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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1377122
Out of her head and into the world...the real, the scarcastic, introspective?
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You have just entered the OLIVIA zone!

From the far reaches of her wonderful, creative mind come thoughts and expressions that cover every spectrum!

Anyway, enjoy my blog.... It's me.... When I get here to dump in it!
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October 11, 2010 at 12:35pm
October 11, 2010 at 12:35pm
Yes "Virginia," like there is a Santa Clause, there are men out there who long for the natural balance in relationship that we were created for. They actually want to provide the house and give us the freedom to make it a home; a safe place for them to land after the end of a long, demanding day. It's an innate part of our being that has been lost to the craziness and selfishness of the way life has progressed. We are all created for this purpose and we long for it to the core of our very being but it is very difficult for may people to define and express. Even us as women long to have that shelter and protection provided for us so that we can have an opportunity to rest and feel safe and create something beautiful. I know not every woman feels that way. The balance goes in the opposite direction. And, I don't believe that is bad either; it just depends on the needs of the individual within a symbiotic relationship. The wonderful, beautiful woman who is CEO of Great Wolf Lodge is the soul bread winner for their family. The husband is a stay at home parent and seems to do a wonderful job. As for myself, I lived in an abusive marriage for 14 years. Perhaps some of the abuse was for the reason that he wasn't motivated to provide for his family. Perhaps he would have been a better stay at home father if he could have imbraced and uplifted a woman who was emotionally strong and intelligent and asked for that opportunity. However he was not. Not emotionally mature. Not comfortable with his masculinity in the respect that he could not help create a symbiotic relationship like that. Unfortunately, with the influences he had in his life, I don't believe that would have ever been possible for him. It has taken a lot of time, study, and counciling for me to comprehend what happened in that relationship so that I can move forward in my life and move toward a healthy relaitonship. I know what I want and I know I don't have to be an attention whore to get it.

October 6, 2010 at 2:18pm
October 6, 2010 at 2:18pm
Hello WDC, it's been a while. I've been in the busy, hectic world of being a single mother. I'm so stinking glad I did it though sometimes I feel guilty that I'm an absentee mother. When I was my daughter's age, I hated that my mother worked. I hated that it took HER away from me. That it took everything that I loved about her away from me. All that was left at the end of the day and weekends was this tired, often angry woman that threw herself into cooking and cleaning. It always seemed that there was something more important than spending time with me. The sad part of it is that I had a dad too. He lived with us, provided for us, and when he was around, he talked with us, shared his favorite movies with us, and most of all, shared God with us. I promised myself that I would never do that to my daughter and guess what...

I've broken my promise to myself.

I hate it. We we are so blessed and I should be more grateful. We live with my parents and they help me raise my daughter. Sometimes I feel like they ARE raising my daughter and all I'm doing is signing permission slips, report cards, and helping pay the bills. I come home and cook, clean, tell her she hasn't washed her hair well enough and not brushed her teeth long enough, and often start working some more when she goes to bed. Weekends? Ah... the tight rope of motherhood and single middle aged woman. I feel that I'm spread so thin that I am effective with precisely nothing. Everything is so out of balance and the things that are the dearest to me are suffering. Writing is a major thing. When I was writing regularly, I felt so in touch with my spiritual nature and that I could transcend time and space and when I got back to the real world, I had a better prospective on the world and my surrounding. Somehow I felt more in control of me.

My best friend has encouraged me to rewrite and finish Lizzie's Table for NaNo next month. Imagine the discipline of 50k words in 30 days with my schedule and trying to be more perfect at life's little details.

I so need Liv to come back. I liked her a lot.
Until next time~
January 7, 2010 at 8:07pm
January 7, 2010 at 8:07pm
So here we are and the end/beginning of a new decade. I always thought zero was a place holder and not an official number, so I would think 2011 would be the "actual" beginning of a new decade. Learned and I am and all... Wow, who would have thunk it! But what would anyone guess when everyone seems to look pie-eyed at the people on the one-eyed monster and listen to them like they are brilliant, all-knowing authorities on local, state, national, and international affairs. These people don't even know how to speak a grammatically correct sentence! It's enough to offend the Queen's ears! People these days by and large want to be told what to think and I believe that is what is going to be the down-fall of the nation. Nobody has an intelligent thought of their own. More than that, they are afraid to ask a question for fear of being embarrassed or looking stupid! Why the HELL does anyone want someone who can't speak proper language structure to tell them what to think or how to feel on a certain topic. Yet even as I type this, there are millions out there who are allowing this to happen to them and teaching their children to do/expect the very same thing!

For God's Sake! Someone PLEASE have the courage to be embarrassed and/or look stupid! Your question might just shake someone else out of their melancholy... And then all of Heaven help us if it starts a chain reaction of FREE THINKING! We might be able to stop this run away train that we are all swiftly riding to our own demise!

For example: I teach college. One of the dubious honors bestowed on us at our humble institution is student registration! The students come in and actually want US to make their life decisions for them! What to take, who to take...But then they want to choose when it is convenient for them to take the class because it might interrupt their sleeping late and partying schedule. If that isn't crazy enough, all these on-line "colleges" and correspondence schools have convinced the masses that you can learn how to properly fillet a fish or break down a sub-primal of beef without actually having an experienced instructor and the actual product present in the same room with you to learn how to perform said task. The sad part about it folks, they are coming to us needing rock bottom, first grade elementary school remediation for math, reading, and language!

I guess I find myself in a minority who believes that knowledge is power and only by questioning, research, and more questions will I gain the resources to defend myself against the pie-eyed masses, who think we all should hold hands and sing: "Cum Ba Ya" and everything will automatically become better. Well, I guess I'll enjoy my humble minority and quietly raise my child to think for herself and question everything. I urge you all to do the same before it's too late. It's uncomfortable, yes... But with discomfort comes growth. And if you aren't growing, you're dying.

Peace, Love, and Roasted Lamb Chops~
December 21, 2009 at 5:37pm
December 21, 2009 at 5:37pm
Well, today's the day Livi returns and breaks the silence. She's back! She's alive, and well! Healthy and full of good cheer. Well, and for being the enigma that I am.

Friday I took my daughter back to our old hometown a year after the divorce between myself and her father was final. He isn't there anymore, he left to go back to middle America where his family is. She needed to see her friends. I went for her. Not myself.

The day my divorce was final, I went to my daughter's old school to find my best friend in that town. I needed her. Although I knew I'd done the right thing for myself and my daughter, I felt like I'd just sentenced myself to death. Well, meeting my "friend" in the stairwell, I didn't have to condemn myself to death. She had done it for me. The steel in her eyes and the chill in her voice gave me over to the understanding that she had made her decision. Needless to say, I left brokenhearted. Since her children were my daughters best friends, I made several attempts over the holidays to get the kids together. There was always some excuse, and then, I got a new job and that was that... My daughter even wrote the kids late spring and got no reply. She wrote again this fall and the girl wrote back that my daughter was still her best friend and she prayed for her every night.

My "best friend" never made any effort to call me, contact me, send me a birthday card... She knew where I was and how to get a hold of me. Nothing.

Friday was a joyous celebration for my daughter. She got to attend her old private school and stand among her schoolmates at morning assembly. My eyes were riveted on her the whole time. As the now Principal (her Kindergarten teacher) read the bible verse for the day, I watched her struggle to maintain her composure. Part of her wanted to weep. Seeing her struggle, so did I. Both of us are just so damn private about our emotions.
In the end there were lots of smiles and giggling. But, I'm glad she saw deeper. She did mention that other than her school, school-mates, and their families, she really didn't miss things too-too much.

The visit culminated in lunch and a play date with her best friends, and therefore, my "best friend." I wanted to share the journey that I'd been on; how I come back from almost complete and utter brokenness to victor over horrid things. Once again, she convicted me in a round-about way. In her perfect world, she could not receive that abuse was happening to me, by my husband, both of us, her friends. I hate that I promised her son and daughter that they would have a play-date again with my daughter sooner than next Christmas. I really don't want to hang with her anymore now that I know all we have to talk about is the weather and the flux in the price of gas, milk, and toilet paper. I have better friends than that who toast me for getting out and staying strong for the last 18 months and not going back. I'm angry with myself for letting her get under my skin... Wonder if I could have really made it work if I'd stayed, but I'd thought that at least half a dozen times before... And it didn't work then... If it doesn't work after at least a half dozen times, it isn't ever going to work. EVER!!!

People, if you have a friend that is being abuses....... Male or Female...... Encourage them to get out, support that with everything that you have in you! Abuse is more than physical violence, there's verbal violence, emotional violence, financial abuse.... There are many, many different kinds and they all make a person feel just the very same, and it's all wrong. Don't put yourself in a place where you are aiding the abuse to continue!

July 1, 2009 at 10:43pm
July 1, 2009 at 10:43pm
I'm tired, and I'm angry, and I'm frustrated, and I'm scared, and I'm lonely and I hurt and I'm tired of being cavalier about the sun coming out tomorrow. I left a marriage where I was only wanted for convenience. And that was about as often as a forgotten MRE in a soldier's back-up back pack. You know... The least favorite kind that one would only lower his pride to avail himself of in a super deluxe emergency.

I had so many hopes and dreams that by now I'd have someone in my life that would make all the years of lonliness be all but a memory. Not so. SO not so. There have been a couple of moments, a couple of times where my hopes that these things were mine were strong. Then, in a moment to be pummeled upon the rocky path until it in itself lay gashed open, broken, and it's very life blood spilled out on the unforgiving ground. Listen! Listen hard! Can't you hear the cynnical laugher echoing through the trees? Yes, it's there and not so distant you know. Sometimes I imagine both of them sitting at the corner of a bar, toasting each other with cold beer and swapping stories about it all. Crazy fun! No? I can almost imagine their faces and hear their laughter as if it were just before me.

Damn them. I don't need them. I'm not a bad looking woman. I am thoughtful, intelligent, kind, graceful........ I'm by no means a cosmetically enhaced, empty-headed gym bunny. I am someone. Someone worth so much more.

Damn the dating web sites. Those things are psychologically damaging. To any considering them, I say: "Don't do it." Your friends may be encouraging and tell you: "Heck! It might be fun!" Beware. It is not anything of the sort. It is humiliating unless you are a brainless twit to begin with. You might as well lower yourself to OBC.com because that's all any of them are. Ladies, you are as likely to get felt up on the first date as you are to have a decent, civil conversation. More often than not, the guy wants way more than to cop a feel. Good luck there. I'd like to be taken out and treated like a lady a few times and get to know a last name and a little background before.... Well, hopefully one can understand my position on that.

My head is splitting wide open. What the hell is it with the sinuses these days?

I'm so tired of all the bull$$it on this site. There are good, honorable people being castigated for infintessimally small offenses; banned from social networking the site has to offer. I don't get it. I wish we could go back in time to last summer. I miss my support network that has now been disbanded. For all those who had a hand in that little drama, why don't you all go stick your head in the toilet, flush, and take a couple of good, deep breaths... and do it in that order! I'm flashing all of you my right pinkie finger because you definitely DON't deserve the very best!

I was the recipient of an email today that I found rather moving and thought provoking. It says: America, Prayer is our only hope. The bible verse: 2 Chronicles 7:14 was attached. There is no magical antidote for all the horrid and horrible things that are going on in our nation and our world. I don't care by what name you call on God or how you do it, I beseech you all to call on him, ask him to forgive our wayward human failing and heal our world. We need him now more than ever.

Well, that's my day in a nutshell
Later on~

May 31, 2009 at 12:41pm
May 31, 2009 at 12:41pm
Southern Cross
by Crosby, Stills, & Nash

Got out of town on a boat goin' to southern islands.
Sailing a reach before a followin' sea.
She was makin' for the trades on the outside,
And the downhill run to Papeete Bay.

Off the wind on this heading lie the Marquesas.
We got eighty feet of the waterline.
Nicely making way.
In a noisy bar in Avalon I tried to call you.
But on a midnight watch I realized why twice you ran away.

Think about how many times I have fallen,
Spirits are using me, larger voices callin'.
What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten.

I have been around the world,
lookin' for that woman, girl,
who knows love can endure.
And you know it will. And you know it will.

When you see the Southern Cross for the first time,
You understand now why you came this way.
'Cause the truth you might be runnin' from is so small.
But it's as big as the promise, the promise of a coming day.

So I'm sailing for tomorrow, my dreams are a dyin'.
And my love is an anchor tied to you, tied with a silver chain.

I have my ship and all her flags are a flyin'
She is all that I have left and music is her name.

Think about how many times I have fallen,
Spirits are using me, larger voices callin'.
What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten.

I have been around the world,
lookin' for that woman, girl,
who knows love can endure.
And you know it will. And you know it will.

So we cheated and we lied and we tested
And we never failed to fail, it was the easiest thing to do.
You will survive being bested.
But somebody fine will come along make me forget about loving you.

At the Southern Cross.

Written by Stephen Stills, Richard Curtis, & Michael Curtis

Stillness reigned at the first light of dawn, and she with it. The cool morning air lilted lightly over her skin in a vague caress, as if one greater than her was gently descending upon her to call her to comfort. She searched the eastern horizon for the first hints of color; sign that the deep magic was still there. That she wasn't as alone and yet again rejected. The events of the previous night had rended her still fragile heart that she had all too willingly entrusted to another in faith that in him she would find strength and healing.

She was mistaken.

Several months after the on set of her freedom from her previous enslavement, she had becomed steeped in the longing to finally be loved...Desired as she'd always dreamed she could be. Knew to the depths of her soul that she had been created to be. That unlike many others, she was more connected, more affected by the deep magic; needed her earthly power mate to be complete, and to serve her Lord completely. Her closest advisors had warned her away saying: "It is too early. You must focus on your own healing and that of the Princess. We cannot be complete without your strength and ability to thrive and grow." As always, she took their advice to heart, weighed their thoughts and observations with care, mixed them with her own, seasoned it with prayer, and moved forward. Confidence that nothing would come to pass that wasn't perfectly ordained flowed through her. It was who she was.

The connection came subtly as a soft breeze in the night. It felt comfortable, right, as natural as breathing he became merged with her life. His intellect, maturity, and confidence of faith called to her needs. Without labored contemplation, it was there; a haven of comfort and a place to finish healing. She knew that it would not, could not be a place to rest forever, but at the moment that Inn on the path of her journey seemed just what she needed. Miles separated them, but in the miles, the requirements of communication, faith, and trust. Qualities about herself that needed to be healed and rehabilitated. It seemed like perfection. At this distance she could not relinquish too much power over herself and her daily life and again be used. This union would require honest effort.

The pinks, oranges, and yellows of the sun bursting up the horizon transfixed her as the wind currants increased; bringing memories with them that she would rather forget. That when they had first united, he had kneeled over her, looking deep into her eyes as if to read her thoughts. That inperceptable nod he had given as her fingertips had come to rest in the flat of his stomach. Take what you will, I am all for you... seemed to wordlessly echo through the room. She had dropped all shields, given without reserve, taken in joy, and felt...Desired. At their second union, deep in the night, he had gathered her in his arms and lovingly wrapped the blankets about her as they found their repose. She felt treasured for the first time in her journey. Through the months her natural courage and confidence returned and gained strength. Her beauty bloomed with the spring, as a rose bursts forth after the hardships of winter. She again robed herself in color and light; graced her countenance with a serene smile. All thought: "See, the Queen has returned. The Lord has refreshed her and sent her forth to his subjects to serve again. We will all be blessed through her strength and wisdom."

Lifting her face in the warming air, tears slid silently down her cheeks. It had all been a farce. She was too vested in the battle for her Father's subjects to retreat yet again, but with her heart rended and handed back to her, how could she move forward?

"The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit-- a wife who married young, only to be rejected," says your God. (Isaiah 54:6)

Raising her dagger to the rising sun, she watched the light infuse the trio of pink stones that encrusted the hilt. Jewels that represnted Love in its three beings. Sending up silent prayers to her Lord, she asked for wisdom, understanding, and for the Lover of her Soul to gather the shattered pieces of her heart. She would endure the pain and its price yet again; the yearning to be treasured and desired all but extinguished. The gifts and weapons her Father had entrusted to her care and use would, from this day, be used only in service to others. Her heart, hence forth would be guarded against seeking, or desiring terrestrial completion. Sighing with resignation, she sheathed her magnificent blade, tucked it into the folds of her amethyst gown, set her chin in defiance of the pain, and began her day.

Her first, without him.

I am done. It is through. Any further discussion is a moot point. My heart bleeds for all those affected. I pray healing for us all.
With Deepest Love

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May 26, 2009 at 12:35pm
May 26, 2009 at 12:35pm
Author's note: I have recently been encouraged and inspired to bring my passed abuse experiences to light. I have learned in the passed months that I am indeed, not alone. Will never be alone. In sharing these things, I pray that others may find a place in their writing to empty their hearts and shore up their strength. Many see writing of these things as whining, and throwing a pity party. For my part, it is not. These words and my wisdom here in are the sword with which I fight the evil in this world that preys on hearts and would suck the light of Christ from the hearts of His chosen. Female or male, abuse is real and it affects lives every day.

As Americans, we celebrate Memorial Day as I time to honor those who have served and DO serve our country. Those who have fought and died for the freedoms we all share. Even the freedom to deride the government that protects us. The thing that makes me the saddest is that the Hollywood Stars back in the day actually CONTRIBUTED to the war effort. They SERVED our country! They didn't sit on their asses, writing checks, playing the media, and bad mouthing our government. You you, Jimmy Stewart, Gene Roddenberry and Julia Child, in your own ways for helping where you were needed, I salute you.

Memorial Day has a personal meaning for me. I escaped my abuser on this weekend in history. I left, and never looked back. Not even the monumental personal debt I faced would deter me. I had to get out. Without lifting a hand to me, he was slowly killing me. And he would have gone after my daughter next.

The evil lurking in my house was stifling. Draining me of my hope, my energy, and my light. I would purposely fall asleep in my daughter's bed at night; curled around her as to protect her as best I could while I tried to sleep.

Only fervent prayer, and teaching my young child to pray from her heart saved us.

I nearly lost my sanity on Memorial Day. I've lost many memories of my life. I can barely remember my business... I can tell you I worked hard. I've forgotten how I know most of my friends. Moments in my life.... Everyday I feel embarrassed on a daily basis because I've got a memory problem! It's like aged Swiss Cheese and sometimes I can't stand it! But, it is who I am now.

Abuse of any kind is wrong. It is not of God, and should be stopped. If you are in it, get out. Nothing is more precious than your life. THINGS and status can be replaced. They aren't essential. You are!
Love you... Who Ever you are in need of my words~~~
May 18, 2009 at 8:58am
May 18, 2009 at 8:58am
I confess. I am a hopeless romantic. I long for that one perfect love where I am loved as Christ loves the church. Where I am needed, wanted to be the heart holder and soul defender of my earthly love. To be the completer of the earthly kingdom his Father has entrusted to him. I want to be cared for. Wealth doesn't have to be involved. I don't care if I have to work every day that God gives me breath for the rest of my natural life. I just want to be taken care of. Feel safe, protected. At the end of the day when the cares of the world have turned my head from God and I'm tired, and am scared and unsure, I want someone to hold me and bring me back to center with love and gently lead me back to truth. And, when the world has closed in on him and sapped him of his strengths and denied him validation of what God intended him to be, I want to be there to show him that he is, and that it is only the enemy trying to defeat his heart. To bind his wounds, give him strength, and show him the truth.

In my previous marriage, I was denied the opportunity to be what God created me to be in that relationship. I don't understand why he even wanted me if I could not be allowed to be his heart holder and soul defender. But I held on. I tried to earn it. And finally, when I was exhausted and spent almost to the point of death (mentally, spiritually, and emotionally...never mind physically), I took my child and walked away. Defeated, but holding in my secret heart the hope and the faith that I did deserve that perfect love someday.

In faith that I could have that, I've healed and tried to start meeting people, opening myself to the opportunity of meeting that one person. I've already had a long time friend, someone with whom I least expected something to bloom with, rip my heart out and hand it back to me.

I get that a man's heart is even more fragile than a woman's. That is why God made woman. To be the defender of the man's heart. The only one who can. So, he gets to walk away in fear that I might not reciprocate... And I must stand fast and not follow. Not call out or invite back of my own free will, or he will run further away. Lay aside my pain and my hurt and "pretend" it does not matter.

And yet again, it's happened. And I am destitute to know what it is that is needed. I am in pain and I hurt from my heart outward. Any physical pain that I am enduring cannot compare with this. I am lost and I don't know the way home, but in prayer for guidance. That the lover of my soul will once again come for me and offer me the shield and sword of His protection, and bind my wounds and cover me in His love till I am strengthened again.

I don't know if you, my friends, will see me for a few days. This will take time.
April 27, 2009 at 10:29am
April 27, 2009 at 10:29am
This was supposed to be the year of recovery for me! Just me. No more baggage, and guess what... No dice. Don't get me wrong, I have recovered and continue to recover. Just ask my family. Every time I come home from buying new clothes to add to my meager wardrobe, the cut, color, and style scream: "I'm coming back into my true self!"
My purse is bright raspberry pink, my boots and shoes are cute, and I'm buying more and more big jewelery accessories again. Hehehe...
And guess what!?!?! If you don't like it... Tough Shit! I'm flipping you the bird in my mind while I'm laughing at you for being such a pigeon-holed turd head! (Stick that in you pipe and smoke on it a while)
And, I just bought a different car. Bright white, Pontiac G5 Sport package. Tinted windows, black interior, sun roof... Holy Cow Princess is a cutie! God rest Isabella, she was a good car and I appreciate every mile she carried my daughter and me. I hope she has a good and honorable retirement.
But now, down to business. How the fuck did I let myself fall in love so soon? What the hell was I thinking!?!?! LoL... I guess I wasn't. You can't choose whom you fall in love with. It just happens. And I guess that is part of the beautiful mystery of it all. It's love. God, beginning and end wrapped in something that we were given the ability to feel. Amazing, huh?
So, a dear old friend of mine takes me out to celebrate my new found freedom. He treated me like a lady. Well, let's get down to brass tacks; he treated me the way I had always longed to be treated. Knew I should be treated, and hadn't been.
I don't kiss on the first date. It's a rule.
This wasn't supposed to be a date AND we weren't supposed to kiss. But, it happened. And, it was like magic (and I gag on that as I say it because I've always found it cliche, but have no other way to describe it).
Being together that night was so comfortable and so natural that I didn't want it to end.
So, the regular phone calls and text messages started. We saw each other at least once a weekend. In our own ways we are each out own enigma; a complete maverick. Once you think you have us all figured out, you discover yet another layer to our personality and interests.
Then, one weekend it came to a grinding halt. He didn't show up. I knew he'd had a full day with other things, and didn't think much of it. We're adults with other responsibilities, right? Yeah...
So the answering of the texts became less frequent as with the returning of phone calls.
I woke up one morning about that time and realized that if he asked me for my heart and for my trust; for my exclusive commitment to see where our relationship could go, I would have said: "yes" in a heartbeat.

That my friends, scared the shit out of me.

First I didn't want him to call or text. Then I wanted and needed him to answer my calls and texts. Next I was terrified that I had done or said something to scare him away and I'd never be able to find out why I had come to fell the way I did about him. And then...I shrugged it off.
He drunk dialed me twelve days ago, about 10:30 at night; after I'd been asleep for about an hour. He finally found the "courage" to call me and tell me what a sweetheart I was. That he really enjoyed being with me, it was comfortable, he had a great time every time we were together, and I always said the right things and he knew that it came from my heart and not just making stuff up. And he developed deep feelings for me very quickly.
And it scared him. He'd never felt this way about anyone before.
But, with both of us being fresh out of bad relationships, he didn't want to hurt me or lose the respect of my family.
I told him that I understood and was scared too, but wanted to keep going slowly and see where things would go. His reply was that he'd like to go to dinner together sometime soon. (Not quite sure what that means)
So, even though it hurts and it's scary and confusing, I've resigned myself to not call and not text message and give him all the space he needs to feel in control of the situation. Cause (God help me) I think I've fallen in love with him and would rather let him go and still be friends somewhere in there... Than make him feel backed into a corner and like I'm some over bearing witch that doesn't take "no" for an answer. Or start categorizing me along the lines of his ex-wives and ex-fiance. (That makes me shudder in disgust just to think about it)
So, yeah! I freaking fell in love with a dear friend. We're in that "pull back" thing. And I'm scared, and confused, and kinda resentful that I landed in that "L" word with him when I didn't think I was ready for that step yet. And I'm happy and relieved and sad and scared that I'll never get to pursue this relationship and find out where it could go.
Sucks ass, doesn't it.
That all for now~~~
March 10, 2009 at 3:57pm
March 10, 2009 at 3:57pm
Hola WDC friends! It's CMommie coming to you live from the east coast of this great land. What a Yum-O time I've been having down here! My darlin' bought me some extra time here and I'm SO loving it! Apparently all this was semi-arranged behind my back and I'm sitting in the lap of luxury. Hehehehe... *Wink*

The resort is lovely, the food is spectacular, and the spa is just down-right awesome! You'd never think a red-neck country girl would pay anyone to cake her in mud and like sort of steam-bake her into it... D-A-Y-U-M! This is heaven and a half! Then there was this awesome man fella who did my massage! Good gravy girls! You gotta go down there for a sample of that! *Wink* Anyone who can get the knots out of my back like that gets a big kudos from me!

Well, being the food snob that I am, I have to say how very impressed I am with the food in these parts. Although I am still a bit leery of the beef around here. Someone tried to sell my Chef d' Cuisine at the French Room on the idea that Pennsylvania beef was a good idea back in the day.... HELLO! Pennsylvania beef is milk cow that can't produce anymore! That is NOT GOOD EATS! And after all, SC is a bit close to Penn for my comfort. If it doesn't say: "Certified Black Angus," sorry folks, I'm not eating it. But the seafood is just out of this world. A nice treat for this Texas girl. It's nice getting out and getting a one-on-one with low country cuisine. I really appreciate the flavor around here.

I've also been pony shopping while I'm out and about. Seen some pretty farms... AND some really ugly ponies. The temperment is nice, but the heads are just all wrong! So, if anyone out there knows of a farm that has really good quality Welsh Section D Cobs and wants to find a really great home for a nice, easy going young (ish) mare... email me!

Well, the rent horses for doing that classic beach front ride are okay. I just wish the choices of saddles had been a little better this morning. But, I seem to have made easy friends with the stable owner, so I might luck out and get a discounted ride tomorrow morning.

Maybe I'll blog in specific about my adventures later in the week. For now, I'm outta here and enjoying my frolic while I have it to enjoy!

All for the love of Texas Cowgirls~

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