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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2206688-Mary-Faderans-Blog/day/2-18-2020
Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2206688
Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
February 18, 2020 at 4:31am
February 18, 2020 at 4:31am
The last day was not great. In actuality, I was fucking sad. I also found out that the faucet in the kitchen is not pouring a lot of its potential of water so the water is coming out in a trickle, maybe a thin amount. It will be very difficult to wash dishes as a result. I've had to resort to eating off of paper plates last night. We had a supply of those from past parties we had and had leftover plates.

I'm up and have been for a half hour or so. I'm going through a difficult decision on whether to keep writing. I'm usually not doing more than a blog or two, and some of the time I'm able to write a small paragraph or a few lines of a screenplay. Now, I'm up against: the big tax bill, the levy threatened on my checking account, and last night my puppy had a puking spell. I've been trying to put a brave face on it, and have been able to put my confidence in God. God takes care of everything in my life. I do not falter in my trust in Him. But I am sad and I wish to be free from this imprisoned life.

My own Dad is going through his own financial difficulties. I am not sure we'll be able to keep going. Or survive. I am serious. There are still menacing thoughts who want us to be murdered in our sleep, or get us in trouble. Some of these people are the people who are responsible for making me terrified of going out on my own. As 'luck' would have it, I've got my driving privileges taken away due to non-payment of two traffic violations. They were given me in December. I was going through a problem at home and I thought my cat had to go to ER. But this story is in my google docs so I do not wish to belabor it. The traffic tickets are $234 a piece. That means it will get a total of $468. I have the letter to the people who are going to preside over my tickets and am asking them to either dismiss the tickets or cut the tickets in half. Here is the gist of my letter to them:
I’ve been given traffic tickets for the above infractions. I wish to provide my side of the story about what happened.

"It was on a Sunday early morning. I was driving through Northwestern Avenue in the vicinity of the Purdue University campus. It was probably in the 3 or 4 a.m. time.

I was (to my knowldege) the only person on the road. I was trying to see if I could get help from the ER in Purdue’s Veterinary hospital for my pet. But i decided not to because it wasn’t that serious a problem and the fees to house my pet would be too high and I couldn’t afford them.

I doubled back to go home and in that time I saw a pair of headlights at my rear view mirror. I was scared at this and decided to change lanes to see if the driver of these headlights would follow me. The driver of this car or vehicle followed me to the same lane I went to. I went to the other lane and he or she did the same. I was filled with fear. I did not know what to do. Then all of a sudden there was a flashing light that came from the vehicle behind me. It was a police car or vehicle (it turned out to be an SUV). When I realized this, I thought of pulling over but a thought came to mind that this could be a fake police car and that I might be a victim of some bad thing. I knew that the police station was nearby so instead of pulling over I drove over to the police station. By then two vehicles were on my tail and it was so scary. I knew that if I went to the police station I would be in a better situation to face the people driving the police vehicles that were following me. I parked. Then the one police officer came to my window. She told me her name was Officer McIntire and her badge number was badge 123. She and I spoke and I explained why I didn’t yield to their unspoken signals to be pulled over. Then I told her that I thought that this was not a real police confrontation with them, that I thought that they might be fake cops. I then went on to say that I knew a police station was nearby so I thought I could at least be in a safe place where they could get my information. She said that I failed to yield and that I was weaving.

I did not argue with her nor with the male officer who also came into view. He left without a word to me.

She asked for my license and the car registration.

At that time I was still terrified. I have never had this happen to me in my entire life as a responsible driver.

She finally gave me my ticket documents. I was given leave to get back to driving home. That was the end of the incident.

I did not pay my traffic tickets because I have no money. I am on a fixed income. I am trying to see how to pay the tickets and yet the fees are high - $234 each ticket and that would be a total of $468. I cannot pay these and ignore my other bills and financial obligations. So I wanted to appeal to you to review the paperwork and decide whether I have a legitimate cause to ask for the appeal. I am hoping that you might either dismiss the infractions and reinstate my driving privileges or, at least lessen the fines that I am asked to pay.

I look forward to hearing from you and your final decision."

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2206688-Mary-Faderans-Blog/day/2-18-2020