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My purging and some other crap - can be funny, most times without trying :-)
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Just to take the crap out of me and put it somewhere else for safekeeping. Gets heavy carrying it around.

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It's me, Summertime 2010. I'm pretty damn happy these days.

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And yes.. this is my daughter, Devann Dev . I am the luckiest Mom in the world. Can't get a new pic ... oh maybe I'll creep FB and steal one from there!

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And our little slice of paradise. I still after 'four' years here can't believe how lucky I am.
Come on over .. the door's always open ( heehee )

Thanks for stopping by. Cheers

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March 5, 2008 at 12:44am
March 5, 2008 at 12:44am
First of all, thanks to all of you who sent supportive notes and comments about our little friend. They are down in Toronto at the Sick Kid's Hospital, which is about two hours from where they live. It is well renown so that's a good place to be. I haven't heard back from the mom yet, so I'll keep you posted.

Today this will NOT, I repeat NOT. be a bitch blog about PJ or anyone else for that matter - no today I was truly touched and inspired and feeling pretty damn lucky.

This morning, I went out to Providence Farm (yup the place that is NOT hiring me to write their history book... sigh.... I did run into the 'guy' who is supposedly 'writing' his history book and gosh golly paint me proud that I held my nasty little tongue and DIDN"T say.... SO JACK how's the book coming??!! *Laugh*)

But anyway .. shut up bugz.. you are NOT bitchin' in here today remember.....

I needed to do an article in a pinch about volunteers who are seniors as my last candidate skipped off to the Amazon on a holiday! *Rolleyes* So I thought of that place as I knew there were a lot of older folks who volunteered there.

The director hooked me up with my new best friend - George. And what a guy he is. As I sat there interviewing this man of 88 years and listened and felt his passion, and joy, and heartfelt gratitude for his life, his family and the farm, I was brought to tears. Here is a man, who served in the war, survived hardships that my generation knows nothing about, raised 3 children who he adores and who obviously adore him, lost one wife to cancer, and has love in his eyes when he talks about his second wife, who's done his share and more - yet now, even after a stroke 2 years ago has left him unsteady on his feet and a blind spot that doesn't allow him to drive - he goes five days a week for 8 hours a day and volunteers his time.. just for the love of it.

He is adamant that he gets way more from this place than he gives. And just from the sense I always get even as I turn into the driveway, I can really see how that is possible. He is absolutely one of the loveliest men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He is humble and soft spoken and every person there as we toured around, called out his name or had lots of kind words to share when they found out he was being interviewed.

He is a true gentleman, always opening the door for me or stepping back to let me go first. All the women there are in love with him - that is obvious as they flirt and tease and carry on like school girls. The gals at the St Ann's Garden Club even dedicated their fundraising cookbook to him....does it get any better than that??

I was truly in awe of this selfless man. The air of genuine love for all he does and his whole life just wrapped me all up and I could have just stayed by his side all day.

I feel happy that another gent he wanted me to meet was not there today, so I get to go back tomorrow and take some more pics and see George again.

I was going to have to make it a late night writing up the story tonight as the deadline was the 5th, but my editor gave me an extension of a week... and I am so relieved.

I am feeling a bit bleckkk right now - and I really want to work hard on this story - it's going to take some work to really try to capture the essence of this amazing man on paper and I really want to do him justice. So now I can take a bit of time and see if somehow that is possible.

What a gift I received today. He talks constantly of his blessed life - but I see so clearly, all who are lucky to meet him are the truly blessed ones.

Packing it in early tonight and looking forward to tea and cookies tomorrow morning again. I could so get used to that.

nite all

March 4, 2008 at 2:44am
March 4, 2008 at 2:44am
My blog topic for today has changed about 6 times. I started with a follow up from yesterday's weed blog - seems to have made quite an impression on a few of you. Yikes you'd think I was going to shave my head, live in a cave and chant 24 hours a day (well I wouldn't say I'd never do that)

In fact sweett was so worried about me living on weeds, she sent me this to try and entice me back to real veggies.

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Scary ain't it? Bet you want me to stick to wild carrots now eh?

So blog topic #2 HAD to be a PJ rant. I haven't had one in.. ummmm.... 2 days! Okay she is certifiable!! First - she shows up at 10:45am. I am the only one in the office - I shouldn't have bothered going in, as I always work home on Mondays, but I had NOTHING to do, so figured I'd go in and scrounge for work - which I did quite successful actually.

I gave PJ two fairly simple tasks - which she did okay. Around noon - so she had been there like an hour, she called her BF to take her to lunch, but he said no. So then she asked me to go with her. I said no I brought my lunch. But then my lunch turned out to be ... moldy!!!! bleckkkkkkk I just bought the bread yesterday...grrrr... so one bite and I was bleckkkkk - I may eat dirty wild carrots, but mold on bread I draw the line!!

Then I thought, well I have to go get something and how was I going to do that and not make her upset ?... I was.. honestly being VERY polite and nice to her and I didn't even use my tone all day! *Rolleyes*!!

After she asked me again to go with her and that she wanted to get lasagna and split it with me - I said no I am a vegetarian, but she said. "Oh we can get vegetarian lasagna and I can't eat it all, so really we can share!"
Well, I thought, fine. Part of my plan to try to be nice, I'd go.

We, or I, locked the office, off we go down the street to the restaurant. She orders the lasagna and then tries to pay with her debit card.... NOPE... NO $$ - Declined! She just stands there and then looks at me. The cashier gal is just looking at her and PJ looks at me - there is this long silence and sheeeeesh - what was I supposed to do --- oh yah pay for it I guess. Umm yah okay. Which normally would be totally fine, but it was really me sharing her lunch that she was going to get anyway right?

After a couple of minutes I had to hide my laughter as I thought to myself, "Girl - you've been had!!"

I am betting she knew damn well she had no $$ and that she couldn't very well ask me to buy her lunch, so she offers to buy ME lunch and gosh golly something is wrong with her card, so nice old me steps in and ends up buying HER lunch... uhuh!

Cracked me up that did.

Well the afternoon progressed with lets see, me doing work and her on MSN. Finally around 4:20 I'd had enough of that crap so I packed up and said I was off. She immediately started packing up too - so I HAD to ask, "Oh are you leaving now too?"

Her answer.."Yes as I do not have my office key here."

Oh lordy - that time I really did laugh out loud. Ok - so normally I DO NOT work in the office on Mondays, our boss has been out sick for a week ... how the hell did she think she was going to get into the office when she got here then?

By the time I got in my car, I was laughing so hard, I almost wet myself and proceeded to laugh hysterically all the way home. I think I may have lost a bit of my mind along the way.

Yup - blog number 3 topic was this....


you don't have to click on it - I can give you the lowdown - I was researching for an article and I found this gem

Basically Mcdonalds is starting to Feng Shui their restaurants!! Well I cracked up so hard, I almost lost my lunch AND what little bit was left of my mind after the last fit of hysteria. I mean .. come on PEOPLE!! Get A GRIP!

Oh lordy.

But lastly on a sad note.... Dev came down tonight and told me a little girlfriend of hers has leukemia. We got to know the family very well when I worked at the Y. Three girls all absolutely gorgeous. They are all actors and they are homeschooled and used to hang out alot with us. Their parents were splitting right when we left to come here and it made me really sad we weren't around. I used to teach the girls yoga and they were in my Young Leaders program. We all went on the canoe outward bound trip (except the youngest who is now sick because she was too young to go)

Dev is devastated and wants to go back for a visit. I have airmiles I've been saving for a rainy day, so this is about as rainy as it gets. She offered to take extra shifts at work to save for spending money - that made me want to cry. So I said maybe by April we can get it sorted. I've emailed the mom to check on how things really are.

This little girl is just one of the most precious little angels on earth. I remember so clearly one day after the first yoga class I taught them, she came to my office and knocked on the door - she was such a tiny little thing with wild blond curly hair. She looked up at me with this shy quiet voice and said, "I just wanted to tell you that I have taken a lot of yoga classes, but that was the best class I have ever had."

It was love from that moment on.

And this was once again - a reminder to me, that all the rest of the crap *Up* is just that. And life is precious and our children are the most precious of all.

sigh *Heart*
March 3, 2008 at 1:09am
March 3, 2008 at 1:09am
Ahh had a bit of a lazy start today. Watched a bad movie under the covers while drinking tea, then gabbed on the phone and generally didn't move too far.

Then after brunch headed out with Dev (Darla was not invited..much to her dismay ... she has started shaking when she figures out we are leaving her alone... *Cry*)

We went for a WildFood walkabout and lecture and I asked the guy if Darla could come, but he said there was a little bunny that lived there so that was not a good idea. But then the bunny wasn't there after all. *Frown*

Anyway - it was a bit chilly and started to rain, so we didn't stay too long. But it was interesting to say the least. Ole Roger sure knows his weeds. I think he smokes some of his findings too but that is probably another story. He knows his stuff though - digging around in the ground picking out scruffy looking green bits here and there. And I just kept stepping on all the food - not good. *Rolleyes*

Here's a picture of something you can eat. Well Roger is anyway and there is a thistle there he is going to eat next. Ouch

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I think you can eat this but maybe that was a poisonous one... I forget. Lucky I took my recorder, but I am too lazy to listen to it right now. So I won't go foraging til I make sure I get the tape sorted to the pictures - hope I don't mess up

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And what's a day without a carrot???.. But this is a wild one.. I had three pieces.. yum yum. Tasted way better than the orange ones from the store thats for sure... delish

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Well that's it folks. All pooped out. It's damn cold here tonight.. brrrr. Crazy week coming up. NEED to finish at least one article tonight. And Tuesday I have an interview with an old dude who volunteers at Providence Farm - he's invited me for tea and cookies.. FINALLY someone has invited me to eat something at an interview *Bigsmile* that should be a blast.

Ok .. have a great Monday all - watch where you are stepping... those weeds could be lunch!

March 2, 2008 at 3:39am
March 2, 2008 at 3:39am
I was internetless yesterday - lucky for you all because it would have been a bitch blog from hell - but I'm over it so you are saved. Lucky you.

So now because Anyea was going to give me a blog topic but stole it back - you get my regular crap instead.

Yup - well today was the big wahoooooy Environment Fair in our big town. I thought the day would be a bust actually - but surprisingly enough it was pretty good. I have attended (as an exhibitor and organizer) these kinds of shows a ton of times and sometimes they are retched. But I will admit that the organizers did a pretty good job. There were about 40 exhibitors and as I got there first to set up (PJ girl however was 45 minutes late... ask if I was pissed go ahead.)..... anyway I got to pick any spot I wanted *Bigsmile* So we got a awesome big corner spot.

Devann was stellar - I dragged her there to help set up and because I knew I wouldn't be able to pick her up and take her to work - so this way i could just whip her to her work and only be gone about 10 minutes (but she ended up calling in to work because she was having a hoot... and I was soo glad she stayed... go head ask why...could it be that PJ girl was USELESS!!)

Ahem... anyway - Dev helped set up and here is our booth

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Today was also the day that the first of three Ad Features that I am writing ran in the local paper... tada....

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I was supposed to get the PDF from the paper but they didn't send it over yet - so this is hard to read. But I am really happy with it. It was quite some work to put together and probably doesn't look like too much in the grand scheme but considering the obstacles that had to be overcome, it's really quite a miracle that this worked out at all!!

All in all it was a great day. I met lots of very interesting people, we got really good feedback on our booth and the Ad and we got a few people to sign up for some programs we are running and we made about $100 selling seeds!!

PJ girl was interesting to say the least - she told one dude we didnt do the cycling coaltion and if you look at the pic - you can see the sign which was right above her head and she sat behind the booth for the few hours she actually was there - so that was a tad embarrassing to say the least. I can't even get into the other nonsense she pulled - she really has to just go away.

Devann (I know I brag I can't help it) was stellar. She was chatting people up about our programs and about eating local food and being a vegan. She sold the most stuff and was generally astounding knowledgeable sounding even though I thought for SURE she never paid any attention to what I have been up to for the last couple of months. I say my bosses should fire PJ girl and hire Dev. She is going to come help me at the kiosk next Thursday and Friday (and skip school Friday too). I am seriously considering telling my bosses NOT to let PJ come - she is worse than having no-one because she gives out the wrong information, charges the wrong prices for things and cannot answer any questions about anything. I think it makes us look bad when someone is working and cannot answer a thing - or just gives out wrong information ... but okay.. I'll shut up now. Oh except to say, when I left work yesterday, I said, PLEASE do not be late tomorrow and when I said to her today - you are late, she made some lame excuse and I said, that was not my problem, that I had expected her to be on time - she totally blew me off, saying Whatever and throwing her hand up to my face.... OK NOW I will shut up!! Ok one last grrrrrr.

Well I'm pooped and my feet are STILL killing me cause I wore Dev's boots... BIG mistake. So I'm going to crash now. Tomorrow I hope my feet have recovered - because Dev and I are going on a wildfood walkabout with this quite eccentric dude who is going to teach us about what wild foods we can eat.... sounds delish!!

Have great Sunday
February 29, 2008 at 12:53am
February 29, 2008 at 12:53am
I was looking through the usual bookmarks of jobsites again.

I am supposed to be working .. but instead I am looking for more work. I really don't want more work, but I need more work... anyway. I am having trouble writing this article on getting rid of stuff, so I keep finding things to distract me... like looking for more places to write more articles about stuff I don't want to write about - like getting rid of it.

If it sounds confusing.... it's because it is.

Anyway, I found a job just now for a....get this... a Muffin Girl!!

Doesn't that sound fabulous?? You spend 7 hours a day making and delivering muffins. Okay the making muffins part would be a challenge for me - but you have to be friendly and have an outgoing personality and a driver's license - I have those things. They do NOT say you have to be good at making muffins.

They pay pretty much the same as I am making now and I get to make people all happy bringing them muffins. I mean really - how many people are going to be grumpy when you bring them muffins? Not too damn many I am guessing - well unless they hate my muffins cause I suck at baking.

But I am seeing a new career stream here. Great potential to advance to perhaps delivering sandwiches next. Hey I CAN make sandwiches and I bet people would be happy to get those too.

Then I wouldn't have to do all of PJs work plus my own or work Saturdays or do other stuff like, well yah, just work stuff I don't want to do.

I can see it now... Just call me Muffin Girl!!

Yup has a nice ring to it.... ok gotta go send in my resume I am sure that job will go fast!!


wonder if I get to eat the leftovers or the ones I burn?
February 28, 2008 at 1:30am
February 28, 2008 at 1:30am
I used to be a reading freak. I couldn't keep up with myself. I would have 3 or 4 books on the go. My bookshelves bursting, the debt to the local library would have fed a family of four for a year. I read novels, self-help books, romance crap, smut - you name it... I read it.

I remember some times, being so engrossed in a book, I would stay up all night reading then go to work. I would read on the streetcar, walking, heck even driving! I remember sitting on my couch and my kids would be freaking to go out to a movie and I would take my book and read in the theatre.... well anyway you get my point.

But ahem.. I will say since joining this 'evil' place of writers, I have not read a book in ....hmmm... ummmm... ahhhh... . yikes.... months?!?!

But I was okay with that - as I consider reading stories and poetry and blogs on here as reading. I like to think of each of your blogs as a story book - about your lives. It's better than most novels that end and you always wonder... gosh wonder what ever happened to .... but your blogs just go on and on and on and on....*Laugh*

So anyway.. the other day at the interview I did at the farm, I saw a Maeve Binchy book laying there, and I happened to ask the gal, if it was a new book as I had not seen that one before. She immediately grabbed it and gave it to me. She said she had just finished it that night and it was gifted to her - so she gifted it to me (sort of made up for not getting free wine but not really). So it has sat at my bedside since then.... unopened.

Well the last few nights I have been a little more restless than usual *Rolleyes* and didn't feel like reading on here or writing or working or bugging Dev - and then I read Wren s blog and she mentioned Maeve and I went ... wahooo!! I have a book to READ!!!

So I cracked it open ... yup Grifter I broke the spine up reallllll good, creased it open and buried my nose right in there!! *Bigsmile*

It was great... the old feeling of laying back , book in hand, tea made in my .. BTW... NEW WDC mug that DL Bach sent me ... heehee.... on a side note... I gifted one to someone here once when she blogged that she broke hers and was sad - and I thought.. gosh I would love to get one.. but nope, I dont buy myself stuff like that... and gosh golly.. didn't what goes around come around and now I have one... *Bigsmile*

anyway... where was I? Oh yes, book cracked, nose buried, tea made, under blankies, Darla passed out, all toasty.... I had some serious flashbacks of the good ole book days....

.....but something was seriously amiss!!!!

I couldn't focus on the story, the brilliant writing, the characters, the setting, the soon to be revealed plot....

... and why you ask??


I could only look for comma splices, and misplaced semi colons, run on sentences and dangling prepositions! Granted I didn't find much.. but it didn't stop me from looking and reanalyzing sentence after sentence, paragraph after paragraph. I hardly remember a scene never mind a name or place... NOOOOO

I am RUINED from EVER enjoying a book ever again in my LIFE!!

This can only mean one thing.... I will retire from book reading and become enslaved to the reading of blogs forever!!

sigh.....well think of the money I'll save ... but then think of all the libraries that will collapse without my financial support

So the pressure remains on you folks... keep buying those books and be late returning to the library.... its up to you to keep the economy alive and well. I am now retired

have fun.... read a book for me and let me know how it goes. *Sad*
February 27, 2008 at 12:32am
February 27, 2008 at 12:32am
So a dear friend said this to me the other day... and I quote:

"Why do you think we are here?

Answer... there are only two reasons, one is to learn compassion and the other is to teach compassion.

Definition of compassion: *love made manifest*

Why does a newborn die?

To teach compassion. keeping in mind that the newborn is an old soul.

Why do handicapped people live?

Same reason

Set your mind to any person or situation and the answer will be the same."

So I thought about that for a bit.. and I could make sense of it. I kinda liked it. I thought of a few situations and yup... I could relate it to time where I learned or taught compassion. But, I was in a fairly good mood that day.

But today, I was (and am) in a pissy mood - so I decided to test myself and see whether or not, if I could still make sense of it under certain, ummm.... more trying and immediate circumstances.

So here goes... I am learning compassion today about:

* my brother... enough said.

* PJ girl ... enough said

* one of my editors who SAID she mailed a cheque 2 weeks ago, but I am thinking it was a lie .... enough said

* The chocolate dude, who I finally went to interview... did not give me ANY chocolate to take home AND I have to go back because he 'was not prepared' for having pictures taken... ummm yah sure... I get paid enough to go there twice and you aren't even going to give me treats... enough said.

Yup.. I am head-to-damn-toe compassionate today. Gosh I am so getting this all figured out. Aren't I lucky?


but I did make a nice roasted plastic duckie pizza that was delish! So hmmm I am teaching compassion to... who? Oh yah Anyea *Laugh*
February 26, 2008 at 2:35am
February 26, 2008 at 2:35am
Lost the first entry.....so trying again.... sigh - obviously my first attempt at being gracious while accepting this prestigious award made me fall flat on my face so... without further adieu...

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Please go to "Invalid Entry to read my soon to be infamous acceptance speech. It may just very well go down in history as the shortest one ever.

All the paparazzi and autograph signing has left me too exhausted for words. So I bide you good night. I want you to know it just wouldn't have been possible without you all. I accept this award on your behalf.

But if you think I am sharing the gold painted leaf ... you can forget it. Go get your own *Laugh*

February 25, 2008 at 2:32am
February 25, 2008 at 2:32am
Too much to say - too little time.

I should have blogged over the last few days as now my brain is exploding but I am too tired to write it all. Don't you wish sometimes there was a way to just to a download - plug in a little usb pluggy thing from my brain to my puter, have a nap and wake up and it would all be typed.... I could so use that right now.

So... a quick rundown.

Friday's first aid class was zzzzzzzz. It's like the 100th one I have taken and even though mine was not expired, I had to take it anyway. It was long and boring but I only got one question wrong. Hope it wasn't something vital that I will screw up if I ever have to save someone. Peaking over PJs shoulder , she got the first 4 wrong, but I left before she handed in her test.... hope I never need her to save me..... yikes!!

Saturday's workshop was a hoot. True enough... as I predicted... Ms Competitive Politician not only showed up with chocolates, but she also brought balloons, plastic farm animals and play dough to decorate her table. I razzed the shit out of her allllll day - it was hilarious.

It was a fun day and I met lots of very cool folks. I haven't written up my notes yet....ooops - so I guess I will do them tomorrow. Oh and in case you care what it was about - it was focused on Food Security - basically how as an island we are very food insecure since 90 percent of our food is brought in to the island from elsewhere. So we talked about this as an issue, how we could change things, how would could make families more food secure, how we would track progress etc. It was a great day.

Today, I had a lazy start then got a burst of energy and powerwashed the whole house and the docks and cleaned the window and then did dishes. Dev made lunch then we headed out for a hike.

We had a great time. We just gabbed and talked about this and that. We got groceries and hair dye and planned to make vegetarian lasagna for dinner ... which we did....it was super duperly delicious!! Maybe we can't bake, but we know how to cook!! Yummmmm

But earlier, when we were just arriving home - Dev hit me with a bombshell.

She said the ole, "I want to tell you something, but I don't want you to freak out."

Gawed I hate those starts - it usually means I am gunna freak out!!!

So I said, okay I would TRY not to freak out. So she told me.

Last Friday she met up with a friend Jordon who used to go to her school and who came to her bday party (he was a total brat then) But he has always been relatively okay, so I wasn't worried - she was happy that he was going to go to the movies with her and her friend, Susan.

I picked them all up from school (there was another boy there too) and dropped them at the mall.

Well I guess half way through the movie, the one boy dropped E and Dev said to Jordon - "If you are going to do that, then buzz off."

Jordon said he wasn't going to - but later, Dev said it was obvious that he had - and when Dev confronted him, he admitted it.

It took her over a week to tell me because, she thought I would freak and say she couldn't hang out with him. But I am glad she waited to tell me when she did. She said she was really mad at him. She said she didn't care if he did it or not, but she didn't want him to do it around her and she specifically asked him not to and he did anyway.

She ditched him at the mall and Susan apparently was mad at her, but she said she didn't care, that she didn't want to hang out with him anymore.
She confronted him on MSN the next day and let him have it. She told me she is not going to talk to him anymore. She was relieved this past Friday that he didn't show up at her school. (He got kicked out of Dev's school last year and goes to a local high school and skips sometimes to go see them all at their school on Fridays when Dev goes - which is only once a week)

I reassured Dev right away that I was not freaked out. On the contrary I was really proud of her for making that choice. I said I would have been more freaked out if she had succumbed and tried the drug

We had a long conversation about it and I asked her why she didn't want to do drugs. She said she had no interest in it. We talked about her other ex-friend who is apparently a druggy now and I asked her why she thought people turned to drugs. She admitted if she had gone to regular highschool and we had stayed in Ontario and we had stayed with Michael, she thinks she would have. She said she felt she had no real friends there and her and I were not as close and she had no one to confide in like she has now.

She felt now, that because we have such a good relationship and she has a few very close girlfriends, it has made all the difference. I told her if and when she really wanted to try dope, to let me know - I have a couple of friends and "I" will get her stuff to try...... gawed help me. *Rolleyes*

But, she just laughed. She said her girlfriend said her mom said the same thing. *Laugh*

I really hope I don't have to live up to that bargain - but as odd as it sounds, I think I'd rather she experiment while I am around than not. She had her first beer with me - and I still think that was a good move. Somehow it takes the mystery and the 'I am being bad' thing out of it. Hopefully the drama, and intrigue and fun will be taken out a bit too - dunno. I am still winging this parenting thing for the most part.

But if I was to be honest - I would say that was a bit too close for comfort with Jordon. I just thank God she had the self esteem and guts to tell him to piss off. And thank everything in my whole being, that we didn't stay in Ontario. I shudder to think how things would be now if we had.

Well, that was a bit long - I have a crazy week coming up. Four articles to write and the real day job to contend with. The 2 page spread I have been working on for them since I started, hits the newsstands on Saturday. I will try to see if I can download the PDF somehow on to here. I saw the proof on Friday and I think it looks pretty damn good if I say so myself! I'm excited to see it all done up.

Ok.. off to zzzzzz - up and attem early.

Have a great Monday all
February 22, 2008 at 2:40am
February 22, 2008 at 2:40am
I remember about 17 years ago now, I had my first childless weekends.

My husband and I had split, my son was in kindergarten and we signed up for the every other weekend thing as part of the deal.

It was absolute hell.I spent every one of those first few weekends sleeping over at a girlfriend's house getting very drunk. I thought I would never, ever get through those times.

As time passed though - as it always does, I could finally allow myself to see the advantages of having some free time. I did things that I couldn't do with a little boy around. I dated and that was a good time to do that and not need a babysitter. I settled into a good routine.

Well, when Devann came along there were no more free weekends. There was no agreement like that which required her going off every other weekend - and I was happy about that.

But she did go for sleepovers occasionally and once when she was about eight, I think, she went for 17 days to sleepover camp with a rich girlfriend whose parents paid because they obviously wanted to send their child away but didnt want to send her alone - that was rough - but I did.. ahem... fly off to Mexico to ease my sorrows *Bigsmile*!!

But other than that - I guess for the last 15 years I have been a full time mom and to be honest - I have enjoyed every minute. Tonight though Dev is away and will be until Saturday night.

I'd be lying if I didnt admit that it is a nice break. It's quiet that is for sure. No music, no TV, no MOM, can you get me a glass of water, no nightmares - although far and few between - last nights was a doozey! She dreamt that I died - and as much as I tried to convince her the survivor benefits wont even pay off the mortgage - she still couldn't be convinced I was alive and well for quite some time.

But by tomorrow night I'll be sure missing her. She's fun to have around even if she didn't do the dishes today. She did clean her room yesterday for some odd reason and then wanted me to hang out there.. which was kinda nice even if I did have to help with school work.

She is planning on doing a road trip in 1005 days from now. Her and a girlfriend are planning on touring the states for one year. And they have a list of rules already - must get a new hair cut in new york, they must hit a new bar once a week, NO relationships, only singing and laughing in the car while they drive, no talking or whining about home life... and the list is long!!

This is cute to listen to. She is pretty pumped about it. This is the girlfriend whose parents are very abusive and who Dev is not allowed to hang out with anymore because the Mom is onto us, being onto her. So she secretly chats to Dev.

I think it's good for the other girl. She is dreaming of the day she can escape that hell hole and although I severely doubt anything will become of it... isn't it wonderful to have dreams?? At any age... they can keep us going sometimes, can't they?

Well ,,,,, off to sleep well tonight and have a few happy dreams myself.
February 21, 2008 at 3:54am
February 21, 2008 at 3:54am
Worked extra long at my day job today. Normally on the days I have to go into the office, I bust out right at 430pm or even earlier if I can. I get way more done than everybody there and I have a zillion other jobs to do, so they are not getting extra time out of me.. no way , no how. They are getting me way too cheap as it is.

But today was a good 10 hour day. I had my regular day then we had a meeting tonight til after 7pm. I am helping to facilitate a workshop on Saturday, so tonight was orientation.

It's been a long time since I have done anything like that - well since I left the bank almost 6 years ago now.. wow. Running workshops and trainings and crap like that is really something I am good at. So when my boss asked if I would help out (it's not part of the project I am working on... so technically I am not supposed to do it) I said sure.

I haven't even been in any sort of organized meeting for ages (and to be honest I have soooooo not missed them) But tonight - I had fun. I fell right back into my groove. I know I add value to meetings like that. I asked some good questions, caught some really big gaps in what they wanted to accomplish on Saturday AND made them all crack up several times. I can be quite a little shit disturber at these things - and at one point got into quite a hilarious competition (yup Grifter... I did *Laugh*) with one of our big wig members of council - arguing over who would be the better facilitator and I ended up saying I was going to have chocolates and funky coloured markers at MY table... all she came up was to have peanuts at hers... *Laugh* I accused her of not be allergy conscious ... that stumped her for a minute *Laugh*... one of those had to be there moments - but she is a typical loud mouthed opinionated politician and I had a hoot getting her goat a couple of times!!

At one point my boss said - "Yup that's our Judy - all day when she is in the office, I hear her muttering away making smart assed comments to herself and I have to stop and say... WTF!?!?!"

I have NO idea why she said that!!! *Rolleyes*

Anyway blahblah... I think it will be fun on Saturday and I am actually kinda looking forward to it. This is NOT something I want to get back into, but it's nice to go revisit old familiar territory and know I am going to bring some value to this bunch of .... hmmm... how can I put this nicely - disorganized, non-profit environmentalists .. who's hearts are in the right place - but they are sooo all over the map.

should be a hoot.....hope I don't take over and end up running the whole damn thing *Laugh*

AND... one other piece of great news. I submitted my article on the Farm I went to go see on Sunday to my new editor. I was nervous as hell - after doing like 50,000 revisions.. I finally sent it off to her super late last night and after checking my mail like a zillion times today - I finally got a response and she said,

"Absolutely lovely piece. I am so glad we found each other!....."

Oh yah... I am a happy camper!! *Bigsmile*

Okay off to sleep - long day tomorrow again.

February 20, 2008 at 2:16am
February 20, 2008 at 2:16am
Told you I'd cut and paste.... I cracked a rib today laughing - let this be on YOUR heads....

In my inbox today - compliments of Dave Gordon accompanying a very substantial gift of 31.. yes I said 31 gps !! Wow....be still my heart....

I am sending this gift to you in appreciation of all the pleasure and happiness you have brought to us all by saying and doing things that make us say, “That Bugzy!”, to which we all reply “I know!” while shaking our heads and chuckling or laughing out loud or even sometimes calling the local paper up there because everyone in your town needs to know how funny you are and about the humorous things you do in bars even though we make them up. There is nothing we wouldn’t do for you short of anything substantive, which I think you should talk to your mother about because as everyone knows a mother’s love is the best so ask her for a little extra for your daughter and tell her it’s from you and I promise not to tell your mother who will consider it just one more thing about you that disappoints her but I told her I wouldn’t discuss that with you. She says hi, BTW. She thought the things I made up about you were very funny, if a little disappointing. So, what was I saying? Oh yeah, your friends, your mother, yadda yadda. Anyway, so I was thinking in order to help you out I would come up and Clorox your dock because that is one thing you don’t need is a health citation for otter poop and a child well fare visit to check on the sanitation but don’t worry too much because I told them ou try to keep it clean as best you can and that they should check the papers to read about your exploits in the bars if they needed more detail. So, what I want to know is do you have on-street parking or will I need to park in a garage?

And blogs comments today including this one from galinago
I'll let you find the accompanying blog and read the link yourselves....

Please review the following and make sure Antonio is not on the list!!

"Invalid Entry

enough said. Except gotta love friends that let you off the hook.

Oh and I.... yes I made this from a card Debi Wharton send me.... where the heck is Anyea anyway!!

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

ahhhhh good times. Thanks for the chuckles today folks.

February 19, 2008 at 4:10am
February 19, 2008 at 4:10am
hmmm......*looks around*....nope not in here.... keep scrolling

let me know what you find.

I'll cut and paste it. *Laugh*

February 18, 2008 at 6:01am
February 18, 2008 at 6:01am
Crapola it's 2:40am and I am still working. I so need to pack it in and will do so write after this brief update.

The chocolate dudes have become elusive, so no sampling was had this weekend. I think Anyea paid them off somehow as they now do not return my calls. Perhaps they are just a front for some right wing, anti-chocolate, weirdos who are trying to take over the world but denying chocolate to those in need .. or something... dunno - too tired to figure those people out. Who wouldn't want to bust a gut to get free advertising?

Well anyway - no time for that nonsense moving on. Did do a tour today on a farm/bed and breakfast/lavender grower/fledgling vineyard. It was interesting - took over 300 pictures - wrote the article tonight - which is okay I think.

It was a bit of a pisser - didn't get any freebies , not even a plant!! Think they would have offered something - when we had our b'n'b and anyone offered up an article or anything like that - sheesh we always gave away a free stay or at least a free yoga class or something. Pishhhhh

So other than that, just did crap this weekend. Researching mostly and cleaned my house - that takes all over 47 seconds .. one advantage of living in 400 sq ft.

My car is pooched so I am stranded currently. My brother is supposed to come up tomorrow to have a look - it's probably the transmission though, so that timing just super sucks. I was supposed to go into the office tomorrow - but guess not now, but i am not so choked up about that, especially when I have worked too late tonight.

So this was NOT supposed to be a whiner blog, just a tired one - but it feels a bit whiney ... sorry about that. I am still excited about the new magazine. I think there is a whole bunch of stuff I can write about eco-tourism around here. Maybe I will query the stoooopid local paper again with that idea. A weekly or even monthly column would be brilliant I think.

Ok off to dream about that. Hope you all had a good weekend.
February 16, 2008 at 12:03am
February 16, 2008 at 12:03am
Yah I am a bit pissy tonight. Maybe its a chocolate hangover. I had to eat all Dev's too since her very strict veganism doesn't waver for an instant.... oh darn *Bigsmile*

Anyway this morning, I spent a few minutes catching up on work email ... reminders and check ins.

First I sent one to my newest Magazine editor to pitch an idea of writing a piece about Agritourism - which loosely defined is folks who have farms, open them up for people to stay there and perhaps work for a bit and learn about farm life. She wrote back that she loved the idea and not only wanted me to write one article but wanted me to write two ASAP!!!

So there goes my weekend - I was all caught up and was going to just chill a bit and catch up on other parts of my life that have been seriously neglected... but I guess not. But the best part is.. the one place I am going to go hang out at, is called Organic Fair and they do, among other things,... are you ready... heehee..... don't tell Anyea..... free trade organic chocolate and value added chocolate stuff - tons and tons of chocolate stuff, and as part of the interview I get to ummmmm sample lots and lots of chocolate!!! heehee

Oh yah.. quite some perks....I LOVE my job!!... who's your best friend now eh?? My editor is beside herself and said I am her new best friend *Bigsmile*

And the second interview/article will be at a winery... I am SURE there will be a certain amount of required sampling so I get the whole feel for the
place *Bigsmile*

So that was pretty much the highlight of my day... it rapidly went downhill from there...

I sent another followup to a local paper who SAID they were interested in my writing an Eco Column for them in the Spring and that they wanted to get together in the new year to talk about it.

Second follow up email sent.... still zip

Then I sent one to the gal who I edit textbooks for who owes me $600 and two more books to do. (another $600) So she wrote right back and said cheque is on its way today... yipppppeeeee.... then she wrote back and forth a couple of times... bottom line. She has no more money so is NOT going to do the final edit on the last two textbooks. SO that means NO more money for ME!!! AND she is going to sell two textbooks that are going to be LOADED with errors... guaranteed!! I have been astounded at the errors in the first 4 books and I cannot believe she is going to go ahead and let those go out without my beady eyes. So that was a huge blow... that is a tremendous amount of money for me at this stage in my life and I was really counting on it.

I just feel like beating my head against the wall - which I would do, but I have such a massive headache already..not gunna do that. I just feel like I get one little break, then something else snaps.

But anyway - that's enough of my whining. I am going to chill, watch a movie, eat some vegan treats that miss picky pants didn't like and then look forward to tomorrow... when I get to go where again?? OH YEAH!! A CHOCOLATE FARM!!

I'll take pics of all the CHOCOLATE before I eat it *Bigsmile*

have a good weekend
February 15, 2008 at 3:51am
February 15, 2008 at 3:51am
phewff... that spreading the lovin' stuff is hard work and I think could be a full time job.

Wonder what it pays?

Off to ponder that in my sleep. Hope you all had a good day.... thanks for all the cnotes and happy day wishes and prezzies and emails and surprises and flowers... heehee

February 14, 2008 at 5:00am
February 14, 2008 at 5:00am
I know, I know.. but I just LOVE prezzies!!! Poor Alfred has not recuperated since he found out I am just a material girl at heart *Laugh*!!!

Well regardless .. I sure am in a better place than I was this time last year. And no.... I didn't get lucky... well .. so to speak....*Blush*

But to prove this ummm transformation from years past here is a poem I wrote last valentines....ahem....

There will be no croissants laid out on your plate,
Cut in two and made into hearts, covered with cream,
White and fluffy, strawberries too bursting with sweetness.

No, this year Valentines will be just another missed date.

Balloons, red and white streamers intertwined through,
The lights, the cords, curtains and dangling dangerously,
Close to the heart shaped candles, glowing like magic.

No, this year will be enclosed in darkness. I still care though, do you?

Presents snuck into the house when you’re not home.
Crinkling wrapping paper, bows and tape tucked in my closet.
Waiting, hiding, until you’re not looking to come out.

No, this year, will be different, I will spend this day alone.

I remember now, that last year was filled with sadness,
Bad feelings and glances away, when our eyes met.
You forgot a present or maybe just didn’t care, I don’t know.

No, this year perhaps the disappointment will be less.

You hated holidays contrived by card companies and those whose,
Only wish is to make a buck from the love of others.
I saw past that scheme and used it as an excuse to share my love more.

No, this year perhaps I will save my money and my heart from abuse.

This year, I will celebrate my love of myself and my new life.
I will lay out my table and plate with love and tenderness,
Grateful to myself for my bravery and courage to move on.

No, this year will be a good day. I will joyfully celebrate my renewed life.

okay well ahem .. not my best work... but the sentiment is there. This year I continue to celebrate my renewed life - full of joy, love, hope and dreams.

And how much better can it get than this anyway??

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Warms my heart this does..... thanks Anyea *Laugh*

oh oh oh... and this little ditty from alfred booth, wanbli ska he wrote for me, even if his delusions about me are shattered ... heehee

Roses aren't red
that's a color for foolish girls
who still believe in lipstick
and the violets, well
even if they they are bluish
they never really smell as good
as roses, now do they?

oh oh oh oh oh... ANOTHER reason I'm all a giggles that has nothing to do with the *Blush* *Up* is I got this badge today (well yesterday) from BeautyFromAshes ... sigh.. gosh darn.. makes me all sappy.. and guess what? It's her BIRTHDAY TODAY heehee!!

Merit Badge in Friendship
[Click For More Info]

Have a great day folks... spread some loving! Go on... you know you want to!!!

I am sure gunna... heehee
February 13, 2008 at 1:44am
February 13, 2008 at 1:44am
Some days I really wish I was smarter!! And had a more criminal mind. When I hear of crimes, so many times I go, "Why couldn't I think of that... it's brilliant!"

Working at the bank for so long, I used to hear of how a teller ripped off the bank or how someone embezzled money or stocks or something. Every single time I got pissed and wished I had a more devious streak.

Well today I heard of the ultimate scam that really, really pissed me off.

Seems like there are a bunch of swanky gals in Dallas who are being bad.
They hang out in upscale hotel bars and suss out the cute, rich looking, lonely execs and buy them beverages. Well these poor lads are thinking, "Hot Damn... I got me a winner. .. sexy babe being ME a drink!! Wahooo!"

Ummm yah, well it comes with a price it seems. These gals, slip a little, sumthin' sumthin' in their drinks and next thing you know - the dude wakes up minus a few items. One guy reported losing his wallet, his cash, his credit cards, his Ipod, his laptop AND a $4000 watch.

Well sheesh... I have bought many a cute guy a drink and I have never walked away with any thing more than a hangover..... never mind a $4000 watch.

I think I need to watch more TV and hone some of these criminal skills. Sure beats the hell out of rewriting articles on germs all day.

Ok so off to sneak upstairs and see what's on...in the meantime... you be careful out there boys...if a cute gal offers you a drink... JUST SAY NO!!

February 12, 2008 at 3:18am
February 12, 2008 at 3:18am
I was thinking (briefly but I'm kinda hurting for blog topics tonight) about collaborating earlier and how much better things turn out when you work together.

I was thinking about my brother and how well we work together. We can both be lazy and slow to get moving but when inspired, we can plow through the work. We got a lot done yesterday because we worked together.

His wife could learn something there. Instead of nagging and complaining, if she would just work with him and encourage him, she'd get a lot more out of him and maybe have fun too. If you've always do what you've always done......

I sent my brother an email tonight as she got home earlier... fingers crossed she thinks he was at least trying - but I'm not holding my breathe for her to be very happy about much.. but oh well.

Anyway back to collaborating....I find creative ideas flow like that too. When I'm with some others (not everyone mind you) I can get an idea and run with it. Take tonight for example Anyea and I have our best ideas IMing each other. We designed a whole 6 star hotel complete with gourmet vegan restaurants (okay that was my idea) and free mini-bars (okay that was my suggestions too), lots of chocolate (you know who thought up that part), and cute guys who help you work off all that good food (that was a joint idea).

All of blogville is invited btw - and when she wins the lottery, she's paying! I don't play the lottery, so I'm counting on her to win. And she said the less tickets I buy the better the odds.

We had another night awhile back where we had the most brilliant thoughts - but I forget now what it was exactly.. but it was brilliant!! Trust me!

That's about the extent of any slight brain activity for tonight. I am just doing rewrites of articles and thinking that most of the suggestions from the folks I work with are helpful and make the article flow better. Some suggestions I am just going to ignore completely because they piss me off.... Oh and tonight one of my bosses asked me to have a contingency article ready in case one of the articles is not ready in time.... to which I replied... NO!! grrr. Well I didn't say grrr to him directly. But it's still.... no. gawed. I don't have a contingency article... is he nuts??

Anyway.... forget that crap.... here's a little funny - we were eating a super late dinner as Dev worked the late shift and dinner was really heated up leftover lunch. Which I fixed up cause it was kinda bleckkkk. So, I had served Dev and turned away to get mine and I asked her, "How is it, is it better than lunch?"

Dev: "I don't know.I haven't tried it yet"

Me: "Why is it too hot?"

Dev: "No, I don't have a fork."

I proceeded to kill myself laughing for the next 15 minutes. Dev was getting so pissy, saying it wasn't that funny. But it was just one of those classic moments - she said it with such a straight face and I just got the giggles.

Ahhh I love those moments.

Okay back to work I go.

February 11, 2008 at 2:55am
February 11, 2008 at 2:55am
I headed down to my brother's yesterday. His wife was away for a few days to hang with her sisters and decided whether or not she wants a divorce. I heard this from my stepmonster, so I figured I better go down and see what was up.

His wife and I don't get along very well - which is too bad really, makes it a bit tough, but she is not a happy gal and frankly we just rub each other the wrong way. She is jealous of my relationship with my brother. One time when we were all on holidays together and a fair amount of alcohol had been consumed, she threw her wedding ring across the room and yelled, that he should marry me. I don't even know to this date what prompted that attack.. but yah....she's a bit feisty ... okay darn right bitchy if you ask me.

But that aside - I knew my brother has been depressed lately, so figured I better see what was up. I thought he would not let us come down, but when I called on Friday and said we wanted to, he said sure.

So Saturday was pretty low key, we just hung out. Luckily he didn't have much to drink in the house, since I don't like him very much when he drinks too heavily. We just ate pizza, watched movies til 2am and had a few good laughs.

Sunday I woke him fairly early by taking my tea into his room and just crashing on his bed with all the dogs (he has 3) and we talked for two hours. He's not good at talking, but I kept probing as gently as I could. He says he wants to stay married.... "It's easier I guess and we are comfortable with each other."

Lousy reasons to stay together if you ask me.. but it's his life. So I said okay, let's get some stuff done round the house that she has been whining about and just do it. So I dragged his ass up and we set to work. And within a few hours, we had the whole front of the house powerwashed (I did that part, and got soaked in the process and it was raining too... bleckk) and it looked good - I did the whole front steps and the driveway and the siding... and then we moved all the dead cars out of the front by jumpstarting and driving and pushing them all to the back of the house. (He buys and sells old cars.... sort of) And then we tackled the basement which was a huge job. They've had lots of problems with flooding, so we had to clean out all the wet, soaking crap and clean out about 2 inches of mud... very gross, time consuming, wet and bleckkky.

Then I said several times he had to put the trim on the bedroom window - which has been a sore spot with his wife forever and "I" was sick of hearing her bitch about it. So I dragged him to the store and made him buy the trim (he shorted by 2 feet... so it's still not completely done...grrr) And said I would not leave until he did that.... so he did at least put up what he bought....(guess the thought of me staying another night was not appealing *Bigsmile*)

So all in all we got a lot done. I made dinner and then we vegged and watched more movies and had a nice relaxing night. We probably should have stayed another night, as it was so late but I wanted to get home to my own house as it seems we have been away a lot the last few days.

Overall - I don't know how much we sorted between us really. I kept telling him it's okay to ask for my help and that I was there to do whatever I could. It was nice just to hang out with him - I miss that. We haven't been spending much time together .. it's awkward for everyone when its so obvious she doesn't like me. But hopefully - she will be a bit happier when she gets home when she sees all the stuff that got done. And that they will work things out.

I am pretty exhausted, so although I am behind on mail, I think I am going to crash now. I'm not used to such physical labour... so I am whacked.

Off to sleeeeeep. Have a great Monday all.

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