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Rated: ASR · Book · Emotional · #1292405
my blog, for me to get out my views, ideas and emotions.
This is my blog; a place for me to put down my views, emotions, ideas, rants, and pretty much anything else I can think of put down while I'm typing. Enter at your own risk, I may be rather emotional, pessimistic and angry one day and downright giddy the next...You never know with me!
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February 16, 2008 at 11:55am
February 16, 2008 at 11:55am
Hello! We're experiencing freezing rain and computer glitches here in the big town, so If I'm online one second and off the next, don't think its you! My computer has been turning itself off since yesterday, and I couldn't get back online for a while. ALong with that, the electricity went of for several hours last night/this morning. GRRR!
February 13, 2008 at 12:18am
February 13, 2008 at 12:18am
I made a student cry today, but he made me cry first. I suppose I should explain that? lol
I was in a car accident a few years ago that cracked both of my arms. Neither healed completely because I am stubborn and didn't follow doctor's orders. My right wrist pops out of place when force is applied in just the right way, causing the old fracture to crack just a little again and rub bones together.
Now that I've explained that, here is what happened.

One of my students grabbed my right hand today, acting like he wanted to shake it. Instead, he violently shook my hand/arm up and down in quick successions, not stopping when I told him to because he thought he was being funny. After about 30-45 seconds I felt my wrist pop out of place and bones crack and rub together. My eyes teared and he immediately stopped. I explained that my wrist had been previously injured and sent another student to my mother's classroom (she teaches down the hall) and had her ask my dad (who was in for mom) if there were any pain pills in the desk, making sure to tell dad that it was my right wrist so he would know what type of pain pill I was in need of (it swells quickly and pains me severely, to the point that often cannot move that hadn for hours if I don't get a swelling reducing pain pill quickly). There weren't and I ended up having to visit the school nurse while my students were taking a bathroom break.
If that didn't make the poor boy who started it all feel bad enough, dad lectured him over inappropriate behavior in the classroom and made sure that he knew never to touch anyone, especially me, in that way again. It seems that dad had asked for the details of what happened, fearing that I had fallen in the classroom and may need something to bring up my blood sugar as well. The girl didn't know not to give particulars and so my poor boy endured a lecture during break. Not knowing that dad had already given him the third degree, I proceeded to provide the class with a tearful lecture on how to appropriately shake hands. This proved too much for my poor student, who teared up as well during my admonitions. I felt so horrible for it! Luckily, my wrist isn't too badly hurt and should be all right tomorrow if I can find the wrap I'm supposed to wear on it. If I can't, I'll sleep on top of it and hope the weight and heat of my body will help the healing process.

Please pray that I'll be able to manage my classroom better so that things like this, and the thousand other issues that popped up today, will not happen often.
February 9, 2008 at 12:12pm
February 9, 2008 at 12:12pm
Well, I just realized that not only is today my physical birthday...but tomorrow is my One Year on WDC Birthday!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited about both. I am now 23 and an official One Yearer here, my favorite site.

Most of the people I have met here have been very helpful and it has really boosted my writing skills to have al the wonderful reviews! Thank you guys for giving me a home for my passions!
February 5, 2008 at 12:47am
February 5, 2008 at 12:47am
Well, we dropped off my female dog at the vets today, when I pick her up tomorrow she'll be unable to have any more puppies. While I'm a little worried about her, I'm mainly worrying about her pup. See, I've kept one of her puppies from her last (and only) litter and he hasn't spent a night alone ever. So I've got the outdoor dog in the house with my two indoor ones, and the two cats. Now I have to try and sleep with a rather large puppy. Grr
February 3, 2008 at 12:20am
February 3, 2008 at 12:20am
I'm so tired, I've worked 7 days in a row. Last Sunday at the nursing home, today at the nursing home, and the 5 days in between teaching. SLEEP IS GOOD!!
February 1, 2008 at 5:31pm
February 1, 2008 at 5:31pm
I am currently working on my student teaching. I have had my own classroom previously, for about 6 weeks, but it was in a High School and I am now in the 4th grade for my student teaching. I am also in another state, Texas instead of Florida, and I am attempting to adjust my classroom management skills and approach to the students accordingly. The problem is that I like to approach these things as a 'nice' teacher, someone who is respected and liked without having to get mean a lot. However, the teacher whose class I am in thinks that my students are not responding to me as a professional, but as someone who is their Aunt or close family friend. I can see that a little, but don't know how to correct it without getting mean, something that would hurt me personally to do, as I don't like having to do that at all.

Does anyone have any suggestions for this? I would love to have your input. I have tried using the approaches my classroom supervisor uses, but they don't work for me. I have spent about a half hour this afternoon crying and upset over the problems, because my homeroom is the only one really giving me issues, the other classes are fine. I'm afraid that I am going to have to crack down even harder (I'm already imposing some rules they aren't used to and really keeping to them). Please help if you can.

Thank you in advance!
January 28, 2008 at 11:59pm
January 28, 2008 at 11:59pm
I've got my internet turned back on, so I'm home for the moment!!
January 24, 2008 at 4:46pm
January 24, 2008 at 4:46pm
I just got another day of being observed while teaching. I think I talked too much, told too much, and didn't get enough done, but I sure had Fun doing it!!!
January 22, 2008 at 9:54am
January 22, 2008 at 9:54am
I know I'm being a little sensitive about this, but I was watching some students and doing my own school work at the same time. Not really a big issue since we're all on computers and I was taking the time to answer all questions and I thought that I was making sure that they stayed on task. But my supervising teacher came in and told me to stay back there and keep them on task and not to do anything else. Well, if they're all on task (and I only have 3 to keep on task at a time) then what do I do? Sit here and do nothing or try to get some of the work he told me I would have time to do, done?
January 18, 2008 at 8:21pm
January 18, 2008 at 8:21pm
I'm sick of sick and sick of everything else, i think I might be done for now. I'm through with this and that and that, I'm through with the rhymes and the cat in the hat. I'm through with those and him and her, I'm completely done with that old bird. All alone and in a crowd, I'm just all throughed out.

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