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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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May 15, 2009 at 2:34pm
May 15, 2009 at 2:34pm
May 15, 2009.

*Thanks to everyone who offered Get Well wishes for Beanie, yesterday. Her fever spiked at 103.5 by 2pm, yesterday-at which point, it was time for kids Tylenol and Motrin-and a phone consult with the peds office. Her temp hovered around 102.5, even with meds. So, eventually, it was with relief that her temp finally dropped last night to 101.7. Today, she's more like her usual self, with a temp of 100, but complaining of a sore throat.

Meanwhile, I'm achy, myself. One of the hazards of being in charge of home nursing, as far as I can tell, is that you leave yourself open to the endemic virus of the month. I fell asleep with Beanie in her bed, by midnight. We have a busy weekend, too-so, I'm going to have to keep my nausea to myself.

Have a fantastic weekend!.
May 14, 2009 at 2:17pm
May 14, 2009 at 2:17pm
May 14, 2009.

Beanie is sick. My baby who has never had a fever in her life, has a temperature of 101.5, and is complaining of a headache, today. She isn't eating or drinking anything, either.

So, another short entry today, as I need to go and make sure that my daughter can get some fluids.
May 13, 2009 at 6:19pm
May 13, 2009 at 6:19pm
May 13, 2009.

...feeling blue, but merely doing this empty entry to keep my bloo month. How selfish am I?. Don't answer that. Even though I know that you're tempted.
May 12, 2009 at 2:24pm
May 12, 2009 at 2:24pm
May 12, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 52(F) 11(C) Cloudy *Heat Warning in Effect for weekend.
Events of Note: Feeling a little lonely (see below).
In the Nudes: Serial shooter in East Bay, San Francisco.

*Balloon1* It's just "Beanie" and me here today, keeping ourselves entertained and each other company. My husband has had to drive to another city, in a three hour away commute, to take the electronic transaction machine to the technical agent, so that they can fix it, and then. after a four hour repair, hubby has to bring that same machine back here again-hopefully in time for the late dinner service at the restaurant. Yesterday was terrible for him-not only did he spend HOURS on the phone with the tech guy, but the techie gave hubby the wrong advice. So, hubby had five separate call-outs yesterday, where he had to drive a 40 minute commute each time, to re-look at that stupid computer. He'd just get home, sit down in his chair, close his eyes dreamily, and, like clockwork, his pager would go off. Added to that, he has a viral illness, that was beginning to hit him full-force, yesterday. His lungs were filling up with fluid so fast, he said it felt as if he was drowning-so we switched to all of our emergency respiratory medications and a steam bath. By night's end, he was so feverish, he was hallucinating-which might have been amusing, were I not so concerned about his physical state. So, he left today at 7:30am. He was a lot more lucid and 'together' once his fever broke, otherwise I wasn't going to let him drive all that way.

*Balloon2* Our other health adventure yesterday, was that "Beanie" decided to get herself some 'big air' by freestyling off the stairs of the back deck. As in flying off, complete with trike. All that I could suddenly hear was this tiny, shaky little voice saying, "Mommy-can you please help me?.", She managed to haul herself back up the steps-fortunately, she'd landed in the bed of wood-chips that we've deliberately built up at the bottom of the steps. By the time she was back inside with me, she was SCREAMING, which was really scary, because ours is not the sort of child who cries without an extremely good reason. She'd gotten wood chips in her eyes, badly bruised her head, back, and one knee. So, I sluiced her eyes out with eye wash and put her in the bath, and then phoned her father, who was at work, wrestling with that stupid computer. "Beanie" brightened considerably after talking with her father, so I bundled her up, gave her an ice pop and plonked her in my soft office chair, to watch a movie-and waited for her father to get home. She's doing well, this morning-I was up every few hours last night, to check on her. You never know when a closed head injury might turn sideways on you, so I was being cautious. For some reason, "Beanie" almost exclusively hits her head-no exceptions. By the way, my medical penlight was extremely handy for checking Beanie's eyes, yesterday. I keep one in my First Aid Kit, and even my hubby carries one. They're so cheap, too-about $1.50 each. So worth having!. Far less clunky than a regular torch, too.

*Balloon3* So, I've had yet another broken day/night, but at least we're not THAT broken-just a bit bruised, is all. Looking forward to a quiet day, really. Contemplating some comfort food for our lunch. We have a frantic weekend of catering coming up, so I need to recoup some energy for that - especially since there is a heatwave forecast!. Scarlett might end up Scarlett!.
May 11, 2009 at 2:52pm
May 11, 2009 at 2:52pm
May 11, 2009.

well, mostly....

Whether the Weather be: 50 (F) Foggy and cool.
Events of Note: Tried sleeping in-it didn't work out that way.
In the Nudes: U.S journalist, Saberi to be freed from jail in Iran.

*Flower2* Just so I'm clear-today's entry categorically and flatly refuses to discuss the Star Trek film, Dick Cheney's bitching and moaning, Sarah Palin related idiocies (Sarah who?) or A/H1N1. There!. I feel better for having gotten that tedium out of the way. And, as for the apparently charitable idea that health insurance companies are now offering to slash their costs for consumers - to which I say -"Phooey!". They're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts-oh, no-they're only doing it to protect their future profits, and to buy themselves some bargaining chips over health care reform. If you thought for a moment that banking corporations and credit card companies were a bunch of unscrupulous charlatans, then just wait until the lid gets lifted on health insurance companies!.

*Flower2* Now, my husband informs me that he's unwell and coming down with something. Great. Just what I DIDN'T want to hear!. More often than not, he brings something of the virulent variety home from that restaurant, and I'm losing patience with this constant illness scenario.

*Flower3* I think that I need to go back to bed, and start over again. Wait, my husband just got an emergency call-out to the restaurant-their electronic transaction machine is on the fritz, and they are just about to open for lunch. A $50,000 computer system that has more bugs in it than my laptop.

Geez-just called me a spoiled, whiney-butt!.
May 9, 2009 at 7:28pm
May 9, 2009 at 7:28pm
May 09, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 59 (F) Sunny and cool.
Events of Note: Cleaning Up.
In the Nudes: Obama to loosen rules on aid for jobless.

*Flower1* A lot better today, now that I cut back my medication, which was making me feel and act ghastly. Pox on the prescriber, I say. Did a whole lot of spring-cleaning, that included doing an inventory in our pantry-we've enough tinned tomatoes and tomato paste to last approximately a decade, heh. I sorted and bagged up 20lbs of food for the local food bank, too-which my husband loaded into the local letter-carrier's truck. Tinned tuna, boxed cereal, peanut butter, tinned tomatoes, fruit cocktail, oranges, apricots, RyCrisp and Triscuit crackers, Campbell's soup for kids, toddler snacks...I've a whole bunch of freshly laundered bedding and cushions for the transitional housing project, as well as a bag of new cosmetics for the womens shelters. Not only is there more demand for everything this year, but the needy population has changed much more towards middle class folks-retirees and young, working families who are just barely scraping by. We're not wealthy, by any stretch, but we feel especially fortunate, so we pass on anything that we're not using ourselves.

*Flower2* Besides a bout of early Spring cleaning, my wonderful husband and I have been preparing for an annual event that we're catering next weekend. We went over some of the menu together, this morning, after which, I went out and shopped for kitchen prep materials. My husband has been cleaning and re-assembling equipment, including an entire sushi bar and grill. "Beanie" is such an easy-breezy child, and simply fits in with whatever we're doing, and is constantly a happy, courteous child. Oh, she has her moments-what toddler doesn't?.

*Flower4* Time to go and fix egg salad for tea-here's lookin' at you Tor!.
May 8, 2009 at 8:34pm
May 8, 2009 at 8:34pm
May 08, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 59 (F) Sunny.
Events of Note: Struggling.
In the Nudes: Official quits over NYC fly-over photo-op.

*Balloon1* Not to be complaining or anything, but I'm not doing any better, today. I still have abdo pain-and most of it is situated on my lower right side. It could be the UTI, the antibiotics, both-or something else. That nagging pain and the tiredness began before I started taking anything. Go figure....

*Balloon2* Did you spend your $124 on your Mother's Day gift, yet?. We are not doing anything, this year. My husband works that day, and I have not asked for gifts or treats.

*Balloon3* Spare a thought for CA firefighters and their families, this weekend....
May 7, 2009 at 7:07pm
May 7, 2009 at 7:07pm
May 07, 2009.

*Smile* My aggravation level tipped out at 250%, this afternoon, after waiting 1hr 15 minutes to be seen and have a prescription written. Because of my physical disability, giving an MSU isn't always possible, and even less likely when I have a UTI. Complicated by the fact that I was seeing someone 'new' at my clinic. Whenever I wear my MPH badge, I'm taken seriously. If I skip it - like I did, today - then good luck with that. Who the hell would make up something like that just to get a prescription?. A prescription for an antibiotic that makes you feel like crud, and which might very well kill you if you take it with alcohol or rec drugs. I mean, c'mon, people!. She wonders why I'm so bitchy and antagonistic. Wants me to take a sample in later on this arvo. Nope. Why?. Because I want to relax and try and catch up on the sleep that I missed last night because I was actively symptomatic, that's why!. Give me strength...Then she tells me that if I'm still symptomatic, to go to urgent care or the ER. Trust me lady, if I'm feeling worse than I am NOW, I will be. No question. Freak!. I respect health professionals, really I do....but these so-called 'allied' professionals need to use a little of what Tor would refer to as being commonsense. Yes, my blood pressure was a little on the low side: 102/64. Hers would be too, if she didn't eat breakfast, like I skipped on it, this morning. Cripes!.

*Cool* Beanie had a fantastic time at the park, with her father in-tow. Made some short-term friends, anyway-while I was busily making enemies at my clinic, lol.

I'll be back when I've chilled down some....*shakes head.
May 7, 2009 at 2:49pm
May 7, 2009 at 2:49pm
May 07, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 50-something, sunny and breezy.
Events of Note: Feeling crook as an old dog.
In the Nudes: So-Cal wildfires.

*Flower1* Here I am, all dressed up in my 'best' jeans and longsleeved shirt, work-boots (minus the cowgirl hat-too windy-and, I don't want to scare the hippie natives around here, who always giggle to themselves whenever they see a chick in a hat like mine. Never fails. Just wait till I lend it to Beanie for Show and Tell). Anyway, here I sit, waiting for my sopping wet hair to dry, and for my husband to come home from work, so that he can drive me over to the clinic. Delicate only begins to describe my situation, today. I'm such a big baby. I'm slurping on Canadian Dry because that's the only liquid I can easily tolerate. My guts is reinventing the meaning of CHURNING. Woke a little after six to discover that the maddening abdominal pain had calmed down, but I overlooked the nausea-which is now unrelenting. Got in on a cancellation, much to my amazement and complete relief. IF men suffered regularly from this particular complaint, there would be glittering shrines dedicated to wiping this malady off the face of the earth, and mountains of money for immediate treatment. To be fair, men do get UTIs, too-just not as often-and, to hear tell, when they do, they are absolutely excruciating.

*Flower1* It's a gloriously sunny day here, aside from the brisk and battering North wind, which is bone-chilling, and coming off of somewhere near Alaska.

*Flower3* Well, I spose I'd better go and put some face on, and get Beanie dressed to run around in the park-if this wind drops, that is.

See you on the fun-side!.
May 6, 2009 at 8:55pm
May 6, 2009 at 8:55pm
May 06, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 53 (F) Cloudy, with showers.
Events of Note: The 'science' of housework.
In the Nudes: U.S swine flu victim profiled.

..sorry, just had to bop over to a website and order some vacay clothes. Wacky colors to match my *strangeness* mood. Now, where was I?. Ah, yes...my daily blog...

*Flower4* I'm all out of energy (mostly) now, having done an incredible stack of housework in a very short morning. We have an unwritten 'rule' in our household, whereby we have clean towels, clean kitchen linens, and fresh sheets, every single day. That might sound a little OTT, and exaggerated. Sometimes, however, I do take/make shortcuts, like 'recycling' day-old bath towels in the dryer, with a touch of essential oils, or cutting down to two dishwasher loads per day down to one by not letting everything accumulate quite so much. I'll use water from our tub baths on our garden, especially since we're not major users of soaps, gels and sulfates. We recycle and reuse all of our own household waste, which is a little bit of daily work and thought, but saves us quite a lot in commercial pick-up/City fees per month.
It now takes me about an hour in house-cleaning, a day, which surely beats taking all day to 'get around' to chores. More time for hugging "Beanie"!.

*Flower3* Our NE trip plans are coming together reasonably well. Lots of lists, so that nothing vital gets overlooked. Since we'll be camping some of the time and taking our time, we'll be taking the Nissan van. "Beanie" has official permission to upgrade to a booster car seat early, given her height-she'll be SO happy to be out of that baby car seat at last!. Our little girl, almost four....whowouldathunkedit?. Much of our planning is about being as self-sufficient as possible, with every imaginable contingency provided for- as well as some that aren't.

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