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403 Public Reviews Given
407 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
My review style will change to conform to the needs of the work. If I find no grammatical issues, I move on to something else and will always concentrate on the requested aspects of the piece per the author's instructions. I enjoy reviewing others' work.
I'm good at...
Helping with descriptive phrasing, less capable in grammar, and always aspiring to be honest yet polite. I feel that those who concentrate on criticizing are compensating for something lacking in themselves.
Favorite Genres
Literary, SciFi, Fantasy, Horror, and almost anything I'm requested to do.
Least Favorite Genres
X rated. Other than that, I haven't met one yet.
Favorite Item Types
Short Stories, Novel chapters, etc.
Least Favorite Item Types
Poems, because I know very little about that art. However, I am very willing to give my impression of a poem. I just make no promises as to how helpful it will be.
I will not review...
X rated or anything over a rating of 18+
Public Reviews
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Review of The Punchline.  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This is a gruesome tale about a comedy of errors. The telling holds a few small grammatical issues, but some of those may be due to my American perception of grammar in the English language, when the true English may have the upper hand in that arena. Some small grammar flaws aside, this story is an engaging and comical tale of the hazards of revenge when it comes to marriage and a cunning spouse.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This short-short is a well-crafted story. The tale itself is not new but contains some "new" twists, and the telling of it shows a masterful hand and a keen imagination. I found a few faults with the grammar. However, those may be excused because of the voice telling this gothic tale. With those small grammatical issues set aside, I found not a single plot misstep, nor anything else that my grabbing hopes could retrieve from your masterful musing in this tale, even though I spent extra time searching. Be proud and keep writing to exceed this present "masterful" status in everything you pen from this day forward. Let me know, and I'll buy your next book.

Thanks for writing this and letting me read it for free.

Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This piece is inspirational for me as I am on the verge, or maybe past the threshold, of old age. I look back on my life and wish people could see what these eyes have. I guess we all think or hope that our story is unique, but if it indeed were, would anyone want to read a tale so alien to their own? Would you not better enjoy the story you relate to rather than the one so foreign to your core? I mean, we all crave adventure, but in an experience on familiar ground. Even in the stories told about alien worlds, the author must tether himself to our world within some aspect of his story. Otherwise, he may never connect the characters to his audience since the average reader associates themselves with the world we all share. And the average reader is our target audience. Are they not?

Your essay connected with me, and I enjoyed the emotional insight into the experience related to you on Facebook.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of Frosty Creme  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! What a punch in just 321 words! I loved this little short-short and you caught me off guard with the word "pathos," I kept trying to turn it into a character from one of Shakespeare's plays. Then the little gremlin crept into the back of my mind to whisper: "You idiot, pathos or misery." Very good short-short. Feelings of pity welled within me as I read and they collapsed into laughter at the ending. Your note at the end implies that this is a true story? Or is it more truth than fiction?

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it. It's been a while since I've been tickled into a belly laugh.

Review of Love Is  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I found this piece through Read and Review.

You both did a great job on this poem. I'm no expert on poetry, so don't listen to me, but the two of you seem to counterbalance each other in the writing of this piece, leaving the reader with a smooth, effortless journey and a satisfying trip to remember. You captured both the success as well as the often experienced succinctness Love creates in relationships. All Love is rewarding, no matter how long it lasts or how bad it hurts when it's over.

After all, it is at the end of life when all these memories have the most value. If they are not there because of a misplaced dread of pain, then upon what the mind will dwell?

Thank you for co-writing this and letting me read it.

Remember: It's not just how you write it; it's how it's read.

Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

A simple, touching moment that tells the tale of a lifetime of mastering one's fate lost in the recognition that time has twisted and slipped away, leaving no more than a husk thrown into the brambles along the path. Power, the more fleeting of youthful indulgence, relinquished, not transferred. Vigor long since loosened from our grasp, leaving us to our memories and no more. A fate we all await and avoid. A poignant presentation.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Remember: It's not just how you write it; it's how it's read.

Review of A Murder of Crows  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This short blurb is a succinct attention-grabbing nibbler for the reader. It doesn't quite tell the entire tale but entices the reader into the word feast that lingers in the shadows. Did you explore this dark cavern any further, or did you just leave it at this for the contest? If you have or you intend to do so, please let me know because it sounds delicious to my appetite.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of An Old Red Barn  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Thank you for writing this! I believe too many, these days, have abandoned hope for our country. You captured the idea that my father's generation felt so vehemently about that they died in droves to preserve it. As long as this "idea" survives, and some acknowledge its importance to the rest, the nation will thrive.

I have read several of your pieces and felt unqualified to comment without coming across like a groupie, but this one screamed for praise during our current political drama. So, here you have it, meager as it may be.

Remember: It's not just what you write; it's how it's read.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of Be?  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

In my opinion being is infinite for it defines one's finite existence as succinctly as possible.
I enjoyed your "mind bender" and hope to read more from you in the future.

Keep writing, the world might discover you, and then you will become a treasure to be kept forever.

Remember: It's not just what you write; it's how it's read.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of Journal Entry #5  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I believe this posting reveals that you are beginning to comprehend the complexities of writing an extended work like a Novella, Novel, Script and so on. First, try to capture your story's main gist in a loose outline where you do not go into a great deal of detail. From there, begin to list characters, with a verbal image of each. Then expand upon the setting of your tale: location, night/day, duration of time (one event, single day, month, year, and so on.) List everything that comes to mind about the entire story. Arrange the information in a timeline, break the timeline down into sections that seem to fit, and you have a loose, basic outline of how you want to proceed.

I'm sure that I have left out many steps to get you where you wish to go. My primary intent is to give you a methodology to begin your organization process. You need to take it from there and find the method that fits your style.

You know the story you want to tell, how you want it to come across to the reader, now you must plan out how you will attack this massive beast and then bring it home.

Goooooooood Luck! I wish you much success. I am jdennis, and if my meager knowledge can ever help you, please do not hesitate to ask.

Review of My Inner Mare  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Your article is very enlightening. My wife has horses, and when I told her about your commentary, she became very interested. I let her read it, and she told me it made a great deal of sense. She has used several of your tips since to her satisfaction.

I also utilized some of your suggestions at my workplace. It seems all of us animals share the root cause of some fears, and the remedies you highlighted do help.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of Spellbound  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

An excellent short story. Your prose was taut. The story progressed smoothly from an inciting beginning through an eagerly devoured body of text to the ultimate satisfaction as the story settles comfortably into the readers' imagination.

I also appreciated the last address where the reader becomes enlightened about the reality behind this innocent enactment between to lovers.

Review of Journal Entry #3  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Christy Shay,

You seem to have grasped the reality of writing even though you seem to struggle with that which you understand. Keep writing. Nothing put to the page cannot be set asunder by the hand which placed it there, nor the mind which inspired it. It belongs to you. The final judge will only see what you present in the end. That is what "whittling" is. We, those who wield the pen, possess the results in a treasure chest held inside the depths of our dreams. If we spill those dreams onto the page with accuracy, then another, somewhere, will consume them and be filled with the story of what lay in our hearts. Let them see what your heart holds because it is beautiful, and we all strive to behold beauty as the world contains too much that is not.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of 2020 Review  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

You make many good points in your short recitation, but I believe the best is that nothing will be the same after this past year of worldwide upheaval. Many people around the world have died, and turmoil has become too commonplace. Most of the world's population remains huddled in their homes, dreading the day and wishing for tomorrow to bring "light" unto the world. It will come.

I have been alive on the face of this planet for many decades. I have seen such days come and go with a whimper. Few even remember them, and those who do, recognize them as fleeting moments in the torrent of time. Most of us will survive, and all who do will step out in the morning and rake the leaves from the lawn that the storm has dislodged, brush our teeth and go to work, school, church, and rejoin life in its next breath as the pace continues. Those who fell during the battle shall be mourned, their graves decorated and revered, but the pace of the day will not falter, nor will it halt. We are Humanity, and Humanity survives the ages.

You have beauty in your heart, continue writing and we will continue reading.

Review of Time  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This piece is a beautiful rumination of our changing relationship with time. I am amazed that someone so young has captured the essence of changes in our perception of time as the elderly. As I write this, I am stepping into seventy years past the moment of my birth, and you perfectly summed the feeling of someone my age. At your age, I also ran, but not from something. Instead, I chased success. With luck and ruthless abandonment, some of us succeed. However, as I have learned, success never is a destination. It is a journey and usually becomes either an illusion or a disappointment as most captured prey morphs into something pitied, not prized.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of Imperfect  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I have never been a big fan of poetry, but this piece grabbed me as I have ghosts of my own. They never see the light, but they exist none the less. I believe we all have these apparitions from the life already lived, a past which cannot be retrieved no matter the intensity of desire. These can only be written about and you perform that task very well here, so, keep writing and posting and I will keep reading.

You have talent my friend. You have become one of my "Favorites."

Review of Appy Days  
Review by jdennis
Rated: E | (5.0)

Been there, done that. Only I was a guy, and she was a girl. When I got to the entrance/exit, I saw another girl standing near the door with a red rose, and she was beautiful. I stepped up and said, "I believe you're waiting for me."

I enjoyed your short-short story. I saw no flaws grammatically or any other way. You should add to it until it becomes a best seller—"A Mistaken Affair or Was It?"

Review of The Feud  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Your short-short is very well written. I saw not glaring grammar issues. Your voice is attention grabbing and shows me the action instead of telling me what is happening. You have included all of the necessary plot components including an immediately involving descriptive opening that transitions into the story of how the character arrived in the situation where we find her. Then draw us to the realization at the end, which, when resolved, informs us of the true crux of the story.

This is a wonderful job accomplished in so few words.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of My Faith  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Your poem "My Faith" is uplifting and I discovered a positive attitude as I read. Please keep writing and believe me, I will be back to your portfolio for more.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.

Review of The Day Begins  
Review by jdennis
Rated: E | (4.0)

This short conversation yields quite a lot of story. There once was a god who wished to be a feline and got their wish only to find themselves trapped in a cat. Your version supplies all the necessary elements of a story though. You give us a setting, the emotional regret felt by the trapped immortal and the little bit of a last jab by the suffering deity before at his mortal companion.

Very enjoyable and I hope you expand upon this in a larger version. If you do, please let me know.

shared Power Group image

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group


Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Your poem is very touching. I could feel your anguish, your sense of helplessness as I read what you wrote. Keep writing. Keep releasing your frustration with the cruelty life eventually holds for us all. Continue to let your emotions control what you write. The release is why we all do it. Why we write. It is to let that pent up emotion out more than to please others. So, let it out.

Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Found this on Random Review, and with it, I found a sliver of impetus that I needed most during my current collapse of inspiration and resolve to write. I forgot to look for the words. Instead, I looked for the prize at the end of the tunnel. The story completed. I remember now that with each sitting, we grasp one word at a time, placing them carefully with gentle intent, massaging each for the proper tense, placement, while pinching away the dead, useless, foliage to expose the heightened essence of each one. Only then do we "create." That is when we create effect and imagery. The cloud of illusion formed into a story—a tale, that stirs behind each eye that falls upon it. Hopefully, we scar the surface of their being with a memory, a feeling, or a dream.

Thank you for reminding me. You always do.

Your friend,
jdennis (Dennis)
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Incantations-Chapter Three

Below I have included some suggestions on rewording, grammatical issues, and possible word choice replacements in areas that caught my attention as I read your story. I would like you to know upfront that I enjoyed your story. Ergo, I felt it was worth the effort to attempt to help you.

I'm no expert and don't profess to be one. However, you do seem to struggle some in your presentation. If you do not wish to accept my help, I hope you continue to seek advice on WdC as there are many here with a plethora of knowledge.
What I propose below may not suit your tastes, but that was not my point in presenting the information. I only wished to give you an example of how to express the message you are attempting to convey to your reader.

Read the examples I have given and then utilize your own words to clarify what your intent was. My suggestions are stated in the manner that I would word them. Not correct, not perfect, not even necessarily desired, just my feeble attempt to convey a message to an audience.

One last suggestion: I would change the name of your main character. (Although, you probably already know this) Because it is too close to the Potter figure of famed renown.

The fear and regret that was trapped inside of me grew when I opened my eyes to my father looking at me with worry.Shame and regret grew inside me as I opened my eyes to my father, staring at me with concern. All I remembered was yelling at my dad and Barbara for getting married(.) Then and my memory recalls me looking I found myself staring down at my dad from six feet in the air and yelling, "I can't!" Everything else felt like a blurry dream.

"So, you don't remember anything else?" my father sighed. I shook my head sluggishly. My father looked at me in despair and walked across the room to a wooden shelf. I laid was laying down on a table which was covered with (a) smooth, silk cloth. It felt soft(,) and it calmed made me calm. I looked around(,realizing) and realized that we were in the attic, which I had have been in visited only twice in my life. The first time I was six years old and my mother had sent me to get a box for her. She said the box contained ancient artifacts from our ancestors. I was really excited to see what was inside because(,at the time,) back then I was a very curious child(.) but Unfortunately, we never found it.

(new paragraph)The second time was when we were prepping my grandmother's funeral six years ago. She wanted requested to be buried with a picture frame of one of her best friends. When I saw the picture, I was confused because there was no one else in the photo other than my grandmother holding a black top hat in her left hand. Now, after finding out the truth about myself and my family, I now understand everything clearly.

"What happened to Barbara?" I asked, cluelessly. My father turned around to face me, sighed(,) and continued stretching for a box on the shelf. He grunted once he realized that he could not reach it. He took a step back and started whispering a chant, " Carum duce me ad hoc perducere animos dimisit." Suddenly, the cardboard box began floating and moving lifted into the air and floated towards my father until it was snug it inside his arms. I stood there in awe and shock. "Couldn't you just use the ladder?" I asked.

"This is easier," my father replied.

"Speaking of, what was that?" I questioned.(I don't understand this question. Is it, "Speaking of—what was that?" or "Of what are you speaking?"????)

"I will explain in a minute. Do you remember the box that your mother sent you to retrieve ten years ago?" (Why would he remember a box his mother sent him to retrieve ten years ago? If there is a reason he would remember something that occurred that long ago, include it so that the reader will understand.)

"Umm... yeah(,) but we never found it," I mentioned. (Maybe: "Umm, do you mean the one we never found?" That would help to explain why he would remember such an incidental occurrence.)

"That's because your mother forgot to tell you that it was hidden;(.)p Placed under a spell called 'Invisibilia.' If y You're smart enough, you'll know to understand that it means 'Invisible,'" my father explained, " We placed it under the Invisisblia spell because a couple days before you were sent to get retrieve it, because a group of our past enemies were after sought the containments inside the box."

I remained silent as my father continued to explain the importance of the so-called "De Antiquis Box" which is Latin for Box of Ancients.

"So, is that the box you are holding?" I queried.

(new paragraph) My father nodded.

(new paragraph)"Well, it doesn't look all that special to me. It looks like a regular cardboard box." I exclaimed.

"Ah! That's where you are mistaken. It may look like a regular cardboard box(,) but beneath it all is something extraordinary," my father excitedly announced as he swirled his hands above the box. A mysterious mist covered the box in a rotative direction. A mysterious haze whirled above the box's lid. It smelt like burning smoke(,) but it looked like a soft, silk blanket covered with pixie dust. Soon, the mist faded(,) and it revealed revealing something that was indeed extraordinary.

It was a leather box with three compartments. There was one at the very top and two on the front. My father opened the top compartment(chamber.) and I looked inside. There were so many things inside(,) that small box and there was still extra space remaining at the bottom. I pulled out the first thing I saw; a tiny book. As I took lifted it(,) out, it the book grew bigger into a huge bible-size chronicle. I looked at it and read the title aloud, " The Ancient Book of Incantations and Procedures of Enchantment: Volume 2, by James C. Cauldron." I was elated. so happy. I had no idea that there were multiple parts to that the book. "Oh my gosh! Volume 2? How did you-"

"James Cauldron is your great, great, great uncle," my father informed me. interrupted.

"How many sections are there? Do you have them all?" I squeaked in excitement.

"Five. But two were lost(,) and the other is in a museum. I only have Volume One and Two. You should read them both. You'll learn so much," my father suggested.

"I 've already read the first book two years ago. It was amazing," I told my dad. He went on explaining about the two books that were lost. One of them was stolen in Egypt and got mixed up with the wrong set of people who eventually sold it to an unknown source. It was never heard of again. The second one missing book was on it's way to Iran via the Indian Ocean(,) but there was a deadly storm(,) and it was had been lost at sea. I was very intrigued. I had no idea that my family was associated with such powerful forces.

(new paragraph)"Your mother and I should have told you about this sooner...but Harrly, you were meant to do great, powerful things. I wish she was here to see you grow and harness your power," he my father said, deeply in a sorrow filled voice.

"Power?"I blandly asked.

"Close your eyes and concentrate, son. Repeat after me: Princeps copias intra," my father spoke in a deep baritone voice.

(new paragraph)I did as he said and repeated the words. He then told me to lay down and continue chanting. The room was silent(,) and all that could to be I heard was the incantation coming flowing from his lips.out of my mouth.

(new paragraph)Soon, a howling wind swooped into the room. "Don't stop!" my father shouted. The light that was gleaming shimmered through my eyelids(,) then disappeared(.) and I felt the silk cloth beneath me slowly slipping as it rose. I opened my eyes and stopped chanting(.) and Then everything went quiet(,) but I was still floating in mid-air. I started to freak out(,) but my father calmed me down(,) so I closed my eyes again. Suddenly, lightning struck my chest(,) and the electricity went coursed ing through my body. I opened my eyes once more(,) in fright and there(,) I saw the impossible.

In closing I would like to say thank you for letting me read your story and give input on how I believe you might improve it. "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group


Review of Today's Times  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I felt that "A" was the best version of this poem. The "underroos are for kids" didn't seem to fit the overall message. The essence of the piece seemed to hover around adult encounters with modern technological entertainment and public intercourse through today's electronic venues, and for me, children should be guarded from that aspect of life. At least, until they are mature enough to understand the dangers lurking behind the pretty colors on the monitor.

Other than that, I believe you have captured the present addictions our culture caresses on a daily basis. Along the way you expose some of the pitfalls of the separation that technology provides. Some of us forget there are real people on the accepting end of what we "Enter." When you think about the possible repercussions of what you are about to do, sometimes we might be better off simply backspacing to a new beginning. That too is a benefit created by marvelous new world. "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it.


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Review of Rosa and Glen  
Review by jdennis
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This short piece is fascinating. It seems to be a scene from a longer story about a criminal family whose father figure is in prison, with a mother who rides roughshod over her children's every action, and brother and sister who begrudgingly cooperate to accomplish the crime. This seems to be a simple, everyday, family story.

You have woven some engaging characters into your story and brought them to life with very few words. Your writing is easy to follow, tempting to the reader, and succinct.

This story seems to continue, and I would enjoy reading more, so please let me know if you have more and if it is available to read.

Thank you for writing this and letting me read it. "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group


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