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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga going to Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga going to Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

June 27, 2022 at 12:38pm
June 27, 2022 at 12:38pm
*Flowerr* 27 *Sun*

It will be hot today. A warm 65 degrees at 10 a.m. Should top over 90.

I have contests to finish. Heat bothers me and my rooms get hot. So we'll see how this works out.

I left "🇵🇹 A hosteling we go on private when I posted. Corrected that just now, but still... not a good error on my part. I know why. I tend to put stuff on 'private' until I'm finished. I'll have to double check previous entries.

I went to God's Waiting Room because I had nowhere else to go. I told this to Don. He gave some decent advice.

I've been unhappy here in this changing town for quite awhile.

Edited comment to Hooves: I thought a woman was fully human... obviously not if her uterus belongs to any man who comes along. It's a basic human rights issue imho, but then again, rights only belong to white land-owning, female-owning males.

I need to update my list of issues that folks, including fantasy writers, need to consider in real life. It would be nice if some writers would actually write about them; maybe, share personal stories or insight from the experience of those close to them.

Severe weather: a mass migration of trash cans.

Started Micro 100: "Micro100#1 sleepwalking [37]

*FlowerY* 28 *Clouds*

Do I explain why I'm upset or do I just ghost some folks at WDC. I've been shunned in the past and that's not quite what I want to do. I could just hang out where I feel loved. Like Missoula... I've felt a need to move on for quite some time.

I find rigidity and 'positivity' toxic. My creativity was squelched in school; I'm having flashbacks here at WDC. As for 'be positive'... I understand 'bittersweet' and 'saudade' better. One is French, the other Portuguese; neither is American, Australian or British.

I have no close friends. That's part of the problem.

Made rice with chicken. 86 cloudy degrees at 1 pm. Sun's zenith is ~13:45. Fan is on for air movement.

Depressed and listless.

FB: Cantaba mamá "Flores con alas son mariposas, flores con alas los niños son."

Got up to 90-something, Glorious sunset. Nice chit-chat with Birgit.

"The hand that threw the brick stopped the train [38] 275w

*Flowerb* 29 *Sun*

I'll be serious. I was raised by news junkies. It's a bad habit. Unfortunately, it has also made me intolerant towards the ignorant and apathetic.

I need to finish up stuff, but it's 11:18 and haven't had a coffee yet. Warm, 70, but it won't get hot today.

Sat with Dalton and Bill. Very good clam chowder made by Judy. Saw Roberta, her pet cat and hedgehog.

Pork at $1.49? Hot dogs at 1.29. Cottage cheese on sale. *Smile*

Peonies and roses in bloom.

Finishing up Portugal. Can load pictures now.

"🇵🇹 Naked, Gift of the Gab, The Happy Swede, Oh...

Tomorrow I tie up ends (other contests), see if I can add an entry to Journalistic Intentions as I have until the 4th.

*Flowerp* 30 *Sun*

Up late... will I catch up?

FB: "Love your comment. People forget that others get hurt by these types of decisions. I go on and on about the CMTA (sing it!) but only hear crickets. CMTA = Christian Military Theocracy of Amerikkka. Read the 2016 GOP platform or the Teachings of Saint Michael Pence for details."

Sat with Billie Jo, Angie and Jay.

Made three different types of pork burgers. It's going to be a porkish weekend.

Done with: "Net [179.27] "Gingerbread Man [39] "Mystress of May laments [40]

To Beholden re how many types of stories there are: "If the powers that be say 7 ... then it's 7 because... they have already decided.

I'd love to read a link. This WDC site is so Western-Judeo-Christian and English-monolingual that I suspect... that if a story doesn't fit that paradigm it's demeaned or discarded (much like the opinions of women).

Creativity isn't always rewarded."

*Flowerw* *CountryCA* *Clouds*

The buzz of the generator below my window... summer has returned.

67 and light grey. They say... sunshine and toasty later...

Bri is in town. Saw her last night and will see her later today.

Bought me some taters. $1.99/5lb.

Ripple, reflection, brink of the river bank, red, fragrance of rose, ruins and rust. Rap, tap, tap, tap of the red-headed woodpecker, Ruby and Ruth. What is written, removed, replaced.

81 degrees at 3.

To Charlie re ongoing health issues: "Well... imho... part of the 'problem' may be that you manage to function in spite of it all. Kudos, if that keeps you going. The alternative may be one year (or as long as it takes) sitting under a coconut tree at an undisclosed address, surounded by those you choose... until the fog lifts or a coconut bops you on the head.

When I say 'problem' I think of how I got through school because my grades were okay and I didn't start any trouble. If I would've punched the kids that deserved it or screamed at the f-ing teachers I may have gotten the help I needed.

So, these days I scream here and IRL... to folks who are deaf ostriches. *Worry*"

$4.92/gal gasoline... price easing.


Gnus: Wine-Banks said the “best” crime for Trump is 18 U.S.C. § 2383 — the crime of “rebellion or insurrection” against the U.S. — because the penalty is tougher than just prison time.


*Flowerv* 02 *Sun*

Nice chat with Charles. Banana bread from Irina. Salted caramel milkshake. Warmish 80s. A couple sprinkles on the way back.

Need to finish writing.

#7 for JI "Polly-shrek-anna

Hoping it cools down inside tonight. The fan is on.

*Flowert* 03 *Dropb*

65 degrees at noon. There will be some cloud-shedding drops later.

There's a breeze blowing through the building; coffee clearing out my mind.

Time to write Coffee Melody.

Done with Journalistic Intentions: "Coffee Melody [18+]

FB: "This is a place where that romantic French lifestyle is still attainable—on a budget as low as $2,485 per month." ME: *Ha*, have you seen my social security check?

Gatekeeping v gatebreaking: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/the-internet-really-hates-gatekeeping-soci...

June 20, 2022 at 1:39pm
June 20, 2022 at 1:39pm
*Broccoli* 20 *Rain*

I woke up late. Now sitting with a coffee before venturing out for lunch. It's Meatloaf Monday at God's Waiting Room.

Laundry is hung up and drying.

54 degrees at 11:00. Cool 'spring' day.

The meatloaf and mashed potatoes were both spicy. I sat by myself, jumped when Bill greeted me from behind. I'm edgy and not feeling 'well'.

It would be unwise to take a nap. Getting anything done would be a good goal.

Nice evening chat with Birgit. Jay has had all his teeth removed and now has dentures. What a smile!

*AlienG* 21 *Sun*

No rain forecast for the upcoming week. Apparently summer has arrived.

Did not go to God's Waiting Room today. Cooked pork.

Having computer connection issues at home.

2:22 and what have I done? Ate the pork and a banana with peanut butter. Still drinking coffee.

The January 6th Commission keeps nailing the coffin shut but Count Donald will not give up the ghost.

Comparing France and Thailand. Similar size, similar population. Very different demographics. Both protect their historical sites and both have systems of public transportion. Texas, which is slightly larger... does not.

*Monster4* 22 *Sun*

Sat with Don. Saw Ann at market. Spent $21. Got milk? I do.

Nice chat with John and Garion on way home. Met Catriona (Scot name). I feel better when I connect.

Warmish in my place. 81°F at 3ish.

Got up late. Need to work on two contests today.

"For the love of a button [35] (284 words)
"Interruptus ruckus? Nah... just a button.
"🇵🇹 Nearer My God to Thee on the Elevator to Glory

*Tree2* 23 *Sun*

Up by 08:45. Forgot to put fan on last night but it's on now. 60 degrees @ 9. It'll get warm later.

"The Miracle of Teddy Bear" is intriguing. I can't find an English-subbed version. So... watching it in Thai. Much is obvious... but the 'why' isn't clear to me at times. Up to episode 7 of 16.

Thursday. *Yawn*

Visited with Angie and Billie Jo. Ate two pork burgers.

Confused brown rice with barley. Gonna be eating lots of barley. *Shock*

*Coffeeg* 24 *Rain*

Sat with Willie, Bill, Dalton and Monte. Nice talk with Jamie in God's Waiting Room and with Karen at the Peace Center.

The 0% chance rained on me.

Woe vs Rage just rained down upon the Eyes of Texas. Let the Civil War begin!

Kansas on August 2nd? A battleground.

Incredible fallout probable. I can see a woman's basketball team refusing to play in certain states.

I travel all the time but I hesitate to monetize my musing. I'm so NOT giddy. Tourist bureaus would hate me. Take Missoula as an example. Outdoor activities galore? Not during smoke-choke Fire Season. Ski? University activities? Not in December/January during grey-sky Inversion Season when the students vacate the state or go to sunny Bozeman. Liberal? *Laugh* Wanna meet some local Oath-Keepers?

I posted at fb:

In this Age of Woe v. Rage
can you sing
"Oh, say can you see,
how my country hates me".

*Balloong* 25 *Sun*

First Day of the Handmaiden's Tale...

It does set up a Civil War.

Sunny 63 degrees at 11:18. Everything looked normal the day the war began.

The White House needs to act swiftly and forcefully. It should've been ready one month ago. *Sad* Alack...

I have some writing to do by the end of June. 4 for offerings to the Bard. 3 more to Journalistic Intentions.


"Just about half past ten [36] ~160 words
" 🇵🇹 Not a Lighthouse (Faro, Portugal)

*Martian* 26 *Sun*

The Supremes are "Frozen in Amber".

I've seen chess pieces carved in amber. Is Alito the king? Thomas the bishop? Kavanaugh and Gorsuch matching knights? Barnett is the queen...

Vertical. The Marathon runs by and there's rally at the Courthouse. I need to get moving.

Dangerous times. If I read right, my friend Mattias Carlberg was in Oslo this weekend for the Pride parade and at the London Pub earlier that evening. Parade canceled? Folks went anyways.

Gasoline still $4.98/gal.

Rights Rally? Hundreds, prolly over a thousand showed up and most marched around town. Quite an outpouring. Only took a couple photos.

I told Sorji: "Yep. Things are going to get real on the Illinois border with all of its surrounding states. We had a rally/march today.

It's impossible for me to ignore politics unless the news doesn't cover it (I'm a news junky and coffee addict; I need to join NJA and CAA). Plus a friend was in Oslo at the London Pub just before it got shot up. Good times. *Worry*

Regardless of where people stand I suspect that it's going to be a HOT SUMMER."

Just met Ankara who is Uighur. We'll have lots to talk about!

Finished/posted: "Jaded... before the rain.

My chromebook doesn't have enough memory to function properly. I'm trying to close tabs... which for me is kinda like throwing away books. *Sad*

Pic of bamboo nose flute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paiwan_people
Bingo-Lingo: https://readthailanguage.com/getaudio/
woman with pistol: https://www.writing.com/main/em/box//msg/32808/dl/telegram.jpg

To Chris McGatha on FB: I think Biden should sign an executive order stating the Medicare covers ALL woman health issues and that anyone receiving medicare payments CANNOT refuse medical care. And... Medicare will cover the transportation to anywhere that a woman needs to go to get that care... including anywhere in the world, but especially Canada and Mexico. Texas sucks; the Dakotas blow.

June 13, 2022 at 9:26am
June 13, 2022 at 9:26am
*Poseyv* 13 *Wind*

Up by 06:40. Must've slept okay.

Cool breezy day forecast but a couple rays peeking over Mt. Jumbo when I got up. 48°F.

Lupine and iris in bloom.

This is the last week of spring? It may get toasty Thursday and Friday, but otherwise cool.

When you walk through a storm keep your head up high. When you crawl through a window pray your pants don't tear (or... your ass don't show)... *Music1*

Pull-pork for lunch was good. Saw Mary and her husband Ron. Later, sat with Monte and Bob.

Watched the Congressional hearings this morning. Talking to Bob (age 91, a former minister) I mentioned that Trump was amoral; he agreed. Monte added "no moral compass". I do believe that's worse than immoral.

Looked up all the tropes for "Journalistic Intentions.

Wrote: "Not in Kansas anymore [179.30] 195 words

Wrote: "The moss covered mountains of Kansas

Predicted to be cold and rainy, possible snow in the mountains, flood threat in the valleys.

*Flagb* 14 *Snow3*

Snow on the mountains on a cold breezy Flag Day.

I had the fan on all night as my place gets stale and stuffy. It's oddly cool cold inside. Had to put more clothes on to keep warm.

Made 'something' by mixing ricotta, corn-flour, plum jelly, egg, oil, baking powder, water, cardamom ... and baking. A sweet corn bread? Maybe...

Finished editing "Serenade to Odin's Day and submitted it to Shadows and Light. Submitted an 'old' poem "After oolong tea to Test Your Poetry. Both contests have a 14th of the month cut-off date.

Gasoline rises to $4.98/gallon.

*Owl2* 15 *Sun*

Supposed to be sunny today and warm up... 49 degrees at 8 a.m. I was up at 7!

The Yellowstone floods are due to a massive June snowfall followed by warm rain and rapid melting. It's been damp here and there's snow in the mountains; and yes, the river is rising. I look out at it every day. Flood watches have been posted.

Personally... I do need to travel a.s.a.p. Staying home isn't healthy. I've been back 4 weeks.

I don't have a crystal ball. I was thinking about a kind message sent to me by Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love. If I would've gotten an RV and a cat and a dog in March of 2020 I would've done better during the Century of Covid. But I didn't.

My houseplants did mostly okay whilst I was in residence. A couple croaked whilst I was gone for a month. *Sad* The geraniums pouted but stiff upper lip as their petals would say.

I shopped today. No Brit 'food' just cheap vittles. Spent about $18.

I thought about Schnujo is Late to Lannister *Heartv* and her merit-badge contest. She's trying to encourage 'heart-felt' messages. I guess I didn't fully understand what she's trying to accomplish. When I sent out a fistful of badges in November each one had a personal comment of awe and/or encouragement. So... I didn't realise that others weren't already doing that.

Sat and chatted with my neighbor Birgit. I need interaction with people on a regular basis.

Quill Nominee Signature 2022

"A Big Flashy Fun Rainbow Ball

*Grass* 16 🌕

Up after midnight. May reach 86 degrees today. *melt*

Sat with Angie and Billie Jo. Skipped lunch. Ate two mustard-pork-burgers at home.

Took two hour nap in the afternoon as I was chilled to the bone. Now at 6 p.m. it's 83 degrees outside. Sipping coffee. Waiting for rice to cook.

Posted these 15 pieces that only had 2 reviews, hoping to get a 3rd.

2009 "4th period composition " *Check*
2021 "Flower of the fern [98]" *Check* *Check*
2021 "Who moved my meds?" *Check*
2020 "What's for dinner, Doc? [241] (298words)" *Check*
2020 "You dreamed this path" *Check*
2021 "Delta" *Check*
2015 "Living ruins - fragment"
2019 "Time to let go (294 words)"
2021 "Our Beloved Country"
2021 "Adam's Apple "
2020 "Cleaning up the mess [270] (211 words)"
2020 "Five Simple Steps [177.11] (298 words)"
2020 "The Winter Rose [295] (253words26lines)"
2021 "There comes a softening — to cantucci "
2007 "December's bath"

I feel fine; but... I'm really not well. I'm adrift... not a good sign.

Finished and posted: "🇵🇹 Beachy, just beachy (Lagos, Portugal)

🏵️ 17 *Sun*

85°F = 29°C at 2 pm. It may go up a couple degrees but lovely summer day. Tomorrow it goes back to cool and rainy.

Beef stroganoff for lunch. The meat was a tad tough.

Nice chat with Dalton, Fred, Phil, Don, Maureen and Bill.

I got up after 11... very late.

🟠 Orioles won 1-0. Trying to get to .500.

Finished "🇵🇹 Didya see my butt sticking out da window?

*Dropg* 18 *Lightning2*

Someone was moving furniture at 4 a.m. ... or so I thought until I saw flashes before my eyes.

Email notice reminded me to renew my books. There is that...

Coffee = the breakfast of wannabe champions.

Too much sugar ... and now it rains. A real downpour! Rare in Missoula.

I told Gary Lundy that he was drinking the evil brew. He said it was an Americano. Ah... a cup full of conspiracy.

Nap. Now coffee and a burger. Saw that the futon is gone. I'm relieved. Hope it found a good home.

Catching up with photos.

Having to close tabs:
Thai: Cupid's last wish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyVjRrhzbUE
Lao: Thieves rob: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa5HgA1o07g
Lao: ໂຮງຮຽນ ປະຖົມ-ມັດທະຍົມ ຮາກແກ້ວ filmed at school in Vientiane.
Thai: https://mydramalist.com/52575-love-poison
Thai/Isaan: https://mydramalist.com/699719-siew-sum-noi
Thai/Lao: 7 หนุ่ม 7 วัน / 7 ຫນຸ່ມ 7 ວັນ (7 boys/7 days)
"15 Best Murder Mystery Books That Are Total Page Turners"
Japan: https://mydramalist.com/13642-seven-days-monday-thursday
Elfdalian, Gutnish, Meänkieli, Kven: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Sweden
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9lrxKzADTA (71 views)
Sleeping in airports
Love Victor S2ep4: https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2009178881?bstar_from=bstar-web.search-result.0...
Steampunk: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rdRnI2nWaMAnQKs1mGltNnWr1yq41T5m2Sh1QfjIlHc/...
Bubblegum Jones: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqZTXh4GhjQmDMw3Xcmu2A/featured
Very annoying: https://www.journeyranger.com/tips-tricks/things-american-tourists-do/?utm_sourc...
Cabot bacon cheddar: https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/we-tried-7-mac-cheese-brands-and...
สลัดปลาหมึก = squid salad
TOP INN โรงแรมท็อปอินน์... ถนนริมคลองสมถวิล ตำบลตลาด อำเภอเมืองมหาสารคาม, 44000 Maha Sarakham 3400B/week

*Grass* 19 *Rain*

Up by 9 a.m.

Feeling somehow diminished today. I just need to work my mind around that.


Anxiety: 8 / 6 / 4 / 4 but up and down
Depression: 8 / 5 / 4 / 5 on the rise
Mental: 4 / 5 / 5 / 5 steady
Physical: 2 / 5 / 6 / 4 slipping again
Emotion: 2 / 5 / 6 / 5 mostly apathetic

Just ate a peanut-butter & plum jelly sandwich without tasting it. Not a good start to the day.

Damp, dreary day. 57 degrees at noon.

Important: https://www.thethailandlife.com/whats-behind-a-thai-smile

Saw Drew. Did wash. Forgot to hang it up when I got home. Hung and drying now.

Finished: "Once on Lois Lane [33] (300 words) *Ribbonb* and incorporated it into "And I'm the Prince of Poetry and Prose.

June 6, 2022 at 1:03pm
June 6, 2022 at 1:03pm
Twelfth of Never week of the Nu Year? Is that the year after Mu?

Is next year Xi or do we skip it and go straight to Omicron? Or are we already in the Year of Omicron?

*Grass* 6/6 *Cloud*

Nightmares last night. Not a good sign.

11 and time to shower and leave and go to lunch. Today is Meatloaf Monday.

Had my sliced of loaf-of-meat and mashed potatoes for $5 at the Senior Center. Bought a sourdough baguette for $4 at Le Petit.

A couple of downpours... I mean... real rain! This is a rare event here in the Land of Drizzle. Remaining cool. Except inside on the 3rd floor with south facing windows.

Any other snews?


🇺🇦 *HeartBroken* 🇷🇺

To Kathlene Kelly re Native American trauma: For me... obviously not this generational trauma... it's I can't heal from past traumas while you're bashing and bruising me in the present. "Don't Say Gay" reminds me of how unworthy I am to some people (especially those in control with power and guns).

To Linda E re Heard v Depp: Just think of how much time and money was wasted in this pissing contest. Like... they couldn't just sit down at the kitchen table with their lawyers and work it out? It also belittles the court system."

Maybe I'm ambivert. As I told QotD: "Both. I'm feline. I want to be petted... thank-you... now leave me alone.

I crave connections and covid disconnected me. Bad, bad, bad.

I NEED socialization (needed it yesterday) but too much = too much.

I write from random thoughts and observations. Quiet is helpful after the storm (no matter how lovely and invigorating).

*Grass* J7 *Sun*

Beautiful warm day.

James Eugene "Jim" Seals (October 17, 1941 – June 6, 2022)

I do wish I were accomplishing more. Washing the dishes and taking out the garbage counts for something...

I'm wearing a light-dusty-orange shirt today with light-grey vest and medium grey pants. I try to mix it up. It's time to raid the closet and wear all my short sleeve shirts at least once this summer. That way they will also get washed at least once!

$4.79/gal for gasoline.

*Grass* J8 *Cloud*

Dark. Overslept until after 10. Now I yawn and wait for the water to heat up for coffee. Today is grocery day. 14°C here. Will reach 41°C in Evora later this week.

Over-bought perishables. *Worry* Bought two types of mustard (honey, sweet-spicy) to put on the shelf. Only bought 6 eggs are eggs are expensive. Spent $20... which is about right.

Sat with Laxmi. Played bridge with Dalton, Lane, Bob.


*Grass* J9 *Sun*

Up at 9. Coffee. Banana with peanut butter. *Yawn*

Rep. Ted Lieu (CA): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pYQXewUxNU

Sat with Billie Jo and Angie. Ate mustard-pork sandwiches.

Chilling before tonight's presentation on the White Christian Nationalist Insurrection of 2020.

Woozy and fuzzy = not a good combination. *Worry*

Watched "Trump's Insurrection", part 1 on ABC.

*Grass* 10 *Rain*

Signed up for Bard's Hall. *Plane* *Trainb*

Up 8ish... dark and wet. All day... Gonna flood next week.

Stew for lunch. Sat with Monte, Bill, Bob. Chat with Laxmi before she goes on her trip.

"Before you decide if the former president is responsible for the Capitol riots, remember that in America you're innocent until proven guilty, then proven guilty again, then proven guilty again and they hold a hearing in primetime to show everyone how you're really, really guilty." --Stephen Colbert

*Grass* 11 *Rain*

Still trying to figure out a trip to Thailand.

To bed at 2 a.m. Up at 09:30. Off to market soon. I'll wear green. I'll get wet.

Bought a Middle-East pastry and bread. Both had coconut. Went to post office. No lottery winnings, but my bank account is in great condition. My only complaint? How to spend it wisely and get out of town a.s.a.p.

Not getting much done at Butterfly Herbs. Time to head home while there's some sunshine.

$4.89/gallon of gasoline.

Very quiet. Too quiet.

Nap... then nothing. I'm not doing well. *Worry*

*Grass* 12 *Rain*

I really don't think I've ever seen Montana this green. Very wet and cool spring makes it so.

I found another Thai BL that will punch me in the gut. "The Miracle of Teddy Bear" is a 'lakorn' = 'TV soap opera' of 16 parts, each 90 minutes long. That's 24 hours of viewing... like watching a movie every week for 16 weeks. Ouch. It does NOT have a "happy sappy" ending. But...


Also, a how-to-Thai: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=uiZOVZs2v74&list=RDCMUCVEgdOtNrzgI7Tv-dyPdjRw

Up around 08:30. It's now 10 and although no rain it will start up again this afternoon. There's an 'atmospheric river' passing overhead.


Forgot it was Sunday. Didn't do wash.

But finished Bard#1: "🇵🇹 Vomiting in Brazilian (Évora, Portugal)

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