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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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February 4, 2009 at 4:29pm
February 4, 2009 at 4:29pm
February 04, 2009.

Whether the Weather be:
Events of Note:
In the Nudes:

*Flower1* Just to clarify: in yesterday's entry, I conveyed an opinion on the economy, from something that I'd heard from an economist in the news media. It wasn't and isn't entirely my own viewpoint on this hot topic. Everyone has an opinion, it seems, and there are any number of emergent 'experts' on the economy, eager to jump on bandwagons, be it on talk radio, television, or online. Globally, I think that we are still in a complicated and long-standing crisis, and that there are no easy, nor magic solutions. Mistakes will invariably continue to be made, lessons (some of them harsh and unforgiving) will still to have to be learned, un-learned or re-learned, comparisons made, and expectations greatly changed. I'm a pragmatist and an optimist, in defiance of those who are cynical or embittered about adversity. There are good and bad phases evident throughout the entire existence of humanity, and being such a young species, does not always lend us vast perspective, in the grand scheme of things.

On that note, I'm sliding into the tub. My more considered blog entry of today should rise from the steam of the tub-room shortly!.
February 2, 2009 at 2:18am
February 2, 2009 at 2:18am
February 02, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 40 (F) Foggy
Events of Note: Cultural immersion.
In the Nudes: Solomons hit by floods; three feared dead.

*Balloon1* Whew!. My calf muscles are screaming at me, after spending 9-5pm in the kitchen [mostly] preparing for an informal family gathering that we hosted tonight. Light menu of soups, and green and fruit salads. I still can't get accustomed to the exclaiming and ear-splitting roaring from my sister-in-law's husband, whenever there's a touchdown or a fumble, but, hey, I'm new to the whole football scene where everyone wears protective clothing, and if they suddenly up and run 100 yards, it's a BONA FIDE, certifiable miracle. About all that I could gather from his eventual crestfallen silence was that his favored team didn't win, tonight. Oh, well, there's always 2010. My fruit salad went over well. Should I send you a daggy bag, Kare?. *Wink*

*Balloon2* -----> this is not a new realization, but I'm perpetually reminded that there's someone on this website (no-one that comments on my blog), who irritates me immensely through their exclusionary, elitist tactics. Why I continue to read them, I have no real, lucid idea, but life is stranger than fiction, sometimes. Or, in my case, my whole life is stranger than fiction, more often than not.

*Balloon3* About a quarter of our tax refund owed us is from the State of California, this year. Oh, that's right-there's the flying pig jumping over the blue moon right now. Who knows when we'll see our money, if we do. Isn't it interesting how, if we owed them, we'd have to pay up quick and smart, whereas, when they owe us, the taxpayer, they suddenly get to say that payments are suspended indefinitely?.

*Balloon4* Beanie is watching her fifth rerun of her fifth disc of Dora the Explorer. I could quite cheerfully damage Dora about now, but Beanie was such an excellent assistant that I can hardly deny her some delight.

Gosh, what a line I do in drivel-see what exhaustion does to me?. Doesn't bear thinking about, really.
January 30, 2009 at 9:59pm
January 30, 2009 at 9:59pm
January 30, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 51 (F)/ 11 (C) Fair.
Events of Note: Feeling better...
In the Nudes: Heatwave and wildfires in Victoria, Australia.

*Balloon2* I'm beginning to feel slightly better. Yesterday wasn't anything worth writing much about. Horrible, really. All that I wanted to do was have my husband hold me, as I was wracked by unrelenting chills, nausea and muscular aches and weakness. As evening approached, I did a quick round of housework, but nowhere near close to what I would usually do.

*Balloon3* Rather than paying $155 + tip to my hair salon for hair highlights-almost my/our entire monthly mortgage repayment-I opted for home highlighting with excellent results for $10. No more 'orange' salon visits for me!.

*Balloon5* My pink lipstick was delivered yesterday. Also pleasing, although it will be my last lipstick purchase for quite sometime.

*Balloon4* Back to reality and a tax appointment with our tax attorney tomorrow. Not that optimistic of getting more than the EITC, but we'll take whatever we can, and smile, at this point.

*Balloon1* Soup and salad Superbowl Sunday happening at our house, this weekend. All welcome!.
January 28, 2009 at 5:53pm
January 28, 2009 at 5:53pm
January 28, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 50 (F)/10 (C) Cloudy
Events of Note: Medical emergency
In the Nudes: 51 million jobs could be cut globally in next 12 months [Reuters]

*Flower1* Must be something in Blogville's proverbial water at the moment, because we ended up with our own medical emergency this a.m. Me. Again. After not feeling so bright yesterday and last night, this morning morphed into...well, ugh. I'm home now, avec medications and am feeling reasonably comfortable, but if I still feel this crummy-crook tomorrow, it's on the wall that the people in white coats want to give me another peek. All the while, I was thinking of the Whartons-nothing like some perspective lent. So, I'll get to blog comments et. al when I feel up to it. Maybe not now. Later.

*Flower3* I should have realized that something was amiss, when the pink lipstick that was meant to be delivered to me on Monday, still hadn't arrived, lol. Oh, well...
January 26, 2009 at 6:02pm
January 26, 2009 at 6:02pm
January 26, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 50 (F)/10 (C)
Events of Note: Prepping Beanie for pre-school.
In the Nudes: 70.000 people worldwide lose jobs overnight, last night.

*Heart* As with many folks here in Blogville, my heart and thoughts are very much with the whole Wharton family at the moment.

*Heart* Our little Rainbowapple household has been fairly bursting with all sorts of hurried and flurried activity, from early this morning. I've been confirming pre-school placement and enrollment for our Beanie. My husband has been putting together some amazingly beautiful and stylish new menus for the sushi bar, and contemplating an upcoming painting job. Meanwhile, Beanie has been absorbed with 'helping' with household chores. By the end of February, which is her 'safe placement' time in school, she will be back into much more of a structured routine, so our 'now' time together is so precious. Speaking of which, I'd better find out where she's vanished to...outside with her father...figures.

*Heart* I've seen a job that I like, but I need my driver's license, so, it's time to conquer my insecurities about other idiots on the roads...
January 25, 2009 at 7:05pm
January 25, 2009 at 7:05pm
January 25, 2009.

*Smile* Yesterday, while talking with my mother, she kept mentioning how my hair showed up ORANGE in the Inauguration newspaper article picture. For reference, this is the one that I posted several days ago, here. Scroll *Down* to see it. I explained that my hair ISN'T orange, but the flash on my husband's camera is, and it picks up any lightness in my hair and reflects it back as orange. She was highly unconvinced. So, I just emailed her this pic-which is flash-free: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

I'm ash blond, I think. At least, that's what my dye box told me, last time that I colored my hair, lol.

Lucky me. Feeling definitely NOT orange. Thoughts?.
January 25, 2009 at 4:05pm
January 25, 2009 at 4:05pm
January 25, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 46 (F)/8 (C) Showers with sunny patches.
Events of Note: Riding that roller-coaster, again.
In the Nudes: Political troubles in Iceland.

*Balloon1* *Balloon4* Happy Birthday to my Mother for yesterday *Balloon1* *Balloon4*

*Flower1* Just to clarify-when I mentioned Party-I meant that his comments in other people's blogs in Blogville were right on the button. Sorry for creating any confusion.

*Flower2* I'm on my second migraine this week, or maybe it's just a continuation of the first one. I'm out of my 'gold standard' medication, so I'll have to get some more, as well as make more clinic appointments tomorrow. We worked together as a family before brunch today, to get through most of the household chores earlier than we might otherwise. My delightful husband is back at work, having already worked from 6am-11am today, come home, cooked us brunch, and is now commuting back to the sushi bar to work on food service paperwork, and do some urgent kitchen repairs. Such dedication!.

*Flower3* I've turned down the contrast on my computer screen yet again, so as to cut the constant glare.

Well, not much else to report, so, I'm off to web-surf, and looking forward to my new pink lipstick arriving in the mail, tomorrow.
January 23, 2009 at 4:25pm
January 23, 2009 at 4:25pm
January 23, 2009

Whether the Weather be: 50 (F)/10(C) Overcast with passing showers.
Events of Note: PMSing.
In the Nudes: Belgian child-center knife killings.

*Sick* Having eaten healthfully all week, I suddenly broke down and ate half of a big bag of multi-grain chips, half a pottle of French onion dip, and gulped down a huge glass of Pepsi. According to some recent U.S stats, Americans gobble at least three hamburgers each per week, and something like four servings of fries. I can tell you the exact date that I last ate a burger: January 16, 2005. From a major chain that shall remain nameless, but I should have made better nutritional selections, since I was five months pregnant at the time. Said burger was dangerously cold and congealed, despite me going back twice to demand a re-order. Lesson learned. Bean has not had a fast food visit her entire life, but at three and a half, she has quite a ways to go yet.

*Smile* So, yes, I'm PMSing, and it's only Friday-look out weekend!. I'll probably end up throwing a wobbly at some point in my immediate future [wobbly is slang for a tantrum]. Always makes me think of that wibbly-wobbly little people plastic toys that all of our friends had as children-I think that they still sell them.

*Reading* Before I forget, Partyof5 has been ON FIRE with his blog comments, this week. That dude is right on the button!.

*Laugh* Beanie has a new pet-another addition from the rodentia species. Overnight, all of our fish died. Guess who discovered how to climb up and snag the fish food, and turn on the fishtank filter for good measure?. This makes me think of that line from the film, "Nemo" about dead guppies taking last rides on the porcelain express, lol. Anyway, "Beanie" somewhat successfully managed to 'cleanse' our tank of all living organisms, much to my husband's disappointment, especially since he'd only had them (new fishies) for two whole days.

Have a fun Friday!.
January 21, 2009 at 8:48pm
January 21, 2009 at 8:48pm
January 21, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 49 (F)/9 (C) Cloudy w/misty rain.
Events of Note: Having an easier day of it.
In the Nudes: Avoiding peanut butter cookies and crackers.

*Flower1* A considerably lighter day, from all perspectives, today. We saw the film, "Humboldt County" recently, and there was a shot of Moonstone Beach, at the exact spot where we sunbathed last week. Humboldt County is where we live. The film drama took seemingly forever to make some obscure points, all while highlighting the lost coast, hippie lifestyle and 'growers' *Wink*

*Flower2* Looking like rain setting in here, so we're prepping a steaming pot of chili for dinner tonight. Warm, nourishing comfort food...mmm!. Little else quite as good and uplifting.
January 19, 2009 at 6:02pm
January 19, 2009 at 6:02pm
January 19, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 61 (F)/16 (C) Sunny and mild.
Events of Note: Still waiting...
In the Nudes: Oh, I don't know - everything Obama.

*Flower1* Well, the feature article has been published today-and here's my pic:

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What do you think?. I'll likely post the article link here, when I have it. I'm also being interviewed again tomorrow before noon, to get my thoughts on/reaction to Obama's speech, etc.

Thanks to all who posted such supportive comments here, yesterday.

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