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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #913173
Little scraps of my life... my blog.
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Thanks to GG very happy for this sig!

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March 7, 2007 at 1:20am
March 7, 2007 at 1:20am
Whew, it's like I don't get a second of time to myself anymore! I'm technically doing a 9 - 5 job and a part-time one as well. I try to come on here during classes when I'm bored but it's not really the same because you're always on the lookout for another student peering over your shoulder or the teacher. And lately, I've actually had work to do in class so that's why I haven't been commenting much. *Frown* It's sad to log in day after day and find there's no new messages!! It just makes me realise how much I've been away.

Oh, and I've been slightly preoccupied with Westlife too. Going to a concert does that to you! *sighs happily*

Anyway, I'm going to have a whinge now. There are certain people who are annoying me lately.

First off, let me introduce you to Sally. She sits next to me in class and is a very nice, middle-aged woman. She asks me questions a lot and gets me to help her, which is fine by me. I like helping people because it helps me learn. But when Sally leans in... Sally smells like smoke because Sally is a smoker. It's really quite a foul smell. I was almost dry-reaching at one point. What I have been thinking though, is why she smells? Because I remember Chris smoked, just as much as Sally, but Chris never smelled like smoke. In fact, he smelled quite nice most of the time. I used to wonder if he did a little spray after every cigarette. Maybe Sally should follow suit.....

Second, let me introduce you to Miriam. She's a girl at work and she told Shelley how she thinks I'm really quiet and she hasn't got to know me like she does everyone else. She can't get to know me and she's definitely finding that annoying because everytime I'm in the vicinty, she glances over and gives me these looks. But I'm actually finding it quite amusing because she says she doesn't know me, but yet, she never says two words to me. I can't be that unapproachable! Oh well.

And finally, we have Suzanne. Suzanne keeps calling me. About the Christian club I was a part of at uni. There's a graduates thing where people meet up and she knows I can't make it to that. So now she's calling about being on a prayer team type thing where you meet up with someone and discuss what you can pray about and then do so. And about contributing financially..... which I don't mind doing as a once-off, but seriously, can't I just do it myself without having to discuss everything? Why do Christians always feel the need to discuss everything? It seems to be a running theme. Got something to do? Hold a meeting and discuss it for two hours! And what she also doesn't seem to get is that I live quite a distance away from where everything is held and I really don't have the time/can't be bothered going and doing things. I don't know why it's annoying me, but it is. I feel like she's on my back.

So anyway.... that's all from me right now. ♥
March 1, 2007 at 6:46am
March 1, 2007 at 6:46am
So, today is my 3rd birthday!!! But yet, I feel so old....... *Rolleyes* *Laugh*

Yep, that's right. Three whole years on writing.com. The first six months of those consisted of me being one of those little letters and barely existing members, the next six got me large letters thanks to the many upgrades I received courtesy of the many generous members here. During that six months, I also became a preferred author, which was really weird at the time because I didn't know what it was! I have no idea how it happened, but I was reviewing a lot at the time so that's probably why. Then my second and third year I paid for myself. *Smile* My second year was a bit bleh to be honest. I felt like I was NEVER going to make any friends and I was getting really bored. I finally started to vamp up my blog and started reading other peoples and then people read mine and etc etc!

So, that's the story of my life. It might be short, but I'm only three!

I don't have much else to say today. I'm still on a major high from Westlife. *swoons*

Oh yeah, I do have a story to share. While I was sitting in traffic today, I noticed this guy who looked like he was writing something while sitting there in his car. So I'm looking over just looking, and all of a sudden he looks up and over at me and gives me this big grin! He thought I was checking him out! *Laugh* Which I definitely wasn't because he was icky and past 30s at least. I got a major giggle out of that though! And then I had to do my best to avoid my looking over at him as we crawled along in the traffic. lol.

P.S: Thanks to GG very happy for the merit badge and cNote! You are far too nice to me, you know that? *Heart*
February 28, 2007 at 2:12am
February 28, 2007 at 2:12am

Okay. Now that I have that out of the way... I went to the Westlife concert on Monday night!!!! *Bigsmile* For those who don't know, I was the biggest fan of Westlife since I was 14. I'm now 22 and they finally came to Australia to perform - that's a long time to wait! I'm not the biggest fan anymore, but I just couldn't resist going. It had such nostalgic value. And it was so amazing. I loved it. They sang a lot of old songs, just for us because we'd waited so long! I even let out a few screams - I never do that! *Laugh* They did this boyband tribute medley, which was hilarious! They sang a song by New Kids on the Block, Take That, Boyzone and Backstreet Boys - they did the "Backstreet's Back" dance - hahahaha..... it's funny because this is the band who are reknowned for their slow ballads and back in the day, I remember arguing with these other girls at school who said they couldn't dance and I was trying to defend them. But during the dancing, I couldn't stop laughing.... I was almost in tears! It was TOO funny. To see them dancing... my goodness... it brought back so many memories. And when they said they were going to be singing a New Kids on the Block song, the old guy next to me started cheering and getting really excited! It was such a highlight because other than that he sat there with his arms folded. *Laugh*

It was just so good. I thought it could have been just a little longer. It only went for an hour and a half, and that's including the encore. I was so surprised that it was about to end already that I found myself stomping in protest along with everyone else - we caused quite a racket! Speaking of noise, everything was muffled when I left. I swear my sister was talking to me and I had gone half-deaf.

During the day, I met up with some girls from the message board. I know, I know - I met people from the internet! I said I would never do that, but I've talked to these girls long enough (well, a couple of them) to know they're not psychos. It was really great to meet them too. Especially Mich, who the main person I was meeting. I'm the closest to her out of anyone and it was really exciting to see her and give her a big hug (actually, she gave me such a big hug when she saw me but I hadn't quite got up from the sitting on the stairs yet and I almost fell down the stairs!!) It's a pity we didn't get to spend more time hanging out, but hopefully there will be a next time soon.

I could say so much more but even though it's been two days, I'm still so hyped up and I can barely form a coherent sentence!! *Rolleyes* I've gone all teenybopper - I've been listening to boybands and all my music from early highschool all day! And, of course, Westlife. *Bigsmile*

Here are a few photos from the night. I was up in the balcony but I took my dad's camera that has a fantastic zoom. I didn't use flash so it was just a matter of holding the camera as steady as possible (I was holding my breath a lot!)

This one is probably my best of the night. They're laughing at each other..awwww.
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And then they said goodbye! *Frown*
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I have a short video too! I couldn't take much because it uses up so much memory, but this a bit of their Backstreet's Back dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3__P_6CDojw

Overall, it really was a fantastic day and night. I just wish it all could have gone for longer! Good things always end too quickly.
February 24, 2007 at 8:19am
February 24, 2007 at 8:19am
I decided I didn't like my hair, so I rang up to see if I could come down to get a couple layers put in at the front. I'm not talking a full-head here, just a few at the sides.. nothing drastic. They said it would cost me another $30 because it would be classed as a whole new haircut! *Shock* How rude. I was really upset and felt like crying..... although, that could have been related to the fact I was in the middle of watching the final-ever episode of The O.C. I had taped the night before (seriously, can you believe it's over?! It was sad and happy and nostalgic - and I only started watching it last year!).

Anyway, now I'm stuck with my hair because I won't pay $30 for a couple of snips here and there. But it's not all bad. I finally ordered some fresh contacts and I feel nicer and prettier when I wear contacts. *Rolleyes* I'll get over it.

Here's some funnies to cheer me up (and you if you're feeling down!)

Brain Cramps:
Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?
Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever,
which is why I would not live forever,"
- Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest.

"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and
death and stuff."
- Mariah Carey

"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life,"
- Brooke Shields, during an interview to become Spokesperson for federal anti-smoking campaign.

I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body,"
-- Winston Bennett,
University of Kentucky basketball forward.

"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country,"
--Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC.

"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president."
--Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed documents.

"Half this game is ninety percent mental."
--Philadelphia Phillies manager, Danny Ozark

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
"We are ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur."
--Al Gore, Vice President

"We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?"
- Lee Lacocca

"The word "genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."
--Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback & sports analyst.

"We don't necessarily discriminate. We simply exclude certain types of people."
--Colonel Gerald Wellman, ROTC Instructor.

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
--Bill Clinton, President

"Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas."
--Keppel Enderbery

"Your food stamps will be stopped effective March 1992 because we received notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances."
--Department of Social Services, Greenville, South Carolina

*Right* I would've expected George W. Bush to be on the list, so I added my own. My favourite to date:

"Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?"
- President George W. Bush in a speech about childhood education.

*Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh*
February 22, 2007 at 5:52am
February 22, 2007 at 5:52am
I am so exhausted. I don't think I'm even fuctioning properly. I was extremely sleepy today and it was a conscious effort to stay awake on the drive home (I don't recommend wearing sunglasses if you're sleepy... makes everything dark, like you're asleep..) I just want to do nothing again. And I feel really lethargic. And really unfit. I actually feel like I'm putting on weight from all the sitting around but I don't think I am.

Anyway, in other news... Mum took the arm rests off this computer chair because she couldn't type with them on, and it's kind of annoying. I keep going to lean on them and find there's nothing there. I'm going to fall off if I'm not careful!

I'm also feeling extremely frustrated because I've been trying and trying to illegally download some Adobe programs and it WON'T FRICKIN WORK!!!!! *growl* It's so bloody annoying. I got Photoshop 8 off Shelley's daughter at work and it came with a crack folder, but there was nothing in it. The crack is supposed to overwrite the register files. I made the huge mistake of not reading up about it before I tried it and just went to register without downloading the crack files from elsewhere. Now it won't let me overwrite anything, so I've wasted the disc and it seems I won't be able to ever install Photoshop 8 on my computer unless I buy it. Which would set me back at least $500 and I'm not prepared to do that. I could download the next version of Photoshop but it's a huge file and would probably take two or more days. And then, I still don't know if the crack files would work this time.

Today in class I learnt some HTML stuff (how to create a website from scratch) and my teacher is so cool. He's like a hippie... he has this long, greying, kinda fuzzy hair that looks like it hasn't been cut in ten years. He's awfully nice though and very patient, which is an important attribute to have if you're teaching HTML! He also speaks very properly, which I find amusing since he looks like he just wandered in from....well, goodness knows where. Anyway, he was telling us today all about how to illegally download all these programs. *Laugh* He also said that the internet in it's beginning was meant to be free. It was Bill Gates that put a price on it with his Microsoft. So technically, programs like Adobe should NOT be costing us thousands of dollars. It's outrageous. He also mentioned this monthly "get-together" of computer geeks who have cheap software up for grabs and gave us the site with all the details. I'm thinking I might try and check it out sometime since none of this other stuff seems to be working for me. It's so heartbreaking to have a new, pretty version of Photoshop sitting right here next to me and I can't use it!! I have version 6 already, but I'd love love love to have this newer version. *sigh*

Now, time for me to go to bed early so maybe I can make it through tomorrow... *Worry*

Oh, and P.S: I got my hair cut! It's short now. Well, shortish. Around shoulder-length. Much more managable now... less time to brush and blow-dry in the mornings! And I need all the time I can get in the morning, I still haven't made it to class on time yet. *Rolleyes* And I don't have long, loose pieces of hair tickling my arms anymore! Dear god, that was annoying! Because you can feel it but because I'm blonde, I could never see it so I'd end up just grabbing all over my arms trying to get it and consequently, look like a bit of a weirdo who's having some sort of spasm.......
February 20, 2007 at 7:42am
February 20, 2007 at 7:42am
Ahhh crazy, crazy days. Look - I haven't blogged for three days! The funny thing is, I've been thinking about blogging. I have this thing these days where I think about what I would write after something has happened. I don't just think: "oh, I'll write that in my blog next time," I actually start writing it in my head. *Rolleyes* I've always thought that it would be incredibly handy if I could connect the computer to my brain and dictate what I wanted to be written. On the down side, you'd be getting blog entries on the hour and I'd have to deal with the social repercussions of having a computer plug stuck on the side of my head........

Anyway. I digress.

I am going to use sub-headings to keep my thoughts in order.

Traffic is bad. Why didn't someone warn me? Today I made some quick calculations in my head (a rare occurance) and discovered that, at one point, I sat in traffic for 2.5km travelling at 10-20km/h. Yes, my car works in kilometres. It doesn't sound like a long way, but trust me, it is when you're going at that speed! I actually got rather excited when I hit 30km/h for a moment. So yes, traffic is bad. At least half my trip to college is made up of crawling along at that speed and constraining my urge to sing - I must remember that there are people in other cars around me. I tap instead. I tap the wheel, I tap the door, I tap the accelerator pedal, I tap my head.....

Study isn't as boring as it was the last time I mentioned it. We're working on a couple programs I haven't used before. But I'm still frustrated by the amount of TIME we're given to do tasks. I thought I worked slowly, but clearly I don't. I do everything fast. I type fast, I open files fast... I spend half my time waiting for people to catch up. I don't mean to but I just want to get it done in the quickest time possible. I don't feel like I'm rushing, I feel like I'm working steadily and everyone else is doing.....goodness knows what with their time. If the teacher gives a sheet in the morning with the task on it, written out in step by step form, I just want to do it. But they all wait for everyone to arrive and get settled and sign the attendance form... and then 15 minutes after I've received the sheet of instructions, they start going through it with the whole class. But I have to wait because sometimes they give extra tips and hints while working through it. So I have to do it at their pace. I'm just terribly impatient. But I do prefer working at my own pace, otherwise I lose interest very quickly. I hate sitting around. My attention span seems to be so low these days, and when I don't have something to concentrate on, I somehow end up with a tension headache. Although, I'm happy with how I'm picking up the different aspects of the program. I know it sounds arrogant, but it makes me happy to see people struggling because it shows me that I must be doing alright.

The Man of Brawn:
Unfortunately ladies, Mark is married. I finally remembered to check his finger and there sat a shiny gold ring. He's still lovely though. And it makes me a whole lot more comfortable around him. I ended up working with him the other day and he's so adorable. *Laugh* He also does this thing where he stands close... although, I was thinking about that and I think it just feels like he's close because of how big his frame is. We were standing in an aisle and it felt like I was only taking up one third of the space and him the rest.... probably because he was! I also discovered the reason why he always wears long sleeved shirts - it's because his tattoos come down that far. I caught a glimpse of the tail end on his lower forearm when he had his shirt rolled up a bit. That must be annoying though, especially in the heatwave we just experienced (about 38 degrees four days in a row...whew!) So yes, he's married. But that's okay, my imagination is still very much alive and well! *Wink*

So... did I do anything on the weekend?
Why yes, I did! I went to a drive-in cinema! On one of the heatwave days, it stayed at about 25 degrees all night so what better night to sit outside and see a movie? It was so awesome. I went with my sister and some mutual friends from church and we sat outside on deck chairs in the dark. I kept gazing up the stars because it was a perfectly clear night and the stars were so beautiful and out in full force. Amazing.

One last thing, go to "Invalid Item and check out my item that is up for auction! Of course I think you should bid on my mine (#17 *Wink*) but just checking it all out would be great as it's for a good cause!

And now, I am off to sleep. And I will continue to sleep tomorrow. I worked it out and technically, I did a 15 hour day yesterday. Sleep is my friend.
February 16, 2007 at 10:34pm
February 16, 2007 at 10:34pm
You know, it feels like I've missed way more than one day. Probably because I'm working on Australia time and not WdC time. We're having a bit of a heatwave at the moment. 38 degrees two days in a row (that's a bit over 100 Fahrenheit). When I got in my car yesterday after leaving it to sit while I was in classes, it was literally boiling. I'd put a sunshade up but it doesn't do much (although, that said, you notice the difference when it's not up). The plastic on the door and the handle was too hot to touch and the steering wheel would've burnt my hands if I held on for more than a few seconds. I had to leave the doors open and crank the air-con up and just stand outside waiting before I could drive home. And then, the sun was SO hot on my arm while I was driving. I couldn't even do anything either because I didn't have anything to cover it with or even any sunscreen on me.

Anyway, I skipped class on Thursday and went touristing. Me and my sister went up to the mountains to a couple of national parks. It was great fun, way better than sitting in a computer lab. We got very snap happy and took tons of photos. We went into a whole bunch of those tourist souvenir shops and bought some stuff. We had lunch at these old-fashioned tearooms where we ordered a slice of quiche with chips and salad, and a ploughman's lunch to share between us - and wow, they must have had hungry ploughmans back then! It was a large platter and I swear, there must have been three grated carrots on that thing, along with a massive pile of lettuce and these two hunks of cheese and some other bits and pieces. The waitress didn't bother to tell us how big it was! We've had a ploughman's lunch before and never has it been that huge. We didn't end up getting through much of it.... we felt like we'd eaten heaps, yet it looked like we'd barely made a dent. I wanted to take a photo but felt it might seem a bit obvious if I whipped out the camera. So the best I could do was get one with my camera phone, while pretending to text message..haha. I can't upload those pictures onto the computer though. I have some others to share though. The first one I was trying to duplicate the picture in the brochure. But theirs was in autumn and it had a pretty little boat in the water to the left. No boat for me but there was a cute little ducky! (You can't see it in this picture though). The second was me dodging cars. LOL. I wanted one of those cool photos you see of a winding road, so I ran across, stopped for like a second, snapped and ran. There wasn't that many cars around anyway, but I don't suppose it's wise to just stand there in the middle of a road that has a bend. *Rolleyes* I think it's a bit skinny but I had it on landscape and forgot to switch it to a wider setting. I could've gone back, but I had already risked my life once. And besides, we had just finished climbing up this hill and I haven't felt so buggered in a long time!

*Right* "Invalid Item ~ "Invalid Item *Left*

And look what LilPaul gave me!!! Thankyou!

Merit Badge in Journaling
[Click For More Info]

Hey Twinks,

I tried to get you an MB that not only you deserve, but that you haven't already got. I got you the journaling one for your blogging. I may not comment as much as I'd like, but what I've read has always been heart-felt and true-to-life.
February 14, 2007 at 7:35am
February 14, 2007 at 7:35am
I must say, things have improved considerably since this time last night. I was going to come in here and have a huge rant but things have calmed down. Last night, Mum and me has a huge argument. She's taking a course in administration and she has to learn Word, and she's been getting me to help her. Which is fine until she gets all put out when I tell her she's done something wrong. It's a low self-esteem combined with pride. All afternoon I had been sooo patient. I wasn't taking over and when I said she had to go to 'file' I waited until she managed to manoevre the mouse over to file and click on it. And believe me, that takes a lot of patience. It had all been going okay until she started arguing with me that bolding and highlighting something were the same thing. She had bolded the heading but the next step on the worksheet said to highlight and centre it. I showed her how to highlight it and she kept saying "no, I've already done that!" I'm like, "no, Mum, you've bolded it. Highlighting and bolding are different." And she replies with, "but it's already bolded..look!" Me: "yes, I know, but you have to highlight it. It's just like using a highligher on paper." Mum: "but I don't want it to stay there and print out like that!" Me: "okay, so it's like using a highlighter that you can erase again." And she just kept arguing and finally I just lost it. I ranted and yelled and tapped on the computer screen. I suppose I just cracked. My patience was already wearing thin. Anyway, she got really upset and called me all sorts of names and said what a horrible, selfish, self-centred, arrogant, ignorant, terrible daughter I was. She used the whole 'I wiped your bum and taught you how to hold a spoon and what would you be like now if I had lost my patience with you, huh? HUH??!!' And yeah.... she really went nuts. Okay, so I shouldn't have lost my patience but I did, and people do that. Besides, she said she wants me to help her do her worksheets on the computer when she could be doing them in class with a teacher, who is getting part of the $400 she paid to do the course! I don't mind helping her when she needs it, but I'm not going to stand there for two hours while she tries to type up a couple of paragraphs and bold a few lines. If that makes me arrogant then sorrrrry!

Alright, so I suppose I still ranted. But things have calmed down now and she seems to addressing me a normal speaking voice, which is a good sign. But she gave me the cold shoulder for most of the morning and afternoon after I ended up just going to bed. I gave up and said, "right, I'm going to bed and you can just stick it." Besides, my sister DOES know how to help her, she just says she doesn't. She knows just as much about the computer as I do, but she says she doesn't so she doesn't have to help. I'm lying there in bed listening to mum calling to Alina for help. She eventually did help and to my credit, lost her patience within five minutes. Heh.

Other than all that, it wasn't too bad a day. I only remembered it was Valentine's Day around 2pm. *Laugh* Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks to The Evil Penguin and GG very happy for the cards. *Bigsmile* I went to bible study tonight and won a game we played. Bazza played 20 'love' songs and you had to guess the artist and song title. A little sadly, I even got the older ones. I just listen to so much music. But I happily forgot the artist who sang 'Achy Breaky Heart.' *Laugh* I know now though. *Rolleyes*
February 12, 2007 at 6:59am
February 12, 2007 at 6:59am
Class was so boring. So incredibly, painfully boring. I thought I may actually keel over. The skill levels in the class vary so the teacher has to cater for everyone. There were a couple people like me who looked bored out of their brains, and then.... there were the others. It was Photoshop today and I pretty much know everything because I've played around in it so much and taught myself. One task was to open a image file which was a picture of a fruit bowl, and to select an apple, copy it and paste it to make more apples. That's like the most basic of basic for me. I did it easily and flipped the layers around to make it look pretty, and this one girl couldn't even figure out how to open the file! I mean, I don't want to think I'm better than anyone and I didn't think that... I was just bored. There were no challenges. I could've done it in my sleep. And the other class, he wanted us to research printers and find one that best suits the requirements he gave us, and then write up a short report. He gave us a whole hour. Oh my goodness, I'm like... are you serious? I've been writing long essays for the past three years and he gives us an hour to do half a page? I looked around the room and everyone else seemed to be reading pages and pages of info and copying and pasting tons of the stuff. So, I went on my way and found a few that looked good. Then the teacher walks behind me and goes, as I've got one up on the screen, "ohh, that's a great model!" I'm like, righteo, that's the one I'll be using! I wrote up all the info, did a little spiel on how great the machine was, printed it off and twenty minutes into the hour - viola! He read it (while everyone else was still researching) and commented that he could hire me to be his research assistant. He said I could take a break and come back. I went home.

*sigh* So that's about how basic it was. If it doesn't get more advanced, I'm going to go insane. But the problem is, even though I already know it, I need this course to prove it. I might ask the coordinator if it's going to get any better and if not, is there a more advanced course I can switch to if I take a test or something to prove I can already do the work..?

And don't mention the trip there and back. Peak hour both ways. C..r..a..w..l...i...n..g........... ahhhh....... The Fray was my saviour. Tomorrow Jimmy Eat World might take over the coveted role. But at least I didn't miss my exit! Well, actually I did but then I realised and turned around.
February 11, 2007 at 7:48am
February 11, 2007 at 7:48am
*stumbles in and collapses*

Stupid busy, sociable life. I haven't had time to blog and it's been annoying me. Now I'm tired and I probably won't get to write all I want to. Classes start tomorrow and I'm nervous. Nervous about finding a carpark, about finding the classroom, about sitting around all day and finally, finding my way home again and not missing the exit!

I did some socialising this weekend. Of course, me being me, I would have been just as comfortable lounging around at home and not socialising, but that didn't end up happening unless you include an hour to myself this afternoon. I went to an engagement party and I...well...I just didn't really want to go. I mean, I wanted to go and say "hey look, I came!" just to be polite, but I'm a terrible small-talker and I always dread that part of parties - which ended up being the whole part. I just seem to suck at it unless the person on the other end is good at it. There are certain types of people you encounter in social small-talk situations. There are the ones I like the most, who are genuinely friendly and make you feel at ease right away. They seem to have an endless stream of questions. They're my favourite kind of people. Another one you encounter is the fake-friendlies. They smile and nod at everything you say. You could say "so, this morning I went to the toilet!" and they'd smile and nod and say "wow, reeeeallly?!". Then you have the ones who are good for awhile but then someone they know walks past and right in the middle of your sentence, they look off and say hi to them and you're left wondering if you should let your sentence drift off into mid-air or finish it. The only time saying hi to someone while in the middle of a conversation is appropriate, is a) when the person is old and frail and clearly can't see you're occupied right now or b) when you make it short and come back immediately and say "so, what were you saying?" I can forgive if they do that, but not many do. The last kind of person is the awkward silence person. I'm afraid to admit that's sometimes me. If neither of us can think of a new conversation topic, and I'm already a bad small-talker, then the silence tends to drag on. I hate that.

But... I did manage to make some conversation. My sister was there too and she had heaps of friends there, who I kinda know but they're more her friends. I hung around her for a bit... but yay for me, I didn't cling to her side the entire night. I actually made some small-talk of my own. I talked to Nat from my bible study, who I haven't actually spoken to for more than five minutes before, for at least twenty. There was miminal pauses in the conversation AND I did it with the backdrop of loud music. We both repeated ourselves all the time, but at least I managed it. *Rolleyes* I talked to some other people too, but when I found myself standing around awkwardly, I always seemed to find my way back to my sister's circle. Oh well. I have picked up some small-talking tips though. Everyone always asks the same questions to me, so I've followed the trend and done it to everyone else. "So, how's your weekend going?" - "Got any plans for the week?" Well, okay, that's about as far as it goes for me. After that, I start to stumble. I hate the weekend questions though because I always work. So it's not exactly the best conversation starter.

Also, at the party, I saw a guy that looked like Chris. He was kind of a podgier version. He was married to a girl my sister used to know at school. And the freaky thing was.... his name was Chris. I was about to tell my sister that he looked similar and she interrupted and started talking about him, referring to him as Chris. It was strange. I wanted to just stand and stare at him but that would be creepy, yeah?! There was also this other guy I saw after work the other day.... who looked like Chris. He was in a car with another girl from work's boyfriend and he got out to get into the backseat and I glanced over and literally did a double take. And it wasn't just me either, Shelley asked me if I'd "seen that guy in the car yesterday who looked like Chris." So it wasn't just my mind playing tricks on me. He did have a pretty common haircut and fairly common features though. *sigh*

Speaking of work, Mark (otherwise known as the Man of Brawn) has tattoos. Ohh yeah, he has muscles. And the tattoo fits across it horizontally and doesn't, like, wrap around his arms five times. Okay, so I don't actually know that. I haven't seem the tattoo(s?). Shelley did and she told me just as an offhand comment. However, this does mean that since he has tattoos, it means he has lived enough of his life to get the tattoos, then come and get a real job and no longer look like a tattoo man. Because, seriously, he looks quite cuddly. He doesn't look rough. Although, I don't suppose it makes any difference. But chances are..... you know.... it also increases his chances of being married though. Oh well, I can still admire.

Sorry.....had to get out all my girly thoughts. And all that other rambling before it. It's always when I don't have time to blog that I feel like I absolutely need to. Sorry I haven't got around to your blogs yet, but I've really got to sleep now. Got my first early rise tomorrow - the first of many more. *Worry*

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