat*

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April 1, 2015 at 12:03pm
April 1, 2015 at 12:03pm
Blog City Prompt: You are trapped and have to live in your favorite TV Comedy Show. Which one do you choose?

I got a DVD of 2013 season of BIG BANG---and that's the only television comedy show I seen. And I watched that last Fall.

Don't have a television set and no service on the sailboat. The last time I watched TV, I was house-sitting and I couldn't watch for very long. The commercial breaks seemed longer than the show episodes. It's all just advertisiing. If I see one commercial, I really don't want to watch it again...and again.

I did enjoy Big Bang. And long ago I liked Friends.
For a brief while, I got to see Mike and Molly, that was fun.

Haven't really seen anything for the past year. I read a lot, mostly from Kindle free stuff. Lots of new writers there.

Check out the real news. There's a lot happening in our world these days.

Save your gold...>>>iggy

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March 31, 2015 at 10:31am
March 31, 2015 at 10:31am
Blog City Prompt: "Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits," said Carl Sandburg.
Since April, the poetry month, starts tomorrow, what does poetry mean to you?

Poems are words stretched to bloom,

Into meanings that illuminate the soul of beauty,

Colors, textures, smells and sensations,

Collect and wrap around your mind,

Leaving impressions and images that resonate

unexpected and filled with wonder.


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March 30, 2015 at 3:51pm
March 30, 2015 at 3:51pm
Blog City Prompt: Do you believe humans and animals have a spiritual connection that isn’t necessarily dependent on the language? Have you had any incidents of this with the animals in your life?

(See picture at very bottom)

Oh yes. I had Winniefred for over fourteen years. She came as a birthday gift, just a tiny fluf. She grew into a beautiful multicolored Australian crossed with a Dingo, essentially bred for Sheep herding. Her earliest training was by a male Siamese who taught her to play and to respect cats.

I was working as Artistic Director, and Choreographer for a regional semi-professional theater in Carmel Valley, CA. I taught a dance class every day for the theater company. From her earliest time with me, Winnierfred stayed where ever I was working. She had a towel under the ballet bar and learned very quickly that "Stay" meant no moving or making noise. When the break came, she circulated among the actors and dancers greeting and being loved.

Then when we started touring performances for children at schools across California, Winniefred was always with us. As a herd dog she claimed each person in the group and constantly circulated to check on each one. Sometime we had to go have lunch with the teachers leaving our sets and costume trunks on the stage to be set up. Winnie would stay with the gear and never leave it. Curious students or teachers would be warned by a serious growl to stay back. In her entire life, she never bit or actually harmed another person. The car and theater truck were seriously guarded with snarling fangs on the other side of the window,

After a show in a school we visited the classrooms and Winnie allowed groups of twent;y or so children to pet her. Later there were several stage shows that she was a performer. She waited impatiently off-stage for her cue line to be said. She would always burst onstage with full energy.

Even later we moved to Hollywood and the first film I worked on hired Winniefred to be a dog that is murdered by the evil killer. She was perfect and even froze for the closeup with a fake knife glued to her chest. What an actress!

Then we visited a horse ranch occasionally. That was heaven for Winniefred. She ran with the horses on long trail rides, mud;dy, hot, tongue hanging out. And a couple of times she managed to herd a group of yearlings that were free on the ranch. Of course, sheep were a special treat. She knew hand signals and responded to those. Chasing a tennis ball on land on in the pool was a daily game.

She knew so many words and commands or instruction were just part of normal language. Once in Yellowstone, a bear stood up at the car window with paws on the glass. Winnierfred never forgot that moment. Any mention of the word 'bear' would send her into a frenzy of looking and watching.

We stayed in some pretty fancy hotels, sneaked in the back way and they never knew she was there. She could bark big time, but never in the hotel. She had so many friends, loving them all.

She died in my arms. A dear, loving friend I shall never forget.

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March 28, 2015 at 1:56pm
March 28, 2015 at 1:56pm
Blog City Prompt: Which way is better: getting all of our news at a single point or two in the day, or the birth of the 24/7 news cycle, with news being reported all day long?

Unless there is a really important event, the 24/7 news is the news of yesterday repeated over and over from the same master script. And true or not it is given the all-important tone and never questioned.

Very early in the morning, the news that hits the wires during the night and new reports and editorials are all accumulated and published. The financial news is filtered and massaged as the markets open in London, then New York and much later, Tokyo.

Outside of the American bubble of control, there is news all the time as it is happening. After all, it is daylight somewhere in the world at every minute. Most of the war news comes from alternative media and foreign news services.

The Government, the lobbies, political parties, the alphabet agencies, the churches, the opposition groups, the shadow government organizations, and foreign governments ALL have their own agendas that feed and edit the news materials.

So I believe it is wrong to say "get the news," it is more correct to say that you are GIVEN all the news of the day.

What you chose to believe and accept is at your discretion. The old saying about the grain of salt does seem to apply. Especially now when so many voices are using the words, World War III.

There is a lot of silliness, a lot of insanity, but no jokes!
This is a very serious topic and I despair at having to write about it.

Peace and love must be our intent...>>>iggy

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March 27, 2015 at 10:02am
March 27, 2015 at 10:02am
Blog City Prompt: How do you determine what you want to share from your life in your blog? I've noticed more and more lately outside of WDC, that more and more blogs are showing their families, their homes. Should we be concerned about how much we put out there? What are the risks?

I guess, slowly over time and many, many blog posts, little bits of personal history become part of the permanent record. If you've ever seen the extremely long list of Red Flag Words that can trigger someone out there to focus in on you or one of your followers or family...it's not nice or comfortable. But from the list of words, there is nothing you can talk about, no matter how innocent, that is not on the list somewhere. Paranoia to the extreme!

Edward Snowden has done his best to alert the world that nothing is private any longer. There are agencies looking for enemies, or friends of possible enemies, or families of friends of possibles, or schools, or specific classes, or professors, or...? There is no end to what is possible so they feel they must watch everything. What are the risks? Your decision.

So I say, if you have a secret, never put it in writing, never tell anyone. Remember that behavior that feels OK when you're nineteen may be used against you when you are forty. And somewhere out there, a file of ALL your emails is being compiled and archived. They are very interested in your DNA as well.

See what I've written here has dozens of red flag words. Do you see how they'd like to intimidate you into writing nothing but cute stories about fluffy bunnies that have no sex?

I say, let the rabbits run! >>>iggy

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March 26, 2015 at 10:51am
March 26, 2015 at 10:51am
Blog City Prompt: Surrealism means writer, author combines unrelated images or events in a strange dreamlike way. Have you ever had this experience?

Oh yeah. In Apex Project when my characters began to have memory flashes from past lives, it became very surrealistic. Sometimes they would wake from a dream and almost see double--- past life and now---at the same time. I really liked writing with this idea and style.

Then when I walk down one of the narrow, main streets of Belize City on a cruise ship day, the entire array of people is total surrealism. From beggars and addicts panhandling the fancy tourists to slick taxi drivers moving strangely dressed cruise folks off on tours to whatever. The mix of languages, voices, races and skin colors, the crazy traffic and a city still trying to find itself, for certain is strange and unreal. The tourist village is filled with diamond shops, and the locals are banned. There are lots of open holes in the sidewalks where the ditch covers are broken. I worry about a tourist falling through. (after buying diamonds)

Typical day with four cruise ships can put six-thousand tourists into the country in a few hours. The entire exercise is hard to imagine. I wear my dark glasses and walk through as in a dream.

Life is so interesting...>>>iggy

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