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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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June 29, 2009 at 11:40pm
June 29, 2009 at 11:40pm
Monday, June 29, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 64 (F) Sunny, warm.
Events of Note: Lack of sensibility, direction, et.al.
In the Nudes: Madoff gets the judicial pay-out.

*Balloon3* As is typical of a Monday, whenever my husband works Sundays-Monday is our late Sunday. Something about that tipped me out of my usual mo-jo, and my whole day seemed to be thrown off...and wasted.

*Balloon2* Last night was filled with all of the nightmares and recollections that I thought that I'd left far behind. Some nights are like that, still. Not as pervasive as they once were. For one, my days no longer need me to have a personal psych as a life 'manager'-who literally used to remind me how to put one foot in front of the next. So, I'm progressing. For another, I now use boxing as an expression of emotion-in-the-gym version, that is.

*Balloon5* Took "Beanie" to the beach-one of them. Unfortunately, it's located right across from the local pulp mill, which incidentally runs their waste pipe directly into the ocean along that beach. Not really somewhere I want to be encouraging my child to run, play or surf in, thanks anyway.

That's it for tonight. I have a day's worth of housework to work on.
June 28, 2009 at 8:10pm
June 28, 2009 at 8:10pm
Sunday, June 28, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 59 (F) Bright sunshine, cool and clear.
Events of Note: My weekend in review.
In the Nudes: Infomercial man dies.

*Flower1* An unremarkable weekend, yet considering that I spent a good part of it sunbathing, I'm not complaining (much). I am staggered by how much our household has managed to accumulate throughout this past year. So, it's past time for more recycling runs. More alarming considering that when I moved here, I only had a small rolling backpack of belongings...And, wearing only maternity clothing. Cripes!. At long last, I think that I'm managing to shed the very last of my post-baby weight (I gained 55 pounds when I was pregnant-plus another ten for just moving here and adjustment to the disgustingly gigantic portion sizes). Portion control, anyone?.

*Flower4* Yes, I'm feeling very much like a fairly silly sack at the moment. What I need to do and what I want to do are two entirely different animals. I'd like to find some re-runs of House, M.D.on Hulu and refresh my determination to go back to work in the health profession, again, still. My medical journals keep piling up on my downstairs desk with alarming regularity, all while I'm doing my absolute best to studiously ignore them. Meanwhile, "Beanie" is hopping up and down on one foot in front of me, cute as all else, making her latest demands, terms and conditions known.

All while my dear husband is out there working like a dog..on a Sunday afternoon. It all makes me want to paint my kitchen ....blue.

June 26, 2009 at 7:12pm
June 26, 2009 at 7:12pm
Friday, June 26, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 62 (F) Sunny with a slight breeze.
Events of Note: It's Friday-my favorite day of the week.
In the News: The usual suspects and vultures.

*Balloon1* I could write something philosophical, today, about people living vicariously through the lives of others...or that some people deserve what befalls them, mainly because of the people who they choose to be surrounded by-but, I'm selfish, and life is short...

*Balloon2* Looking for gainful employment has become nothing short of a major betting arrangement. Aside from verbal, face-to-face communication, everything else requires a keypad. I remember when we lived on the ranch, and our telephone line was a neighborhood 'party' or shared line. The telephone exchange employed real, live workers to make the various telephone line connections. Whenever the fire siren went off, you could pick up the handset, and find out where the emergency was, by speaking to a human being. A local one, at that. We also nicknamed it the 'bush telegraph' because you could never predict just who might be listening in to your conversation, just by picking up their share of the phone line.

*Balloon5* Well, it's past 4pm-the time where I'm in my brightest and perkiest part of my 24 hours. I love Summer and these extended daylight hours.
June 24, 2009 at 1:43pm
June 24, 2009 at 1:43pm
Wednesday, June 24, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 60 (F) Dense Fog.
Events of Note: Not a lot noteworthy
In the News: Obama looks like Spock?.

*Flower2* What's been happening in the Rainbowapple household?. This and a little of that. A whole lot of nothing in particular. Yesterday, I did a major burst of housework, motivated by a severe bout of sheer peevishness. My in-laws are "supposed" to show up today, after bailing on us late yesterday.

*Flower3* I have a job interview for the first week in July- for the job that I wrote away about. I'm not that fazed by the thought of it. All a good experience, either way.

*Flower4* Last night, I had a rather odd dream featuring Nada . Think it was motivated by my looking at Scarlett's holiday photo albums. The human mind works in mysterious ways, and mine is strange in more ways than I can care to name!.
June 19, 2009 at 3:50pm
June 19, 2009 at 3:50pm
Friday, June 19, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 57 (F) Foggy, windy and rainy.
Events of Note: PMS is in the house!.
In the NEWS: Nothing worth mentioning, really. News happens. World keeps spinning.

*Balloon1* Renewing my membership took me more consideration than usual. What really upgraded my internal resentment was the fact that some of my most precious items were automatically 'locked' until such time as I coughed up the requisite fee. To me, this equates with blackmail, stealing and coercion. What incentive is there to posting anything here at all?. In this economy, to boot, one would think that there would be some leniency and compassion. Especially when there are numerous sites out there on which we can endlessly blog for FREE. So...I didn't purchase any GPs when I renewed my membership for three months more, as I ordinarily do.

*Balloon5* We drove back home non-stop from Boise, ID to Eureka, CA. We all gradually came to the realization that we needed to come home. Perhaps it had something to do with my husband's boss calling to see where we were. Or, with the dodgy digs that we stayed in, in Jackson Hole, WY, run by a zany couple from Belarus. Only discovered the inn's many obscure eccentricities the following morning. Or, with the dangerous driving [not us] and horrific road-smashes that we witnessed driving from Idaho Falls to Boise, ID. The minimum freeway speed limit there is 75mph!. *Shudder. Or, that we picked up a new, female Guinea Pig in Idaho-now named "Lucky Idaho". Later, arrived home to discover that our other female pig is pregnant and is being a right snitty little miss!.

*Balloon4* Had a fantastic vacation-spoiled ourselves, worked some for relatives, but mostly, the highlight was being on the road itself. I love living that part of American culture for what it is. Unmissable. Entirely.

Now-it's back to Blogville.
May 28, 2009 at 11:44pm
May 28, 2009 at 11:44pm
May 28, 2009.

*Balloon2* Today's postcard clue for 1000 GPs. We're feeling very rebellious, having crossed a northern border and staying are next to an inter-mountain waterway (non-oceanic). Tomorrow, we're off to see somewhere volcanic. Spot the Beanie?.

*Balloon3* We're all going in the 'right' direction, considering that went went to leave, turned the key in the ignition and "Click". Silence. "Click, Click". Dead battery. So, we had to buy a new battery before we left home. Gawd...

*Balloon4* Still, tonight, we have found an exceptionally pleasant room, and have quickly availed ourselves of the hotel swimming facilities-and have cooked dinner for ourselves, too. Beanie is slightly uncomfortable having to smell eau de pool, but, hey, kiddo-life is rough on vacation!. She also has hot and cold running cartoons on cable television, so it's not as if she's DEPRIVED or DEPRAVED, or anything.

*Balloon3* Tomorrow ought to be interesting. A bit of a climb, I'm told....but hopefully, a whole new waterway tomorrow-followed by another pool. I smell a recurring theme happening!.
May 26, 2009 at 5:13pm
May 26, 2009 at 5:13pm
May 26, 2009/

Whether the Weather be: 50 (F) Sunny.
Events of Note: The little Things
In the Nudes: Australia is "racist and backwards".

*1 day till road-trip blast-off???.

*Flower1* How is it that my dearly beloved husband can spend THREE days cleaning and tinkering with our road-trip vehicle, all while I bust my chops doing absolutely everything else?. *Angry* I was hopping mad because of it, yesterday. Then, I hopped on one foot, followed by the other one-and promptly got over it. If that was a fight ripe for the bickering, I wasn't picking it. Too much to do and too little time to do it with/in.

*Flower2* Am still finding my reading-and, perhaps more importantly, my writing mojo. My stats are abysmal. I think that ten years dedicated to college writing slowly poured corrosive acid on my writing joy. In my own naive way, I thought that I entered college as a proficient writer. However, I was ill-prepared for the endemic writing snobbery and ego of English Literature Oxford-types. Thank-goodness for Medical School, which introduced some rationality and scientific sense, and squashed that pungent snottiness of those who considered themselves to be the elite of academia. Refreshing trait in a Medical School, too-if ever there was one. In addition to this blog, I keep an intensely private journal. It's in my head. I write my most lucid and enlightened articles in my tub. Unfortunately, water and ink do not go together particularly well.

*Balloon3* HOWEVER...do you cringe as I do, to hear some speech patterns that defy belief - especially of, in all places, on the tee-vee?. Arkx (ask), liberry (library) and idminstratshun (Adminstration). I failed my screen test as a television interviewer because I was painfully shy-and I had a bad poodle-esque perm, but I was at least, articulate. Those were the days, my friends....I thought they'd never end...
May 21, 2009 at 7:09pm
May 21, 2009 at 7:09pm
May 21, 2009.

Back to my regularly scheduled blog program-if I can stop ITCHING, that is...Hold that thought....Ahh-just had to go and put some aloe on my wicked razor burn (entirely my fault for buying cheap razors. Why do I still do this to myself, even though I know that it HURTS?.)

In other news:

*Balloon1* From today, we're officially on vacation. Soon, we'll be leaving for Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana, et. al. We'll be gone for 2-3 weeks. Our bi-annual road-trip. I'm so pleased that we've opted to not fly, this year, after all. Flying is so cosmopolitan, and so not our style.

*Balloon2* We're all slowly recovering from our various and assorted respiratory illnesses. Beanie's temperature is back to normal-pass the ammunition!.

*Balloon3* Now, there's a ship-load of chores needing doing, the house has to be prepped for the house-sitter, who is better known by reputation for their absentmindedness-sigh....hope nothing happens there. I've screeds of "To Do Lists" but lists are only meaningful unless someone can be bothered to be actually paying attention and looking at them.

*Balloon4* Need to clear my desk before leaving here-which I'm dreading most of all. I hope to keep both a hand-written daily journal, and a daily blog-postcard-style. If you can decipher where I'm at on a daily basis-there's some GPs up for grabs.

*Balloon5* Someone mentioned something about a cocktail recipe-how's about a Cuba Libre, or a Quick Bloody Mary?. Or, maybe some dried ice in a soda bottle?.

I smell my hubby cranking up the outdoor grill-which begs a salad....
May 19, 2009 at 7:32pm
May 19, 2009 at 7:32pm
May 19, 2009.

....by popular request....Rainbowapple’s Summer Citrus Cake with Frozen Berry Topping

This is probably, by far, one of the most requested and popular dessert cakes that I make for functions, especially in the Summertime-second only to my European Chocolate Layer Cake. I like to make the berry topping a little bit ahead of time. But, the cake itself is very versatile, and lends itself really well to being topped with any fresh seasonal Summer fruits that you may have on hand-you can try raspberries, sliced, yellow peaches, nectarines, apricots, or pitted cherries.

One tip about the lemon for this cake-DON’T use the lemon juice that comes pre-packaged in those cute little plastic lemon squeezy bottles or their ilk. It will merely add tartness-and you’re really after that great gentle, real lemon flavor and scent with this cake. Use a real lemon!.

Cake Ingredients:

6 ozs Butter
6 ozs Sugar
Grated rind of half of a fresh lemon
2 Tablespoons of marmalade (can be orange marmalade, if you prefer)
3 Eggs
6 ozs sifted Flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder

Mixing method: Cream butter and sugar, add lemon rind and marmalade. Beat eggs until thick, and add alternately with dry ingredients. I like to do the creaming of butter and sugar by hand, then transfer to a professional mixer, and beat the whole batter mixture together on Medium-High for two minutes.

Bake for approx 35 minutes in a non-stick, or oil-coated 7 and a half inch square or round tin at 350 (F) or 180 degrees(C)

Berry Topping-made ahead of time:

11 ozs/2.5 cups of small ripe strawberries, halved.
2 tbsp of white sugar
4 ozs or two-thirds of a cup of raspberries

Place the strawberries into a pan with the sugar, and add 4 tablespoons of water. Heat very gently for about one minute, until the strawberries are softened, but still keep their shape. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the raspberries and leave to cool. Transfer to freezer for four hours. Scoop onto or next to cooled, sliced cake as desired.

Top with a light sifting of confectioner’s sugar and a dollop of heavy whipping cream.

Enjoy !.
May 18, 2009 at 3:57pm
May 18, 2009 at 3:57pm
May 18, 2009.

Or, as my husband refers to it, "Mayteenth"-which is when he went down on bended knee, presented me with a Hearts on Fire diamond, encased in white gold, and proposed-5 years ago, today!.

*Gift1* I have no voice at the moment. Does that mean that I'm lacking in verbiage. I dunno. Maybe so. Yesterday was a huge annual private function for us in terms of work. Fairly substantial gathering of food service and business industry people. Around 150, I'd say. Continuous sushi bar, with $80 slabs of tuna, and a non-stop, free bar service. My three commercial sized Summer citrus cakes, with strawberry freeze topping all went down well-in fact, some people were disappointed to miss out. I sliced strawberries for 30 minutes, and, aside from an additional five hours prep on the cakes, yesterday, that was my limit in the prep kitchen. My husband was dishwasher for the bar and sushi bar, so worked five hours without a break, in warm weather, too. Which reminds me, my sinks overfloweth, too. I'll get to them later. When I'm back to being human again.

So, I'm off to guzzle a Coca-Cola, slug down some Tylenol, and read some blogs. I make no promises on the content thereof. I am done. Like last night's dinner.

See you soon!.

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