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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1302157
My blogging here

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Shi Blogs Too: from out of the mountains where I live.

I will now be keeping a journal. This is something new for me. I have no idea what I am doing, just that I am diving in. This should be an interesting journey for me. Mainly because I consider myself to be a semi-private person. I live with my fiance and our two kitties, in what I have come to recognize as a small community in a somewhat remote area. Retirement has it's own life style and livelihood. Far away from the norm.

Photo of Mt. Baker

Another Photo of Me

Me on my 64th. birthday.

Ron and me.

My sweetie and I

Recent photo of my man and me.

Merit Badge in Blog Camping
[Click For More Info]

Sorry for outbidding you in the  [Link To Item #2113623] ...I'm not a fan of bidding wars and feel bad about it. I know this isn't the same thing as the package itself, but it's the least I could do. *^*Smile*^*

If you want to find out more about me...read my Author Bio ~
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#1477420 by ShiShad
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September 3, 2007 at 11:14pm
September 3, 2007 at 11:14pm
I spent the greater part of the day here by myself. Ron and Dave were able to take their ride today. They rode the Cycles north to Acme then back on down to Arlington on highway 9.
I found the day to be a rather quiet one with just the kitties and me.

Spent a lot of my time on the computer just checking out all of the different activities going on to celebrate WDCs Birthday this week. It's amazing how many are out there!

I entered many auctions, raffles and the like. So much stuff being given away, raffled, and auctioned off..it's mind blowing!

If you don't have many GPs to spare and you still want in on the Birthday Bash, well then you gotta go check out Kiya's
Letters of Life, Love & Hope  (18+)
A writing activity in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
#1312275 by iKïyå§ama
It's out of this world. Gifts for everyone!

I was very fortunate today to have got to known Sonnetwolf better. She is a bighearted and wholesome person. It felt like I had known her for forever! She made me an awesome Sig for my Campfire Creative "The Ghost Dancers"about Native American Indians.
Then she read and reviewed it and LOVED it! She awarded it with an awardicon to my amazement! How cool can that be? I felt abit bad cause it (my poem} broke her heart she said. I thought that was a really touching thing to say. But, I would rather she be happy.

September 2, 2007 at 10:49pm
September 2, 2007 at 10:49pm
Oh wow....my bid I made for WDCs Birthday Bash is really racking up the GPs for them! I created a Dumb Blond Poll and put it in the Sponsored Items column. It's taken so many hits already I'm almost 10,000 GPs poorer! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WDC!

The question in the poll is "How do you make a dumb blonds eyes light up?"
September 2, 2007 at 7:13pm
September 2, 2007 at 7:13pm
Today is a cloudy and cooler day. Ron was supposed to go riding again with his friend Dave(the friend we visited yesterday). They both both canceled , however. Ron was too tired after yesterday. Dave needed to get some things done at home.

I was tired also. I spent the better part of the morning on my computer. Then took an hour nap in the afternoon. I guess being on a bike for 4 hours can wear you out if you're my age. The cooler temperatures tend to bring on the aching leg syndrome and riding a bike doesn't help that either. However, none of that ever stops me from climbing on the back of the Vulcan. I love to ride!

I think for the rest of the day though we are just going to lay low and be lazy.
After all we are retired now. We can set our own daily pace.
September 2, 2007 at 12:39am
September 2, 2007 at 12:39am
We left the house this morning on the Vulcan(motorcycle) headed to Whidby Island for dinner with friends. The weather provided a good day to ride. The traffic wasn't all that bad for a holiday weekend. We weren't the only ones out on a bike today. We saw so many bikers out on the road going over and coming back.

Also, many many tourists and sight-seerers at Deception Pass. The bridge at Deception Pass is what connects Whidby Island with Fidalgo Island and Anacortes.
Going east will take you to Mount Vernon, Burlington, Cedro Woolley, and eventually to Concrete.

Dinner was great. We had the pleasure of dining on baked salmon. For dessert we had homemade blackberry cobbler topped with vanilla icecream .Yummmmy!
We visited for around four hours. Spent a lovely afternoon on their deck enjoying the view of the water of Puget Sound and the view of the Olympic Mountains.

We had to head out soon after dinner was over, because of the long ride ahead of us. It took us two hours to get back home. It's a 200 mile round trip.

We had a wonderful time, but tonight we are a couple of tired puppies.

August 31, 2007 at 3:16pm
August 31, 2007 at 3:16pm
Today is the last day of August. It's real cool here today, with a temperature of 63 degrees. No outstanding weather extreme; a typical way for August to leave. There is an autumn edge of dampness in the mornings now. I can no longer sit outside drinking my morning coffee, in just my shorts and tank top. A sure sign that summer is leaving us here.

Yesterday I spent a good part of the day creating another poem for kansaspoet's campfire. My turn came around so fast! It's amazing how many good poems are in this campfire-
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1302476 by Not Available.
What's even more amazing is how fast everyone includes their entries! I look forward to reading every new entry as soon as they are posted. I am in awe of so many talented writers on this site. Joining this campfire has given me the opportunity to write amongst some of the most talented.

August 30, 2007 at 2:40am
August 30, 2007 at 2:40am
It's before midnight so I figured I better make my blog entry. IT will show up as two for tomorrow , however. We just finished up watching our DVD's. We are watching OC and Law & Order. They are two really great series. We always watch the DVDs . There's such a wide selection out there to choose from,and we never have to see commercials! We've been doing this for over two years now and we are hooked. Net Flix must really love us by now.

Found our peaches and nectarines at the Market today. Along with some butter lettuce, cauliflower, green beans, and fresh new red potato's. All organically grown locally. Tomorrow we will be making soup. Green bean, red potato, onion, & bacon soup...ummm...ummm. Mighty tasty.
August 28, 2007 at 8:10pm
August 28, 2007 at 8:10pm
Talked to my oldest son today. He said he was awake last night and got to see the total eclipse of the moon. Says it was a pretty neat show. Told him I only saw the big full moon as it rose over the mountains last night. It sure was a sight in itself.

I think I'm over those ole doldrums. Feeling much better today. Summer is back and hanging on like it hasn't any intentions of leaving us yet. I'm glad for that because it will be fall soon enough.

Tomorrow we are going to hit the Farmers Market again. We ran out of peaches and nectarines so it's time to replenish our supply. By now they ought to have some really good local sweetcorn. That would be great. Wonder what else we will find....

August 27, 2007 at 9:54pm
August 27, 2007 at 9:54pm
I think the doldrums have set in. You know what I mean don't you? The doldrums sneak up behind you when you're least expecting them. Then slowly, silently they drag you down. You finally figure out too late why your muscles are all aching...first your shoulders, then your lower back, your legs, now today my feet actually feel them too!

Then all of a sudden my whole body feels so damn heavy.

They don't just stop there tho....the doldrums make you sleepy. Soon a nap is in the order of the day. My nap today lasted for two hours. I awoke over an hour ago from deep daytime slumber, and already my eyes are feeling heavy again.

Yesterday my nap extended into three hours. I should have known then that the doldrums were back. But, they can be sneaky like that, coming around when they're not invited. Taking over your every motor movement until you give up fighting them off, and finally find yourself lying horizontal amongst them. Slipping slowly away from everything existing around you.

Then when you finally do awaken from the heavily laden fog you were in...you can't rise out of bed. The bed has turned into this huge magnet! You can't lift yourself off the mattress because it's sucking you down like some big suction cup on a giant vacuum!

When you have the strength to eventually roll to the side of the bed and rise up on one elbow, stating out loud- " I'm going to get up now", that is when it hits you again.

Wham! Them damn doldrums drag you back down on the bed again. How much longer can you just lie there staring at the ceiling? You muster up what little energy is left in your whole body after "the magnet" sucked it all out, and place your feet upon the bedroom floor. Next you're aimlessly wandering into the bathroom, where you sit and stare blankly across from the toilet at the bathtub. Then you realize you haven't even showered yet today.

How lazy is that anyways? What a mundane way to spend the day.

I'll sure be glad when these damn doldrums leave. I can't take much more of these soul sapping suckers messing up my Mondays.

This was shot this evening of the moon over the mountains- Monday, August27, 2007
August 27, 2007 at 1:16am
August 27, 2007 at 1:16am
Well today I wrote my first short story following a prompt for a contest! A new territory for me. I tend to steer away from short stories and write mostly poetry. That's just something I felt most comfortable with. After some prodding, however, I decided to give it a try.

I must admit it wasn't all that bad really. It's what you might call a "short short" story. I think it served the prompt well, and that's what was important in this case.

Got to get off here now. My scrabble partner is patiently waiting for some action.
August 25, 2007 at 3:32pm
August 25, 2007 at 3:32pm
It seems that I was so busy writing reviews online here yesterday that I forgot to enter something in my blog! I remember actually coming here and debating what I would write, then seeing something interesting to my right, I left and went to check it out. Then began the process of writing many reviews for Angel Army.

As it turned out I totally forgot about my blog! So here I am finally, a day late.

There's not a whole lot been going on around here. We did make another trip to town to pick up a big tool bench unit from Lowe's that Ron had ordered online. It sure is convenient for us to be able to find and order what we need online. We have most of it delivered right to our door. At times though we order it then make the trip into the store to pick it up if we can.

Today the weather is a bit of a reprieve from yesterday's heat. We've cooled down about 10 degrees. With showers in the forecast. Ron and Dave will ride tomorrow. I will stay home and get some things done around the house.

I've gotten many wonderful cNotes from authors here Congratulating me on my promotion. Everyone has been so nice. They keep coming in my inbox each day! How thoughtful and kind of all of you who have sent them. Of course I've thanked each and every one personally. I need to upload them all and put them into my port. Think I'll go do that right now....
August 23, 2007 at 11:07pm
August 23, 2007 at 11:07pm
I spent a couple of hours writing another poem today. The reason it took me so long was because I was writing it for Project Write World, and I'm not allowed to edit it after entering it. So I had to be sure that my editing was all done.

I think it is a pretty good contest entry that followed a prompt. Can't wait to see what kind of response it receives. This is the first time I have entered this particular contest. I'm impressed with the magnitude of it. If anyone is interested in joining this contest they can check it out here:

Come join 'Project Write World' today! :)

It's a wonderful evening out tonight. We just got back from our walk. The starlings were putting on quite a feeding show. They fly in large separate flocks from tree to tree, then meet up all together in the biggest Cedar tree they can find and chirp-chirp-chirp their songs at once! We saw them do this at this time last summer. It is quite an amazing event. They actually make a very loud swooshing sound when they fly overhead into the tops of the tree's. Then begin their chirping frenzy.

August 22, 2007 at 8:40pm
August 22, 2007 at 8:40pm
Today the temperature is hovering right around 78 to 80 degrees here at home. It's pleasant because there is a nice breeze that's been blowing all day. Making the temperature seem somewhat cooler than it really is.

A good day for working around the house. Which I have been doing since this morning. Getting laundry caught up and those other meniel chores, that need attention from time to time.....cleaning sinks, toilets, tubs & showers and the like. Not that I like it, mind you, it simply has to be done. Cooler weather can aid in getting it done somewhat faster.

My youngest son Matt called me today. He is having problems in his marriage and they are not getting resolved. It's too early to go into any detail. My heart goes out to him. He doesn't deserve to end up brokenhearted. I pray that things will work out for the best there where all are concerned.

That's really all a mother can do for her children when they are adults and share their lives with someone they love.

I learned many, many years ago not to get involved in my children's private lives, when it comes to problems arising in their relationships.

As the old saying goes " Silence is Golden".

August 21, 2007 at 12:49pm
August 21, 2007 at 12:49pm
I got a big surprise in my email last evening. I have been promoted to a Preferred Author!!! I was so choked up and touched by it that I actually had tears blurring my vision and couldn't finish my reviewing last night for the Angel Army! I was actually speechless.

What a wonderful surprise. I never dreamed it would happen to me, really. My inbox was full of Congratulations from so many this morning. How very thoughtful and sweet of everyone.

How truly special of Meg to give me such a lovely Merit Badge for this occasion! *Delight* Thank you Meg from the bottom of my heart. You have been such a dear friend.

I have a new shine in my portfolio now. I'm honored to have been chosen to wear the Yellow. Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
August 20, 2007 at 12:43pm
August 20, 2007 at 12:43pm
Today is a cloudy cool day around here. It's still summer, but it feels like autumn. I hate to see the summer end, taking with it all those days of sunny warmth. The leaves are beginning to fall already. A sure sign that autumn is just around the corner. I will miss wearing my shorts everyday.

We are getting ready to head to town. I am in need of a haircut.

So I am making this short as I need to get ready for the trip to town.

August 18, 2007 at 12:11pm
August 18, 2007 at 12:11pm
Yesterday my daughter and the girls left for home. We had such a great visit. The girls spent alot of time in the hot tub. They'd stay in it for an hour in the evening, then an hour or so later they'd get back in it again!

We went for walks and they took lots of pictures. The weather was hot and dry so they were able to get some beautiful pictures of Mt.Baker.

My kitties got their noses bent, however. They are not used to all the company and had a hard time settling down at night. They believe this is their HOUSE and no one dare invade it! I think they just shy away from all the noise.

My daughter is such a kick. She can always make me laugh. She is great medicene for me. She can tell a story that leaves me laughing so hard I cry! I love her sense of humor along with most everything that makes up the great person that she is.

Of course then it came time for them to leave, I hated to see them go. I stood on the deck and watched that Trailblazer leave the driveway, and continued to watch it as it made it's way clear to the end of our road and around the corner. All the time I was waving goodbye and throwing kisses.

My Daughter Julie
** Image ID #1307609 Unavailable **

Granddaughter Alexandra and her little friend Kelsey

** Image ID #1307610 Unavailable **
August 14, 2007 at 11:18pm
August 14, 2007 at 11:18pm
Today started off with a visit to the dr. office for some minor surgery. Everything went well and I was out of the office within an hour and a half.

Spent the rest of my day cleaning and getting laundry caught up. Ron will be leaving in the morning for Eastern Washington. He and his friend Dave have planned this bike trip for sometime now. They will be gone till Saturday. Their ride may even take them as far as Idaho. For sure they will be riding north to Republic near the Canadian border. It will be good for both of them to get away and ride their fun Sport Bikes. Ron loves his Honda VFR. Oh the joys of retirement!

My daughter Julie and granddaughter Alex(12yrs.) will be coming up to keep me company while Ron is gone. Alex is bringing along her friend Kelsey. Julie has to drive for 3 1/2 hours before she gets here. She will be coming via the new bridge over the Tacoma Narrows. Then it's a straight shot north on I-5 till she gets to Mount Vernon. Then she heads east on 20 till she gets to Concrete. That's where I live. It will be quite a scenic drive for the girls.

It's going to be a hot day tomorrow. The girls are bringing their bathing suits. They plan on going in the hot tub here! By evening it should cool off enough for all to go in and get wet. It's a very relaxing experience.

I'm looking forward to them coming, I know we are going to have fun*Bigsmile*
August 13, 2007 at 9:40pm
August 13, 2007 at 9:40pm
This morning started out with another trip to town. I had wrestled with some smoked almonds awhile back and my dentures cracked! At first I heard the cracking , looked the denture over, it looked all right. I saw no crack then.

As days went by I noticed whenever eating popcorn I could feel a hair at the roof of my mouth.....ummm. Then I would check and ...no hair. I would have sworn it was a hair there. This went on a few more times.

Then last evening while eating my dinner my tongue got pinched in the roof of my denture! Well, that did it. I new it was cracked for sure. So I looked it over really good this time and sure enough there was the Hairline crack!*Shock*

So off to town this morning for denture repair. It wasn't cheap to say the least.

I guess one hundred dollars , is better than one thousand ...tho, for that's what a whole new upper denture would have cost had I not repaired it.

Well, anyways we did some shopping while we waited the hour and half for the repair work. So the day was a success all around.

The best part of the day was when we got home and brought in the mail from the mailbox. There was this small box for me from Writing.Com! I never ordered anything.....so I could not imagine what it was.

Opened it up and printed on the inside bottom on top of pretty orange and yellow squares was:

You Are A Highlight
within the Writing.Com
Thank you for your support,
The Story Mistress & StoryMaster

With a bright yellow highlighter inside! Wow!
How very thoughtful of them both to send that to me through the mail.

Now I think I will get off here and send them an email to thank them personally for such a nice gift.

August 12, 2007 at 11:25pm
August 12, 2007 at 11:25pm
Today was another one of those cloudy, cool, and dampish days. I pretty much stayed inside all day while Ron was out riding the motorcycle.

I did mange to get another poem created. Not that I had to....just wanted to.

Of course I was on reviewing again for the Black Case Domination Review. It's just amazing how many reviews are being done by all those Black Cases!!! I can hardly wait to find out the Final Total.

I'm sure some of you's will have sore fingers from doing all that typing. Boy, my eyes are still blurry(((@))).
August 11, 2007 at 4:55pm
August 11, 2007 at 4:55pm
This has been a real fun day. I have been doing what most of you Black Suitcases are doing ....writing reviews left and right! I was really going strong there ...then all of sudden after a half dozen or so, I started having problems - my pages would disappear with the click of the mouse or just hitting the keys!! I figured the site must have been on overload*Laugh* So I finally gave up after repeated tries to get something typed out.

I don't know if anyone else encountered this problem or not....but, what can I say, besides.........Go Black Cases!

I got back a good response for my Campfire Creative. That makes me feel pretty good to know that it was very well liked.

I'm going to give these blurry eyes a rest now. I may try writing more reviews later. *Bigsmile*

August 11, 2007 at 3:16am
August 11, 2007 at 3:16am
I spent the better part of the day figuring out what to write for Kansaspoets Campfire Creative. It was alot of fun coming up with a creative working poem to follow his.

I hope that he and everyone else that reads it enjoys it.

Now I am going to bed. It's past midnight here at my house. Night night.*Yawn*

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